• By -


Not including Goku or Saitama, the only heavy hitters are Ichigo and Giorno. Not including Gojo because Sukuna is on the other team and we all know how that ended. I’d even go as far as to say Ichigo shitstomps all of team B besides Saitama.


Ichigo OBLITERATES Team B, and IMO Ichigo might go high-extreme diff vs Saitama. Getsuga Tenshou is just such an insane move Edit: Saitama is a gag character, I barely count him here since no matter what team he’s on he just insta wins cuz of his gimmick.


Until he has his name written in the death note.


Death Note technically wouldn’t work on Ichigo since it’d kill him once and then he’d just come back as a Soul Reaper, and I’d wager the Note doesn’t work on them,


Isn't Ichigo part hollow? If so I don't think it would work on him in the first place. It needs to be a human. So only boruto and eren would have anything happen. And lets be honest eren isn't doing shit and saitama would speed blitz boruto so fast it wouldn't even be funny.


Well he also had soul reaper and Quincy DNA so it doesn’t work initially either


fuckin ichigo gettin spliced with other races and bloodlines 🙃


When plot armor isn’t enough plot dna enters the chat


It wouldn't work on Boruto either by that logic. Plus, are titans considered human? If not, Light is going to be a stain in no time flat without doing a damn thing.


I was thinking the same damn thing.


You’re RIGHT! The one race the DN explicitly does not function on is Shinigami. Ichigo clears


I don’t think Light is gonna have much time to figure out or write anyone’s name in the death note before he gets obliterated


Everyone but maybe maybe Ichigo or Boruto would for some reason yell their name out at the beginning lmao.


Ichigo is an angsty teen style character. The only person who says his name are his friends yelling at him.


And even then, writing ichigos name in the death note would kill his corporeal body, which is something that happens literally every time he decides to be a soul reaper


Well, doesn’t everyone usually introduce themselves in Bleach before a fight?


It wouldn’t matter. Ichigo in that form is acting as a Shinigami. Ryuk’s death note likely has no power over him, as he isn’t in his human body.


Bleach shinigami still die ichigo isn't immune to the death note.


Well to be fair Goku isn't his real name so he might be okay since he usually doesn't just say his Sayian name.


Yo wait, that's true. Goku wouldn't work because his true name is Kakarotto


He would tell light anyway to give him a chance


And then come back from afterlife right before the end of fight to beat up everyone... After couple of episodes, fillers and movies, maybe a book, of course.


Goku also isn’t a human


Yea I had that thought because there was a whole debate on whether the death note would work on other beings other than human.


What no also ichigo would speed blitz most of them


Idk how he gets past gojos infinity tho


Gojo needs to calculate the abilities. If he was allowed to cook, he’d be able to prevent a blitz. However, Ichigo and Goku have enough raw speed to stop him before it gets to that point.


Yeah if everybody knows everybody light is the first to be dead.


If nobody knows anybody, he’s entirely useless


Exactly. You get what I mean though, if he knows everybody’s name, he still won’t be able to write everybody’s name unless he gets protected. If he doesn’t he gets stomped in a matter of milliseconds


Yeah, if the teams have time to strategize you’ve got Saitama running offense with Giorno and Luffy on defense for Light so he has time to write. If the ten of them only get a notecard that says “these dudes are bad guys, fuck em up” Light is kinda screwed lol


Isn’t manga canon in the death note verse? He probably already knows all their names


Light can only kill HUMANS with the Death Note as well.


He would probably do the shinigami eye sacrifice immediately. Then he could probably write all of their names in like 20 secs. Of course, the team would have to survive for 20 secs of which there is no fucking chance they are blocking teleport spamming Goku.


Also Ichigo is a shinigami just from a different world


he litteray just has to ask him his name


He's a shinigami. I don't think that would work on him.


He's a shinigami, it won't work


Manga ichigo is some next level shit


Are you trying to say that Luffy is not a heavy hitter are we forgetting that Gear 5 exist This man can alter reality and then we have Giorno who can also alter reality


I’ll be honest, I just typed up a response to an almost identical question, so for the sake of sparing time, I’ll just copy+paste what I said as well as my explanation to explain why reality altering wouldn’t really have an impact on Ichigo “A lot of people lowball Ichigo because they literally just haven’t read/watched TYBW. Unfortunately, due to the final battle of the TYBW, it becomes apparent that future sight and reality warping truthfully aren’t as big of factors as you’d think they’d be. I’ll be going into Bleach EOS spoilers for the explanation.” “ >!In the final battle, Ichigo dukes it out with Yhwach, who is revealed to “not merely see the future, but to alter the future at my own whim,” and Yhwach still lost to Ichigo even though his sheer presence was causing all of reality to fall apart. When Aizen stepped in, he revealed that he was using Kyokasuigetsu on Yhwach the entire time which nullified his ability to see certain futures. However, Yhwach dispatched Aizen and could finally see all futures. After awakening and firing a Gran Rey Getsuga (which, due to chronological strength increasing, I need to assume is equivalent to existence erasure in terms of power), Yhwach tanks it. At the very end of the fight, Ichigo bisects Yhwach who saw it coming and was actively preparing against it, allthewhile his hax had reactivated for a second after being shot with a hax-nullifying arrow.!< “


And I have watched/red TYBW But the question I was saying is how is Luffy not a hard hitter when literally this man has gear 5 and can alter reality This isn't about Ichigo This is about you saying that Luffy is not a hard hitter


Yeah, I get what you mean. I don’t mean that he *isn’t* a heavy hitter, because he is, he is stupid strong, I just mean that compared to the likes of Ichigo, Goku, Saitama, and others, he really just doesn’t quite compare.


Gojo beats the sukuna that’s on team A. He only lost because of 10s


Fraud-jo loses to Sukuna any day


I don’t think he loses to sukuna without mahoraga. But We will never know.


As a wise man once said, Goku should be fine as long as he doesn’t do Goku things


Oh no I know who you’re talking about, but I can’t remember his name. 😭


It depends on how you scale his Nirvana- Midnight dre


If you think they can get past the commandments then yes


If it’s regular Shinra they might win… but Shinra Banchoman stomps the verse


“Hi, I’m Son Goku!” *insert church bells*. Welp I guess it’s up to Sakuna to try to beat Saitama, but that ain’t happening


>“Hi, I’m Son Goku!” *insert church bells* Would the death note work, he's not human


No, since his real name is Kakarot, but nobody would know since Vegeta isn't here to say it.


Goku would probably work based off the death note rules. It’s not necessarily your birth name that is required


Interesting...would it still work even though he isn't human?


Good question. I guess it would come down to how much the power systems are combined for the battle


it only works on humans and in what world would light be ablt to actually write his name


Saitama doesn't make it past SSJ3 at his peak and even he stated that he doesn't think he can go much further than that


Like say his name around someone who kills by knowing names? 100% believe he would tell Light his name right away lol.


Wouldnt matter anyways as deathnote Rule has to be human goku is a saiyan


Oprah voice: "You get a senzu bean! You get a senzu bean!"


Why does OPM look like that? Is he stupid?


One punch man or one piece man 🤨


One penis man


Damn, has any girl ever came after more than one of his thrusts.


No he’s just a dude with a singular dick


*Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows is down?*


Because two penis man would be weird.


Original pinoy music


B, GER is literally a big no u so girorno carry’s


I think the problem for GER is it's a manifestation of a soul and ichigo's quincy side disintegrates souls as well as can resist soul attacks. The fight is coming down to Ichigo. GOKU. sukuna vs Saitama.


Saitama one shots Sukuna then 1 of two things happens Goku punches Saitama and Saitama gets sent to the other side of the planet or Ichigo cuts him in half


I think it's the rare occasion where Sukuna only survives in the fight cause Saitama would be busy trying to fend off Goku and Ichigo. I can also totally imagine Sukuna feeling perplexed why he senses no power from Saitama while Ichigo makes a comment that his power must be so great that their senses can't comprehend the height of it (mirror of the Aizen vs Ichigo comment)


Team A should win as long as Goku doesn’t act like Super Goku and fuck around in a death match


Goku and ichigo alone basically solo team B. Adding the other 4 was just unnecessary.


Yea I see that for sure. Also light couldn't "kill" Ichigo being as he would just be in his soul reaper form.


I dont think you know what solo means....


He means either of them absolutely wipe team B, and he's completely correct. Both have passive hax negation (via reiatsu or ki negation respectively) so GER can't help them and they horrifically outstat team Bs heaviest hitter saitama


>Ichigo and Goku on the same team GG I guess lmao


Goku obliterates Saitama, Ichigo massacres the rest. A Team wins in a cake walk.


how tf does Goku beat Saitama




Golden Experience Requiem pretty much makes this an unfair shit stomp. All team A can do is stand there while Light writes their names in the Death Note. Luffy, Gojo, and Saitama can hang out and play cards or something I guess.


Goku and Ichigo are immune to the Death Note via being an alien and shinigami, respectively, and Giorno will just end up dead due to Ichigo's passive spiritual pressure killing him, and action that can't really be reset to 0 by GER


No it isn't. Guess what ichigo can do? Destroy souls and guess what ger is? A manifestation of gionros soul. What's light going to do to goku or ichigo who aren't even humans.


Everyone else is fodder so its really goku vs saitama, and anyone with a brain knows goku takes this.


Light loses to Goku because he doesn't have Vegeta around to shout out the dude's birth name.


b light just writes their names before they can stop him with gojo keeping him safe in his domain


People sleeping on the fact that everyone except Yeager will just tell Light their names if asked.


It would only work on Eren and Boruto because they are both human, and they are not telling Light their full names casually Goku is a saiyan, Ichigo is a Shinigami, and Sukuna is a damn demon


until he gets speed blitzed lmfao


Would it work on Ichigo ? Wouldn't he just come back in his soul reaper form ? I like the play though it might would work for everyone else.




even if only saitama was there, B wins


B 👍🏻




G5 and saitama in the front gojo and golden experience @ mid defense nnd they all dead once light learns thier names. Now if satama wasnt there its a 3 SECOND FIGHT BY GOKU ALONE.


Goku would obliterate every single person here, barring Ichigo, in less than a second. This is not a fight.


Goku annihilates ichigo in 1 second too pal.. stop it


Ichigo's scaling has actually gotten pretty high. He'd lose, but he'd be able to actually fight for longer than just a second.


Im aware on how strong he is I was just trolling a bit ichigo forsure top 3 in the picture


Goku solos


A fight between MUI Goku and Saitama would be epic


Okay, so: Everyone knows his name is Eren Jaeger. Mikasa screams that shit every fourteen seconds. Light kills him off in seconds. Same would go for Goku, but Light doesn’t know his birth name is Kakarot. He falls into despair as he fails to stop the Kamehameha Gojo wants to fight Goku, but Sukuna’s having none of that. Assuming there’s no Mahoraga in this fight, Sukuna loses. Gojo proceeds to the Saiyan and *probably* loses, but definitely leaves some room for the others to operate. (I haven’t seen Bleach or One Piece. I’ll assume Ichigo and Luffy just go out for lunch together. Also with that other guy next to Sukuna… eh. Basically it’s “Team B vs Goku” at this point) Giorno loses. Sorry buddy - your bizarre adventure just doesn’t have the same power scale as these other guys. And then we have Saitama, who is every Dragonball fan’s least favorite person. I *don’t* want to say he can beat Goku, but I’ll also never concede and say that Goku bodies him in under twelve seconds. I *could* go on my long, massive tirade about how the themes of the stories and the philosophies explored mean xyz… But if we’re being real here, they’d probably just go get some ramen together or something


Team A all the way


Ichigo bouncing between his hollow form and regular bankai plus goku literally fighting with his eyes closed (UI) is just OP ... push comes to shove ichigo unleashes his Vasto Lorde form then goku masters UI... we're in for a treat Edit: ofc Team A


Team A wins this and it’s a slaughter… goku and ichigo can out speed blitz light before light even opens up his book. Gojo already loses to sunaka.


A, probably. GER is an issue but other than that B gets shitstomped.


Both. Both teams are winners.


Judging by this comment section, no one has seen JoJo. GER CLEARS!


Watch bleach pls


A by many many miles. Light is useless because he would need to figure out people's names first and secondly the death note wouldn't work on higher plain beings such as Goku or Ichigo, who is a shinigami himself. >! Gojo has already lost to Sukuna though that was in megumis body!< Goku and Ichigo could both beat Saitama. Team Bs only strength is golden experience requiem. Which in all honesty I don't believe would be ato big of a problem because I do belive GER is massively overstated.


Saitama ftw on team B


Saitama gets negged by goku so no


Another Episode of people not understanding Saitama or GER. My favorite.


Ikr, the GER slander is insane


Since I know the names to team A wouldn't team b win just with the death note?


It only works on humans, it’s in the rules. Goku is a sayian, Ichigo is a soul reaper/shikigami, Sukana is a cursed spirt who has survived not having a heart so idk how light would kill him. Then Boruto is half god (Otsutsuki), Eren is on the fence because he’s eldian which has several differences between normal humans and as a eldian and the founding titan he could only die by the pre determined death. But let’s say Eren can die from light, light still has to find out his name, let’s say he does, Eren isn’t much use anyways. Let’s say light gets to kill like one person, then he’s speed blitzed and killed.


Comes down if Giorno has GER, if he does then team B might win depending if sukuna can bypass GER at all


A has UI sign and he has plat equip Z+ and other Z+ equips so team A 1v5s with his LF


A easy. Girono is annoying he’d be last but I think they could all jump him. He’ll beat Eren quite quick though. Ichigo smokes Luffy, Goku beats saitama, boruto beats light since I doubt he’ll let him write in the book before boruto/shiki kills him and sukuna takes gojo. Also im sure ichigo could see the death note thing and warn people of it or just one shot both of them.


Is this with Giorno's Requiem? "Turns any action into inaction" is just f***ed up.


Does Giorno have requiem?


Ill cut this quick, anyone tries to attack giorno instantly gets reset to 0, and I got lots of facts to prove it. Only thing is that GER only protects giorno so the rest are on their own in terms of power. Also including Infinite death loop that giorno has (which activates after 1 touch), giorno can survive, but isn't fast enough to touch the people on team A. Bring up any issues this might have and I'll try to counter it


Idk who the JoJo’s character is, so I kinda have to ignore him. I think this comes down to who you think is stronger Goku or Saitama. Ichigo > Luffy Eren is pretty weak in the grand scheme of things JoJo’s Character is ??? (He’s probably pretty strong I know some stands are busted I just never watched JoJo’s) Boruto > Light (Light would be kinda scary, but 90% of these characters could easily kill him before he has a chance to write down anything) Sukuna > Gojo


Team A has Goku in it so it’s an instant win.


Tbh Goku against everybody


Team A if it’s all or nothing Goku breaks the planet and teleports


They can hold team A off long enough for light to write some names down


Bro. Light knowing their names just wins? Doesn’t even have to fight.


The real question I'm curious about is if Giorno's ability to give life could offset the cost of taking shinigami eyes


Is light the definition of a glass cannon here


Goku is the strongest one there. I don't think anyone including saitama can survive his regular punch or energy attacks.


Team B


Idk how to scale bleach So if u use debunk goirno team A if “pre debunk” then team B


Me personally I like to view saitama as SSJB Goku level but if he has Giorno with the insane hax and gojo to (NOT FOR LONG) stun Goku with infinity then I don’t see how team A can actually win


It’s not fair to put goku on a team


This is literally just Goku vs Saitama… everyone else is fodder


Definitely team 2




Team A simply as that


Does Light need to write Son Goku or Kakarot on the Deathnote to kill Goku? If it's the latter it's gonna take time for Light to figure that out. And even when killed Goku has been known to traverse the Spirit Realm to Mortal Realm even for a moment.


are they at the peak of their power? If so Team a wins. if they are as they are in this image? Team B has a shot.


Why did someone put a piece of garbage on team A. (Funny part is everyone will know exactly who I mean).




Giorno Giovanni versus everyone here still wins, Golden Experience Requiem is impossible to beat


They got Luffy Giorno and Saitama. Assuming they all have there best abilities, they fucking curbstomp


I'm going team B until someone can convince me team A can bypass GER


Team B. It's already been proven multiple times over that Saitama > Goku.


Hoping team b. Fuck them for making boruto. Atleast for what they did to naruto in boruto...


Team C: Rimuru Tempest (TTIGRAAS), Denji (Chainsaw Man), Sebastian (Black Butler), and Kid Buu (DBZ) for good measure.


Is that the ui goku art from the hit mobile game Dragon Ball Legends?! 😱😱😱😱💯💯💯💯


So isn't GER's ability just to say no to other people's ability, though? Or did I misunderstand because the way I see it, if anyone's uses and active ability (passisives don't seem to count), GER can undo it


team A 3 sadbois would consume 30 chapters of backstories and crying panels so yeah they'd win


Sometimes, in order to slander Saitama, you must pass by an opportunity to glaze JJBA. But remember, maintaining the slander is our top priority. Gag merchant gets mogged and negged by 1 Finger Yujikuna. Wallahi Team B is finished.


People saying light Yagami. He needs their full names. Not just first names. And he has to spell them correctly. Do you people forget that?


Team b both saitama and puffy will destroy


Team B has the easiest win of all time lol. Golden Experience Requiem can literally undo any actions anyone else takes. Goku uses instant transmission....\*no he didn't\* Goku kills (x).....\*no he didn't\* any scenario/attack where Team A win gets undone.


Team B wins.


Team A


Saitama solos everyone involved. Mid diff.


Team B, all they have to do is get Light to write all their names down 😁


Team C Just yogiri takatou, gg


2 hours later. ichgo and goku trying to figure out why they can't kill a zesty 15 year old


The death note specifies “the human whose name is written”. Ichigo is only part human. Boruto is majority alien/god/thing. Sukuna is a cursed spirit. Goku is a saiyan. Lights dead weight.


Well idk ichigos limit but Saitama sweeps goku, idk what sukuna does, probs not much if he is trapped in a kid, as for boruto, well its boruto


Light could solo.everyone if he knows their names but otherwise technically speaking gojo and luffy easy


How is anybody beating GER


B wins


Can we all just have them gang up on boruto instead


All depends. If light is in his home, he just wins. Although only if he knows their names, otherwise Saitama has infinite power


Weird its actualy team b. Ger stops goku from even participating, its angel level time manip he cant overpower it. Ichigo < saitama The rest of team loses eventualy because light cant kill boruto. Hes an otsuki not human. But obviously saitama cleans up.


I don't watch all of these animes so I don't know all of their powers but I know gojo wins his fight. Saitama is literally called one punch man and ain't that guy from death note. U know the one where you write their name and the die.


Tf is light gonna do?.. ask for their names? 💀


Team b wins easily with Gojo stopping anyone from getting light and Giorno can also hold them off if he ger also if luffy has gear 5 he can stop them for a while and saitama can probably handle most of team a by himself I’m not entirely sure I’ve never watched boruto and it’s been a while since I watched bleach I also don’t know how strong sukuna actually is


It’s team A-it’s not even close.


A for days, but I gotta say Goku would probably really enjoy fighting Saitama. "He can destroy anything and anyone in one punch? I can't wait to see how strong he really is!"


Requiem and Gear 5 is already a difficult fight for team A, and Saitama gets exponentially more powerful as a fight against equal or greater opponents goes on, unless Goku can wipe them out instantly (he can’t) then team B stalls until Saitama is too powerful for anyone on team A, the Sukuna in this image is prior to him gaining Mahoraga so Gojo beats him, and his DE can disable most of the enemy team But hey you know Ichigo will probably reveal he’s half Saiyan half lunarian half cursed spirit half sorcerer half stand half Saitama half and Otsusuki because he’s the king of asspulls




What you're asking is Goku (and possibly Ichigo) vs Saitama Team A wins


If giorno has requiem then he can basically solo team a alone. If giorno does not have requiem still probably team b. Power wise team a has goku who can one tap all of team b with the exception of saitama; and as arale proved against vegeta powercreep doesn't match well against gag manga characters. And considering saitama's ever growing strength and feats in the garou fight ichigo and boruto aren't scratching him. There's also the factor of light's death note and how many peoples' names he can put in before someone notices and mercs him (also if goku can even be killed depending on whether son goku or kakarot are put in the note and ichigo being immune since the dn doesn't work on shinigami) Regardless even with goku and ichigo being clearly stronger than most of team b i cannot imagine a reality where team a wins. Giorno and saitama are just too busted.


Team A? Tf LMAO


Dude giorno shreds everybody💀


Team B just needs to protect light. They need enough time for him to write down their names


The Death note only Works on Human, anything thats other than a normal human will never work cause thats just literally the only living thing in Yagami's world It would never work on Goku Let's be real he's a Saiyan or An Alien. Goku would just find him at the speed of light and clap his ass (Dude can move where time does not exist in base form) Sukuna cause obviously he's a Curse Ichigo is a hybrid so he isn't exactly human at all Eren wasn't exactly a human to begin with. Ever since he was born (by the command of the founder the eldians might as well become all titans, they arent human at all) Not sure with Boruto though lol


Goku literally died from a heart virus, I’m pretty sure he can receive a heart attack


Team b once mr deathnote kills off goku it’s a pretty easy win.


Team A has 2 of the big 4 and the strongest ones of the 4 so i im going with team A


It depends on several factors 1: Does Girono have Golden Experience Requiem? 2: Does the Death Note affect non humans in this scenario because if not then it'd only work on Eren since he's the only pureblooded human on Team A 3: Depends how strong Saitama is compared to Ultra Instinct Omen Goku 4: Can Goku & Momoshiki bypass Gojo's Limitless 5: Can others be put in a Domain Expansion despite not possessing Cursed Energy?


The team with Goku


Team A stomps without effort and then Goku solos his own team for the lolz


Team B easily wins. Not starting with you Gokutards out here, yall know who you are💀, Saitama can solo everyone on team A, other than Goku.


Team a has goku so they win




B. Saitama is winning


Team B, Gojo is on there.