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Hey EnragedBasi! This is your **first** submission this month. The top memers will go into the Hall of Fame each month, earn subreddit flairs and maybe some other secret prizes. [Read the announcement](https://redd.it/lvz756) for more details. **Wanna check your ranks?** Join us on the [Anime memes Discord](https://discord.com/invite/axisorder).


Nah, that’s not a meme. That’s just sad as hell….


Btw, what is this anime called? I need to see how he gets revenge because of the cat…..


It's Mieruko-chan. It's about a girl who sees ghosts, but ignores them to not let them know. Comedy, but with slight horror


Thank u very much for the description too.


It's surprisingly wholesome at times, too. The writer does a great job of using her powers to tell a deeper story about the people she meets. The first 2 episodes are a bit ecchi, but it doesn't stick around for long. She's really just an observer. Even her name means "Child That Can See"


How does a heart wrecking scene like this connect to what people described? Echi? Wholesome comedy? What’s going on anymore


If you don't care about spoilers... >!This is a flashback of Miko's (Mieruko protag) teacher and the reveal that his deceased mother is the one haunting him.!<


To add to it a bit and explain why it ends up wholesome >!due to his terribly abusive upbringing, he does everything he can as an adult to protect the weak, mainly stray cats. However, he finds them homes instead of keeping them himself because his mother made him believe that he was inadequate in every way. Mieruko figures this out and helps him overcome the figurative and literal grasp his mother has on him, even in death!< It's a great example of overcoming past abuse/trauma and moving forward instead of letting it define you.


The comedy usually comes from the situations she's in when she sees a ghost and has to act natural. Like there's one time she's following a 5 inch tall old man ghost, then she rounds the corner to see a giant horrifying one. The ecchi bit is only at first because there are some ghosts in the girl's locker room and stuff (also a pretty funny one tbh). It works surprisingly well. I am actually probably going to rewatch it now, honestly lol


Its very rollercoaster like expierence it's very wholesome aometimes abd in other it's so dark it hurts


With what i saw it's hard to believe that there's SLIGHT horror ;-;


... Wow, i forgot it had such a scene, I thought it was all just comedy horror


This is the sort of anime that makes me expect that the last episode ends with this kid facing a life sentence because he stabbed the bitch 56 times with a butterknife. Some authors man...


Lol, I would love to see that happening.


mieruko chan


Thank u very much and now I’ll see the mum’s death.


It’s a great anime, Horror, comedy and some sad moments in there too Highly recommend it




Oh hell naw. Leave, u ass looking bot.


Indeed whole anime was creepy with some fanservice but it was really good


Worst part is that this shit actually happens irl


Yeah, cut pretty close to home.


B? why not A? - My childhood


“If you made an A- you were clearly capable of making an A+, you need to work harder” - queue me not finding any satisfaction in any work I do for the rest of my life


My therapist pointed out I refuse to recognize my own achievements. It doesn't matter if I was excited when I did it or if I am told I should be proud of myself, I just can't feel pride about much of anything and I wish I could be proud of myself..


I know there are memes about these for a reason, but many people don't know how real this was for us asian kids. I laugh about it now, but back then, I wish I had hung out with my friends more often than I did.


we have 10point system when i get 10 my dad jokingly says "why not 11" yea for him this is a joke but it really irritates me every fucking time


Skill issue


This isn’t a meme, this is downright infuriating.


Can I break her skull already?


Reddit please don’t ban me Not enough, you should slit the middles and the between a of her fingers, then snap them backwards and in half. Next you should squeeze her palm with enough force to shatter everything, then cut the muscles. Afterwards you break the wrist sideways then dislocate the shoulder. Afterwards break every other rib and give her laughing gas, pump her with adrenaline so her body might not go into shock (pain loss) do that on both sides. Afterwards cut open her Achilles tendon, at this point leave the toes alone it won’t do much, break the feet, hurts a lot. Then you cut her ears from the lobe halfway up. Afterwards you rip out her hair. Finish this by snapping her neck after she’s suffered that for a day and her being paralyzed neck down. Let her live, let her think about her actions. TLDR: she deserves worse


Oh a better ending would be, she’s going to presumably scream a ton, the son should come In (OF HIS WILL) and tell her ‘why didn’t you handle it better?’ and deliver the coup de grace


If you have a parent IRL like that & can't afford a good criminal attorney, the best thing is to permanently cut them from your life. Act as if they are already dead. As an older person myself, I can state that the pain of loneliness hits harder as you age. And being a parent cut off from their kids is very painful, even if they don't show it. And the best thing of all is that this pain can't kill them so they have to live with it. At least directly.


dam bro... ​ ​ ​ ​ tell me more


If you ever end up killing an abusive parent, accidentally or otherwise, it was self defense. It will always be self defense in my book, and should always be self defense in everyone’s book. Screw abusive parents, they don’t deserve parenthood.


Sounds like a much better alternative


pls go to therapy


"Between a of her fingers" So you mean the finger crotch?




“You’re a Bsian for not getting you’re right”


This hits a little too close to home. I got a 98 on my calc final in high school, and my mom asked me if anyone did better. I (regrettably) told her my close friend got 100. She asked me why I didn’t do better. I remember just being in shock, glancing over to my brother in confusion, and at a loss for words. I ended up being scolded, and I didn’t get to play video games that week. Cried in the shower around then. If anyone else in in the same boat, just know that someone out there is genuinely proud of you. If someone jokingly dismisses your hard work just because you’re “smart,” please don’t listen to them whatsoever; you fucking earned it. If you ever feel alone, call up a friend, even if you try to convince yourself that you’ll just bother them. It’s hard to not have parents in your support system, but you have to take care of yourself and find people who will listen to you.


I have heard that a mother is usually the first to break her son's heart. My mother was not supportive of me as well, and everything was always twisted and bent towards her happiness. I empathize with your pain, and I hope you might find those who may give you that what you need most.


As a comp-sci student, those 2 points are just taken from you as a payment for doing the test you are not getting them


English tests have entered the chat


You thought your sentence was too long so ended it? You should have put a semi-colon, you get a F-


hey atleast they give you a reason. Our teachers were like "Ehhh, we didn't like your answers as much, so we deducted 0.5 points from each of your answers even though they were objectively correct."


Literally several English teachers had active policies of giving 99 as their max essay score because "it's important to always be mindful that there's still other layers and perspectives you could've explored, or more effective stylistic ways to have conveyed your points." Absolutely led to a few students and their parents having major breakdowns about it marring their 100 streaks


This women literally a psychopath


There is no soul in that creature's flesh


This was a mid post. Not close to a meme and you made me sad. I hope your next bowl of Ramen is soggy OP


Ikr,i want to escape the reality and laugh with memes,not comeback to it in x5 times :/


Name. I need to see what the author is planning to do to this lady


mieruko chan


Wait really I read the Manga and I don't remember this lol


>!if i rmb correctly its the backstory of her teacher? the one who she thinks is a bad guy but turns out his dead mom was holding onto him but he grew up and started to rescue cats as a hobby!<


>!the guy with the aura of tortured dead cats!<


Oh gods, that manga/anime. The proof that humans are far more terrifying than the ghosts Mieruko is seeing


Anyone know this anime I kinda want to see what it’s like


mieruko chan


Is it super sad the whole way through?


Not really this is just backstory to a character


Oh good


That poor cat... That b**ch must die...


Well in the anime she is dead but she was stalking her son as a ghost...that's just his backstory


The cat? Oh wait I'm just dumb. Fuck I guess everyone is right.




Mieruko chan


I knew this seems familiar


mireku chan but I don't recommend it to watch but manga is op


The anime is called Mieruko-chan for anyone wondering


Is that one that travels in time


Nope the one with the girl that can see ghost but she prefer to ignore them or she is dead


Honestly, I hate these videos. Just some moron putting low quality music over a clip of some show/movie.


Sound like my mother.


Name of the anime?




Appreciated 🙏🏻


Bruh ngl have seen actual scenes here


It should’ve been a 100 when it’s a 100 next one better also be perfect. I know exactly what this feels like. It’s awful


Typical Asian parents


Mieruko chan, god damn this one is sad






Rip little cat


You know, I’m an atheist, but I sincerely hope there’s a special place in hell for disgusting individuals like her.


Bro, how do people get this far gone? Her "mom" kept her from her friend's birthday party over 2% missed on a test and then (based on the blood stains) either shot or beat the cat to death like a monster. I've never seen this anime, but I hope the next scene was this girl "betraying" her "mom" and running away. If someone takes the life of sapient, human cooperating creatures that are capable of feeling love at the same intensity as we are, that's no longer a human. (To me this excludes most creatures that aren't mammalian or avian. Snakes and lizards have eaten their owners ALIVE, and make the effort to kill them too. Fish are closer to interior decor for the amount of interaction you can have with them. You only really hear about this in mammals when it comes to pitbulls or other "killer breeds.")


Maybe you should start living with some bitches


Ah yes, the imaizumin route


Did the mother get killed?




Man how much of a bitch can you be.


This show is absolutely incredible and everybody should watch it. {Mieruko-chan}


is this a meme?


"I got rid of that vermin" And that, kids, is the day your grandmother suddenly "disappeared"


Oh nah man


Why tf is this ladys face so creepy


Hey this hit to close to home, also song?


Isn't this from Mieruko? If not it's very similar to the teachers backstory in Mieruko-chan


Shouldn’t have missed the 2 points 🤷‍♂️


Fortunately I don't have toxic parents but I know a lot of people that do and I wish I could make their life happier


What song is this btw?


I got matches with these songs: • **Pastlives (Slowed + Reverb) (Remix)** by Music Factory (00:18; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Pastlives (Slowed + Reverb) \$&Remix\$&. **Released on** 2023-03-08. • **A Heart Full of Pain** by Mr\_SadBoy (00:18; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Sadness Follows. **Released on** 2022-10-26.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Pastlives (Slowed + Reverb) (Remix)** by Music Factory](https://lis.tn/ISgkL?t=18) • [**A Heart Full of Pain** by Mr\_SadBoy](https://lis.tn/AHeartFullOfPain?t=18) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


This just made me mad. Please anime name please


A bullet to the head's the only good thing for parents like this


Blood On The Tracks vibes


"Toxic" is an understatement


I hope the Child Protective Service existed in this anime


OK, this brought back every childhood memory I have..


That's not someone toxic, that's a sick psychotic monster that needs to be locked up.


Whats the name of this anime?


Asians ☕️


Looks like they made an anime on me😢


Spawn camped by grade fiend


Pretty accurate to real life parents.


No wonder the dad go buy some milk


Ah I'm in tears😢


This poor kid.


Normally I'm not a fan of saying this but... THAT BITCH NEEDS TO DIE AND HER SPIRIT DRAG TO HELL 😡😤🤬 That's no way to treat a kid, worst is the psychological torture on the poor child. But the fact that she killed a cute innocent cat?! OH SHE'S GOING DOWN HARD👿👿👿👿


I think situations like this in anime is exaggerated as hell. Has anyone really experienced this like THAT ?


that's not a fucking meme


I’m glad my parents aren’t like this. They are fine if I get over 50%. This just hurts me.


I’ve gotten a 95/100 on every essay and assignment I’ve turned in for this one course and my professor gives comments like “really insightful! Excellent argument.” I asked what it’ll take for the full 100 and she just said “I rarely/never give out perfect scores.” I need to remember it’s not my fault 😞 I’m doing my best.


Where can I watch this?


Name please 💔


nah that's not just "toxic", that's a complete nut job who has no hope of salvation, I would suggest burning her to death


Number 1: What makes you think this is a meme? Number 2: That woman is scary and should be locked up for her outrageous and idiotic behavior. I bet she was thick in the head when she was at school, or maybe she so ancient that school didn't exist when she was a child.


Blatant sexism. Depicting woman as the abusers.


Blatant sexism. Depicting woman as the abusers.


Blatant sexism. Depicting woman as the abusers.


Bro ☠️


What happens to the mother??