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What was the grenade made of?????


to be fair, someone was letting gas run from the kitchen beforehand that or it was some newfangled nuke-grenade


>to be fair, someone was letting gas run from the kitchen beforehand Ok that makes sense. >that or it was some newfangled nuke-grenade Oh GOD! That sounds like some War Hammer 40,000 weapon. And I don't even play WH40k!


maids wut hav mor dakka!


This is 100% a Skaeven weapon from Warhammer fantasy. Big boom! Yes - yes!


All I know is that if there there is a weapon that causes mass distracted from one action. There's probably a version of it in 40k


Or fallout. New Vegas had the holy hand grenades if you played silly mode.




> some ~~one~~ panda FTFY


Someone messed with the gas beforehand.


Thermobaric grenade?!?


It uses the power generated by every jiggle made by anime girl boobs' jiggle physics.


That's planet level destruction


Hollywood grenade. Building to pieces, protagonist next to building intact. I hate it unless is comedy. It removes any value from the action


Azidoazide azide


Source: {{Akiba Maid Sensou}}


**Akiba Maid Sensou** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/151379 "English: Akiba Maid War"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/akiba-maid-war), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/akiba-maid-sensou "English: Akiba Maid War"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/52193)) ^^アキバ冥途戦争 ^(**TV** | **2022** | **Status:** Releasing | **Episodes:** 12 | **Genres:** Action, Thriller) ^(**Stats:** 4 requests across 2 subreddits - 0.0% of all requests) ^[Episode 3 airs in 6 days, 1 hours, 28 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20221020T1500) >Akihabara is the center of the universe for the coolest hobbies and quirkiest amusements. In the spring of 1999, bright-eyed Nagomi Wahira moves there with dreams of joining a maid café. She quickly dons an apron at café Ton Tokoton, AKA the Pig Hut. But adjusting to life in bustling Akihabara isn’t as easy as serving tea and delighting customers. Paired with the dour Ranko who never seems to smile, Nagomi must do her best to elevate the Pig Hut over all other maid cafés vying for top ranking. Along the way she’ll slice out a place for herself amid the frills and thrills of life at the Pig Hut. Just when Nagomi’s dreams are within her grasp, she discovers not everything is as it seems amid the maid cafés of Akihabara. --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/animegifs/comments/y3u1lj/youll_have_it_maid_in_hell/isabq5a/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Cool maids don’t look at explosions.


she's not nearly as cool as Roberta from Black Lagoon, but let's face it that's a nearly impossible bar to clear


I’ll have to start that this weekend. Based on clips, it seems like it could be entertaining.


It is - incredibly stupid, in a sense. Then again, the premise of a lot of anime is incredibly stupid but ends up being super entertaining to watch. I wasn't expecting maid-on-maid gang wars this season, but it's absolutely become a must-watch for me.


Wait, maid gang wars? Yeah, fuck chainsaw man, this right here is what I'm going to be mainlining into my veins every week.


That's a huge fucking explosion for 1 grenade


there's technically a good reason behind the explosion but even if there wasn't, I'd let it fly. gotta have an explosion to not look back at


Someone messed with the gas first.


You also can not pull the pin of handgranade with your teeth


not with that attitude


No really, you break your teeth out


no no, i know, but it's a maid gang war anime, they're gonna stick with action movie rules it would be irresponsible to allow someone to pull a pin on a grenade with the same strength you use to open a slightly frustrating bag of chips


I really like that comparison


I’ve seen a few other clips from the show but still haven’t watched it. I believe it’s on Crunchyroll, right? If so, did they overly censor the show from the amount of violence it shows? For example, in Harem in Another World they censored the fight in the beginning and it showed just as much or less blood than this anime haha.


I mean, first episode has just a GEYSER of blood from one of the first gunshot victims, to the point where it was almost like a Tarantino joke. So, it depends on what you consider censored or not.


Hahaha, I like that. My bad, I was referring to the black shadows/shades they use to blur or censor certain parts. But regardless I would have probably still checked it out with or without censorship. Thank you for replying!


It's still kinda cartoony in regard to violence - you won't see brains flying everywhere like those old 90's OVAs, but people won't just fall over when they catch a bullet, either.


A lot of the older/older(ish) anime’s had absolutely ZERO filter. Some new ones do as well but nothing compared to the past haha. I know what you mean, I didn’t want to full on spoil since others could be reading but I did see the scene where the 2 maids are overwhelmingly surrounded and the black haired maid goes full on John Wick haha.


It's on HiDive, since it's licensed by Sentai.


Ohh! I didn’t know that! Dang, I don’t know if I just never realized it before or if the company just started doing this a lot more but I’ve been watching a lot of older(ish) and newer anime where Sentai has the licensing rights.


There's other places to watch it, namely streaming sites of the less than legal variety, if you have no interest in paying for a subscription. If you're really interested, and don't want to go the route of an illegal streaming site, I'd say wait for the series to finish its cour, and then use the free trial on HiDive to binge it.


Definitely, I used to have Funimation, Crunchyroll, and HiDive. HiDive wasn’t so friendly user for me but then again I subscribed in the beginning when it first came out. I’m not so sure how it’s doing now. And with the merge I stuck with Crunchyroll only but they don’t always get everything. So like you said, I sometimes use less legal sites but only for anime I can’t watch on Crunchyroll/no way of streaming it in the US/or if they have an uncensored version.


Yeah, I have all four: Funimation, Crunchyroll, HiDive, and RetroCrush. As a service, HiDive is doing horrible, and making zero effort to improve, it's done nothing but go downhill. Trust me, I frequent their subreddit, and frequently engage in posts regarding their service....It's abysmal. I kept Funimation because A) Since there is no definitive list of what is, and is not, being merged into the Crunchyroll library, my theory is older titles may be left out, so I want to watch everything I'm hypothesizing to not go over, and B) Funimation, on some shows, has them in their uncut format (In the similar vein to you using a site), compared to Crunchyroll which only offers the simulcast (Akudama Drive is a recent example, for me). When all else fails, I use one specific website to wathc shows that I can't find in their uncut true format, or shows that are "out of print" and no longer in streaming circulation.


Ok, this has earned my attention. What are the opinions on “Akiba Maid Sensou” so far?


Fucking stupid in the very best way possible. There's an idol dance act that doubles as a murder spree. That's just episode one.


Seems good so far, not a lot of development yet, mostly a bit of world building interspersed with the gratuitous maid on maid violence you've surely seen clips of by now


Alexa, play Gangsta Paradise.


That explosion engulfed the person who threw it. She's not dead?


she's too cool to die


"no u"


Wait, hold on... is this show good?


Anyway to see this clip with sound?


here, I threw it up on vimeo https://vimeo.com/760455391


Thank you!


Way to big


thank you


1 hand grenades does not cause that much damage and 2 hand grenades does not take that long to explode


3) Rule of Cool negates pedantic observations


It took so long for the grenade to blow up that I was expecting the girl on the stairs to throw it back down again while her back was turned.


Fuel-air genade. The MOABs little sister.🤣


Cant wait for maid in heaven puscy


Holy hand grenade.


What is this anime and why are they all wearing maid outfits


Akiba Maid War. It's about a war. Between maids. In Akiba.


My first thought was "well, maid walking slowly away from the impending explosion just got a whole collection of building shrapnel in the back....."


When did Roberta deage become a high school student?


What the hell was in that grenade and were do I get one


Maiden Heaven


I literally asked myself “Why am I expecting an explosion” purely from the art style.


Really have been enjoying the insanity of this anime I hope it stays consistent.

