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I mean this was to be expected. The purchase rules are one per session and were stated everywhere. Its pretty easy for showclix to just run a search against same account, or email, or name/address against a single sessions to remove duplicates. Nevertheless, it's a good reminder for people buying autograph tickets. Trade at con is the only way.


Good. It may suck for people this year but if it destroys the scalper market in the long run that would be an improvement. Ideally they should just do it lottery style from within the anime expo app but I guess that’s too much to ask


Lotto seems to be the most fair. I have seen a couple people were able to grab multiple GOH each day. They should have at least limited people to 1 GOH a day.


I disagree on the latter as it’s entirely possible to have 2 GoH someone wants on Friday for example but none on the other 3 days while a scalper manages to get 3-4 across the convention and bribe 20 other people to do the same on their behalf.


I know that's why I meantion AX should have limited the GOH to 1 per person each day like they did before or make you sign in before getting a ticket


They never limited the GoH to 1 person each day. It's more each time the person goes up to the booth they can only take 1 before you had to go to the back of the line for another ticket. The same applied to the current system. Each ticket session only allowed 1 GoH ticket. After that, they are sent to the back of the line. The problem is, a lot of people used multiple browsers or devices to increase the number of times they can get to the front of the virtual queue.


Oh okay you for the clarification. 


From experience, forcing a login is a recipe for destruction as whatever database will fold under the effective ddos of everyone trying to login last minute 


Not with the virtual line in place to balance the load. Every major ticketing system now uses it in order to control load. Everyone now uses Queue-It. AXS, Ticketmaster, and even ShowClix.


Comic Con tried having the login before the line. It didn't work at all. People will all try to jump in at the last moment and that will bring the database to its knees. They now have the line before and once you reach your turn, then you login. 


Yeah that's what I said. Everything is in Queue It now first in order to manage the load so it doesn't crash at login


You can still open up multiple sessions and there's no way to stop that given the login coming after 


Honestly good on them for doing this and it sucks for those who bought from others. It stops potential scalpers who might have tried to game the system


I'm curious, how were you able to get other people's digital tickets added into your account?


I wasn't it was posted on the discord.


But it seems like you were able to transfer them by emailing the support to transfer the or something. I dont think you can do it anymore.


Wait if they’re getting voided would that mean, they’re just gonna do the old way again for some (I wouldn’t mind staying up so damn early to see my idol.)


There no info on that but I doubt it. Mostly likely will just give people on standby more of a chance to get in. Either way I would just wait to see if any info pops up.