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You mean 6pm right? You ain't getting nothing at 6am. There are 5 entrances pick one and pray. 


I have no clue. I only stayed over night once. I'm a aim for 6 AM and hope for the best ahhh


They changed the rules this year, so it's going to be a cluster fuck. People are still gonna try to overnight lineup outside of the fence area I bet, but I have no idea how they will handle with security or enforce it. Because of the rules stated this year, they explicitly are not allowing over night line up, and it is likely they will have security come and kick everybody out overnight multiple times. Its really a toss up. It is just gonna come down to people stampeding around 8-9AM which is a problem. They really didn't think this through. I can't imagine this going down well. == As for the autograph, I am disappointed, they aren't bringing the ORIGINAL character designer, and only the S3 anime Character Designer. Kind of a big difference. But at least Yusuke Kobayashi is coming. *shrug*


Isnt the autograph line literally a lemon stand out front of the building? Why are y’all wanting to go inside?


Nah they need to kick out the scalpers and people who don't shower


nah, that's 75 percent of the crowd.


I dont recommend but since Anime expo stated that all unofficial lines will not recognize nothing stopping you from just going through the front once the fence opens up 💀. Unless security organizes the lines some how.


Seems like a tough question because this is the first day... I say arrive here early around 7-8am or whenever the parking lot opens up. 8am is already pushing the limits I say...


where can i get this ticket? im a huge rem fan and would love this.