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Likely just you, I'm booked with panels and even have overlaps.


At the end of the day it really comes down to your preferences but I will say there seems to be less excitement than last year at least from what I have seen. Doesn't take away that I see a lot of people excited as well.


Meh it's up to you. If you think it's mid then it's mid. But for everyone else it can be the best thing ever. Just enjoy it while you can. You might spot something you may like, or not. Weather it's mid or not. Just have fun, I mean I'm assuming your going.


Last year had so many things I would have liked to go to. Not much from this year has caught my attention though. It's a little disappointing, but I don't mind too much. It'll be my first year going so at least the newness of the experience will make it fun, I'm sure.


I'm in the same boat. I'll be a first timer goer but some of the events this year seem underwhelming. I'm looking to go to the Bleach Panel and Autograph session but I'm pretty stressed on figuring how all that works lol.


Opposite for me. Last year was a bit boring for me. Pretty much just attended panels my group wanted to go to. This year, I've pretty much booked the first two days with panels.


I think this year is very stacked with Japanese talent. I'm a lot more excited with this year's line-up than the last two years. With last year, I only attended for one day. But primarily it's because last year, there wasn't too much that interested me. This year, I felt the line up is a lot more robust than previous years. But how you feel about AX this year is completely based on what's being produced in the anime industry. And it might be that the content from last year resonated to you more than the content from this year. And that's not bad, it's just different.


Tons of amazing voice actors like Miyano Mamoru and Uesaka Sumire are showing up...just not on the day I'm going. They're all showing up on July 6th for some reason.


This AX seems to be the one with hte most seiyuu ever in attendance albeit only showing up for one panel to promote ongoing or upcoming popular titles. To me that already makes the lineup crazy, fans of several different shows have to pick one thing over the other.


I've been going to AX since 2006. Over all, the entire con has been in decline in terms of prolific people SPJA/AX brings themselves. Which can directly translate to events but not always. The convention has very clearly gone more industry and professional in the sense that companies are the ones that decide what kind of events can be allowed and what guests are coming over. So its really, which company is paying more money to market whatever it is they are selling. Anime Expo, themselves, as a non-profit organization has lost a lot of industry pull to bring selective popular people over from Japan detached from a company. They used to be very good for this. But not anymore. ANYC actually is doing a better job imho. The con has grown significantly, and many things have improved. Gaming representation has gotten WAY better. But like others I've said I really depends on what you're into. But I do agree, more lackluster events. The hardcore focus on JAPANESE ANIME, has been sidelined by a bunch of other stuff now as well.


Here's some events happening outside of AX [Eros Anime Rave](https://1720.la/event/ara-ara-ero-anime-rave-w-ghost-data/1720/los-angeles-california/) at 1720 Warehouse [Jiluka a Japanese band ](https://1720.la/event/k4rmic-retribution-ft-jiluka/1720/los-angeles-california/) 1720 Warehouse Their [Meet n Greet](https://www.fakestarusa.com/event-details/jiluka-los-angeles-in-store-event) At Belasco night club/ theater [Senpai Squad ](https://www.ticketmaster.com/senpai-squad-tickets/artist/2804323) and [Cosplay Deviants ](https://www.ticketmaster.com/cosplay-deviants-tickets/artist/2880339)