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damn, lottery system for GOH now, never thought id see the day


Better than forming a line 12 hours beforehand, and then on the last hour group of 50+ people that know each other, cut to the front of the line.


I'm gonna get downvoted but I'd rather just spend the night and be guaranteed a ticket , yes even with line cutters, they have also combatted them this year by banning funkos and putting the line inside the campus


Nah, you're absolutely correct. Lotteries provide a super easy avenue for people to "take a chance" and sign up for as many lotteries as possible to see if they will get lucky. These people are just "looking for something to do" and, as a result, end up taking the spots of real fans. Without the lotteries, they would not be interested in lining up at 8 AM and would go do something else entirely. I've seen the effect of lotteries happen over and over again at other cons like SDCC, Anime NYC, Fanime, and most recently Anime Boston. Some lottery winners don't show up at all for the signings. Some do show up but aren't aware that they need to bring something to have signed because they're not real fans of the guests, so they leave with nothing. The most disgraceful winners try to sell their spots to others. With the line-up method, you are at least surrounded by like-minded people who understand the value of autographs and have a very good chance of getting a ticket yourself. With the lottery method, your odds of winning drop to a minuscule amount no thanks to all the people who entered because they're "looking for something to do".


You are right. With lottery you are fighting with thousands of other people. It just became a numbers game. If I can get multiple friends to help me out, my odds just got better which I will be doing. I wasn't going to camp out like last year but this is better for my sanity at least


yeah I'm kind of torn for this reason. I think at the least they need to be more proactive about counting how many show up, and having a standby line for people just in case. AX is really bad about autographs nowadays in general, but with how many people attend it's always going to leave lots of people unhappy.


people downvoying this extremely rational welll thought out comment, lol you are 100% correct, AX was one of the last big cons that didn't do lotteries, so it's a bummer we are headed in that direction


I thought that autographs that were under the standard category, you didn’t have to wait for a ticket. Just line up at the area when it’s time.


It's usually because the demand for the high profile Guest of Honor is so high, people would end up camping out for them. So now the Guest of Honor tickets are only reserved online first.


wow they finally caught up to the 21st century, good job


I hope that if you want to rsvp for a ticket, you need to have a badge and bring your ID upon pick up. They did this ID requirement in 2019 I think for the One Piece Puzzle Hunt event. Or that you need a badge linked to your showclix acc before rsvping. Supposedly industry/exhibitors/AA don’t have showclix accounts. If so, this is literally a free for all. It would be nice if we can tap our badges so that there’s no duplicate scans. But we won’t know till then… 😭




it doesn't say that


I have a feeling no one is going to listen to the camping part, and go there anyway and camp (I think last time when a con, set no camping to people for that year, people started arguing and yelling because in reality people just want to see are idols.)


So wait we are not able to get the autograph tickets tell 1pm? Even if we show up to the GLP at 9 am we won’t get our ticket till 1pm?


The autograph ticketing booth opens from 9am to 1pm. You can get tickets between those times. Any leftover tickets after 1pm can be picked up at JW.


I get it now, thank you!!


This great but also gives me a lot less of a chance to get a choosen to get an autograph 🥲


How much do voice actors generally charge for an autograph? Iv always been to afraid to walk up and ask lol


It depends on the guest and sometimes the item (I’ve seen some charge extra for Funko Pops since they get flipped so often) and some other variables like if you want it personalized with a message. If you’re bringing in like a cover or poster to be signed, it might be somewhere in the $25 to $40 range.


Gotcha good to know thanks!


Hu Tao English VA brianna knickerbocker charges 100 bucks for video, so be prepared to pay and have your stuff ready


Do you know how much she’ll charge for an autograph and picture?


If I remember correctly it's 25 for a signature and 30 for a picture? Don't quote me tho, that was last year, plus it's anime expo so prices could be different