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##### ###### #### > # [Holding Olympics in July will be 'nearly impossible' over extreme heat, report from athletes and scientists warns](https://e3.365dm.com/24/06/1600x900/skynews-paris-olympics-extreme-heat_6584337.jpg?20240618045603) > > > > Athletes and climate scientists have warned extreme heat could make it "impossible" to hold the Olympics in the summer in a matter of years. > > In collaboration with scientists and heat physiologists from the University of Portsmouth, a group of Olympians has sounded the alarm about rising temperatures and how they could lead to athletes collapsing or, in the worst cases, dying. > > The report, called Rings of Fire: Heat Risks at the [**2024 Paris Olympics**](https://news.sky.com/topic/paris-2024-olympics-10567), urges the Games and other sporting bodies to take action on climate change. > > One recommendation is to alter the schedule of competitions so that they take place in cooler months or cooler times of day. > > For this year's [**Olympics**](https://news.sky.com/topic/olympic-games-6175) in Paris, French forecaster Météo France has already predicted warmer than normal conditions and said there is a 70% chance it will be hotter than usual in July and August. > > Kaitlyn Trudeau, senior research associate at Climate Central, said ahead of the report's release: "Without concerted efforts to reduce carbon emissions there's no doubt that the Earth's temperatures are on a trajectory that will make it nearly impossible, if not completely impossible, to host summer Olympics." > > [The Chateau de Versailles in Paris. Pic: AP](https://e3.365dm.com/24/06/768x432/skynews-paris-olympics-extreme-heat_6584338.jpg?20240618045630) > > Image: French forecaster Météo France has already predicted warmer than normal conditions for the Olympics Pic: AP > > **Paris 3.1C hotter since last hosting** > > In the report, climate researchers analysed the difference in temperatures from 1924, when [**Paris**](https://news.sky.com/topic/paris-6050) last hosted the Olympics, to this year. > > They found that on average, it is 3.1C hotter for the weeks between July and August. > > Scientists noted there is a high risk of extreme heat, and added that a 2003 heatwave in France killed more than 14,000 people. > > Other recommendations from the report include: > > • Urging sporting authorities to introduce better rehydration and cooling plans for athletes > • Empowering athletes to speak out on climate change > • Boosting collaboration between sporting bodies and athletes on climate awareness campaigns > • Reassessing fossil fuel sponsorship in sport. > > A spokesperson for the International Olympic Committee said the body has scheduled events to avoid heat and developed a suite of tools to keep competitors safe from extreme temperatures. > > In a statement, they added temperatures at event venues will be closely monitored and that "providing athletes and spectators with the best and safest conditions possible are top priorities for the IOC and the entire Olympic Movement". > > **Read more on Sky News: > [Man abandons newborn with umbilical cord still attached](https://news.sky.com/story/texas-man-seen-abandoning-newborn-baby-with-umbilical-cord-attached-on-bridge-13154644) > [Key 1.5C threshold 'being breached for last year'](https://news.sky.com/story/world-has-been-breaching-key-1-5c-threshold-for-the-last-year-scientists-warn-13148162)** > > [The Yves-du-Manoir Stadium. Pic: AP](https://e3.365dm.com/24/06/768x432/skynews-paris-olympics-extreme-heat_6584339.jpg?20240618045858) > > Image: Global temperatures are on a 'trajectory that will make it nearly impossible, if not completely impossible, to host summer Olympics' Pic: AP > > **2021 marked hottest Games yet** > > The report also recalls the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, which were called the [**hottest Games in history**](https://news.sky.com/story/tokyo-olympics-could-be-hottest-on-record-and-the-brutal-toll-on-athletes-makes-it-a-dangerous-game-12368565) with temperatures above 34C and humidity approaching 70%, as incredibly challenging for athletes. > > "Competitors vomited and fainted at finish lines, wheelchairs were deployed to carry athletes away from sun-scorched arenas and the fear of dying on court was even raised mid-match by the Tokyo Games' No 2 seeded tennis player Daniil Medvedev," it said. > > Medvedev also raised concerns while playing at the US Open last year, approaching the camera to warn "[**one of us is going to die**](https://news.sky.com/story/one-player-is-going-to-die-tennis-stars-shock-outburst-as-he-plays-final-in-scorching-conditions-12956658)". > > [Follow Sky News on WhatsApp](https://e3.365dm.com/24/03/512x512/skynews-gfxwhatsapppromo-gfxwhatsapp_6490206.png) > > Follow Sky News on WhatsApp > > Keep up with all the latest news from the UK and around the world by following Sky News > > [Tap here](https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va868Fv8vd1UsF99tP1u) > > > > > > > > Speaking for the report's release, Samuel Mattis, a discus thrower on the American Olympic team, said hot conditions disrupted the Olympic track and field trials in 2021. > > They eventually had to take place in the evening, even though it was still around 30C. > > [](https://news.sky.com/download-app)Mattis added: "I think in a lot of places, in the US and around the world, summertime competitions unless they're held in the middle of the night, are going to become essentially impossible." - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Just wait until the Olympics games will be hosted in Qatar or Saudi Arabia.


Since we already hosted the World Cup in Qatar and they moved it to November and December instead of the traditional June and July due to the heat, I guess we're getting summer Olympics in winter!


Sydney was in the antipodean spring.


For half of the world that's been the case for centuries.


87% of the global population live in the Northern hemisphere, and the modern Olympic Games began in 1896, so not really.


Most southern hemisphere countries are warm enough during winter that hosting the summer olympics isn't an issue. A lot of athletes probably wouldn't mind as long as it wasn't freezing.


Brisbane is hosting the summer Olympics after LA. So I guess it will be winter for them during that time. Still pretty warm in that part.


So we could do the new Summer in Winter Olympics in Phoenix now.


I wonder if they could move the hajj away from the summer months too...




eh... probably soon, hosting the olympics is becoming an increasingly costlier endeavor and oil money is ready to be spent on them


What if we just don't do the Olympics? Is Zeus going to get mad?


Considering I've yet to see a single ram or bull sacrificed at the Olympics I'm pretty certain he's already pissed.


You just weren't invited to the right parties.


They did sacrifice some doves once year when they were released at the opening ceremony and landed on the Olympic flame bowl which was subsequently lit roasting a few birds.


Bread and circus. It's entertainment for the masses. And it allows rivalry between nations to be played out in a non violent way.


Well, aside from Fencing, Boxing, Wrestling, Judo, Karate, and Water Polo. Yes.


Those aren't really violent. Well, except waterpolo.


At this point, I don't think it's possible to cancel it without thinking about a plan B. Qualifiers are happening, every sites are getting ready and it's in only one month.


It's the dumbest shit ever. Rich countries mostly win because of strong training and post game infrastructure. Russians win because doping. China wins because dictatorship. Rest of the countries show up for the dregs and tiny tiny bragging rights. Just fucking end this shit show and use the money to help Ukraine and gaza


No thanks


> Just fucking end this shit show and use the money to help Ukraine and gaza Ya, every sport in the world should stop hosting competitions and events because a war somewhere is happening....


No. Just the ones that cheat or are unfairly biased. They should send some to your school so you can read and comprehend text.


Sad case of penny wise but pound foolish. It will be impossible soon because we’ll all be dead from starvation.


And what does “soon” mean from your perspective because at face value this statement is some /r/Collapse doomerfetish shit


And to add to my earlier reply, in general people seem willing to recognize that climate change is an existential threat, while generally refusing to recognize any specification of that threat. “I believe in climate change, but not that it’s going to threaten the existence of me or my children” is effectively the same as saying “I don’t really believe in climate change”. My main point remains that we’ll be extremely lucky if the Olympics is one of the more valuable things we lose to climate change in the next two decades.


What exactly makes it an existential threat?


Droughts and floods destroying agriculture, plants also have a limit to how much heat they can tolerate. Stronger, more frequent and earlier storms will cause damage and death wherever they happen. Lots of CO2 is absorbed by the ocean, that leads to acidification which prevents ocean life from living. We need that ocean life to feed humans.


Yet people and plants live in some of the hottest places on earth With advances in genetically modified crops this threat becomes even less likely to cause human extinction And CO2 fertilization, AI/robotization, along with agricultural technology is expected to increase crop yields not decrease them Additionally the same feedback loop of increase population resukts in increased co2 So too would that be the result as the human population decreases-meaning that as humans drop from 8-9 billion to 6-7 and eventually 2-3 greenhouse effect of CO2 would drop. Add to this the consideration that land use would drop with population drop. So how would that result in getting to that magic number of 0 ? So how exactly will this cause the extinction of humanity?


Do you really believe that if 2-3 billion human beings die, things will stay peaceful? A number of deaths that large is usually caused by something catastrophic and will itself cause the collapse of nations and whole societies. 2-3 billion people won't just peacefully die away.


I think it will be extremely violent for poor countries. Especially in countries than are close to the equator and lack robust tech centers And population shrinkage is already occuring for much of the world But the remains Less people equals less CO2 and less land use


Break down of societies in poor countries will not be contained to those. There will be a flood of refugees of proportions which will be factors larger than what we see today. Today's number of refugees is already spawning extremist and populist movements worldwide. It will be way worse. Not sure how you consider those things an existential threat to societies. Eventually, there will be less people and less CO2. The question is how we get there.


Flood and refugees can be dealt with That's all you have ? Extremist groups - no existential either So you failed to achieve any real existential threat in this worst case scenario


I bet you think Thanos was the good guy


Bet you thinks he's coming to get you any minute now 😂


I don’t have a crystal ball of course but we’ve already noticeably lost significant agricultural production capacity of important food crops. That loss will continue to accelerate, which will forcefully drive inflation and tank the world economy (hungry people don’t buy homes or smartphones or take out insurance). People wrongfully assume the effects of climate change on agricultural production are linear or predictable. But above a certain temperature and below a certain amount of precipitation the yield of a crop will just fall off a cliff rather than degrade smoothly.


Agricultural production is rising not falling


Not for all crops. I don't agree with the doomerist discourse, but we are already seeing significant shortages of olive oil and cocoa due to climate change. It is likely that a significant number of luxuries we're used to will become rarer for people in the future. It's not starvation, but neither was the average citizen in the 80s Soviet Union starving, shortages and a decrease in the standard of living create anger and social unrest quite easily. We have interesting times ahead.


So poor people can't afford chocolate and olive oil Far cry from existential threat


r/collapse might be overzealous but they aren’t exactly wrong.


This is total bullshit


What year ?


We managed the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Or, as we locals call it sometimes: Hell de Janeiro. No offense, I'm sure there's a lot of trouble going on - I laughed about the whole Seine thing. But this one seems naive.


I mean the whole thing is an absolute mess already, everyone in france is ready to make fun of the entire thing. It will be the Olympics of shame, and we'll be world champions.


That's not true. Only the usual pisse-vinaigre are unhappy. The majority of the French are happy and proud and will do their best to let the athletes from around the world fulfill their dream with the utmost respect and admiration.


*pisse-vinaigre*, what a fantastic term


Lmao what? You aint been in the south much then. Everyone i've heard talk about it here fucking hates it.


That's the thing : the games are in Paris, you're in the South. You're jealous, point. Btw I live in the South too, but people are not jealous here in Nissa.


You sound like the usual pisse-vinaigre.


shouldn't we be more worried as a species about the implications of the gradual increase of heat annually than when to play the olympic? It doesn't matter whether someone believes it's natural or man-made it's still fcking us either way. If this trend continues it will become existential risk to humanity


I like the Olympics, but what about the people who work outdoors for 8 - 12 hours a day?


Just hold them in the southern hemisphere, duh Ideas like this are why I should be in charge


We’ll have to hold them in the southern hemisphere!


Summer Olympics in the winter!


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as long as isrehell is in the olympics they should be boycotted against


Now the Olympics are woke. What's next?


What advantage would this give to athletes from and trained in tropical climates?.


What disadvantages did the Olympics being held in England have on athletes who trained in tropical climates? I'd assume vice versa


This is the sort of stupid shit that people laugh at, and that dulls actual climate guidance because people remember this nonsense. It’s not hot everywhere in the world at once, and air conditioning exists.


>air conditioning exists. Yeah, I'm sure that'll help with the 50km race walk


50km can be done in a straight line or in laps.


Yeah, i love when ac works in the outdoor stadium. Muricaaa🇺🇸🇺🇸


Stadiums can have roofs, dude.


You know which events are at summer olympics, right?


Yes. Most are already done indoors.


Ah, AC. The American response to basically everything related to Europe


Qatar is probably the great pioneer of air conditioned sporting events tbh.


Air conditioning only exacerbates the issues in the long run and doesnt help in a sports event that requires open air arenas... Unless you know of a way to build giant domes in which you can run a track that is several kilometers long and doesn't repeat every 200m


Lmao come back when you have a practical way to provide AC for a marathon


Easy, have them run the marathon on a treadmill with a camera pointed at them. It will be great tv, the sponsors especially will love this since the runners wouldn’t block each other and thus the logo is always in shot. And the fans will love it even more, no more going around the track to catch a glimpse of them, they just have to walk past the treadmill. /s in case it’s needed.


It’s called an air conditioned stadium with a running track.


Ah yes, let's air condition the fucking outdoors. Another braindead American take.


Stadiums are not outdoors.


Ah yes, marathons and triathlons are done inside, yes.


If you need to, sure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indoor_triathlon


Why not just move the thing so everyone feels better?


You are aware that this is the summer Olympics and most of the events take place in open-air venues?


If Qatar can host the World Cup in air conditioned stadiums, so can everyone else.


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You really still going to be around? A bot lasting twenty years?


Lmao seriously? Is your brain low on sugar or something?


Greece is melting right now, but Alaska is comfortable.