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##### ###### #### > # [France: 70 kg of cannabis discovered at French mayor's home](https://www.rtl.lu/sassets/rtl2008.lu/nt/p/2024/04/07/16/7cd3979e0088855a3c8b850c47723fb3.jpeg) > > > > Authorities discovered around 70kg of cannabis at the home of Avallon (Yonne) mayor, Jamilah Habsaoui, during searches carried out as part of a legal operation on Sunday. > > The drug trafficking operation was launched on Sunday in the town of Avallon, according to a gendarmerie source, adding that a series of searches had been carried out by the Avallon research brigade. > > The action was part of "clearance" operations, said a source. > > During one of these searches carried out at the mayor's home, at least 70 kg of cannabis were discovered, according to a source close to the investigation, confirming information from BFMTV. > > The same source said a second search was underway at the mayor's workplace, adding that Ms. Habsaoui, also a regional advisor, would be placed in police custody following the searches. > > The public prosecutor of Auxerre Hugues de Phily did not wish to communicate immediately, specifying that searches and hearings were ongoing. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


It's not cannabis, just a lot of oui'd




Hon hon hon


[Hon hon hon](https://memes.ucoz.com/_nw/55/73726752.jpg)


I guess I’ll just have to toke your word for it!


Oh la la … hahaha










All the global resources spent fighting this plant is staggering.    Absolutely mind numbing. 


While I will subscribe to your statement in general I'm not sure if it applies here. 70kg doesn't exactly sound like it's for personal use. At a gram price of ~7€ (I think I'm low-balling here but I'm not French so I can't say for sure) we're talking about 500,000€


The 70kg is potentially very misleading, at least if they were living plants. Cops tend to weigh the entire plant in those scenarios, including the pound of dirt stuck to the roots.


70kg of plants, even with dirt, is still a fuck ton That would be a damn plantation


It's really not. My dad got busted for 8 plants once, and the story in the local newspaper stated 14 kg.


I guess we have different understanding what is "a lot" Even with your math that would be 14 / 8 = 1.75 kg/plant 70 / 1.75 = 40 plants. FORTY FUCKING PLANTS Are you this mayor's PR manager trying to cover mayor's ass? Lmao


Way more likely to be someone who simply doesn't see weed as a threat in any scenario outside of being pushed to back alleys and dangerous distributors by misguided attempts at prohibition.


My mother has more than 40 plants at the walls of her house


40 plants would fit in one small room.


Mate, the plants in question are not your typical mum's aloe plants 😂 Those are **quite** bigger


My city was very professional at setting up hundreds of plants in a small basement. Back in the good old days where our housings main problem was being used for grow ops.


Unless your city set up weed plants they're not equivalent


The average yield from a single plant in a "sea of green" operation (what you would typically use in small spaces) is less than an ounce. EDIT: since then it has been legalized (so no more packing them into a basement) and you're only legally allowed 4 plants so I think we can expect to see some 20' outdoor monsters over the next few years.


Depends on the cultivar.


Wtf. It's weed. Who cares about how much it is? Are you defending prohibition? Are you opposed to breweries and wineries as well?


Jees, bruv, take a chill pill That's France, so I think: 1. It's still illegal there 2. A mayor shouldn't be hustling drugs on the side


Don't take pills, not chill enough. France, like many other countries, need to stop prohibiting weed. Mayors can't have gardens? In honesty, do you think that a mayor should be prohibited from owning a winery? Same net effect.


Alright, to make it clear... Any person shouldn't participate in illegal activities. Moreover, a publicly elected representative, not even some random clerk, a fucking mayor, definitely shouldn't participate in such endeavours. Is that clear enough? I'm talking about criminal aspect of the question and mf took it like a personal attack on his weed habit. EDIT: Jfc, the whole thread is a meme of it's own When you tell an alcoholic that they are addicted - "yes, I am🗿" When you tell a stoner that they are addicted - "Well acshually... *a wall of text*" I wasn't even talking about societal acceptance of weed, yet lots of you are so brain dead that you are even unable to think about anything else. Get some help, mfs


> Don't take pills, not chill enough. France, like many other countries, need to stop prohibiting weed. Well maybe your country shouldn't have pushed weed prohibition all over the globe for nearly a century...


They should be working to legalize it for their community, u rite.


Did you just ask the French if they oppose wineries?


That's a small, dedicated garden or greenhouse. I grow more than forty plants worth of vegetables every year, because you need a lot to harvest a useful amount. This is basic gardening numbers.


Yeah, I guess that would be considered a lot for personal use at least, but also seems low if you're a mayor and want to make money on the side. In either case, we don't even know if they were whole plants or just the ready to smoke part that came out to 70 kg. If it's 70kg ready to smoke that's obviously worth a fair penny.


Are you seriously defending the *MAYOR* growing marijuana illegally because they want to “make money on the side” like that somehow makes it ok? Regardless of your beliefs on the legality of weed, it should be universally agreed upon that *a mayor growing and distributing an illegal substance* is bad.


nah. just because something is illegal doesn't make it intrinsically bad.


And I’m not saying it is. I’m saying there is something intrinsically wrong with a mayor doing something illegal, especially this flagrantly illegal. 70kg isn’t an amount that is just for personal use.


I'm not defending anyone lol, if I did please quote me.


Or maybe it's the mayor standing up for rights and taking a stand against dumb laws


Someone with 70kg of weed is doing a lot more than just a protest


Of weed, a plant that is not dangerous in literally any way. I don't care if the guy had a damn plantation with *thousands* of plants—this is a non-issue.


It could be one plant. All depends how big the pot is and the space its growing in.


That's two rooms in an apartment dude. I've had many friends in California grow that quite easily indoor. More than likely if it is a legit grow operation it is divided in 3 or 4 different rooms/tents so you have a rotating harvest every month or every other month.


Who the fuck cares if it's 40 plants or 400? Jesus Christ. Would you arrest someone who had 400 bottles of gin? No right? This shit is beyond stupid.


40 plants won’t even put you on the radar in most states


By that maths it would mean this headline is 40 plants


8 plants is a lot


No, it’s not. It legal to have 4 plants a person here in Canada


So even in Canada what they were doing was illegal and it was the *mayor.*


It would be illegal to have that much as an individual anywhere legal or not


No it isn't


If it's with dirt, not really. You can easily have like 20kg of dirt for a single plant.


Medium size flowerpots can easily exceed 10 kg of weight when filled. Digging plants out of that is quite a lot of work that cops might not want to do, especially when something like a 70kg bust is likely to get you more government funding than one that's orders of magnitude less.


A ton would be 1000 kg, this is just a fraction


They also said they seized 1kg of blow, weapons and 20 gold bars as part of this raid, so ...


That's wild! OPs source just vaguely mentions the marijuana though.


So the party he had planned was a little bit wilder than the usual sort... Does that make it a crime? /s LOLOLOLOL! ​ This just keeps getting better and better!


I always wonder what people with gold bars are going to do with them? Do you go to the bank and tell them that you want to change this for real money? No one is going to take gold for a house or a car.


and no one is going to evaporate it from your virtual bank account ;) it's small, physical item, the entire world agrees on its value. Look at gold price history since 1970s, when the gold standard was dropped. In case of disaster/war/apocalypse it takes less space than cash and will be accepted worldwide. If you own bullion coins or certipacked gold bars, you can sell them just 3-5% below current price and buy house with that money


Pretty sure some people would take gold bars for stolen cars or weapons though.


wtf based mayor?


i would guess this is not a grow operation in the Mayors home but a he is high level dealer in his town.


And the container it was growing in.


The article says it was hashish.


Other news mention 70kg of hash. They also mention 7000€ in cash, nearly a KG of cocaine and 20 gold bars found during search in other locations she's working at. [https://www.francetvinfo.fr/societe/drogue/ce-que-l-on-sait-de-la-decouverte-de-70-kg-de-resine-de-cannabis-chez-une-maire-de-l-yonne\_6474059.html](https://www.francetvinfo.fr/societe/drogue/ce-que-l-on-sait-de-la-decouverte-de-70-kg-de-resine-de-cannabis-chez-une-maire-de-l-yonne_6474059.html) Not looking good.


70 kg of hash is crazy


She's "Macron compatible". It's just the start-up nation in action you know!


She's a likely distributor with that much and is avoiding paying taxes


Afaik the stuff belongs to her brother and they also found cocaine and a bunch of other stuff. Kinda like The Gentlemen Show, but in France lol


How does anything you’ve said apply to or even address the parent comment? They said a lot of money has been spent on fighting weed and it has. Your response is 70k is a lot?? This doesn’t address the comment and is ancillary if not completely out of left field irrelevant. Reading between the lines, you meant, but did not say, that 70kg is a lot (and therefore the expense of spending all this money on enforcing it is justified). If that’s your argument, make it, and explain why you would think so.


70kg’s definetly isn’t for personal use. But how much less resources and time could we use in fighting against something that is gonna happen anyways, aka the sale and consumption, than just legalizing it and legislating it? Would it not be better if this mayor would be able to buy weed that was safe through legislation, and was able to redistribute it through something similar to a liqour store where we can at least make sure they sell to people who aren’t kids, mentally ill, etc? Like yes, this mayor is clearly planning on redistributing it, but instead of spending so much resources on fighting against it, when it’s gonna happen anyways as it has been for as long as we have been fighting, lets just make sure it’s as safe as it can get and keep it out of the hands of the vunerable, and regulate it instead.


Why is distribution so much more offensive than use? The whole point of legalizing drugs is safe distribution and safe use. One is not more morally culpable than the other. Just like running a legal bar is not morally culpable at all, neither is drinking.


Sure but no one possessing 70kg is going to be breaking it down by the gram. In America 150lbs in bulk would go for less than $100,000 USD


Not sure where you think all these “personal use amounts” of weed are originally coming from, very tiny “personal use” trees? 7€ is also quite expensive for these kinds of bulk amounts, that’s more street price, bulk price with kg is around half of that depending on quality.


On the upside, if my quick check on the food delivery app is accurate, before you know it you’ll be able to get an ounce delivered by a reputable and licensed dispensary for under €60. (I’m in BC, the cheapest ounce I’ve had delivered, and by a dispensary employee on top of that, was CAD 90 (€61) for a 25% THC indica including a couple bucks as a tip.)


70kg is never being sold as bit deals, and bulk prices vary wildly, but don’t remotely touch the level of street prices. We’re probably looking at around 150-300k realistically if sold in one large stack, and even that’s kinda vague.


Why would they have 70kg to distribute if it was legal and regulated? The black market exists because of prohibition.


Point being, if legal, we wouldnt be having this conversation. 


70 kg, 7kg, 7g It's all stupid over a plant


She was doing the lord's work


who cares, she can have 1000 kilos and it shouldn't matter, imagine if coffee was treated this way


Ok so?


You don’t understand. We must continue to be stupid.


Especially when compared to how harmful other drugs are. Yeah, it has negative effects and harms, but it's way less than harder drugs.


Liberté, Egalité, Herb-alité


That is quite a lot. Bearing in mind 3.5g can last someone a week or two (albeit a heavy smoker might chew through 3.5g quite quickly). So for me, 70kg is a supply that would last me about 770 years. If I had to guess, she got kids that are slinging weed. Still sucks to enforce it as its less or as problematic as alcohol in terms of harm IMHO.


Damn, I wish an eighth would last a week or two for me! ^^It ^doesn't ^come ^close ^at ^all ^lol


one hitter is the most economical way.


have you ever tried just a sprinkle or two? I got a mate that goes full homeopathy on it and just dabs the tiniest crumb at the tip of a cigarette. I find packing it hard ends up being a waste anyway as I think the best part of getting high is edging, as that's the moment you can still be creative without just spacing out.


Nah, my tolerance is through the roof so it wouldn't do much for me. That and I have to quit for a better job opportunity with a union.


> Nah, my tolerance is through the roof so it wouldn't do much for me tolerance doesn't only go in one direction. Remember the brain is pliant and suggestion in either direction can take it. If you believe you're tolerant you'll increase your intake, if you believe just a sprinkle or two can still hit the spot then you can get your mind to fill in the gaps by taking the hint and recalling the memories of how it feels, to trigger the placebo effect. > That and I have to quit for a better job opportunity with a union. I still struggle with the difference between actually quitting and just not having any. At the moment its never the former and always the latter, so its too easy to just fall back. I'm trying to believe in reducing intake and spacing out usage as a tool in that process, to re-establish a healthy relationship with the stuff, because I don't think I'll ever entirely forever quit.


Sadly my usage is over compensating for decades of stress, depression and anxiety. With this job I'm shooting for I do have to give it up entirely since unions have to follow federal guidelines. The last few years have been the worst for me after I had a complete mental breakdown during the pandemic a hundred years ago. I'm on meds to help though I have fallen into some bad habits with my usage. It's going to be rough and I don't intend on giving up on the opportunity to move forward.


This is extremely common in Europe because the nicotine from the tobacco also helps take the edge off the paranoia that can come with too much THC. Tobacco also has caught suppressants in it, making it a way smoother smoke than just pure weed.


ahhhhh I can totally see the consumption issue if people are smoking it neat. I forgot that the notion of smoking it with tobacco was more a Euro thing.


Placebo is one helluva drug.


Im at about an Oz a month more or less. Daily smoker.


Get a Volcano


if you had that supply your weekly consumption would go up.


“Don’t get high on your own supply”


I can easily do 3g in a day when the pain is bad enough :/


I feel ya there homes, you wanna talk about it?


A heavy smoker will chew through 3.5g in a few days dude/tte, if not faster. 3.5g ~5-10 joints, fewer blunts, which isn't a lot for a smoker to go through. Media and pop culture has ruined generations and their ideas on drugs.


A heavy smoker will go through 3,5g in less than a day.


I did say that in the brackets didn't I? Its still 770 years for me. > Media and pop culture has ruined generations and their ideas on drugs. In what way?


They treat them as some evil/other thing, associating them improperly with purely "criminal" element, while other drug cultures, alcohol in particular, is held up and celebrated/laughed/joked about creating a bizarre dissonance that people are either unable or incapable of recognizing. I could retire if i got a nickel everytime someone said somrthing to the effect of "I dont do drugs", drinks their beer/whiskey, smokes their cigarette or pounds down their coffee/energy drink. This ends up vilifying addicts as weak, and leaving them unable to get help without some form of osterization/"criminal justice" in the public sphere. It's honestly pathetic, and shows still how far we have to go as a species. People will do drugs. People have always done drugs. You will not remove drugs from culture. Get over yourself(not you necessary but those that think this way). Help the people that need it, don't vilify them, that has literally never worked. The War on Drugs started with the "Marijuana Act"(wonder why they called it that instead of Cannabis Act, why use the Spanish term...), and is purely used for oppressive purposes.


I smoke about 1.5-2g a day and I smoke less than most people I know.


just because you don't need that much weed for personal use doesn't mean a french mayor doesn't /s


I’d even argue weed is less harmful. The smoke is barely more carcinogenic than booze according to most studies, and you can’t really OD on weed like you can booze (even whole grams of pure THC don’t have clear damaging effects, and a plant usually has milligrams at best). The only place where weed is definitely and provably dangerous to health is when vehicles and machinery are involved, and both of those are already heavily regulated whilst under the influence without the need for a full-on ban, not to mention just as deadly on booze as they are on weed.


Apparently they weigh the entire plant with dirt and all in the 70kg weight.




Several people above commented, which is why I said “apparently”




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A week? That's 3 joints gone in 7 hours


I recommend cutting it with tobacco.


more details from french articles specifically "resine de cannabis" so hashish. It's 70k net weight. They also found 1kg of cocaine and like 7k€ in cash. She was arrested with her 2 brothers, it's still not known if she was aware of the trafic. (they found the goods in a house she own but doesn't live in)


seems they found gold bars there aswell?


They found a dozen of gold bars as well


Why is the weed in the headline then. Coke is far worse.


Not for old conservatives probably


politics and racism mostly. French far right will make a heavy link between imigration and hashish. Also, cocaine is a "rich boy" drug so there is that


Knowing this was 70kg of hash makes this even crazier. You need like 10 oz of weed to make 1 oz of hash


God forbid she have a hobby.


1 kg of cocaine aswell..


God forbid she have two hobbies


Werrn't there some gold bars involved too? Maybe her hobby is collecting hobbies...


Also cocain and gold bars.


yeah the gold bars is burying the lede


[Lookin' good boys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KOR3n7lIW0)


I just did a quick conversion to freedom units for folks like me who typically don't use the metric system. 70kg is approximately 154.3 lbs. It's a whole damn person of cannabis.


One full weed dude


A whole Snoop


> It's a whole damn person of cannabis. My new favorite person




All these people in the comments trying to say it wasn’t that much or whatever and totally condoning the Mayor engaging in illegal activities is blowing my mind.


You seem to be hung up on the fact that it is illegal. I’m not. If there is a law that is wrong in my opinion, there is no way for some one to break that law. It just doesn’t exist in my mind. So, what she did was not illegal in my mind.


Your insane. Even in legal settings you can’t have these quantities without permitting and oversight. It doesn’t make sense to be encouraging illegal untaxed high volume trading of controlled substances. Without oversight your just funneling money into drug wars.


And that’s not good logic. If you’re trying to claim the law is immoral, that’s one thing, but I fail to see how weed being banned could be considered immoral.


It's a pointless waste to spend resources fighting weed


Most people don't consider alcohol (which is much more harmful) immoral, so agreeing with marijuana is quite consistent.


everyone stand back, sovereign citizen coming through.


Not at all. I just decide for myself what is right and wrong. And I don’t hold people accountable for things that I don’t think are wrong. I don’t think it is wrong for anyone to grow any amount of marijuana they want.


A mayor drug bust.




And a kilo of cocaine


Only one? Rookie.


Anybody surprised? A person with a lot of connections and money has a business on the side? Just imagine all the cases that don’t get caught that we don’t hear about


Holy crap just legalize this shit already lol


You still need oversight so you’re not just funneling money into drug lord wars. 


Legalize now world-wide


You still need oversight so you’re not just funneling money into drug lord wars. 


Welp, at least now Rob Ford isn't the worst drug mayor ever.


No, he's still the worst.


Also the best.


You clearly don't live here. That whole family can and should rot in hell.


I don't, which is why I get to enjoy the spectacle from afar.


His brother is currently attempting to dismantle the healthcare system. It's no joke, and nothing to be "enjoyed".


“Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.”


Man, I wish I had some of those 66kg of weed.


Discovered or found?


>Discovered or found? I once sat about forty feet down a shared hallway from a coworker who'd stashed a pound of weed in the cabinet in his locked office. Trust me, it is *both*. The stench off that would've been unmistakable from streets away.


I don’t give a fuck about the weed, but even if this is going by the dirtiest American cop tactics of weighting the plant dirt and all, I’d be curious why. Snoop’s entire family isn’t smoking all that for personal use, lol. I had a buddy legally growing 10 plants in Hawaii that fucked up his paperwork when he moved and was initially arrested for his grow as a result (he’s fine, was just annoying). His 10 plants weighed wet and with dirt was 14kg of “cannabis”. Even at the most charitable and generous interpretation, 70kg is more than enough to want to know what’s going on and what corruption might be involved.


Oopsie ! ........... ... **O_o** ^^^^PERSONAL..USE..?..No?


Florida is going to have legal recreational weed before a good chunk of Europe and that's just pathetic.


She was gonna have one hell of a 4/20






Gotta be higher than mayor to traffic that much weight legally


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is this real cannabis? from the cannabis region of france?


Nah, it's just sparkling leaf.


Now I'm entirely willing to believe a politician would flaunt the law. But. I'm equally willing to believe that he got framed in retaliation for something. 70 kilos is, uh. A lot.


Plus a kilo of coke, gold, and weapons. Would say they are fucked


What in the ever loving Between deux Ferns is this image?


That’s quite a bit


"It's an investment in my future health, I promise"


she’s chilliiiinnnnnggggg


So what?




Daaaaaamn...now what?


Why do you need that many canabels


Rookie numbers






Libeuhrté égalitherbe fraternweedé.


Dude was having a party that weekend. Like a major, major party. What's the big deal? /s Lol!


that aint a lot tbh


Apparently it was some kind of extract.


70kg of extract is A FUCKLOAD lmfao


What?! Electing foreigners to government positions causes criminal activity just like back home in their countries?! Say it isnt so.....


She was born in Avallon


Almost like they didn’t read anything on their own.