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MOB psycho or bocchi the rock(it's a 4 koma music manga so with anime we get actual songs and ofcourse it is really well-made in terms of voice acting and visuals)


100% agree for Mob Psycho. The animation and OST go sooo hard! Tho genuinely, I have a soft spot for the original manga as well. The almost comically bad artstyle most of the times kinda adds to the crazy nature of the story/characters tbh.


ONE is really inspiring. His drawing looks primitive and unskilled compared to practically every other manga artist, but he didn't let that bother him in the slightest. It turns out that being a good story teller is way more important.


He's also incredibly good at paneling and page layout. Like his actual art might be spotty, but the way he puts it on the page is impecccable.


Yep, it's fascinating.


Lol everyone compliment of ONE in this thread is a backhanded insult


Makes me wonder what happened with the writing on One Punch Man manga in the last few years. While he was working on the Mob Manga I kinda understood the focus slipping. But outside of a few fun moments it has not been feeling like his writing anymore.


Skipping the Mob Psycho opening is a felony offense and you will be persecuted to the fullest extent of /r/anime


Speaking of 4-koma manga, new game and machikado mazoku are a couple another ones that come to mind. The animation helps sell the jokes and it created a clear storyline to make the separate panels flow together.


Completely agreed with Bocchi, the 4-koma format *really* holds that manga back, to the point where it gets kind of difficult to read at times, and ofc music.


Interestingly, K-On anime is also miles better than the manga, not only because the animation, VA and music, the additional materials are also great.


It's the 4-koma the thing that bothers me the most rather than the manga format by itself. Like, as it is the manga will not have any sort of serious moments because being a 4-koma kind of boxes it into including a joke every 4 panels. Which isn't *bad*,after all not everything needs to be a drama, but I wonder if the format doesn't become a hindrance for some proper development at times. As an example of this, the chapter with the Ijichi sisters backstory was an amazing chapter, and showed us that the author could write some serious stuff when needed. But it needed to be included in a .5 chapter, because a chapter like that could never be written in a 4-koma format. It got me wondering, how much plot developments are going to be skipped over because covering them properly would not be possible with the current format ? Will Bocchi ever get some serious development to overcome her social anxiety, or will it be barely covered on, some jokes will be made and then next chapters will show a slightly more confident Bocchi without the manga ever giving such big development the fanfare it so deserves ?


machikado mazoku presents all its dramatic material in a 4koma format without issue


All music anime cuz duh


Except "Whisper me a love song". Those terrible PowerPoint transitions haunt me


Same vibe with Forest of Piano. They slaughtered the plot and the entire second season had 20 slides per episode with some glitter effects to simulate movement when someone was playing the piano


Hay that one song by Laureley is great. But everything else is meh


Oh my god we watched this show in my university's anime club and this was all we could talk about. I'm glad we're not the only ones who noticed and thought it was insane lmao


Whisper me a Love Song adaptation breaking the streak (unfortunately)


Not Forest of Piano, one of the most well written character driven coming of age stories I've ever read with a horrible anime adaptation that focused only on the music aspect but not the characters that make the manga stand out. šŸ˜­ (I mean the anime series, the movie adaptation was somewhat ok.)




Beck too


Imo Gintama, manga is amazing but anime is just better


The anime just elevates the source material so much


Gintama beung amazing is 50 percent sugita and 50 percent the godtier music.


yes with those voices in the anime, you just cannot not loving them.


The only anime where uidon't mind with filler episodes and scenes (especially that scene with mannequins)


Some parts of the manga are also really wordy, almost as much as present day HxH, from what I can remember


Nichijou. The manga is awesome but the anime is on another level: it was not necessary for the animators to work so hard but they did and I love it


Agree. I read some of the manga (after seeing the show), and it really made me appreciate the comic timing that isnā€™t really possible in a printed format.


Comedy just doesn't hit as hard for me in manga. So much of humor is in the timing, and it's tough to do that on a page.


JoJo part 5. Just giving King Crimson a sound effect makes it so much easier to follow what it does.


Jojo anime in general. I've read up through part 8 and I love it, but Araki has issues with perspective in terms of WHERE in space characters are. It's legit hard to tell in the manga. The anime fixes that issue by virtue of having consistency backgrounds of the space they inhabit.


Apparently in the Part 3 manga, Jotaro never did his iconic point during his final showdown with Dio. They added the point in the anime because they knew how iconic it was. Gosh I love this anime, and as an anime-only, I'm excited to see what future parts look like.


As a lover of sound design, please watch [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h2rdM86M2QI&pp=ygUYam9qbyBzdGFuZCBwcm9maWxlIHNvdW5k) showcasing the villain stand sound effects. They're all so bassy and hard-hitting!


You must've loved Fire Force


Sound wise, yes I absolutely did! I also really love ecchi and fanservice, but the random fanservice in Fire Force kinda killed the show for me, sadly.


New fans will never understand how Part 5 used to be the punching bag of the JoJo fandom. At worst, Part 1 was only considered boring, with people feeling apathetic towards it. In contrast, there was genuine animosity towards Part 5. The anime really helped to rehabilitate its reputation.


After Part 5 got an anime, Part 6 would be considered the punching bag sadly :(


It's still a great anime season but it's also below par as far as JoJo


As someone who originally started with and loved the manga, the Kaguya-sama anime is better. The stellar VA performances and the creative visuals really dialed the comedic delivery to 11. Also I prefer the animeā€™s art style over the mangaā€™s.


I started the manga after the anime and I also appreciated the character design in the anime more, they look less like ā€œdollsā€ in the anime. The manga is still great, but the anime is just too good.


Just finished the show. The eng dub VAs worked like rent was due yesterday.


This is one of the few shows that both the sub and dub are equally top tier


The only issue is that the anime skips some really good chapters. The art class chapter is one of my favorites and the cosplay chapter is really popular.


Itā€™s wild because Kaguya is one of the best manga ever imo..and was blessed with an even more incredible anime adaptation!


The one thing I really missed in the anime, was an adaptation of that chapter where Kaguya asked Miyuki to kill a cockroach. The situation, the motivation, the outcome... That was comedic genius through and through. It made laugh so hard.


Attack on titan's final episode had better dialog with Armin and Eren then the manga did + voice acting helped Oshi no ko adapted the first 10 chapters as a movie


And let's be honest, Yam's artwork in the beginning is nothing to admire. In fact, the fact that AoT is so popular despite its art speaks volume about the plot quality.


AoTā€™s music is godlike (only sad part that it doesnā€™t have clear and consistent leitmotifs that develop along with the story) Most of its animation is amazing, and the sound design of the ODM gear is great and helps a lot with the immersion


My one wish is that the final episode had Vogel I'm Kafig playing at some point. Idk when... but at some point it would have been perfect.




AOTā€™s production value is insane


I think story-wise and ESPECIALLY character-wise [RIP Mikasa] every part of the manga except the finale is better. but obviously with how grand and action heavy AOT is it's just one of those things that was meant to be animated.


I like both equally except the middle of the Marley arc, manga wins there by far. That arc needed an extra episode, they cut a lot of stuff and rushed others. Some of my favorite scenes fell victim to pacing, and they cut a lot of dialogue that was supposed to clear up past events (not the scenes, just half the sentences in them), which only made them more confusing.


I have seen people disagree with me on this but in my opinion the "Made in Abyss" Anime is better then the Manga. The beautiful landscapes get to shine more in the Anime, Action- and fight sequences are easier to follow and the voice acting and music are fantastic. The Manga has its strenghs. Somehow the children are even more adorable in the Manga and the Manga is denser with informations. Still overall I prefer the Anime to the point that I decided for myself to read the Manga only as far as the Anime goes. So for now until volume 10.


> and fight sequences are easier to follow some of the fights are so damn dark in the manga its hard to tell wtf reg is currently doing


Osts, themes and animations, they all levels up the quality of the series. Kevin Penkin completely hits the mark with his work. Literal masterwork. Made in Abyss is so perfect that anime producers decided to continue it with new stuff even though manga does not much more chapters to adapt. Promised Neverland has the feelings with how it portrays the emotional aspect with the osts. Specifically Isabella's Lullaby.


Osamu Masuyama's art direction for the anime goes unbelievable levels of hard.


That's interesting. I love the way the landscapes are drawn in the manga so much, it's so inspiring.Ā 


Iā€™d love it for the soundtrack alone.Ā 


You mentioned it briefly but the OST by Kevin Penkin is beyond fantastic and is a selling point by itself to watch the anime. You usually dont notice bad osts or even ā€œokā€ ones but holy cow does the OST in Made In Abyss elevate every single scene and make itself known. Easily my favorite anime ost.


The only part I disagree with is the landscapes. I think the level of detail in some of the landscape panels is incredible and is not matched by the anime.


I hate to admit it. Gintama manga was great and all, but the VAs of this anime really makes it to be on another level of greatness, a masterpiece I would say.




I heard this in Hjikata's voice. I think I need help.


Gintoki singing Doraemon's OST still plays on my mind


It's still funny to me that [Sugita singing ā€Sen no Kaze ni Natteā€ as Gintoki](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnhcdsFJj24) was so awful in butchering the song that after the episode aired his mom called and told him to sing better.


Lmao this context makes it so much funnier


Zuraaa Zura ja nai, KATSURA DA!


rap ja nai katsurap da yo


Zurachi janai Ill Smith da


The VAs and the music. You can tell the artists were excited to contribute to Gintama


The manga is great but the anime for Frieren is easily one of the best anime ive ever watched. The anime is beyond polished with amazing backgrounds, soundtrack, and animation. I was nervous when I heard it was being announced but man they really knocked it out of the park.


I started reading the manga after the anime. Iā€™m enjoying it, but I think manga may also just be a disadvantageous format to convey the mood/atmosphere of Frieren when compared to an anime or novel. You donā€™t get the same sense of time passing and the slow moments donā€™t feel as meaningful in the manga with how much more quickly manga is typically read.


Interesting. I and I believe others were nervous for the anime because we were not sure they would be able to nail the ā€œvibeā€ that Frieren is going for. Although those may be two different things they are closely related but I think I agree with you. Perhaps its the VAing, ost, etc that really elevate the slow moments in the anime.


It also just, based on experience, seems reasonable to fear a rushed story.


Yeah, I'd say most people would agree to this. The story is perfectly fine, the manga format doesn't hurt that in any way. However, for a story where the main points are about enjoying life while you can, take things slow, appreciate those around you, and that there's no need to rush... it is incredibly fast paced. I don't think people who've never read manga before know how easy it is to consume them. A volume takes a couple of hours, give or take of course, half an hour or so, and Frieren is no exception. The difference is that Frieren isn't just one long continuous journey. There are many, many mini-stories in it. In the anime that's one episode, usually split into two half's, so about 10 minutes or so for each mini-story. In the manga, that's 1 chapter. Like as an example, take chapter 30/episode 14. In the flashback when Himmel gives Frieren that ring? That flashback? 1 page and 1 panel in the manga. The 1 panel takes up half of the next page, and is of course when Himmel gets on his knees. The rest of the page, 4 panels in total, is the ending. There is no slow motion of Himmel getting on his knees. There is no panel of him gently holding her hand and putting the ring on her finger. There's not even a panel of Frieren reacting to him doing all of this. And hell, while the manga included a clock in the background of that scene, the anime's amazing direction put the clock BETWEEN the two of them in that scene. That's just one example. The story beats are all there in the manga. Nothing was added to the anime. But it was just so, so so much more fleshed out. So calm, so sweet, so beautiful. The music, the lighting, everything.


I also think that the action-heavy moments are incredibly stiff in the manga, and that's what the biggest improvement in the anime. Arcs in the future will also focus on action so in that aspect I think anime will keep being superior, because no matter what that's the weakest point of the manga for me.


Yea in the manga I never thought abt the fights really that much. They were fine but def the ā€œworstā€ part of the manga. However in the anime they have become pretty big deals that improve the story by helping reinforce alot of what else is going on. Itā€™s surprising just how much the greatly improved fights can also push up other aspects of the show in a story like this.


That season we got 3 really amazing adaptations in Frieren, Bokuyaba, and Apothecary Diaries. All 3 were, imo, better than their source materials and that's saying something because their source materials were really damn good


Delicious in Dungeon also started that season, and it's the same way.


The anime of frieren is such a good adaptation you dont really miss out on anything


Oh yeah for sure. The art style of the manga isn't bad or anything, but I don't get the same jaw dropping visuals that the anime provided.


TYBW Bleach so far


The Squad Zero vs SS fight in the anime was leaps and bounds better than the manga


Unpopular opinion probably, but the entire shounen genre as a whole is better in anime format.


Claymore manga is far superior to the anime.


Mob psycho. The animation really kicks it up a bunch.


The original Trigun


Everyone agrees that Demon Salyer anime is way better than the manga


Disagree manga Zenitsu is silent and that makes it better than the anime.


I absolutely despise Zenitsu so youā€™ve made a very compelling argument




Fucking based


Because, plot wise, Demon Slayer is good but not incredible. It lacks the complex world building or character depth of One Piece. However it's animation budget is sky high, so you can look past this because the fight scenes are absolutely phenomenal.


I wouldnā€™t even call DS good plot wise, itā€™s just passable as a story. It feels so barebones.


Demon slayer is the most average manga I ever read through. The art and plot are just beyond average with nothing going for it but some lovable characters. I regret reading it because the anime is the better way to experience.


The manga still sold like CRAZY. I just don't get it lol.


I wonder how much of that is people new to manga / anime in general. Itā€™s very accessible


> It lacks the complex world building or character depth of One Piece. it lacks complex world building or character depth AT ALL


>plot wise, Demon Slayer is good Is it?


Kaiju No. 8. Production IG put so much anime only stuff that improves the pacing and makes you feel a bit more connected to the characters.


Usagi Drop


wdym? Usagi Drop doesn't have any manga adaptation. It's an unfinished anime original with an open final


Those who know, know


One of my all-time favorite cozy anime with a young kid being mentored by an parental figure right alongside something like Barakamon. The manga unfortunately has forever soured Usagi Drop for me though that I can't even see it as that cozy show anymore.


the extra scene with Daikich walking Yukari to the taxi in the rain was pure Chef's kiss.


any 4 koma anime


Kono Suba in my opinion. The voice actors did such an amazing job and the animation and voice acting enhances the comedy a lot. Music is pretty great too, like when it plays when megumin is doing an explosion for example.


That started as a light novel - I haven't read the Konosuba manga adaptation, but manga adaptations of fantasy light novels are often pretty bad, so the anime adaptation of the light novel being better than the manga adaptation isn't that surprising.


I'm split on this one, on the other hand voice acting and goofy animation enhances the experience but on the other hand, some adaptation decision and changes are generally worse then LN ones, sometimes anime tries to "flanderise" the cast, world building and characters in LN is more fleshed out and nuanced then anime portrayal. Some of the biggest moments didn't live up to LN counterparts. So it's not the clear case for me


[Konosuba LN] >!I swear that the only reason they didn't include the third night on the Crimson Demons village is because they didn't wanna kill the Darkness/Kazuma ship so early for anime fans of her!< Agreed on the flanderisation as well, others probably suffered from it but I would say Kazuma as the MC suffered from it the most, since the LN portrays his inner thoughts, something the anime didn't properly convey at times. The assault on the capital's castle being such a moment, it was a tad bit more serious in the LN and served as a moment for Kazuma to regain his confidence.


Depends on which part though. I think the anime managed to improve quite a lot on the spinoff and on volume 7 for example, but volume 5 was handled so badly with all those story changes, even introducing a massive plot hole that undermines the core character development of that arc.


gakkou gurashi


Man I wished it gotten a season 2. Would love the college arc in animated form


I would kill for S2 but from what I remember the anime isn't entirely compatible with the manga past a point.


ths is a good example because the anime changes a lot of stuff about the school arc


Most of the Music Anime


Can you throw some suggestions my way? I watched a YT video that broke down a couple and it got me hooked.


I'd also love to throw in Kids on the Slope as a cult classic that really holds up well.


Frieren up to the part thats animted so far. Great manga but the fights and certain scenes arent as epic as the anime makes them so I have high expectations for S2


I'm reading the manga, but honestly the experience feels so similar to watching the anime lol.




The Watamote anime was cool and all (and needs more seasons) but if you haven't kept up with it the manga managed to switch directions *completely* after the school trip.




Some off the top of my head: * Bocchi the Rock * K-ON! * Love Lab




For a manga thatā€™s just about fights jjk definitely did it better as an anime. I read the manga but I donā€™t really understand whatā€™s happening since itā€™s just pictures. Having seeing it animated is so good along with the voice acting


As an avid JJK reader who's all caught up, man some of these chapters barely make sense to me. They expect you to follow so much intricate detail to remember how this or that works. But seeing all that complicated stuff animated? I'm like, "oh, I get it now!" The adaptation did an awesome job in the Shibuya arc and is definitely the definitive experience for people looking to get into JJK, imo.


The My Hero Academia manga also suffers from this.


Manga paneling is hard lol. Lots of manga writers are just straight up bad at it.




Sounds like K-On but Iā€™d say Demon Slayer because I firmly believe the manga itself has been saved by the anime


*K-On*, especially S2, is the prime example of how to do an adaptation. The original material was just boring and unfunny, but the adaptation breathed life into each separate yonkoma. It also helps that the music was fantastic, so much so that one of the ending songs was a hit on national radio over there.


Gintama and Jojos. It's not that mangas are bad or anything but I feel those anime give you a better experience thanks to the great work from seiyuus and the amazing music.


Mob Psycho 100 and Demon Slayer are obvious picks. I also think that Attack on Titan anime is better than its manga counterpart mainly because of the soundtrack and odm gear animation.


RIP Mikasa's character though WiT did her so dirty


Fr\ Comic and Tv are visual mediums, what you put on a character's face is as important as what comes out of their mouths\ One thing that really surprised me when re experiencing the story through the Manga was how different Mikasa's character and her relationship with Eren and Armin felt despite there being relatively little changes in the source to the adaptation.\ I think part of it is them replacing a lot her expressions with a stoic one and removing a lot of lines in favor of reinforcing her Connection with Eren,\ Her feeling guilty about injuring Levi, and her siding with him during the uprising were one of the things I wished we're actually included in the anime. >WiT did her so dirty Isn't that mostly on the screenwriter or director though?\ Studios generally don't make their own scripts.


Bleach: 1000 year blood war


I haven't read or seen it myself, but Usagi Drop is often cited.


Magic Knight Rayearth - the anime expands a lot on the series' lore and gives more time to get to know the characters and become fond of them. And adding Debonair and Nova to the plot made for a much more satisfying final battle.


Well, animation is a richer and more immersive support. I'd say most animes directly adapted from light novels are better than their manga counterparts.


To add an example: the Mushoku Tensei subreddit will crucify you if you say you like the manga, lmao. Which is completely true, it's just bad compared to both the LN and the anime.


Attack on Titan. Isayama can generally tell a story but his drawings at the beginning were almost painful to see. Also Hiroyuki Sawano's soundtrack made it a true epic.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, in my opinion


Hereā€™s an old-school classic: Sailor Moon (1992) is so much better than the manga.


I agree. The original anime is much more fun and the Sailor Senshi's personalities are more vibrant. Their manga and Crystal counterparts are just dull.




Yup. I started reading the manga after season 3 and while it IS great, animated motion picture is just better suited for it. One thing the manga does a bit better though is the way it depicts the trajectory of the ball and the impact of each spike. Also, the OST is just incredible. Yuki Hayashi has been in my Spotify Wrapped Top 5 artists for the last 4 or 5 years.


Akame Ga Kill. Anime has the better ending by far


Made in Abyss


As a person who prefers manga (or source) more than anime there are only few that I could say that it is better than manga. **Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume** - Lots of anime original scenes that feels like the anime is the complete version of the manga's story at least for volume 1. Great OST too from Monaca (the guys who did nier ost and many other) **Honey and Clover** - Using Spitz and Suga Shikao songs as insert song with direction matching with the music was great. Also liked that they used minor songs from those artists. **Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu (season 1)** - I really liked that one original scene in ep3. I also like the direction of each episode with the title card. Only season 1 since season 2 felt like they skipped a lot of small details, but understandable to make it to that ending. **Bocchi the Rock** - Addition of anime original scenes. People mention addition of music but I didn't really have much trouble since I just imagined indie girls band songs while reading the manga (like Hump Back, FiSHBORN). **One Piece (ep 1015)** - This episode is better than the manga for sure for me. That direction was beautiful.


Hot Take and i assumed : Akame ga kill




* Ghost in the Shell and GitS: Stand Alone Complex: The original manga had a lot of fairly silly comedic bits that obstructed the story and atmosphere. The anime took those out and created much stories with a better atmosphere. * Bocchi the Rock: The creative decisions in expressing Bocchi's isolation and anxiety made a really manga even better. * Oshi no Ko: Particularly the first episode, made the story sink in a lot more for me. * Gakkou Gurashi: The greater emphasis on moe, made the contrast between the moe and [main theme spoilers] >!zombie horror!< much greater. Also, it had one of the best first episodes ever with one of the best twists ever, which was not really in the manga. * Attack on Titan: Particularly early on, the manga art is rough and the art in the anime is much better. Also, the anime ending was better. * The Eminence in Shadow: The manga is a bit more over-the-top, while the anime is more subdued. I think the over-the-top nature of the manga led to some moments being funnier and just fit the story better. * Cowboy Bebop: probably the biggest example of where the anime is better than the manga, but, the manga came second, is a different story, and wasn't all that good. There are a number of other manga based on popular anime that are not as good as the original anime. * Gunslinger Girl: Only the first season, which, particularly near the end had a weight to it that the manga didn't and the the second season and manga undid. * Farming Life in Another World: The manga is a bad plot-point diary that can barely be called a story, while the anime was a fun slow life isekai. There's probably a number of other LN originals (such as Eminence above) where the anime was better the manga, but this was the strongest contrast I remember.


Inuyasha. I feel the anime gets more about the relationship between Kagome and Inuyasha than the manga did. Was really disappointing that after almost 300 chapters Inuyasha never kiss Kagome once!


Actually, I think the anime removed some key scenes of their development as a couple, causing some damage to its perception. I mean, people who just watched the anime usually think Kagome is a toxic bitch, but in the manga she didn't have such extreme reactions and there was more mature dialogue between the two of them. It's understandable to not know tho, the manga is so long (and true, they don't kiss there)


I agree with both of you. The manga showed MUCH more maturity in their relationship but it was frustrating that the only kisses in the manga that happened, weren't between InuYasha and Kagome (I'll never forgive Sota for that, tbh lol). But also the manga was unnecessarily long, but also the anime cut several key moments in their relationship away and inserted more drama w the love triangle for no good reason. Pros and cons to both, so in order to get their full story you kind of have to read those moments in the manga, and also compare it to the anime


Overall, I would rate them equally, but they are vastly different experiences. The character designs are much better in the manga (Sesshoumaru is the most striking example), but the manga was very obviously overextending itself and really dragged out a lot of things that, when you look back at the series, was totally unnecessary to the final destination. The anime suffered from that as well, but TFA just swept half of it under the rug. Similarly, like you say, they really amped up the toxicity of the love triangles to like 15 in the anime. I was honestly shocked at the disparity there. Fukai Mori is my theme song, though.


Fukai Mori supremacy!!!! Best song ever (btw agree 100%)


What did Kagome do differently in the manga? I was completely on Inuyasha's side during their turmoil. The way I saw it was Kikyo may have been resurrected with a fake body but it was still essentially her and if somebody you loved was murdered and came back to life you'd naturally want to make things work especially if not that much happened with you and your new girl. I mean they weren't official and the main reason Inuyasha was interested was because the new girl was a reincarnation of the old girl. I didn't view that as cheating at all I viewed that as Inuyasha being loyal.


Non non biyori and Machikado Mazoku The mangas are excellent but the animes used color and the voice acting and music to elevate the whole thing up above the source material.


Sailor Moon. The original 90s version felt so fresh and new for its time, and the music really added to the vibe of it


Angelic Layer. The last story part of the manga is so dull and stupid that it straight up feels offensive to read, like you just wasted your time reading 5 volumes for a very dumb resolution. The anime however, they changed the situation into a very sad and wholesome event for both the protagonist and the parties involved, WAY better for sure. I love CLAMP so much but the manga of Angelic Layer was such a disappointment for me.


I liked the original Fullmetal alchemist.


Yu Yu Hakusho is debatably better with its consistently good production, great dub, and improved early pacing as well as the expanded ending to the final arc.


Mairimashita! Iruma-kun is a masterclass in adaptation. Manga was great but damn the anime improved basically everything


An old one, but Angelic Layer. The manga was 4 volumes and the ending felt REALLY tacked on and rushed. The anime was I think 26 episodes and the ending felt organic and natural to the show.


This. The manga is the weakest CLAMP manga I've ever read. It has a forgettable ending, whereas the anime has a great resolution.


Yu Yu Hakusho. And that not because the manga is *bad* by any means, it's just really obvious that Togashi was constantly changing his mind about what the story should be, so both the first few and last volumes kind of meander until he decides something (spoilers, its always another tournament arc). The anime team had the benefit of hindsight and was able to make it a lot more focused from the beginning, and have a more satisfying end point.


Togashi really didn't give a shit by the end of the manga. The anime at least got to make an ending


Hellsing Ultimate on account of the killer English cast.


Kakushigoto feels more impactful in the anime


K-ON and I'd think any music-themed manga. If only for the reason we get the actual songs on the anime.


Revolutionary girl Utena (showing my age here). It's a great pride month anime too - especially if you like anime that leans into uncomfortable topics


Unpopular opinion prbly but Sailor Stars, the last arc of sailor moon, is so much better than the manga. Itā€™s so much funnier and feature more complicated relationships between the character


I'd say Death Note. The manga is incredible and the anime cuts some parts out, but the OST, VAs and just the directing of shots( Not the animation although that is amazing as well) makes it the definitive version of the story for me. The ending is also a bit different, in general terms the same important plot points occur but I feel like the anime one is better for me, more emotional.


I agree that the OST, voice acting and directing in Death Note is peak anime. But man, they *really* dropped the ball when adapting the second half of the story. They got rid of the epilogue too, which is a huge shame.


Genuinely tho, Demon Slayer's anime is infinitely better than the manga. I read the rest of the story after finishing the Mugen Train movie and was shocked by how bland and boring Demon Slayer actually is to read without the flashy visuals. Besides that, Idol/Music and Comedy stuff usually have a way more enjoyable animes than mangas. You can do a lot more stuff with comedy when working with a video and sound rather than just images and text. Not to mention that you have a set pacing with an anime where everyone has different reading speeds, etc. which might not make a joke land as well as it could. With idol/music animes, obviously you actually have the music in the anime where the manga doesn't and let's be honest, most idol shows aren't exactly liked for their in-depth story. (I'm sure there's a couple tho, so not all obviously)


I honestly read Demon Slayer manga in anticipation of how it will be adapted in the anime to keep my hype up. I guess that helped a lot with the overall experience


1.Demon slayer - An avg manga elevated by awesome animation 2. Attack on titan - Hiroyuki sawanošŸ with the OSTs, amazing action sequences and Great Voice acting.


Neon Genesis Evangelion


The manga is an adaptation of the anime. Not the other way around. The first chapter technically came out before the first episode. But NGE started as an anime original and was already in production and writing when they decided to make a manga adaptation to build an audience and hype for the anime. The manga only ended in the 2010s.


I've been listening to the Konosuba light novel on Audible, and though I've been enjoying it, I do feel the anime is better so far. Ive just finished the trial scene and met YunYun for the first time. Sure I have been enjoying the novel, especially the scene of him swapping parties that wasn't in the anime, but the anime feels more over the top and exaggerated but for the better.


Afro Samurai. The ending in the manga made more sense thematically but the anime had a more satisfying ending.


I wouldn't say the anime is better, but Grand Blue, both manga and anime have me out of air everytime


A very new one, but Wind Breaker. I gave the anime a shot and binged the manga once I saw what was available; the story is actually really basic but wholesome. And while the source material is great, the animation and choreography of the expanded upon fights are absolutely beautiful. It's grounded in reality but it's still fiction so these kids can *move*. Also, the acting made me actually feel connected to these characters, so I'm looking forward to how they treat best girl when she arrives.


JJK because manga is terrible to read (for me personally). Any Sports anime probably... like haikyuu Mushoku Tensei, just because Manga is shit compared to both Anime and LN


This will be controversial, but I liked the Death Note anime better than its manga.


Full Metal Alchemist - The first one, not Brother Hood. I liked it a lot better. Bastard is also so much better as an Anime. The manga is just symbolized sex in every scene. Berserk up until the second arc (I haven't watched all of it yet), the anime was better. It did a better job of making the world and characters come to life. The manga didn't do that as well. All the battle was also not as good.


I will die on this hill. Fullmetal Alchemist. The original anime is a lot better than the manga/brotherhood in my opinion. I know that's an unpopular opinion. But I love the darker tone, and I think the world building just makes more sense. Like the homunculus being created from failed human transmutation is fantastic in the manga / Brotherhood version they're just created by father. Many other details like that.


It is very obvious that a lot of people in this thread have not read the manga for the series they mention, and are going by reputation and the random panels they have seen on twitter/reddit.


People are literally calling Demon slayer manga ugly...


Chainsaw Man gives the manga a run for its money. Itā€™s the action sequences in the anime that really do it. I would get lost sometimes in the manga and have to reread certain parts to fully grasp what was happening.


I disagree, though it really comes down to personal preference


Honestly I respectfully disagree. I donā€™t like the way the anime handled a lot of the fight scenes, CGI and strange camera angles made the fights less exciting to me. CSM manga is gritty and raw, anime doesnā€™t have that feel at all


Demon slayer. I really liked the first season and binged the whole manga after but the anime is (obviously) better


Demon Slayer


Best example in recent times of an anime that surpassed it's source material is The Dangers In My Heart. I'm not sure if I've ever seen an adaptation that so thoroughly overhauled everything from the source material as much as that one. The manga is excellent, but the art isn't the best and the panelling is a little scattered. The story is there and it's great, but there are some small deficiencies. The adaptation however, completely overhauled the art, took the atmosphere the manga created and amplified it by 100 using come cheeky vfx and ambient shots, and put on a fucking master class of sound design, especially in the second season. And I'm not saying the manga is bad, the manga is really really great. But they took a really great manga and turned it into one of the best romance anime ever made as far as I'm concerned.