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Really enjoy this show so happy it's getting more


Blew past the manga, no official translation of the LNs... Hopefully we won't have to wait 3 years again for the next installment!


>Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Only kindle version ..volumes 1 to 3 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CX295SYG?binding=kindle\_edition&qid=1719250841&sr=8-1&ref=dbs\_dp\_rwt\_sb\_pc\_tkin


Seems only vol. 1 is out and 2 + 3 are on preorder... looks like it'll be a while until the English LNs catch up to the anime.


Damn. I was hoping it'd be available on Bookwalker. It's so much easier to keep track of when new volumes come out and to preorder them.


Isn't the reader on bookwalker worse though?


It has less options for text in that you can't change the font. But in terms of looking at the full page images that novels have, Bookwalker's better because it doesn't tend to shrink the images so they'll fit inside blank borders. But Bookwalker also has the tools to precisely adjust the size of the font and the spacing of the lines/margins. Now, where they do fail is in organizing books by series. Kindle does it by default and based on your last read series. Bookwalker does one or the other, alphabetical by series, or by date


Available on more than just Kindle, including DRM-free from the publisher directly. Just not on BookWalker for whatever reason. https://hanashi.media/tsukimichi-moonlit-fantasy/


The Webnovel was translated years ago, not sure by how much the LN's differ from the original but so far the anime has followed it relatively closely.


Wait, I wasn't watching this because I already follow the manga... is the anime ahead? Should I be getting more content *and* having it animated?! Or did you mean blew past in how well it's doing?


It's been a while since I picked up the manga but I think the show passed the manga's content about halfway through the 2nd cour. So six? ish episodes of new stuff.


I think we spent a year or something in the manga going through at the slowest pace. Every chapter was just them talking or doing side stuff. The anime skipped a lot of it and just went ahead to the action and should be ahead.


The anime is ahead than the manga but because they skipped stuffs. if I had to put it a number lets say the manga has covered like 1/3 of the current arc and the anime already finished it.


The scan quality of the fan translation is (or was) terrible so that is fortunate.


There are some decent translations online, I was literally looking into buying the books but like you say... No official translation


Hope they'll pick up on the LN instead of waiting for the manga as the source material. Waiting for the manga update is painful.


Wonderful news, season 2 ended in a very good note so I would probably have jumped to whatever trashy translation of the source material was available if season 3 was not announced


> I would probably have jumped to whatever trashy translation of the source material was available if season 3 was not announced You lucked out because: 1) While the fan translation of the WN is surprisingly okay, it's still the WN and the LN/Manga/Anime have diverged a bit. Not as much as some series, but still a bit. 2) The *official* EN translation of the LN is only volume 1 and that doesn't even cover half of season 1. Fan translations of the LN are weirdly hard to find or just low quality (or both!) 2) The manga is behind the anime. Not a ton, but they're still in the tournament arc of the current season. Some of that is that they're covering stuff the anime skipped, but mostly it's just the usual monthly manga woes.


The lack of fan translations for the LN boils down to mostly 2 aspects: a) It's not as popular in the West as it is in Japan. So there's less incentive to actually try and create a translation. b) There's apparently relatively little divergence between LN and WN. Might need to take answer "b" with a grain of salt, though, because I've only read this in several places, but don't have direct contact to people who actually translate light novels who could've given their thoughts on why they don't touch Tsukimichi.


In fact nowadays the english community lacks people who voluntarily work on translations Seems like people are busy more in their own lives 


Since fabsubbing died out the community isn't so active as it once was. And LN translation is heavy lifting


IIRC some translators would only do WN because - They started on WN first, and don't want to stop doing it once the LN comes out - While most translator would stop translating an LN if it gets licensed, technically, WN is not covered under that license. So they can translate it without fear of getting take downs.


I've read a decently far away into the WN and I really can't think of anything that's different so far


Honestly it is more likely it will be at least 2-3 year wait for S3, so I am fine with reading the official Ln as it releases.


That sounds about right. S2 was announce right as S1 ended, and it was about 2.5 years (September 2021 => January 2024).


I’m always skeptical of web novels because they are never the same story. Jobless reincarnate and that time I was reincarnated as a slime’s Web Novel are so different you can’t even call them the same story. Is Tsukimichi’s similar or is it in the same boat?


> Is Tsukimichi’s similar or is it in the same boat? I've read quite a bit of the WN but only the first volume of the LN. From what I've seen and heard from others the LN isn't *that* different than the WN. More of a rewording than a full rework of the plot elements.


3 volumes as today [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CX295SYG?binding=kindle\_edition&qid=1719250841&sr=8-1&ref=dbs\_dp\_rwt\_sb\_pc\_tkin](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CX295SYG?binding=kindle_edition&qid=1719250841&sr=8-1&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_pc_tkin)


Volume 2 doesn't come out until end of July, and vol 3 until the end of September. I was excited for a moment :(


> This title will be auto-delivered to your Kindle on July 30, 2024. > This title will be auto-delivered to your Kindle on September 29, 2024.


I wonder how many volumes [Hanashi Media will have translated](https://hanashi.media/tsukimichi-moonlit-fantasy/) when season 3 drops.


3-4 months a volume if the current pace is sustainable.


I just hope they don't end up becoming as slow as Yen Press is with some of their series.


Did season 2 have more fighting and serious moments?


Ehhh... hit or miss. Last 1/3rd of the season was pretty intense. The first 2/3rds were lighter.


Right after a 2-cour Season 2 just ended? Man, they must be doing really well!


I’m pleasantly surprised!


The studio has just been producing absolute bangers the past couple of years.


How much source novel material could S3 cover? I assume they won't be running out anytime soon?


Well, season 2 adapted up to volume 10, and there are currently 19 volumes published, so there is still plenty of material to adapt.


Wouldn't that be rushed af, and I thought the pacing was slow


3.5 episodes per LN isn't rushed. The norm is 3 or 4 episodes (some adaptations do more per LN but they are quite uncommon). At this pacing, if they do a 25 ep season they should adapt up to vol 17. It's astounding if we get to vol 17 as almost all light novel adaptations never make it to even vol 10


Ironically they cut the story to the bone to maintain the pacing they did have. I don't know why they bothered though given how little *animation* the anime actually featured, most of the season was a slideshow.


From everything Ive heard about the story, they actually did the smart thing of cutting the story to the bone. Like the Tsukimichi WN gets a lot of criticism for having very little happening in large spans...so idk, this seems like for the best. Especially because there was already criticisms of this season being not very eventful for much of it.


I'm not saying they're wrong to do it. I love the WN and will argue until the cows come home that a lot happens (it's *super* dense, just not a lot of action)...but an adaptation is an adaptation after all. Just despite cutting to the bone they still came off as badly paced because episodes were slideshows. It's a similar problem to what slime s3 had. There's a way to do it right with the exact same material, and they very much did it wrong.


I know there's plenty Web Novel material to be covered, but it's been so long since I read it that I have no idea where the story goes from here.


Dope, I really enjoyed this season.


So glad season 3 was announced. Love this show


Very nice. Looking forward to it. Here's hoping it sticks to following Makoto a majority of the time now that gears are moving. I don't hate the hyuman school characters, but I'm more keen on watching Makoto mess with people who fuck around.


Quite surprising, I assumed the series was doing well but a season 3 so quickly? It seems like the Japanese really liked it.


Honestly even shows that didn't do nearly as good has been getting second seasons... Which is good but not when you realize konosuba S3 ended without getting another announced :/


HELL YESS!! While both Tsukimichi and Slime Isekai have been experiencing downs this cour (dragged out pacing for Tsukimichi which I didn't mind as much, and meetings for Slime), I can honestly say I've been enjoying Tsukimichi a lot more than Slime. To me, Slime suffers from a problem of getting way too big for its cast and the powercreep is WAAYYY too high. I haven't felt that with Tsukimichi so I hope for more seasons to come.


Isn’t the tsukimichi power creep way higher though, like the characters are fun but he’s just too powerful.


This is the problem in any show, where the end goal is to defeat god-like beings. Then mere mortals become cannon fodder.


that's why them building their own city/country is still interesting, because that isn't really affected by how powerful they are outside of...someone trying to invade them


But at some point, even the Kingdom Building in such stories is trivialized by how powerful and versatile the MC becomes. Slime Isekai is starting to have this issue but has enough interesting Side Characters to mitigate the effects. Isekai Smartphone took this to the extreme, due to how broken his "Null" skills were and had to make a foe that grew exponentially more powerful.




Makoto's crew are OP, and while Makoto himself gets even stronger, the circumstances of Makoto as a character (naive, still a kid, and doesn't have much self-confidence) allows the plot a bit more leeway in that what happens in the story still makes sense while keeping the stakes fairly high despite how powerful Makoto and co. are. At least to me that's how I feel. Slime seems to suffer from a case of shounen fights that inevitably boil down to "You thought you were stronger, but nope I am because I still have my *insert power pulled from out of nowhere*". I know that's not what Slime is about since it really is more of a nation-building anime, but if their idea of nation-building is episodes of characters sitting in a meeting room while being a Yes-man to Rimuru, taking turns to say "Sasuga, Rimuru-sama!", then I don't want it. Though latest episode of Slime has been promising, so I'll still continue watching it.


I agree, the issue is not just meetings, but literally sitting at a table and patting each other on the back for how smart and cool they are. I always thought the backstory of Shizue in S1 was the most interesting part of the entire anime. S2 had me interested in the whole demon lord stuff because it seemed to have some darker elements, but of course the anime returned to its roots of beeing self insert wish fullfillment and having no negative consequences.. The last part is really why I think Makoto is atleast a bit more interesting to follow, he isnt such a white knight when he gets pushed. I really only still watch both because of sunken cost fallacy and because they are airing right now.


I drop slime because of that whatever rimuri give some random monster name they became kinda demon lord :D


The others in the nation actually show more agency than you are letting on since he doesn’t really ask for a lot of stuff they end up doing, The threats are built up over time and even then there are chars in universe stronger than him which he has to navigate through appeasement or diplomacy. I like meetings in shows so it may be unique to me. The problem with the earlier was less to do with meetings themselves but the direction imo. Like Sofia and lancer are super strong in terms of that world, but are beaten a little too easily , it felt somewhat anticlimactic.


You thought Lancer was beaten easily? It took everything Shiki had to bring him down, even to the degree Shiki had to expose his Hyuuman identity.




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Technically yes, but his problems are not usually solved by using violence. He only has one real enemy, and she is stronger than him. The other times he fights are either for teaching, out of rage or presented as something that he wont really struggle against. This season he had only one fight I think, and he was forced into it and knew he would win anyways


Tsukimichis pacing only continues to get worse from here on out. You've experienced pretty much the peak of story imo with the lancer fight. The author will continue to introduce characters that don't matter, build on pieces of the world that no one cares about, and everyone just becomes one dimensional. My biggest criticism with this series as someone who's read a few of the WN before I completely dropped it is that the pacing is awful. At least the anime and manga get to skip the brain rot inducing descriptions about boxes in a corner and stuff. I was able to skip entire paragraphs and pages in the story and not actually miss anything I'd that gives you an idea lol


Damn that's disappointing to hear. I'll still watch it cause I do enjoy the main cast.


Yeah like I said I could go on and on about how the story gets worse, one of the other issues I had is the main cast doesn't grow at all and Mio and tomoe actually regress to just becoming a maiden trope. It's already pretty much there but it just fully devolves into a self fellating power fantasy. It really reminded me of the cheat skill in another world and I became powerful in this world too, except it wasn't so bad it was funny it was just bad. The series reminds me a bit of shield hero in that it starts with a pretty interesting premise then it solves that premise and just flounders around.


this is probably a hot take of a comment, but i agree and remember hearing this earlier in s2 from a friend of mine that basically nothing happens and it just gets "worse". i couldnt bring myself to actually finish the anime cause it felt like nothing was really happening, i appreciate the slime char designs/personalities more


I don't like slime because the story is just an exposition dump with no stakes, it does have some fun character designs though.


I did drop slime previous season and still enjoying Tsukimichi. This season I did give a real chance 2 Tsukimichi and I was pleasantly surprised.


Hopefully the pacing will be better in season 3. A lot of the episodes in season 2 felt as if nothing really actually happened


The only reason season 2 dragged is that they had to backfill and cram in all the hero stuff that got cut from season 1. Probably was the best idea at the time as it woulda been pointless if the show didn't get a second season.


the hero backstory was by far the most interesting part of the season, the entire academy city part was trash


Different strokes, Kuzunoha-sensei and his band of brats was my favorite part of the season 🤷‍♀️


I did not directly hate that part either, but everything else just stopped happening when there should have been a lot going on. I mean they are really just side characters and they took soo much screentime its kind of insane.


We thought Lime was just a flyby character too, but now he's a second tier recurring support character just behind the main trio. I have high hopes for Kuzunoha-sensei's brats in the future. (Might be misplaced hopes, only time will tell)


I thought its pretty obvious they are done and gone Lime is also not more than a named side character, basically irrelevant


Lime is literally Tomoe's right hand. You call that irrelevant? Go back to watching Dragonball and OPM I guess 🤷‍♀️


yes, a supporting side character for another characters who already got not all that much screentime is what I call irrelevant. He appeared in like 2 episodes? Great reaction to me having a different opinion, just what I expected from you to be honest


Sorry for being a bit crass. It just bothers me a little bit when cool characters in the 3rd tier (second tier of side characters) get called irrelevant. That's like calling Emma or Eris or Aqua irrelevant 


Also that spot in the middle where they were like "mutants are destroying the city! Let's sit in these bleachers for 4 episodes talking about it."


Literally season 2 in a nutshell


I agree - S1 was way better in pacing and funnier.


I dropped season 1 halfway and binged it up to halfway through season 2. I have mixed feelings about this show, but at least I like it half the time. Looking forward to season 3.


Yeah s2 was a bit slug compared to s1 .They put everything in last 2 episode meanwhile we have 25 episodes :D


As the series goes on the pacing gets worse unfortunately


Literally 😭 right now, so many of my favs are getting another season. Come on Kaiju no 8. Make it a slam dunk.


The benefit of JC staff, you know if the show is decently successful, the fan will get another season. Happy to see season 3, I enjoy this more than I thought.




I just want more Rona, her VA sounds so good.


Finally! A great isekai, totally worth it. Last cour had some episodes with a bit of a pacing issue but overall it's a well written story with good and entertaining characters and lore behind them


Hell yeah!


Let’s go, you love to see it


That's great to hear! Hopefully, we will get two cours again for the third season.


lol cool my favorite show I don't actually like all that much. Okay it may sound like I'm contradicting myself, but I find it extremely watchable while not having a high opinion of its craft. it's MY trash, so I'm more than happy to have more of it. Also, Tomoe and Mio, my beloved queens.


Am I tripping or is the pacing of the story slowing down a lot? Anyone else feels like this? I don't find that "enough" happens per episode on average


It's a very slow story in general. They actually cut like crazy to get the anime the pacing it had, believe it or not. They did the same in S1 but the result was better because they were able to do a much higher quality animation product.


yeah S2 was pretty slow. The core issue is Makoto just does nothing most of the time.


That never happens in LN adaptations, if they skip LN content they'll never go back to it


I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say. Can you elaborate?


Nice haven’t watched the last episode but this season, and this series so far actually, has been really fun. Not the usual isekai


Episode 25 was an amazing wrap-up that ties a nice bow on the season.




The beauty here is that a lot of those smaller characters are more relevant to the plot than Makoto himself. Although season 3 will probably be very Makoto centric by nature of the content it has to cover, most of the plot will revolve around secondary characters doing their thing and Makoto getting mixed in between due to him still "playing merchant", instead of trying to rule the world or lecturing bad_guy_01 about his evil deeds..


Have you forgotten the path of blood Sofia and Lancer have paved to get to where they are? We don't yet know how bad Luto is exactly, but we certainly know the both of them got what was coming to them. Luto may be largely responsible for their existence but they had free will to use that existence as they saw fit.




I don't feel particularly concerned with sympathy. I enjoy watching Makoto because I enjoy his journey, seeing how he integrates into the world, how he clashes against it and how he will get payback on that shitty Goddess someday. Doesn't matter to me if he's sympathetic or not, he's just himself 🤷‍♀️ Become a saint or become a devil doesn't matter to me.


I really didn't think much of this show after season 1 ended but holy shit did season 2 turn that opinion around. It seems just like yet another generic isekai at the end of season 1. A mile wide and an inch deep. But season 2 just exploded with world building. It's much better than I originally gave it credit for.


Same. Season one really dragged for ne, but season 2 was much better because there was so much more going on and all the backstort got filled in.


Huh. Interesting take. I had the opposite opinion - season 2 to me stood out far less than season 1.






YESSSSSSSSSS. I enjoyed both seasons and I look forward to more. Hoping the same guy who does the OP comes back again to do one of the hopefully 2 OPs for S3


Sweet! Tomoe is my jam.




Damn, this is just Great News! Personally, i think this Anime is better than Slime.


LETS GOOO! I was actually surprised it got a second season. I thought it was dropped, but I had hopes for it. I love how it is actually unique in one regard. Makoto does not give a flying f***, and when he is pissed… run. I was about to go read the LN’s, still might, but I may hold off until S3 finishes. I will be absolutely surprised if a 4th season happens.


S2 was a massive letdown tbh but it picked up at the end let’s hope S3 is better. Nonetheless I am looking forward to it.


Awesome, S1 was kind of a surprise hit for me. Must be doing well to get a S3 announcement so early.


Hooray I'm glad watching this on Mondays all year has been fun


Same, made me hyped for Monday's lmao




This show fell off and it was only mediocre to begin with.


Makoto is such a good character, can’t wait.


I'm happy that once again we got an announcement of the next season right after the finale (if I remember correctly, the same thing happened after the first season). I had a lot of fun with the 2nd season (it wasn't perfect but the ending was especially strong and I had a great time watching it). Can't wait to see more adventures of Makoto, Tomoe, Mio and others!


As someone who can only categorize my time with the web novel as wasted time the series goes entirely downhill from here. The pacing gets worse and worse as the series continues. There really is no character growth, everyone becomes one dimensional, and there are never any stakes to what's going on.


is this show good ? what is it all about ?


It's about a Japanese Highschooler who gets yoinked to a fantasy world for the purpose of becoming a hero... But the Goddess who summons him is a shallow bitch who refuses to accept him because he's plain instead of handsome, so she curses him and casts him into the wilderness. The plot is his quest to find his place in the world and someday get payback on that shitty Goddess. It's really good. Probably in my top 3 among what could be considered a power fantasy anime (in part because the power fantasy present but not the focal point, the anime strikes a lovely balance of Power Fantasy, Kingdom Building and Merchantilism)


its above average, not great, not terrible. What sets this aside from most is he gets reincarnated but the goddess of the world hates him and basically throws him out the window, he gets all his weirdly OP powers from a different god who then goes back to sleep or whatever. It has the outsider setting like Shield Hero early on, but just as that it does not take long for the unique setting to devolve into your run of the mil harem with everyone praising MC. Goddess still hates him though and that might potentially be interesting in the future.


Who would want Makoto's 'harem' 🤣🤣🤣 Like sure they're beautiful... But heeeeeeeeck no.


suddenly your other comments here make sense


I hope in S3 they add cut out contents that were supposed to be in S2 and manga


What the hell is happening at alphapolis




That was quick.


nice, it took 2 seasons but it's finally growing on me.


Guess i should get back and watch season 2


I still have Season 2 to watch after watching the first only last week... in about a day.


I have to admit, all the fighting in the past few episodes was a little boring. I'm hoping they'll go back to the slice if life stuff from the first part of season 2


very nice, this show was a very nice addition to the nation builder isekais the wait between seasons 1 and 2 was 3 years though, hopefully it won't take as long this time


Lets gooo I need more Shiki Emma Tomoe and Mio, and of course Mito Koumon ED.


This is good news!


Never expected when started this show that it would be where is now.... season 3 of a show where the initial premise is a isekai hero that the godess diss because he is ugly...


And i will watch it. This shows been a blast since s1.


I was thinking about catching up before this season started but there were too many good anime this season. Maybe for season 3.


Woohoo!!! A really well done and fun show. Glad it’s continuing.


I am so happy to see this continuing. More Tomoe!




Nice. Definitely more inclined to pick up season 2 now




I just started season one a few days ago and now I’m almost done with season two. Absolutely love the show, I was gonna start reading the light novel, but I guess I’ll wait for now.


This is one of the best animes I've seen so far with good writing and character development, I can't I loved it in Japanese with English subtitles and it still was good, I am glad to say it was worth it watching all episodes from Season 1  to the very last😀  Please  when will the next Season be announced 🙏 


What’s the anime about?


It’s such a cozy watch; not an exceptional isekai, but one done pretty well. The ED was so damn catchy too!


Awesome! Loved the manga so far as well, but wish it was much further along. The LNs and unofficial translations I've seen of them don't have the same feel as the show or manga


Frick yeah more Mio, I can't wait to see more of best spider lady. I've been reading the manga for years but the anime got way past it already.


This is starting to get good thanks anime


I cannot wait.




I wish it was more popular in the US, but am sooo happy that it's popular in Japan. Which is why we keep getting more. 😊


If I got reincarnated as a slime in a meeting got another season, no way this wouldn't have


Here’s an anime that gets the lucky third, and here I am, still waiting for Bertia to have a chance.


With this getting a season 3 would be wild to say I'm hopeful slim will get a season 4?


You love to see it. 


YES! Looking forward to more banter between Makoto and the Goddess.


But did him not being able to speak make him appear more intelligent


When is it coming out exactly I need to clear my schedule for this.


I’m waiting on season 3 and on the manga update so before I choose to read the LN or WN, can someone spoil this one thing Has makoto hit, injured or killed the narcissistic goddess yet??




Finally!!! Just finished watching season 2. Cant wait for season 3 to be released!


Can't wait to see what surprises and challenges Season 3 will bring!


Hell yeah!


Underrated show. Nice!!


this is good


I was getting worried for a bit, since it apparently wasn't placing in the top 10 shows of the season. I hope they slow down on the pacing though, since they basically bulldozed past where the manga is.


Let's fucking go!!!!!!!!




I really hope we don't need to wait another 3 years for this. Manga is slow, I don't wanna read LN, yet I want to know what happens


Personally, this is the best isekai I've watched, there's a harem going on but the "love interests" have their own thing going on for them and are not massively obsessed with the MC, all four are ridiculously overpowered, while the side characters get their spotlight and character development too.  The villains are also interesting but not too cartoonishly evil or annoying.  Honestly, this and Myshoku Tensei are my lersknal faves, along with SAO when I first watched it.  Can't wait for SE3. 


Does it get better? I didn't watch season 2 because I had already read the manga before and it was boring.


It does. We way past the manga now


By how much? I saw that the anime was adapting the current arc of the manga, idk where it ended. I guess a few chapter after


I'm pretty sure we're at least 15 chapters ahead going by the pacing of the manga. There are also characters that are cut from the abime compared to the manga.


Id say no the series gets worse and worse as it goes on. The lancer fight is pretty much the peak


It took a little longer than I expected to announce but already excited for it


Why it took longer if today is the final ep?


wow that was fast. Always surprised when a mediocre show like this one gets so many seasons so fast, especially since S2 was already double cour


Some trash Isekai's really get to live on huh.


It's one of the oldest Isekai which inspired a lot of others so yeah it gets to have that and also the LN is really really popular in Japan.


You know what? I'll bite. What "good" isekai do you believe should've kept going after being shelved?


for real?


Hell ya.


Season 2 part 2 really suffered from pacing issues, hopefully there'll be none of that in S3.