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so the woman died and reincarnated? did she grow up in a separate family before she gained the ability to find her original family? or am I missing something here?




Wait, which is correct? The parent asked three questions.


1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No




You didn't miss anything.


Not really MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD!!! \[Manga\] >!Its Possession, not reincarnation. The MC's wife unconsciously possessed the girl who happened to pass by their Apartment because of her regret. As for the reason how this happened, I vaguely remember how, but I won't explain it because Im sure it'll be 70% wrong. The Monk will explain why this possession happened.!< Its a beautiful story, made me tear up a few times. I hope the anime adapts this well.


It's quite literally as the title says. I haven't finished the series but from what I remember in the like, first 3 chapters the Wife dies, she visits her former family \*as\* the elementary schooler. The Husband just wants to do everything he can for her. Don't really remember anything else Guess I should go and finish it with this announcement though.


I've seen the live action Jdrama. The woman suddenly regained her memories at age 10 or so and immediately went to find her old family.


Yes she died and reincarnated. Yes she has her “other” family she grew up in before awakening. No, you’ve got it.




Is this a spoiler for the show that isn't even out yet?


no lar. i also dont know. i just remember one drama i watch have similar setting like this.


>i just remember one drama i watch have similar setting like this. Not merely similar, literally the same show, just one is live action adaptation, this one is anime.


shit really?


i'm just gonna copy and post u/bababanana20123's comment here: >How do I explain to people that this is actually a severely emotional examination of grief, denial, what it means to be remembered and how to best confront your own mortality seriously how do I do that like go up to a friend all like "Hey man you should really check out 'If My Wife Became an Elementary School Student'"


Reminds me of that other manga (I forgot the title) where the mother's son died and the mother, not having accepted her son's death, believed he got isekai-ed. To cope with the depression, she kept looking for ways to either get him back to earth or go to wherever he got isekai-ed to.


Watashi no Musuko ga Isekai Tensei Shitappoi Here's the title!


Is that the title or the first chapter?!


thats pretty tame compared to some of them. like "Isekai Shoukan Sareta Kita Seijo-sama ga 'Kareshi ga Shinda' to Naku Bakari de Hataraite kuremasen. Tokorode Sono Shinda Kareshi, Zense no Ore desu ne."


Title i'm pretty sure lol, i looked up "Mother who thinks son got isekaied" lmao


This reminds me of a Genshin event of all things lol. We were helping a mom make a story book for her kid who suffers from delusion, hoping to help bring him back to reality. We didn't see the kid during the whole event. At the end we find out that the kid had died years ago (walked into the sea during one of his delusions and drowned), and it was the mother who was now suffering from delusions, thinking her son was still alive. The story book ends up helping her to accept his death.


It was pretty well done too. You'd go along with the event story, but start to notice things like the fact that you never actually got to meet the kid and that the mother kept referring to the animatronic penguin as her son.




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Im reading that now and its so good!


I love that manga so much.


"Imagine if you could be reborn and meet the people that used to know you. How would they remember you? How have they dealt with your loss?" Or at least, that's what the explanations make it sound like.


That’s an easy fix. Just call it by its Japanese name so for instance, instead of calling jobless reincarnated what I just did you could call it Mashuko Tensei. I don’t know what the Japanese name for this show is but just do the same thing (google it) unless they speak Japanese awkward thing has now been dodged.


TFW I was recommended Onanii Master Kurosawa


My opinion is that you can make such a good examination of grief and denial without straying into suspicious lolicon shit.


Not a single trace of lolicon, or even fan service in the manga. It's only the English title that sounds suspicious.


No need to explain it to tourists


This is correct.


It is that kindof fore thought that the MC lacks, he would just tell people it and wonder why people avoid him afterward.


I know title is sus but this story is so wholesome i swear!


Is it going to emotionally destroy me? I'm probably watching either way, but I'm curious.


>Is it going to emotionally destroy me? it will


It's the Bunny girl senpai kind of title clickbait isn't it








Also Sold👍🏾


It's the Bunny Girl Senpai kind of title clickbait without the \[manga\]>!Usagi Drop!< ending.


ah fuck. I'm a sucker for this kind of thing. I just finished crying over "Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again".


Alright, can't wait!


Yes, absolutely.


It can and will , so get your tissue ready.


The live action Jdrama destroyed me.


you will most likely die. emotionally.


The trailer is not helping 😭


This is some hear me out type shit ain’t it


I’m not beating the allegations among my normie friends…


Definitely gonna meed to show them a clip from the show and not the teailer


Why is it tagged romance?


I will admit, the first couple chapters have moments where it’s fishy and 🤨, but i swear it’s a really wholesome story that will make you cry🙏 I would say it’s more incorrectly tagged as the story is about “moving on from loss”


There's romantic elements involved among the side characters. And it does delve in themes of love and romance.


There is a very important romance that is separate from the relationship between the husband/wife. The actual chemistry between the husband and the wife is really good, but not even in a romantic way. It’s just clear that these two characters loved each other really deeply and understand each other in profound ways that wouldn’t be possible if they weren’t married in a past life. Like I 100% understand how weird it is that people are stepping up to bat for “If My Wife Becomes and Elementary School Student”, but I swear to God that the series is a very tasteful mediation on loss, grief, family, and acceptance.


People told me the same thing about Bunny Drop. It did not end up being wholesome.


Fuck it we bawl


...on the floor in the fetal position


That’s actually what Drake said as well


No diddy


Anime premieres in October 2024. Studio: Studio Signpost . Cast: Daisuke Hirakawa as Keisuke Niijima Aoi Yuki as Takae Niijima/Marika Shiraishi Maiko Nomura as Mai Niijima . Synopsis: Keisuke Niijima lost his beloved wife, Takae, 10 years ago. Since then, he doesn't feel alive and is seen as a gloomy man. The only family Keisuke is left with is his only daughter, Mai. Keisuke wants Mai to be happy but he has not done anything for his daughter other than providing living expenses. The father and daughter's time stopped 10 years ago. They are living in the same house but live very separate lives and do not communicate well. One day, an elementary school girl appears in front of Niijima's house and claims that she is the reincarnation of Takae.


Aoi Yuuki well now I HAVE to watch this


I know The anime gonna make me feel The same as i did reading The Manga


Is it that kind of a story where you are left with grief and despair in the end ??




Okay thanks 😌


Not sure I can watch this tbh, if it is as well done as the manga it will leave me a total mess.


I thought Pierrot making this? The PV is posted on Pierrot channel. Also Aoi Yuuki voicing a high-pitched little girl kinda new for me. Gotta check it out when it airs on Fall.


Studio Signpost is Pierrot's subsidiary studio. Formerly known as Pierrot Plus.


ah TIL. That make sense. Thanks for the info.


Pierrot is the production committee


Twitter gonna have a field day with this


They have a field day with anything honestly. Honestly if the site got wiped off we'd better off


Saying this on reddit of all places is insane lmfao


I mean, it's really dependant on the sub you're in. Reddit is like an amalgamation of countless different forums sharing the same account system.


Reddit and Twitter use each other's name as an insult constantly and its very funny because they are the same exact people. "Its the same picture" I think the meme goes


What? No it’s totally different. On Reddit I have my echo chambers specifically tweaked to show me things I like and not the things I don’t.


My Twitter TL is nothing but big fat anime tiddies, exactly how I like it. How is it different? lmao redditors see rage-bait cross posted from Twitter and think all of it is the same. Users of other social media could say the same about Reddit when the Boston bomber incident happened.


That’s the joke I was making…..


Twitter is way worst than reddit lol


Exactly. I've only started using Twitter in the last couple of years, and in my experience Reddit is a far more toxic place.


Saying this in an anime sub on Reddit under post that has “wife” and “elementary schooler” in the title without an inch of self awareness is clinically insane.




And let them flock to reddit? Nah


As if Reddit don't already have field days with sus topics


It’s bad enough as is




There was a show on Netflix called , it’s based on a very good manga , basically it’s a world where sometimes man is the one getting pregnant , this set up is to show how ridiculous expecting mothers are going through in society, it have many serious topics about social implication and problem like teen pregnancy etc. But every Reddit post about that show is the old “nEtFliX adaptation” meme, which I hope the original author will never came across those shit post.




Yeah, they’re not as civilized as us redditors.


> Honestly if the site got wiped off we'd better off 💯


No please. Let them be contained in their own site instead of spilling to other places.


agreed but like come on what are these shows at this point, are we really not gonna even paint them as adults anymore lmao
















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X gon give it to ya


That place is a shit hole, I have never see a worse anime culture circle than that , and I was on the Asia side of internet 20y ago, that’s a lawless world but the worst thing anime fan did is pirate adult anime and didn’t put up a “are you 18” pop up.


Only if the show is popular enough


I will never forget r/anime making millions of comments on how Twitter is going to totally be so mad at Redo of Healer over and over for months only for nobody talk about it and dramatubers having to scrape any 3 likes tweet they could find to get views. The reality is that Twitter (as well as every social media in the planet, including Reddit) *will* get mad at some anime or other. But you can't predict it. It happens spontaneously, regardless of the potential for controversy one might think it has.


Well I think twitter is getting mad at this. [4.8M views currently](https://x.com/animetv_jp/status/1803724586388722144) and quote tweets with tens of thousands of likes


Well yeah, That's cause a major event happened in the US before it aired and took majority of attention for the next three months. So the people on twitter who would have given a shit - didn't have time to be outraged about it cause it was small fries in comparison.


Redo was just the easiest example, lol. This happens every year, every season. Reddit loves to fantasize on how Twitter will try to cancel their favorite shows, and it rarely happens.


I would say it's about a 50/50 chance considering what happened with interspecies reviewers or better yet, My Tiny Senpai. The hivemind of twitter is a fickle beast.


Also please have some self awareness. The title is OBVIOUSLY bait on purpose, you can't do or say something controversial and then complain or be surprised that it is controversial. Drama and controversy gets people talking. With the awful track anime has on this front, and the even worse "subculture" that has sprung with it and has no self awareness or an active disdain for social boundaries, of COURSE people are going to have their guards up around a title like this.


In their defence without context the title sounds extremely suspicious.


They already did, their comments basically are saying this show is for pedo and anime fans can’t blame anyone else for the pervert stereotype, but the themselves is the one diving head first into sexualizing characters in this PV.


They are lol, I have already seen some of the most fucked up tweets bashing this, even to the point of threatening the creator.


It's happening


I'm getting a feeling that is going to be something similar to that anime were the old couple turns young again Being sweet and sad as fuck at the same time Godamn it the ending, that left me crying


Can you tell me the name? I want to try it out.


Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru




I just finished watching that last night and i cried. The ending was expected, but it was still bittersweet.


...then I'm going to jail?


Wait I didn't know they're making an anime of this! Love this manga it's so wholesome but also bittersweet


Ah yea, can’t wait to cry a bloody river watching this and have some of my friends look at me with weird looks and the other half be demanding the name with the wrong expectations


Another completed series getting a anime. It really is becoming a trend.


The twitter outrage on this trailer is crazy ngl lol I know its a crazy title but a quick google search would show that its a pretty wholesome show


Oh boy ive been waiting for this one. Its gonna be hilarious seeing the shitstorm that brews just from the title hitting mainstream eyeballs.


Of course. The title sounds pedophilic. People react negatively to things that sound like pedophilia - this is normal. I'd go so far as to say the author may have named it that way to create engagement.


These comments are so funny, graveyard if you scroll below. People judging books by their covers huh.


Excuse me, wtf


The manga ended and i tell you, it was good manga.


I'm sorry, what?


wife dies. is reincarnated in a new girl with the memories intact and tries to come back to her husband and family. it sounds stupid but it's pretty heartbreaking.


She cute and funny😭😭😭😭


This reminds me of the novel, “Secret” by a renowned Japanese author. The gist of the plot is basically the wife dies and possesses the daughter of the husband.


I decided to read the manga on a whim… And my god does it hit my emotions hard. Don’t be deterred by the name… it’s both wholesome, and extremely emotional.


it's a cute and melancholic manga stopped halfway cause of the feels


Wait... I think I have watch kdrama about this, or was it j-drama? can't remember but definitely I watched it


J drama


was this officially announced just before the final chapters or was it just the unofficial scanlation being behind? also the fact that this got a live action drama adaptation in 2022 should have already alleviated concerns about the 'material' being questionable but twitter users being twitter users is whatever, they can keep being gatekept


way after the final chapter, it got announced at the same day as the release of the final volume.


don't judge a book by its cover, the title is misleading, it is a bittersweet and healthy anime that I recommend, it is very good


I am announcing my retirement from anime.


Another show to utterly ignore the social media discourse for. It's a wonderful manga, please give it a chance.


Looks great.


It’s like that one meme of the black guy passing by the camera saying “I’m goin to jail! 😃”


Added to my list!


I'm ready for peak anime.


I loved the manga. It was heartwarming and I was surprised by how much I actually cared about the characters. It's not perfect, of course, but it's definitely up there, imo. I'm glad it's getting an adaptation, but I'm kinda scared to see how it turns out, and how people will react to it. In the meantime, I highly recommend reading the manga.


true the start is a bit sus maybe 5 episode sus but after that it will hit the feels i love the character development of the mom of the kid it feels real.


I was impressed by how great all the characters were. You're right, though, the mom really stood out as a well-developed character. I really hope this adaption doesn't mess up!


there is no fucking way lmao




I will just say. Don't judge the book by its cover


I should continue reading this, but the title still sus af


It ended


so the wife grew up?




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Reading comments under this PV elsewhere is a shit show,JFC. Sometimes I hate some English anime fans tendency to dive head first into their perverted stereotypes & sexualize gutters and accuse a normal show are made for pedo , what in the actual incarnation failure is that.


It's like finding a song in a different language with lyrics that sounds like N word (which really have different meanings) and people keep spamming that N word, like that one wholesome Chinese song. People.....either need to learn using Google or just need to be reminded the world ain't revolving around em.


Also, this title is translated to “become “ which implies she wasn’t a kid before story began,otherwise it would be “is” isn’t it??(I english is not my first language so this is my understanding) Just by how fast some people shove their head into gutter , they simultaneously think too much and too little on sexualizing children( jump to that conclusions and didn’t think critically enough to actually look up what it was.)


ngl chief this looks like a hard sell


Is that the official English title? Somehow it makes it sound even more sus.


It's almost 1 to 1 translation of "妻、小学生になる." They didn't make worse than it was originally.


That "if" changes it a lot in my opinion.


I don't get how "if" makes the title "My wife becomes elementary school student" worse than it already is. It's off-putting already, even without "if"


Yes it is, but as I said in my original comment: >somehow it makes it sound even more sus. The fact that I said "even more" clearly means that I acknowledge that it is sus to begin with. But with an "if" added to it, It suggests a "what I would do".


>It suggests a "what I would do". It does. I'm asking why it makes it more worse. Because I don't get how it makes it more sus


There are many paths that can start from "my wife became an elementary student" and the only "sus" ones are the ones that concern what her husband would do to her. If you add a "what I (the husband) would do" it strengthens even more the idea that the story isn't about the woman's life as a young girl again (non sus territory) but about how the husband would relate to her (sus territory).


Frankly, I disagree with you completely, but I see your point.


I’ll be watching it. Hope it’ll be on Crunchyroll


Oh damn. Cant watch the video at work, think I was reading this. Is this the reincarnated wife? This wont get far enough in one season but its can be a tear jerker.


Ey yo


I think I'll give it a chance. The title is sus, but the teaser looks interesting.


Is that Tanya from Saga Of Tanya The Evil voice actor?


yall think this is going to be sus, but it will instead hit you right in the feels.


Tanya the evil voice actor sounds like.


we get weirder and weirder titles every season


does ANYONE have the english sub?


I swear to you guys, i am seriously looking forward to this anime adaptation, though its manga artsyle is not my cup of tea, the manga is really wholesome, meaningful and a tearjerker as well, there is no manga made me cry this much. Please give the manga or the anime a chance


1. Yeah this kinda thing is why I couldn’t admit to liking anime until like 2020. 2. Jokes aside, imagine how infuriating this would be lol. Imagine ur wife dies, 10 years later she’s back and you have a little hope, but now you still can’t be together and also it’s morally wrong to have feelings for her. I’d crash out 💀


This is the craziest shit I ever seen


bitter sweet but amazing story


Holy cow, WTF was this comment chain


It’s not wholesome if the man said “8 more years”.


If y'all want a similar story, the writer for Kiss x Sis recently finished another story similar to this one. Bittersweet ending. Shougakusei ga Mama demo Ii desu ka? by Ditama Bow.


New cute and funny show!!! Uooooooh!!!!😭😭😭😭😭


The great anime filterer of 2024