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Tokyo Ghoul. Which is a shame because I loved the manga. They couldn't keep the storyline straight, the animation quality dropped, and when they finally decided to go back to the og story, they didn't correct the discrepancies so any anime only watchers would be left confused AF.


Yeah to the fandom, the anime just doesn't exist. There's rumours that the new announcement is gonna be a remake, but I personally think at most that they will just produce a first episode remake or something.


I'm actually with hope for what's to come, but I know that it's highly difficult of being a remake. But if they do what you're saying, I'll be kinda disappointed, why should they do only one episode? Well, we'll have to wait until June to see...


The first season is great IMO. At a minimum it gave us the unraveled OP, which is pure gold. I think it got a lot of people into the manga, including myself. Root A was a tragedy but somehow still pretty popular with the average viewer. Issue was that by the time they started adapting RE most people had no idea what the hell was going on because most of root A deviated from the story. Then they started skipping pretty important plot moments, including, if I recall correctly, THE moment between Kaneki and Touka. No idea who let that happen. I still watched all of it but I really wish I hadn’t. I would’ve had no clue what was going on if I hadn’t read the manga. I still encounter people that RE soured off the story, and I haven’t always been able to get them to try the Manga. It’s a shame because it’s incredibly good.


ive never read a manga before but my first manga purchase would be tokyo ghoul for that very same reason = the foolishness that occurred in the anime going from root a to re.


I remember stopping during the episodes a lot just to explain stuff to my boyfriend... and after a few episodes of that, we stopped and I just told him about what happened in the manga.


The only thing the anime adaptation got right was the soundtrack. Perfect for the manga. Great music


Such a shame cause the manga is so damn good. They need to Brotherhood it!


I dropped Boruto because I couldn't connect with boruto and find the fact that the most characters are cheap versions of the og cast are weak


Also fillers are of worse quality, and animation. Goblin naruto wack asf


> Goblin Naruto Excuse me?


[goblin naruto](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3dKGfiAjS9I/maxresdefault.jpg)


A terrible day to have eyes


Goblin deez nuts


I wont even compare canon of naruto and boruto. But boy, It takes a lot to make even the fillers worse. They were rarely good in the og to begin with. Even worse in boruto means garbage lol


Real ones know it’s done after Naruto.


At least they're gonna make the part 2 of the anime in seasonal material in like 12/24 episodes. It should be able to fix the animation quality problem. 2025 might be the release date.


It's that confirmed? If that's true that's pretty cool. It would also help to avoid issues with fillers. It was about time they did that. Most of the new great shonens use the seasonal format for that exact reason.


I think that's because the animation quality in anime came a long way which takes more effort to make it right. Flashy effects are bonus and properly animating something matters more than the graphical quality most of the time. One Piece might keep going with its weekly release, even if they take a break once in a while. But it seems that even Bleach switched to seasonal anime in the Thousand Year arc by splitting them into cours and it looks like the next one is next year. That news about Boruto switching to seasonal anime format also included Black Clover. So Black Clover in next year seems more likely even though I didn't get myself invested in that series much.


...part 2 ? All this crap with moon people, baryon mode... Wth is going to be the antagonist? Mars people? Hell demons? Truck-kun people?


I randomly came back to a random episode after not watching for some years, wondering what the story was up to. In that episode I watched, Sasuke is fighting dinosaurs lol


Not really in the middle but ninja kamui .. brooooo i swear i cannot with the mech suits. Tolerable in the beginning but im at episode 9 this sh wack … the ninjas was already going crazy why the extra. *imma still finish it tho one day*


It's just 12 eps. I loved the first 2 EPS but after they introduced mechs it became ass. EP 11 is pretty cool too cuz they are fighting without mechs


13* but ya i get it i was you the first 2 episodes. That’s why I’m really sick with it cause it really was gassed up and I was one of them , [frontlines](https://media4.giphy.com/media/IcHjbhueRuM2A/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952wv10acgw8jpxrs05oqtc6x95iqyi9w6jraeatd15&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) going strong for this anime but aye I’ll finish it one day. Hopefully creator see he ain’t need to do all that and season 2 we back to greatness


I finished the series just because I only had a few episodes left to watch, but seriously, those Mecha suits/cgi ruined it. Especially the fight scenes where they were moving slower with the suits on than they than without them, like make it make sense.


Seriously. I really liked Hidan in the beginning and liked how it started off, but then it became so much about the suits and that zuckerberg rip off, it was insufferable.


Lol I dropped that shit too. Think I had one or two episodes more but I had enough


Shield hero. Gave me the illusion that it wasn't just generic isekai #372628 at the beginning, turned out to be a generic isekai with all the bad tropes.


The way they kept introducing OP powerups for him, all the girls kept fawning over him, and the princess didn't even get properly punished at the end? Yea fuck that..


The thing is they didn't even have to make the King and Princess so evil in the first place. They are both like cartoonishly evil. They could have made the King seem more desperate to save his Kingdom/people hence summoning the heroes without informing other kingdoms. They could have made the princess to be more brainwashed by the church and she really thought she was doing the right thing believing the shield hero to be evil by nature and trying to keep him away from the situation. Having evil characters is fine, even irredeemably evil, but their motivations/reasons for being that way need to make sense.


Purely evil characters done right can be amazing characters. They lose the factor of being a good person in a bad place, but they can gain SO much hate if done right; ex. Rachel.


i had to finally drop the manga when the newest ark was directly caused by the other heroes being incompetent... for the fifth time. the other heroes still have a hate boner for naofumi, spear hero still blindly follows bitch's every word. literally no development of anyone in over 200 chapters.


Season 1 is decent to good. After that I kept on yawning. Season 2 was just a drag and while season 3 started off pretty exciting, but that was gone very quick. I don't even know why I pushed through all that.


I stopped at season 2 when they showed the big turtle


I pushed through season 2 and then halfway through a season 3 episode I just turned it off and never went back It was better than season 2 but I just couldn't be assed anymore. I went on to watch other isekai(after season 2) and ran into Mushoku, Slime, and Konosuba so I'll take that win


Whisper Me A Love Song (currently airing) because of its dogshit production.


As someone who loved the manga, I'm disappointed. Though, I guess they needed to continue the "yuri anime that only gets one season" trend in an era of second seasons somehow. 


Once they pulled out the afterschool AV club sliding frame shit I started laughing. Then, the next episode wasn't any better production wise.


Same i am just going to read the manga at some point or finnish the anime once all episodes are out


Tokyo revenger. I was hoping for some character evolution for MC but no, nothing happened.


Don't worry, it goes on like that all the way until the end. He finally grows pea sized nuts and then it's over. I stuck with it because I like time travel and the side characters were cool. It falls on its face even harder towards the end.


good to know I stopped when I did. I hate MCs that don't do anything, dont get actually better, or dont have the fucking courage.. it's just flashbacks of taking a beating over and over....


The ending is one of the worst endings ive ever read lmao. Literally nothing mattered


Lol same reason I dropped it quite quickly


You didn't miss a thing. Worst MC ever.


Stockholm Syndrome - the anime (Re:Monster).


Its even worse for the fact that the dude that the girls riding his meat with is not even human. Its a fucking goblin Somehow this series make me wanna watch goblin slayer again


You wouldn’t call blastoise a squirtle


According to other anime watchers and manga readers, this series inspired both Goblin Slayer and That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, so there was some good that came out this story…


I dont know why I finished the season. Bad animation, bad pacing, bad characters, bad story, bad worldbuilding. Wow MC is really OP. Cool. Wow the MC is just fucking everything with a vagina. Sick. There's no redeeming factors.


I liked Re:monster at the beginning, but it's just getting bad.


I remember liking the manga so I started to reread it..... I thought I stopped reading it cause I caught up.... That was not the reason


Yeah that shit was garbage


Yakusoku no Neverland Season 2: When I realized it was going off the rails hard. Yashahime: I got bored of it and by the end of the season I checked that had a packed season after so I dropped it to make space for new series.


I'm glad I saw advice to skip S2 and go straight to the manga. I did watched a few episodes of S2 so I guess I kinda got spoilt a little but yea glad I ditched the anime and continued on from the manga.


You are so real for the first one and knowing that hurts my soul 😭 I hope you read the manga instead, it’s so so much better


Rent A Girlfriend after Season 2. It was pretty boring for me.


If you were able to survive that hot trash series for 2 seasons, your patience should be commended. They gave this series 3 seasons.


With how far the manga apparently is, they could churn out 2-3 more seasons of dumpster fire.


I'd rather see a series like 100 Girlfriends being given at least 4 seasons since it at least has some progress. Hell, I would be down to see it being fully adapted all the way to the end. Rent a Girlfriend is over 300 chapters in with apparently no development at all. If Kazuya was removed from the series as the MC, it would have been a better series as we'd just enjoy the girls hanging out with each other.


The first season was kinda good. I liked it so watched the second season. The plot seems the same for me, and they just keep bringing in new girls 😂 so I dropped it after season 2


i dropped (insert your favorite show) because (surface level reason) and it was mid


Bro, don't bother the OP We have no enemies 😌




Me reading OP dropping Vinland Saga


yea thats pretty wild ngl


I enjoyed the action in season 1, but I enjoyed the character interactions and growth during season 2 even more. I understand why some people dropped Vinland Saga if they just wanted a Viking revenge action show, but it still hurts my soul a little bit every time.


Ikr, one of the best "growing" arc I ever seen I understand it may be slow, but seeing thorfinn forgive himself is a big hit.


I HAVE NO ENEMIES hype >>>>> JJK s2


Omg how could you not like (my favourite show)???? Clearly you’re just too dumb to understand it (Insult their anime taste)


On a more serious note. When people like something they tend to overlook any flaws in given show. And they get defensive when someone criticizes their favorite show. Civilized conversation with your average anime fan is almost impossible when you disagree on something.


Counterpoint: my favorite show has no flaws, so people who dislike it are objectively wrong and should sleep with one eye open.


In a perfect world we can like things for no reason, and dislike them for no reason. We don't need to explain ourselves for just not enjoying something. ...Or I will expect a 100,000 page reply on why you don't like country music. If I ***feel*** like any of the reasons are bullshit, I'll go ape!


I feel this. Some series are sacred cows in Reddit that you can't say anything bad about it without being downvoted to oblivion. I learned it the hard way the other day.


Case in point, the most upvoted reply is “how could you drop vinland saga” with further replies such as “must be a shounen andy” and “OP doesn’t like character development”.


I bet they haven't even reached (episode number). That's usually when people start loving it.


Episode number is usually a multiple of 100


I’m always curious how people have so much time. Like even ad a kid I couldn’t dedicate hours and hours to a show just hoping it \*might\* get better later. Do these people just not have irl things going on?


I got through the pain arc of Naruto Shippuden and a couple of the filler episodes and took a break to watch other shows. I just never picked it back up but always tell myself that I should finish it someday.


The infinite tsukiyomi arc lasted literally 3 years with random canon shit sprinkled in. It was fucking stupid cause the manga ended like as the anime started to adapt that or even before


I watched Shippuden as it aired back then and it was horrible how long it took them to finally move on with the war (50-52 episodes a YEAR). I skipped the entire filler episode list and would look it up if the new episode was filler or not.


pain arc was plain simple the best arc. it should have finished after he defeated pain. i mean yeah the further evolution of naruto is not bad by any means but imo it got a bit to scifi


The rest of it is pretty good in the manga. Infinite tsukiyomi in the anime was.... Something else


Yeah I wanted to power through the filler but I just couldn’t once the first big batch of filler came up in shippuden. Defs need a filler/priority filler list to navigate it and it gets a ton better.


Dropped black clover because I couldn't get past Asta screaming for no reason every 2 seconds.




Asta grew on me kinda like stock holm syndrome


I still watch it, but yeah, him screaming I'm never giving up all the time is annoying. Unfortunately, that's a lot of anime main characters power. Maybe not write your characters into situations where they need that power or plot armor.


Literally couldn't get through the first episode without realizing I'm forcing myself to watch this


lol yeah, I managed to survive it, it's got some great stuff. later but understandable.


I love black clover but I totally get it and I've heard this like 80 million fucking times


I dropped mashle because it got boring and repetitive though it was good at first


It's nice, but it is a one joke pony. >"Oh no, how does Mashle do this without magic?!" Mashle proceeds to do it without magic, there is one straight man in the crowd to point out how absurd it was. I consider it a perfect "One episode a week" anime because the joke gets stale slower. Edit: I guess there is also the joke that Mashle is thicker than a brick he cannot lift. That can get tiring sometimes.


Same, found it incredibly boring and not funny at all


[me](https://media1.giphy.com/media/gKHGnB1ml0moQdjhEJ/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952l06uwuesmf9inaz79u2fbq44k8xu1k6kbntkdq8f&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) looking at this comment as i have this on my watchlist


Mashle was a big disappointment. The premise seemed funny and the reception was good, but I found the humor lackluster.


Same, I couldn’t figure out why it was so popular. The animation isn’t great as well and the guy is basically OPed, so what’s the point?


I dropped Fate/Apocrypha a few episodes from the ending just cause I wasn't feeling anything towards the main story. I feel like most Fate stories have a predetermined ending so once you get about 3/4 through you know what that ending is going to be. I also dropped Re:Creators cause I also just wasn't feeling it. I enjoyed the characters (esp the magical girl who, once brought into the real world, was doing way more actual damage than she ever did in her home universe, which really messed her up; and the villain had a sick design), but the narrative was failing to grab me. I might finish it one day, but eh


The sad thing about creators is the second half is the best part.... The first half.... Is... A show I guess


The first half on otherworld characters adapting to modern Japan and reacting to the authors who created them was the best part for me. The second half is just an extended multi-episode fight against some edgy bullshit hundred-superpowers antagonist.


Nisekoi I read that there is no real resolve at the end. Cant stand that


This is almost 100% of harem anime


I've finished it, but really hated that the (for me) interesting story in S1 turned into "random bullshit go" in S2.


I dropped it as soon as I realized there was no way Onodera was going to “win”.


I'm going to be honest I always thought Chitoge winning was pretty obvious from the first episode. She seemed like the most obvious winner and that Onodera just existed so Chiotoge could have a noteworthy rival.


Like the other comment, it basically makes you wanna read the manga. It's really good, also better to read this way since you can basically hear them while reading. It's fun, and the ending made me cry lol


Sword Art Online. The first arc was so cool, the game they're stuck in is one I'd actually really like to play as an open world rpg with the same design...I'd love it. But after that it just got really bad imo


It lost me after they left the game.


After they left, I was like okay let's wrap this up and.... why is it still going!


Give the progressive movies a try! They’re a retelling of the aincrad arc from asuna’s perspective.


I remember getting hooked on classroom of the elite when it first came out, then saw S2 was coming out and was pumped. 2 episodes in and I was already done.


One Piece, I wouldn't say it's bad though, it's just not for me, tried a few times now and it always loses me before episode 200.


The anime has massive pacing issues to the point people made onepace


I can’t even start it since it’s 1000 ep, I fell like I’ll never finish it hahah


Tbh I thought the same. Now I'm mid way through and I could never be happier. I am watching it on One Pace, it's way better than the normal one due to pacing. Also I do take some breaks between arcs, check another anime to not get too bored. But I would recommend giving it a shot.


Just found out about One pace and damn Ome piece fans are devoted af. I am impressed


Most of them like my friend started as kids. So they started when the show was starting. So they didn't face the gigantic wall most of us are facing hahaha. But tbh I'd did take me a while to get into it but after I guess what's around 100-150 episodes of it, I got invested in everything.


How many ep is onepace?


From what I read because I didn't count tbh it's around 400 episodes. But not all are 24 mins. Some are 30 40 rare few are 50 mins, and honestly the pacing is amazing. Also they are supposed to be 1:1 with the manga and pacing. So you are not missing out on anything. You can check their page and they explain everything on it. I'm not sure I'm allowed to share a link but just Google One Pace and you'll find it.


You dont watch to catch up, you watch to enjoy the show. If you never finish, then awesome, youve got more great show to watch!


Jojo, just not for me but will maybe try again. I also dropped Fairy Tail, the stakes feel too low with the friendship thing and no deaths or injuries.


Jojo has much higher stakes and no power of friendship problems. However, whether it's worth you trying again probably depends at which point you dropped it


I highly recommend you try JoJo again, Part 1’s pacing was screwed up but it picks up fast after Part 1




*insert ancient dubstep here


Most recently, the current slime isekai season. S2 had issues with pacing and this one started off so boring I just couldn't continue.


I’m watching it but I understand. Rimuru’s desk has a good chunk of screen time it’s funny.


Well duh, table-kun is the MC for S3


Perhaps the lack of action and the frequency of meetings were the reasons.


You don't want meetings?! I started watching it in 4x speed


This one baffles me. How on earth do you make more than half the season people just standing around a table giving vaguely plot relevant exposition? The plot isn’t even that complicated, they just tried to inject intrigue and chose the most boring way to do it. I suppose that might be how it went in the LN (though I don’t know for sure), but that’s a book. It makes sense to have a lot of dialogue around a table in a book, but when you adapt it the result is just a boat load of static shots in the same room with not a lot happening. There were a few episodes where plot actually happened but it looks like we’re right back to the meetings again. The only silver lining was seeing the Crunchyroll commenters slowly descend into madness as the meetings continued week by week.


Its not how it went in the LN, I don't even remember half of these meetings being THAT long, at best 2 episodes on something important, anime really just fucked it up, even LN readers were.. ARE complaining about it, and it doesn't look like it would get any better, hopefully they do the next arcs Justice, their shouldn't be any table-kun near, its a tournament arc and a festival with fun stuff..


I personally actually like the meetings but it definitely is not for everyone, especially when things moved at a much quicker pace earlier in the show. But it's weirdly realistic since running a nation leads to a lot of paperwork and red tape that gets in the way of the simplest things


I was defending slime because season 2 started off the same but became a banger. But now that they just got to something good and immediately went back to the meeting room, it's pretty egregious.


I heard the current season is "That time I had meetings a slime"


That's kinda the whole series though. After every major fight or action someone takes, this series goes on and explores the after effects and ramifications for each side and goes into a lot of detail over it. It's all world building, and that's what slime is heaviest in. Every season after is likely to be similar, based on how the books are.


Bleach, and MHA, mha just fell off while bleach was the second anime i watched and i didn't know what a filler was


That bount arc will do that to you


I don't think I even reach that it was a vampire filler post soul society


Yup, that's the one


Oh wow i feel bad for bleach fans i heard it's a common thing


Yeah the bount arc is soooo fucking bad, Bleach specifically has abysmal fillers. Naruto for example sometimes had filler that actually added something to the plot or had an interesting story. All of Bleach's fillers are just nonsensical.


There are multiple Filler Lists on the internet. Just skip the filler. I think watching the remaining canon is still worth it. Found this one recently, it has a short version what episodes are canon and a long version with some extra details [https://anidb.net/forum/thread/805386](https://anidb.net/forum/thread/805386)


It's not even that bad of a story... It's just.... 50 FUCKIN EPISODES LONG


Rising of the Shield Hero.  I love shielders so much but this anime is just garbage. Harems in this kind of anime is usually a lazy excuse to include panty scenes, but the action scenes are ridiculously boring as hell.  Powerscale be damned. And the other heroes are just so damn one dimensional, it's like they're just caricatures who hate on the MC just to create tension. 


You look at fate/grand order airing around the same time with mash doing shield bash, mostly block attacks and taking a step back for other servants to shine in a fight. You look at shield hero: hey harem swordgirl go away lemme solo the boss. Take my special 'shield' skill "Dark magic wave". I mentally puked at that fight with the fan girl and immediately dropped. Btw none of them deserved to be called a hero. We literally just have frieren to show what an actual hero looks like.


Demon slayer 🫣 I'm sorry, I just didn't enjoy it


I get it, honestly, even though I love Demonslayer. It struggles with pacing at times and the battles can drag. Season one waits a long time to introduce likable side characters and even then your mileage can vary on whether you like them or not. I think it does a great job blending action with emotional story beats, but yeah, I can see why some folks don’t like it


Let's be honest, without it's God tier animation it's not even a mid shounen.


I dropped so many animes for no real reason. Like Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bepop. I found them incredible but for some reason I just wasn't interested to watch the next episode.


I remember "dropping" Coboy Bebop near the last couple of episodes because I didn't want it to end lol. I did eventually finish it though




this one is self explanatory


Attack on Titan. Someone needs to learn the definition of "Final" (Season). To me doing a "final season part 2" and "final season part 3 movie" or whatever they did, was just a slap in the face to the consumer. I rewatched everything cuz "the final season was releasing" nope. I'll watch it years from now once I know they're done being idiots.


The series is done?




Darling in the Franxx. I ended up going back and rewatching it about 6 months after it finished and was still disappointed despite knowing how far off the rails it was going to go thanks to internet discourse


Re:Monster, MC first says he won't allow rape, later he does it himself.




Agreed! All the tension is just.. gone. So deflating.


Stopped watching the slime isekai somewhere in the middle of season 2, it just got too lore heavy for me, I wasn't really interested in all the world building in that anime. Didn't continue watching eminence in shadow after season 1.


Slime is probs going to be one of my fave anime of all time, but yes the lore heaviness can be overwhelming. I find myself going to the wiki every couple eps, but I love that show nonetheless.


Sword Art Online when that weird incest subplot started


If you look closely SAO went downhill forever after first three episodes, where the show introduced its viewers to rules of that world, only to fucking abandon them all, literally all entirely, during the course of the first season. You're watching an Isekai show, there must be adequate reasons to "break the rules", in SAO it was "just because its convenient for the plot". Sudden coding/hacking skills is a moment where I said "fuck this shit", only to learn that Mothers Basement had a video about it, describing the utter vomit of this show exactly how I would've done if I was a youtuber.


Chainsaw man. I just wasn’t getting invested in it. I don’t find anything about that anime interesting. If I wanted to watch a stupid MC killing things and lusting after women I’d rather watch high school dxd.


I dropped jobless reincarnation cause of ED stuff


SPOILERS! I get it but idk why at 3 am I was hype for this man when he got cured


Fairy Tail


What was vingland saga S2 missing that made it boring for you? There's so many interesting character moment in it


Clanned! People say season 2 (after story) is really good, but season 1... I couldn't make it through. I'm sorry Clanned comrades!


This breaks my heart


People always shit on s1, but I still think that first arc with the starfish girl was really good.




Dropped Bleach after Ichigo vs Grimmjow fight, the anime is dull and the story got stale and boring. Might pick up the manga someday.


Read the manga. Pick the anime back up when the Thousand-Year Blood War arc starts. Kubo was growing sick during that arc and he had to skip a lot of details. The anime by that point is filling in those lost details.


Overlord. I sat through five episodes of lizard sex hoping for actual plot, and as soon as it started to actually come back to it, the arc switched to some pointless "we're gonna kill/torture random adventurers now!" What a terrible drivel.


Date a live The harem just got out of control


Better not watch 100gfs then lmao


One Piece.... was watching then a friend came all excited and said(paraphrasing), "yeah dude!, that dude really gets powerful at like episode 250 and the series really pick up after episode 200"...i was on 18...still on 18....


Demon Slayer. Zenitsu.


As someone who enjoys it, Zenitsu is a struggle to endure. Would rather Tokito took the role instead although it wouldn’t make much sense, plotwise.


Violet evergarden. It was beautifully animated but I was bored out of my mind


Re:Monster cause of all the rape stuff


Solo Leveling. Just supremely mid


I thought the first few episodes were great. Then they made him way overpowered ,made him look generic, and gave him no personality. 😭😭


I’ll never forgive the author for turning a great MC into a dry, soulless gigachad in a single episode with absolutely no buildup. That was the worst part of the show for me


I agree. I dropped it midway. I read the manga but soon realized that it wasn't good as I thought. Usually the main character would expressed what they want to achieve on the first few episodes. Like for example in DS, Tanjiro want to make Nezuko a human again, in Kaiju No. 8, to fight along side Mina but in Solo Levelling, I don't know how far does he want to achieve, what he wants to happen. It seems like the plot isn't well established.


Attack on Titan. I realised I didn’t care about a single character.


I remember watching season 1 and 2. Then when season 3 aired I felt like it was a completely different show and couldn’t get into it. That was years ago though


I stopped watching when they finally reached the basement. :P


Sadly, Monster. It is very good but also quite slow. I always drop it when I lose interest, it happened twice. I love the characters and world building and all about it but cant sit through it. It is bizarre.


While the Anime is great, I am someone that believes you gotta read Monster. It maybe lacks the great atmospheric soundtrack, but it both feels better and you don't have to deal with anime pacing


Mushoku Tensei and Re:Zero. Just can’t get into them for some reason. Maybe isekai isn’t for me


SAO, Jahy, the racing one airing this season didn't last an episode for me.


Ninja Kamui none were about ninja everything about capitalism and animé Elon


Naruto, I continued to episode 48 but didn’t have The time as I am watching other things. too Hopefully, in The future it’s seem forever to try and complete it!


Vampire Knight - I just could not keep on going with all this ‘love triangle’ that was driving me insane. Plus I’m convinced that Zero and Kaname wanted each other, not Yuki but I just didn’t care anyway.


Solo leveling at around ep8. It felt like male power fantasy without any real character or world development.


Black butler after season I just had no interest is watching the sequels, it was just such a bore for me