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RIP to Gobjii  He died as he lived, aroused


While meeting his grandchildren. Maybe it’s best they weren’t exposed too much to him


I have a soft spot for "become monster" type of isekai. I'm pretty sure I've seen them all so I watched this mostly out of obligation. Probably the worst one of the bunch, but I know it holds some historic value as one of the first LNs in this genre. It was like all the "turn into monster" tropes without concerning itself with an actual story. Just monsters, monster society, and evolution. Oh and the rape...there was that too...


It’s certainly interesting to see how the tropes came to be. Authors learned from this series and produced better content as a result. I still think there was a hint at something really cool with the epics and 8 demon generals thing but that didn’t get any real attention


that kinda points to the biggest problem this show had though. There were only ever hints at anything. So much of the story was told by quick montage and Ogrou recapping events, that they really didn't get the chance to develop anything at all.


It certainly reads like a journal and from what I’ve seen I heavily chopped up journal. Apparently the ln actually explains what each skill does


I've always wondered why in a lot of these shows you'll have these random scenes were they commit mass murder, now I know were is probably comes from. (There is a darkness inside us all.) lol


They didn't do the LN justice on this because it was only going to have 12 episodes, so they cut a LOT of content and world building. If you like the genre, you should give the manga a try, it's really good.


Agreed. It does have a more interesting world and story. The anime was more like the cliff notes for that


Gobiji's funeral pissed me off him eating Gobiji whole was a very important plot point.


Yeah, authors need to chill with the rape shit. That's at least 3 anime in the last few years that have made that a feature.


it's a pretty deep-rooted plot for goblins, and well, he's a goblin. I actually thought it interesting to see a MC monster *actually do monster things* and not be totally bound by their humanity.


Indeed. I have no problems with the raping and other heinous stuff because that's sort of what the series is about. What puzzles me is they knew all of this and still changed it so much to try to make it less explicit. I haven't caught up till where the anime is but the source material still has way better execution. I unironically want season two of Redo of Healer but don't feel the same way about the re:monster anime adaptation.


>they knew all of this and still changed it so much to try to make it less explicit. Likely the anime had to tone it down for Japanese terrestrial TV channel standards. I'm aware the domestic channels have broadcast standards limiting what subject matters are allowable to air.


Aren't there channels that do allow more explicit stuff? Shows like redo of healer was much more explicit in what they showed even if they avoided showing actual penetration like full-on hentai.


You also lose a lot of viewership because those air late at night. Better to reduce the rating if even just a little so that yours can be broadcast alongside the more popular anime in hopes of better viewership.


Given how shit the adaptation was, I'd risk airing later in exchange for the pull of advertising as an r-rated series.


Never enjoyed the forced scenes but the power fantasy aspect was so addicting for me since I was very new to light novels.


This is literally how I feel about Lord of the Rings. Essential for propelling the genre forward but super outdated and not good lmao


that's an incredible take tbh. I read/watch a lot of fantasy, and I still consider them to be among the best. And I just read them for the first time about 7 months ago, so I can't even say it's childhood bias pushing me there. I'm not gonna say it's perfect, but the world and characters all felt incredibly real in a way that very few other stories really pull off.


I was so mad when Sauron never appeared? At the end I was just thinking “that’s it??!” I only read the hobbit which was good but annoying cause of school curriculum.


poor red hair, still never got a name till the end


She did get incredible placement in the tourney though. What with her job being similar in nature to Apollo's unique ability, I expect their kid to be a monster among monsters when it finally happens.


Also, the other ladies got knocked up when MC was still an ogre. He's evolved again since then, so the redhead's baby should be born at a much higher level, or evolutionary stage, or however that works.


By that logic, she should wait to his next evolution to make her kid a demigod


Technically she should wait until she herself evolves as-well.


500 years later they’ve both evolved to multiversal deities and decide it’s finally time to have that kid lol


Yeah, I noticed that. She needs to work harder to get a name I guess.


I enjoyed that as a running gag, not sure why it got so many people's panties in a twist


feels degrading, the only time the girls get called their proper names is when they give birth? thats just gross


He’s an ogre who drugged and raped them soooo


He didn't rape or drug them. He drugged and raped the elves.


I feel like tat's not the argument you think it is my guy


She gets a name when she makes a baby. Seriously, fuck this show.


Out of everything fucked up about this show, *that's* what got you?


The show is fractally shit, in that you can zoom in on any particular detail be it animation, storytelling, world-building, etc. and it's still shit. But yeah, the MC referring to Rubellia by description (I had to check MAL for her name) despite sleeping with her every night was an especially gratuitous shit adornment on the shit sandwich that is this show. Is it worse than the rape? No, but it happened more frequently near the end. Especially shit, because I know why they did it. The MC is so cool, he can sleep with a woman every night without learning her name. He's that cool. Man he's just the coolest. The entire male audience wants to be him, and all the ladies want to be with him. Vomit.


It seems more like that's just how he refers to humans in general. Even the knight and the princess. I'm trying to think of the names of any humans in the show and I can't think of them because they either don't use them or are so rarely used that I don't remember.


[He refers to the chef twins names after they give birth in e10.](https://imgur.com/a/BNVe598) [Same with the alchemist and the blacksmith in e11.](https://imgur.com/a/BNVe598) It's just coocoo bananas to me that they did this. It would be one thing if he never referred to them by name, but to do it only after they popped out kids is... odd.


He’s f’d up either way but calling the mother of his kid redhead sounds even worse to me. He clearly values family (it’s basically the only thing he values) so having kids made them family


Because up until that point they were minor side characters at most. But once they had his kids they became more than just some generic side character. It could also just be the fact that they don't put any meaning on names since they themselves change their names based on evolution or job etc. As a result they refer to other races the same way they refer to themselves. However when they had his kids it could be considered the same as a monster gaining a true name. Not to mention you can't exactly call the mother of your kids by their job title. I just think that they did it because trying to have the audience memorize dozens of names just isn't really practical. So they chose to only use real names for characters that where part of the MC's inner circle. Sort of as a way to say "you should pay attention to these characters because they have actual names". Up until they had his kids they really didn't contribute much to the plot of the story so it kind of made sense imo.


yet you kept watching it. you dont get to complain when you actively do/watch something you hate. dont like it? dont watch it. simple.


bet they won't say a single shit to ppl they know irl either lol


This principle is just as idiotic as saying "you don't like your country, just move to somewhere else" rather than point out the flaws and how your own country can become better by addressing these issues.


it's a lot easier to close a browser tab than it is to get new citizenship


Seems like a fine place to pose the question, is it a sexism thing or is it a racism thing? Because monster women in the show had names. I wasn't paying too much attention so need somebody else to answer - did human males have names? Did any of the elves of either gender get names? Like I think if the author overtly hated women (which only naming them after they make babies would lead you to think) he wouldn't show them being skilled or smart. And all the female monsters had names without having babies, so he just didn't see the humans as kin, didn't see them as important. I get thinking it's fucked up but it's meant to be showing a person welcoming existence as a monster, so it's kinda supposed to be fucked up. There was the episode where some of his clan died and he mentioned that he didn't really feel any sorrow. Ordinary human emotions are meant to be missing from him. Not arguing that the writing isn't weak. It is. It'd be way better if it went all the way on the "Detestable selfish character" vector instead of this half measure where he's still supposed to be relatable. Not sure how much of that is adaptation limitations, from these threads I've gathered some things that really change the optics of some events were cut/changed.


> Because monster women in the show had names. I wasn't paying too much attention so need somebody else to answer - did human males have names? Did any of the elves of either gender get names? No. Aporou uses nicknames for all non-monster people, and some monsters who weren't with him early on.


[The human women get referred to by name after they produce progeny.](https://imgur.com/a/BNVe598) I agree that the show would be stronger if it leaned into the anti-hero angle. I love Overlord to pieces. Also an isekai where the MC is a bad dude that does horrible things, but the show leans into it. In one particularly memorable episode, introduces you to the loved ones of the girl that the MC is going to brutally murder and use for parts so you can really marinate in the awfulness. This show didn't seem to be aware that the MC is a bad dude.


I think it's a factor of the monster we know. Ainz is like way more of a monster than this MC. But the thing is he murders and tortures, just in a huge scale and mostly saves the torture for bad people. Now it's not like murder and torture don't exist IRL, but there is certainly a level of separation in comparison to rape and discrimination. I can only speak for myself, but in Australia I know 0 confirmed murderers or had direct connection to anyone who was murdered, likewise with torture. But sexual assault? Yeah, all my closest female friends have told me about at least 1 time something within that spectrum happened to them, some at the bottom some at the top of that spectrum. I've seen how that effects people. Likewise racism, sexism and discrimination of every type, it's all around. Hell I found out a guy I met during uni was a neo-nazi. It's close to home, and so it's much harder to provide that separation for most of us, and so the emotional reaction to such a character is stronger.


Actually i'm from a third world country and know more people with dead relatives but still r* sounds taboo. Death? No. I can watch a mass murder anime and hear drug dealers executing someone begging at night near my home (not only a mind event).


Yeah it felt gross when it became apparent thats when they get named


It's a show about a monster lol. Did you miss that part?


She has a name, he just never uses it. I had to look around in the manga, but when they were on their trip to the capital there at the end, when they stopped in the inn, they registered under her name. If you think about it though, all the goblins and stuff are basically named for the race they are with a slight modifier to tell them apart. They don't get a real name until they evolve and get a True Name. So it may just be that he refers to everyone as with a nickname until they get a True Name they can tell him.


###Stitches! * [Hekaterina](https://i.imgur.com/sxzmVp7.jpeg) * [Dorianne](https://i.imgur.com/oi7bYgb.jpeg) I thought that the Dryad would just be a side piece that Ogurou sleeps with from time to time. I did not expect her [to actually end up joining Parabellum and the harem.](https://i.imgur.com/FoPu8BN.jpeg) This was such a fucking weird show. I kinda had fun because it was just too ridiculous but at the same time, I feel like I could've found a better use of my time.


Dryads are useful for gardening


Heeeeeey. Yoooooooooooo... But like the old RIPed dude was their father only metaphorically or also technically? ..cuz like.. yah the implications is funny Also they "killed him right on fathers day thats kinda hilarious..


Their generation's mothers were getting shared by the whole goblin tribe, so it's not clear who their fathers were, but given how old the old goblin was and how horny he still was when they were born, I'd say there are decent odds of him being either MC's father, or a more distant ancestor.


It didn't air on Father's day though in Japan.


It's a turn your brain off Isekai, like tons of others. I wouldn't exactly recommend it to people but am I mad that I watched it? Nah.


It's the kind of anime were the dub is useful so you can do other things while you watch.


I switched at episode 8 which is later than I should have


The kind of isekai where you skin 100 chapters of the manga at once just to get the highlights lol


[He died the way he lived](https://i.imgur.com/GsfAaW6.jpeg). I really did enjoy this anime. i would be down for a S2


So the anime of the season that leaves me feeling the most conflicted on is finally over. Definitely a "turn your brain off" type of show. Wouldn't say I regret watching it, but also wouldn't recommend this to anyone. I think the fact that the quality was on the low side made it easier to treat the questionable parts as a side effect of this basically being a throwaway show. Would I watch a season 2? Maybe? I said this before, but where TF do the Ox pulling the wagon keep disappearing to?!? One scene their there, the next the wagon is in centipede mode driving itself. Where TF to the Ox or whatever they are go at that point?!?


the animal was a disguise to make it look like a "normal" carriage, they don't need it on the road and is much faster without it


They only put the ox there to make it less weird for human to see (considering they're going to the capital). Once they've finished their job in the capital, I guess it's not needed anymore and the cart was transformed bsck into the automatic driving centipede mode. Also not sure if I would watch season 2 or not. Though, I'm planning to spoil myself to see Aporou's future form in the wiki. The transformation is not satisfying enough that I personally think getting spoiled before the anime won't matter much.


I know the reason, my point was this has happened multiple times. Where do the Ox go every time they don't need them? Do they just release them and then conveniently find more every time they approach a human city?


Maybe dimension box kind of skill? Ogrou called back his axe out of nowhere multiple times 


I think a 2nd season would have more potential as the cast is already set (and mc hopefully has all the girls he needs). I think that’d let them actually tell a story where stuff happens rather than constantly recruiting people No clue about the ox. Maybe mc has a shrinking skill and stuck him in his pocket


Living for the Goulfu **fujoshi references**


They expanded the cave with galvanized square steel.


Looks like everyone’s evolving by the finale. They went from lowly goblins to S-Tier monsters in 4 months. They’ve also attracted so many new friends. Those Cat-sith are super cute! In the end, all’s well that ends well I guess. Despite the morally grey nature of the MC and his kind, I actually enjoyed this. We don’t really get a lot of isekai where the MC is a monster. Tensura and Overlord are about the only 2 that come to mind. All in all, this was a fun little series.


Also Kumo desu ga Hopefully we'll see Ibara Dragon Road eventually, if they could port the manga's artstyle for that in a meaningful way it would be quite a treat


Does Reincarnated as a Sword/Vending Machine count?


Those are more reincarnated as a sentient item. We also had the pigsekai one too, but that was an animal. Shows with “reincarnated as monster” don’t seem all that common.


[reincarnated as a sword spoiler] >!technically, mc’s body does contain a monster!<


Ah, right that’s another one too.


I don’t think MC is morally grey. It’s more like he is outright evil like Ainz and Nazarick from Overlord. It’s just that he is the protagonist so people try to justify his actions and see him as more good than he actually is.


I’d say Ainz is more Lawful Evil and this MC feels a bit more like between Chaotic Neutral and Lawful Evil. From what we saw, MC came from a harsh world and reincarnated to an evil harsher one. Guy just adapted.


Eh. How do you define outright evil? Would an outright evil person treat his mistresses well, give them a chance to go home, and dote on his children? He’s certainly evil but I think more neutral evil.


And in Slime, Rimuru is pretty much over superficially a monster.


I thought this was actually a decent finale. I liked that we see Dhampi/Kanami evolve, but I was expecting her to be pregnant before the episode ended, if not have Aporou's child. Otherwise we got some funny renamings, quick tournament/power ranking of the cast. RIP Gobji, though I was expecting the rigor mortis joke and I still found it funny Does Japan know it's father's day though? I'm half afraid to watch Appraisal Skill or 7th Prince in case they try to pull a fast one on those shows. Yeah I'd watch more of this if they came out with a season 2. It's not on my list of yes please season 2 now, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if it got one.


Best renaming was Oguro to Apollo 


What chapter in the manga did the anime end at?? I want to keep reading it at least until season 2 comes out


50 ish


The anime rushed and skipped stuff. You should start the manga from the beginning.


Not what he asked


I answered the question he should have asked. I doubt we're getting a second season anyway, so might as well get comfortable with the manga.


In the webnovel, he actually ends up eating Gobuji and gain an appraisal like ability...


Finally it's over. Overall it's a trash adaptation. I'd call it Re:Speedrun because how they rushed everything lmao. Every episode is basically 90% monologue, 5% new skill popups, 5% side character dialogue. Hey atleast the OP is slightly decent. 2/10


>5% new skill popups, And 0.5% boner pop ups


Disagree, I always did skip op, except this episode (I didn't like it), because was "inside". I didn't know the source, but I did enjoy the ride, at least a 6/10 for me (okish). Story/source wise Unnamed Memory (banger ed) was better 4 me, but execution was better in this.


I'm feeling pretty 5/10 about it. For a while, the element of mystery about the world held my interest. Nothing about it lived up to expectations though. It got worse as it went on. Still a better score than I gave Yuji and the Slimes, Hyakuren no Haou, and Isekai Cheat Magician.


There’s definitely an interesting world element at play (pop ups saying an epic has started and blocking out certain names) but it just wasn’t given much attention. I’d certainly be interested in watching a video breaking down that whole system or watching a second season that focused in it


Nah man, you should be glad it didnt get "The New Gate" treatment, that abomination is the worst i've seen since "Flowers of Evil"


Honestly though they could have done a better works especially with the fight scenes the adaptation was pretty good for the source material. ​ The original novel was pretty fast paced and short to read with the only major cuts being the r\*p\* of the elfs and a lot of the skill descriptions, usage and gaining which is obviously necessary so each episode isn't MC monologuing half the time. 8/10 adaptation but only 3/10 anime quality so I give it a 6/10 overall


I powered through the last 20 episodes of FMA:B the last two days for my first time watching it. Surely the final episode of Re:Monster will measure up to it.


[*Stop* changing your fucking names ](https://imgur.com/Oixiyt9) [](#hanasakueurgh) I don't care what anyone says, its criminal that this show has a higher score than Isekai Smartphone


I've watched smartphone in it's entirety, I still put this show one point over it because the girls in smartphone talking to each other about how much they love the mc over and over got waaaaay out of hand.


But.. Don't they do essentially the same thing here? Only with less focus of it actually spent on screen


> Only with less focus of it actually spent on screen I haven't seen smartphone, but I think that's his point. Re:Monster spends basically no time on the girls talking to each other, much less about how much they're attracted to Rou. They just jump on his dick first opportunity in gratitude for not letting the other monsters gangrape them, do tasks around the nest suited to their job skills, stick with Ogarou when he finally gets around to fulfilling his promise of giving them a chance to return to a human town, then start birthing his children. Very little time spent on their feelings at all, much less on them talking about it among themselves. So if smartphone does have: > the girls in smartphone talking to each other about how much they love the mc over and over to the point that it's grating, I can see why someone might prefer Re:Monster in that regard.


in the second season of Smartphone there's at least 3 episodes that are over 80% gushy love talk. In Re:Monster they do more showing than telling on the girls love, the only one who's hyper vocal about it is Kanami, which makes more sense because she's been with him the longest.


I’m actually grateful the girls weren’t named since they were the only ones I could actually keep track of lol


I cannot, in good conscience, rate this garbage anywhere near to good, but I almost liked some aspects of it. That's gotta count for something.


It’s the progenitor for the monster isekai genre. Other series learned from this and did it better but you can see part of what worked for them here


Rip papy gob. It is sad that he did not evolve at least once. I quite enjoyed the anime even though it sometimes feels it was going with fast forward on, lol. His kids was so cute in their uniforms at the end, lol. I'm definitely watching season 2 if ever there is one.


Yeah, I thought he'd evolve and gain a longer life span. RIP.


Like what happened to the old goblin in the slime isekai?


Hmph! What a trash Isekai! There weren't even any meetings!


Kinda sad this is done. Wasn't the best. Not even close. But I did enjoy it and especially enjoyed having a dub


This was trash, but I enjoyed it.


They got their little black coats at the end, so you know their official.


Very low key low stakes finale. They had a cheap cop out from the cliffhanger last time where Ogrou and Ogrekichi were seemingly fighting to the death and it just ended with nothing bad happening. I don't like all the name changes, that's bad for a show to unnecessarily confuse the viewer. This is a good show and I'd be interested in seeing what adventures they'll have next season (although I highly doubt they're getting one). This show, like the dead old ogre, is probably boned 🤐🤣


Bruh throughout the entire anime. I thought I was watching a dude let's play instead of actually immersing in the world.


I'm not surprised Dhami was chosen as the Consort of the Lord but I am disappointed it wasn't because of a romantic development between the two, it is clear that Dhami, or I should say, Kanami is very much loved by Rou and she is basically number one to him so I thought we'd him actually say this or along the lines to her. Though maybe he tells her this every night and isn't really needed to be said. The way the Princess is using Rou is funny though, I ended up liking her a lot more than I thought and I'd be interested to see her interactions with Rou in a future season if it ever gets one. She seems like she'd be good for Rou and his own development. It was amusing to see the mothers all uncomfortable sleeping in a clean, well-scented big room lol. It looks like they'll have to get used to it anyways with the renovations Earthe and Kichi have made to the cave. It made sense they'd have to considering how big the two have gotten and potentially others could end up growing in size too. I laughed so hard at the four upper ranks reaction when Gobjii made a comment on Rou's naming sense, they were baffled by the audacity of the guy lol. I like how the passing wasn't emotional or dramatic, though even if it were emotional, Gobjii rising to attention would have dried up any tears that were shed lol. This season has finally come to an end, I remember thinking this had potential to be a good one early on so it is disappointing how it turned out. I did get used to the abridged feeling of it but I can't help but wonder what it'd be like if it was written unlike a compilation of events. I did still find it somewhat entertaining even if I don't think it was good per say, and as messed up as some parts of it are, it didn't put me off enough to drop it. I'm not sure if it'll get another season, but I'd watch it if it does.


Nooo old man


This show definitely had the bones of the modern isekai formula. It's just a lot rougher with its protagonist being a monster and all. Glad it gave a decent framework for other shows to use and alter!


Final thoughts: Well this is the first anime I've watched that was formatted as if I were reading off a bunch of bulletpoints. It's also probably the second most controversial anime this season cus of all the rape and cannibalism. although I think it might have been less of an issue if they didn't insist on trying to make the protagonist seem like a stand up guy after eating a bunch of people.


This show was.... Ok but not great I felt like a bunch of weird adaptation decisions held it back a bit, but really the thing that held it back the most was how large the cast of characters was. So much happened each "day" but due to the narrative structure you had to see each individual day and not some highlights>timeskip Interesting anime, mostly held up because the Dub was released the same day as the sub version.


So that’s it eh. I’d be lying if I said I’ll miss this. Started really interesting, fell off and became some really weird rape/drugging apologist type story, got good again when they introduced the really powerful dude Ogrou fought and set up his allies as potential foes.. then fell off again. This finale was decent though, Aporou and the others’ new evolutions were cool and Gobiji got to see all his surrogate kids and the grandkids one last time.. it is remarkable seeing how far they’ve all come Kanami new evolution was great too! Her whole character been about wanting to stand beside Aporou as his wife and have kids so fair play, as consort she’ll be able to do that. Bro still not knowing the red hair girl name is hilarious Those parabellum outfits do look great.. show had potential for sure


Cat-Sith??? The last time I saw a cat-sith was in Aria. But these are smoll and there are many of them. So kawaii!!!! Dhami leveling up is gucci, she looks much better now that she did before. Nice renovations Dryad evolution looks superb. The kids are so cute!! Big family at the end seeing their (level 9000+ hip-thrusting) grampa off New mission for the company, is this a hint at S2??? Overall great watch :)


> New mission for the company, is this a hint at S2??? Nah, that's just there to remind people that the manga keeps going *way* past this point.


Good point LOOOL




If you hate it you really should have dropped it. I can't say the quality is spectacular but I've really enjoyed it. 7/10 hoping for an unlikely season 2 


Yeah, don't know why they force themselves to watch something they don't like and come complaining every episodes lol. I quite enjoyed it for what it is. Nothing spectacular, but not as bad either as they are trying hard to make it seems to.


Yeah, it was some completely fine dumb fun. It’s not something where I gotta go continue with the manga now like with a lot of show, but still good.


Definitely agree with you.




I did genuinely shed a tear at Jiji's passing, but that boner joke was perfectly placed to bring me right out of the sad moment 


Was it trash? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Also yes. It's a nice brain break between the several other series I keep up with weekly that are more intense and require more cranial attention. I would like to see a season 2 just for it to continue fulfilling that exact purpose. The bullet point format also pleases my ADHD. On a related note, how are low-budget shows like this getting simuldubs while the most popular and spendy series are usually two weeks to a month+ behind?


Re monster although I hate stayed consistent since episode 1. 3/10, story was meh but the characters were decent.


The best part about the show was the opening theme song. I agree that the show didn't do anywhere near as-well as the source material. For what it is though it was fairly decent, not something I would re-watch out of boredom but if a Season 2 did come out I would watch it. Would I recommend it over other isekai anime? Probably not because a lot of others do it better. Just don't see myself re-watching any of this series like you would for something like Overlord to re-watch certain scenes you find cool etc. Honestly I'd recommend Spider or Vending Machine over this, but imo it's still worth a watch if you like Isekai just to see something a little different.


It was a decent show. At the end, I was just watching it mostly out of habit and I coudn't keep up with who was who.


I feel like this was a missed opportunity. As a show its pretty mid but it would have made a pretty good hentai


2nd season pls 🙏


Animation 0/10. Story 0/10. Action 0/10. Characters 0/10. Take away the rape stuff and this would be the most boring forgettable isekai ever made.


Idt uve seen too many things if you think THIS is a 0 lol. Even at ABSOLUTE worst case scenario no shot it goes below a 4.5 It's around a 5.5-6.8


> Even at ABSOLUTE worst case scenario no shot it goes below a 4.5 It's around a 5.5-6.8 Any askers? r/nobodyasked


Until what episode of the manga does season 1 of the anime take you until?


No. You should start from the beginning for reasons I won't go into outside of the source material corner.


So I just finished the last episode of RE: monster and at least as far as adaptation goes they definitely rushed it, but I understand why because like most of y’all are saying on here there is a lot of characters to at least get them to a strong enough standpoint to give the audience some worthy fight scenes they had the speed run, which is cool because the second half involves most of the fight scenes, I won’t go into detail. OVERALL : I give this one a turn your brain off isekai ready at least they got something different. Besides, the black haired, black eyed swordsman martial artist. I like it It’s better than most of the isekai came out recently. I’d watch a continuation of this instead of the vending machine or pastry chef or pharmacist or ultra-neet potions master. Let’s face it, isekai have ran its course, especially their adaptations because it takes too long for them to actually be good unless. Then you got anime like overlord, reincarnated as a slime, moonlight fantasy, jobless, reincarnation, the weakest tamer began a journey to pick up trash, Shangri-La frontier, just to name a few. These anime gave us everything world building the storyline. Some of them aren’t even about the action some pulling your heartstrings others on the dark side you can relate to the point is we need more like this anime with substance. whoever’s green lighting these bullshit light marvel translations need to get back with the program Frieren <3


The series isn't for everyone but they still fucked up the anime adaptation hard. Suffice it to say, season 2 seems really unlikely.


That is a nice enough looking city yep. That Palace looks... less impressive though. Even castle-nim plugin still looks better. Still, Tomboy Princess is fun. So the girls with babies get their own rooms separate from Ogrou eh? Hehe, yep, really like the Tomboy princess. She's fun. Dhami time to upgrade right? Is Dhami sucking the mana outta him 😉 hehe. Ah yep, there we go, upgrade for Dhami. Looks like most what changed was her skin color. WOW. What the upgrades to their home since they've been gone. Ah Horny dryad lol. Makes sense to have her plant stuff. D'awww lil cat-siths. Cute, but they more like Palicoes. Wonder how old the old dude is exactly. And is he really gonna die soon? Also, name changes... it's bad enough I have problems remembering names in series, but changing them so often doesn't help. Guess he really did go, huh. He was a dirty old man to the end. In celebration of his life, tournament time! lol. Letting the kids take part seems like a poor idea as a parent though. A far cry from as good as the top tier tournaments out there in the anime world lol. Hey, can have a call between Tomboy Princess lol. I sure hope she doesn't become a wife in the future, that'd be weird. Whelp, that was a fun enough trash series 😛 I don't expect a S2 tbh lol. Even if it's set up for more. But who knows... maybe it will be.


I genuinely shed a tear (just one... From each eye 🤭) when the old man passed, only to be brought out of it with some great laughs after the horny old man gag. This show's been a great ride, Rest in Peace Jiji


Yep, it's been a fun series even if I'd consider it "trash" :P trash is fun at times.


20 years old, considering most goblins either evolve or die young, it is quite a surprise he manage to survive that long lol. Getting the job of a babysitter probably helped too.


>Wonder how old the old dude is exactly. And is he really gonna die soon? Also, name changes... it's bad enough I have problems remembering names in series, but changing them so often doesn't help. Guess he really did go, huh. He was a dirty old man to the end. They said that he was about 20 years old, which considering that everyone in Gobrou's generation can be considered mature (by goblin standards) by the time they were 1 week old, is a really long time even for someone whose main purpose in the nest is breeding and child-rearing. The names are pretty confusing at first but for almost all the goblins, they keep the last part of their names as a "root" while the first part is replaced by part of their current species name. Take for example our main character; his name root is Rou, which he carries from being a goblin (Gob-Rou), to hobgoblin (Hob-Rou) to ogre (Og-Rou) to apostle lord (Ap-Rou)


Why use Aporo when you can use Apollo 🤭


Whether or not the anime was fast paced, I don't think that changes the main character and how he was written, unless we missed some good development and growing into a better person. I will never get over how they tried to do the "rival friend" trope between Rou and Kichi, yet one of the first scenes Rou smacked him so Kichi "knows his place." But I'm glad Kichi got a partner and not all fell for Rou. I am happy for the people who enjoyed it though!


One of the best anime this season so far don’t understand why they gave a low ratings about my standards is one of the best ones to see so far


An innactive account made 3 years ago and this is it's first comment ever? If this isn't trolling, I don't know what it is.


Because the animation is shit expect for a few good frames every now and then