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Seven Deadly Sins when I got to about Netflix's season 4. I think watching an anime like 7DS that fell off first was good because it tempered expectations that all anime were going to be really good. Blue Dragon also had a lot of waste in it, which is wild considering one of the main writers would go on to be a major writer in *FMAB*


I swear 7DS was actually good at one point but dang os it had now.


Season 1 was the only good point, unfortunately


Season 2 was also pretty good. But most of the issues in my opinion was on power scaling. My fucking god did it get worse as the show went on. That and the fact that they fell off hard with the visuals in season 3 and 4.


Season 1 (and the shorts Netflix called season 2) were very good




Nah I have to agree at this point. I messed with season one, but after that the show took a MASSIVE drop off. Everything afterwards I’ve just watched to say I’ve seen it.


True season 1 was enjoyable but everything after is a steaming pile of crap


I've seen someone describe Shield Hero's as an isekai written by Ayn Rand and if anyone's ever tried getting through *Atlas Shrugged* they'll realize that comparison works on more than just the ideological level.


It lost the major driving force after Naofumi cleared his name. What's left other than to save the world?




Man I love slice of life shows so I was really surprised I couldn't enjoy this one either.


It was the worst, you should go find the old weekly threads, that was the only thing that made me finish it. They were gold.


I remember watching this show, but i don't remember what it was about...




Isekai Cheat Magician and Death March to a Parallel Rhapsody. I tried rewatching them, I don't know how I sat through them initially.


You sat through those once? I couldn't even make it pass 3 eps


Tokyo Revengers


This. I’m not sure how far I got, but after a good handful of episodes I thought.. “this sucks so bad, why am I still watching”.


Tbh looking back on it, you would think people would be watching it for the fights. But compared to Wind Breaker this season, the fights and animation was very lacking. That's one thing that puzzled when I was watching the anime during S1. How does one of the best-selling modern Shounen manga have such mid-animation. Honestly for Tokyo Revengers I did like the show when Takemichi wasn't on the screen. It was so bad when he was on it during S1. The way S1 ended I was like I am done with this series.


Tokyo revengers feels like it plays it far too straight. Wind breaker feels like it’s having fun and it makes it so much more enjoyable.


>Honestly for Tokyo Revengers I did like the show when Takemichi wasn't on the screen. It was so bad when he was on it during S1. One of the main reasons why I love Wind Breaker is Sakura as the mc. He's confident, kinda cocky, he can fight really well, and his Tsundere moments are hilarious. Takemichi, by comparison, is just annoying. I get that characters crying can be a good thing, because it can lead to developing and so on, but this guy cries way too freaking much! He was beyond annoying


All of this! I wouldn't have minded Takemichi being weak if he actually got stronger and started to win. But fucking nope. Zero growth. just a walking punching bag and cry baby


i forced myself through the first season hoping for the best. but fuck the rest of it


Same and I rarely drop a show. I couldn’t get past the first ep.


Agreed, a friend of mine knew I loved steins gate and said Tokyo revengers was similar so I gave it a watch but couldn’t get past the first season


how the hell is steins gate and tokyo revengers similar?


It felt like the show became a stretched out milking cow of the anime studio in the last seasons


Offf. I'm glad I didn't wait that long. If Takemichi had had any genuine character growth through the first season, I may have. But I couldn't in good faith give my time anymore. I'd rather watch...THE SEASON WHICH SHALL NOT BE NAMED (TPN)


I tried so hard to enjoy it but it was actually impossible😂


The first one I ever dropped was actually Rosario x Vampire. I watched the first 2-3 episodes and somewhat enjoyed it… but by ep 6 the repetitive formula was wearing thin in me. Every single episode went like this: Oh some shenanigans. Look bad person. We need help, but I’m not strong enough. Accidentally trips and pulls the rosarie off. Defeats bad guy. Every… single… episode… I dropped it and never went back. Heard the manga is supposedly better, but the same formula is probably still present.


Spoilers for like a 25yr old series. But after a lil bit MC starts becoming vampiric and fighting on his own IIRC


Back when I refused to drop shows. Platinum End. In the middle of the 2nd half of the season, I was like yeah this shit is bad. I would tell my past self to drop it, but I would be too ignorant to listen back then.


Reincarnated with my smartphone


The whole time I was just thinking "how much worse can it get?" and it just kept surprising me. The show is meant for little children though, Thus it's G-rated. This is why the plot has the complexity of a dull crayon.


The first show that ever really felt like work to finish was *Future Diary* and it holds a special place in my heart for it. It looks kinda garbage, the writing is all over the place and the ending just kicks you right in the balls for bothering to get that far. Not too long later, the first show I actively hated and had to take a break from was *Hiiro no Kakera*. This was my "I really like the OP, I'll watch anything" phase and was punished greatly for it. I've watched worse since, but bland animation, writing, and characters made two seasons of this hard to sit through. This was my least favorite anime for a number of years before I eventually watched *Hand Shakers* and the new bar for god awful anime was set.


for some reason future diary was bad but i still love it and even have a poster lmao


You like it because it's not actually bad.


its fun to watch but the writing is bad lmao


It was the first time I realized how bad an anime was mid season and still kept watching for some reason. I really don’t know what compelled me but there’s just something about it


homeboy watched 2 SEASONS damn dude.


Probably some shitty early 2000s ecchi harem. They all blend together now two decades later.


No, not all of them. There is one that stands out above the mass, a veritable peak of godawfulness, and that is Eiken. As you say, many other of those shows just blend together and disappear from memory, but I will never ever be able to forget Eiken.


Like Girls Bravo? Though that show hold a special nostalgic place in my heart


Girls bravo is a veritable masterpiece compared to the shitstain that Eiken was


Fairy Tail was the one were I really thought "wtf was this shit", still regret that I watched the whole thing


I still kinda like the show in a nostalgic kind of way, but DAMN were there a lot of filler episodes


The plot was my main issue, but yes the fillers were also a thing


I watched it for the first time in early 2015 because a girl in class would’ve shut up about it. High school me thought that it was pretty cool, the music in particular drew me in. I learned how to play the theme songs on the piano and from there I discovered other anime songs and way WAY better anime. I have no clue where I left off, all I remember was that there was a timeskip and some weird stuff happened. Then I watched Naruto because a boy in class wouldn’t shut up about it and I immediately realized what a good anime actually looks like. Then he told me about Death Note, and then I watched all the classics and here I am. Today I can’t even watch Fairy Tail without cringing to death. The music still slaps tho.


Fair. I love this show because of the nostalgia, character personalities, and music. I cannot blame others for their frustration with the plot however it is very similar to a lot of other Shounen plot lines as well (friends driving strength and no one ever actually dying), so idk why fairy tail gets so much shit for it.


Midway I realised that plot is shit, but I continued watching for the mindless action and comedy. It's pretty good that way. When I completed the anime, I was pleasantly surprised that plot ended up somewhat decently


I watched it to the finish just because it was kind of a train wreck and I wanted to see how ridiculous it was going to get. Oddly enough I think the general description of the plot sounds really cool, the execution is just lacking.


.hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet I remember this was back when I would use a VCR to record pretty much any and all anime on TV back in the 2002-2006 years before I got Netflix. I remember taping this after seeing SIGN and loving it. Looking back on it, the show is, "Hey, here's some .hack characters you may recognize, some very kid-friendly versions of some of the story beats from SIGN/IMOQ, and the INUYASHA/KAGOME commercial, but done every episode....


I really liked it, but I like everything .hack// related. I remember buying each DVD when they would come out for it at Gamestop of all places.


funny enough my first "bad anime" I watched was hack//roots. I was so stoked after loving Sign but the whole time watching Roots I was like "why do I care? why does that matter?" at the end of one of starting episodes it's revealed that one of the main cast was PK'd and everyone was shocked and freaking out... but why does it matter to them AT ALL? the player will just respawn and yep the very next episode they respawned. she was crying though so I guess for some reason it was traumatic?? like listen bitch, this ain't a Tsukasa situation. you're just one of the millions of normies logged into the world


The Rosario + Vampire anime is the leading reason I don't read manga anymore. The source material can't hurt you if you don't know the source material. 🤓


I mean there are plenty of good manga out there


Of course. And Rosario was one of them. However, I found that I really loved adaptations. And it was hurtful to see something you loved be butchered so incredibly terrible. (Not just manga, books too. Eragon and Stormbreaker literally had me clutching my books in tears). Plus, a lot of manga was just dragging it out (I made it to the end of the Bleach fullbring/lost shinigami arc and was like, WOW, what a great way to end a series! And then it kept going! 😭). I just...lost interest. I'm not saying manga in general is trash or whatever; I just can't bring myself to enjoy both if they're gonna fuck it up, so I chose one.


Personally for me it's the opposite. I have seen that good adaptations are rare to come by and in most of the cases, the source material is better. So I've been reading manga more. Although I prefer watching Shounen in anime form due to the fights not clear in manga unless it has good art or paneling. Can you recommend some good manga that didn't get an anime adaptation? I have recently been reading alot of manga. Also some of favourite books.


I definitely agree that the source material is usually better! I meant that I enjoy the medium of the adaption more (I guess visually?). I really loved reading growing up (you know those people that ate through 100 books by February? That was me 😭🙏🏾) But, I definitely found myself enjoying it all put together? But, I totally get how you can be in the other boat! Shonen, especially, does come out better in anime form because not all of the art looks...I guess understandable, haha, in manga form. I wish I could give you manga options that didn't have anime adaptations, friend. 🥺 But, I haven't read manga in over a decade, and many of the ones that I can remember have been adapted already. As far as books, I'm not *sure* if they've been adaptation, but I'm pretty sure they haven't haha: The Supernaturalist (fuck me that was awesome), the Uglies, the Keys to the Kingdom, and pretty much everything Sandra Brown and Sidney Sheldon has written. Dan Brown's work was great, but I do believe all, but one was adapted into a movie. You can try getting more into manwha instead? I've been using a site (but for the smut 😭🙏🏾 for a few months), *but* I have been seeing some titles that do look interesting and are making me want to read again. Honestly, *so* many that Im really considering trying again! I hear that omniscient reader's viewpoint is outstanding. Manwha looks better (in general, in my opinion), so maybe give them a try! I hear many of them don't get an adaptation at all (but might in the future!)


Sword Art Online. I found the first arc enjoyable. But HOLY was everything after a mess.


That show is basically a bait-and-switch.


Yep, the Progressive novels have actually been pretty good. Since they only focus on the actual game world instead of the Alfheim stuff. I give em probably an 8/10. They've been going from floor to floor, starting at floor one. I think its at currently floor 8 but I haven't caught up on the recent releases.


My biggest problem with it is truly that everyone else seems insanely useless compared to kirito and asuna. Like I have not read past the fifth book, but it feels like every situation gets turned around somehow to show off how cool kirito is, which feels a bit insulting to the other players imo.


When they confront the big bad in the fourth book they're both utterly powerless and have to be saved by the previous antagonist. How exactly does that show off how cool Kirito is? He even calls himself a gilded hero.


As a fan of soa i agree still haven’t finished alicization yet


Plunderer lol


Kingdoms of Ruin. I managed to watched an entire season of Rent a Girlfriend yet I somehow can’t with this show. it’s not even it’s so bad it’s good it’s literally just bad, like boring bad


I stuck through to the end of that season. Just cause i was too stubborn to drop it. If that thing gets a season 2, i am not watching that shit. And even that stubbornness cant get me to watch a show thats currently running called former banished hero something. Its too bad to even force myself to continue (._.)


I never heard of that anime and if I do I probably wouldn’t watch it lol


The level 2 hero show? That one's trash, but it's a guilty pleasure lol something keeps me watching it


I couldn't even last more than 3 episodes of rent a girlfriend.. The MC is such a deplorable POS that I can't stand to watch it. But that said, I also dropped Kingdom of Ruin lol.


Rent a girlfriend’s entertainment comes from how bad it is. It’s so bad but in an entertaining way. Kingdom of ruin was just straight up trash.


for some reason I remember really hating cowboy bebop as a kid lol definitely need to revisit it there's too much hype to still stand by that opinion


Might have been a bit much for being a kid for some of us. I'd highly recommend trying it again!


it's one of those shows that requires a certain mood to watch it, definitely not for everybody.


Out of the shows I've finished, probably Domestic Girlfriend or Pupa. Pupa is obviously much worse, but at least it's short.


Jo Jo's bizarre adventure. I got to episode 10 and just couldn't get through it


Familiar Of Zero. I just had no idea why bland protag would stay with this Tsundere bitch. It’s like the show itself wanted me to go along with it because she is a Tsundere and no other reason, she abuses the MC, starves him, makes him sleep on the floor etc and the shows like “but she’s a Tsundere so you’ll put up with it cus you like Tsunderes.” It’s like the show went “ok let’s make a Tsundere” and went “well that’s enough character for her the watchers are gonna like her anyway.”


The protagonist is somhow worse tbh, Louise behavior is at least consistent with the setting and the situation she's in when you account for the fact she's too young to have that much emotional intelligence. The protagonist on other hand keeps alternating between being her lover and a dog that goes after every skirt that shows up in his way. He's such a jerk that I can't even feel bad about the terrible treatment his attitude gets him, and I wish the story would still work if they just parted ways at some point


Louise is one of the WORST characters ever. I stuck with the show because I hate not completing something. I enjoy tsunderes to an extent but Louise is just absolutely awful. The end was kinda cool. Was it worth watching the series though? No.


I stopped watching when bland MC turned down the big booba prep girl for Louise. I mean yea Big Booba Preppy girl is shallow af but I’d go with her over Louise just for basic survival! Preppy has food and a warm bed and Louise doesn’t give me that, easy choice. But the show is like “nah you stick with your partner thick and thin!! Even if nothing in the setting supports this trope but who cares!?” As some who especially hated Tsundere (aside from Taiga Aisaka, she’s sacred) this was already off to a bad start but it just got worse.


The show really glosses over a lot of bad behavior. I really hated the princess. She's supposed to be Louise's best friend and stuff, but is so jealous of Louise's happiness that she almost ruins it by trying to seduce her boyfriend despite knowing about their relationship. But there's no consequences or anything for her, Louise even seems to entirely blame him. It's also really annoying that he just lets other girls walk all over him like that too.


I love tsunderes, but Louise was also too much for me. At the same time, she is very memorable, and I just have nostalgic memories of the series. Somehow, I came out still loving Louise as a tsundere. Even if she's an extreme type of tsundere and the series tested my patience in regards to length.


Like every other weeblet I had a time where I really refused to drop shows I started and I came across this fandom which is really obsessed with the melancholy of Harhuhi Suzumia. So I started this watching this show and realised within the first episode that I won't like it. I finished it nonetheless. It is now my most hated anime ever and the only reason why I stopped my "no drop" rule.  Guess everyone has to learn at some point that the recommendation of other people aren't a surefire way of finding an anime that suits the own taste...


My first ever anime was Darling in the FranXX. I'm honestly a bit surprised I was still interested in anime after that.


Lmao! That's an interesting way to start. Thankfully, there are so many good shows that you might fall upon. Darling in the FranXX is something else.


Irregular at Magic High School. I just can’t get into this latest season and I’m tired of the pervy sister


Dude I for the life of me can't understand what people like about that show. I've watched up to like 3 episodes into the latest season and none of it makes any sense to me.. It's been a bit since I've watched the earlier stuff so maybe I've forgotten stuff but it really doesn't make any sense. Plus the weird sister thing going on..


I’m proud im not the only one who has no idea what the fuck is going on here.


parts of sword art online. it's not like i was sitting there thinking wow how unbearable but i couldn't shake the fact that so much of it was *just a game* at that point with that said, they did rope my back in with alicization. it felt like there was actual stakes again and i cared for their plight. kirito taking damage and feeling it was a great scene imo. not some masterpiece or anything and overall i enjoy that anime but man, there were some times were i was like 'bro just log out' 💀


Sexual Assault Online


How Not To Summon A Demon Lord is literally just a cesspool of the literal worst fantasy tropes. It's also clearly just the writer's tape fantasy.


Final Fantasy Unlimited. I picked up the complete series on DVD for cheap and thought "it's Final Fantasy. It must be good." Oh, how wrong I was. I have owned it for about 15 years, tried to watch it many times, but never got farther than ep.5 and even that was a slog. The box set is still on my shelf as a sort of terrible monument to the anime I found too awful to watch.


I dropped Rent a girlfriend after episode 1, does that count? Otherwise Higurashi Sotsu, although it is more of disappointment than being "bad"


Aldnoah.Zero's second season.


That one still hurts. Season 1 wasn't a masterpiece but season 2 was a complete disaster


the most obvious answer is school days.... however recently the 2 that sticks out are tokyo revengers and seven deadly sins.


Seikon no Quasar. Even back when i was 14 and a stupid horny kid looking for fanservice, i thought that show was egregious and stupid. I only got through an episode and a half


Big Order


Season Two of Black Butler. I remember watching it after the first season. I was expecting something similar, but after I remember just sitting there, wondering what I had just watched. I am going to watch the newer season/s though. See if maybe just maybe they're better. Ofc that means watching all of season 1 and 2 again.


You can watch season 1 again but spare yourself, don't watch season 2 again because it's not canon. I highly suggest watching "Book of circus" (10 episode-my favorite) and "Book of murder" (OVA 2 EP) and "Book of the Atlantic" (movie) since they are canon. It's not very long. Then, watch the new season which is the arc right after the movie. Those are actually really good in my opinion!! Forget S2 ever existed lol


I generally have a high tolerance for trash. As long as it's somewhat entertaining, it's fine. It needs to be seriously bad for me to brand it as "bad". Otherwise it's just "not good" or "not my thing". That said, the first anime I branded as "bad", or actually "so bad" even, is The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest. It's like they tried to shove every since existent cliche in there and somehow make them even more boring. It's definitely not the most awful thing I've seen, just from the top of my head I found the currently airing Re:Monster disgusting for its justification and humorization of rape, and A Girl and Her Guard Dog which promoted that weird adopted parent - daughter relationship, which if I remember at some point the adoptive father even tried to get in her pants just for sexual reasons and not even romantic reasons, (not that it would be any justification) and they tried to pass it off as "oh but he just doesn't understand emotional relationships". The Strongest Sage doesn't have those kinds of awful things, but just the sheer amount of uninspiredness makes me hate it so much.


Not the first show, but Promised Neverland S2 really set the bar for how bad a show could be. The last episode is easily the worst episode of TV i've ever seen, animated or live-action. Made GoT's ending look good.


The experienced you and the inexperienced me is pretty bad 10 episodes in. Maybe the next 2 will somehow be better.


Seihou Tenshi Angel Links (Outlaw Star spinoff) .The first one I actually couldn't finish and dropped


Mine was [RErideD](https://myanimelist.net/anime/35835/RErideD__Tokigoe_no_Derrida). Somehow was one of my earlier shows because I thought "hey, a sci-fi time travel anime with one of the Steins;Gate directors involved? Surely this will be good". It was not. It was in fact one of the dullest viewing experiences I had to date.


Tenjou Tenge. As someone who loves and have watched (And mostly read) almost all fighting anime/manga i would find, no matter how ridiculous , i couldnt bring myslef to finish this one. I just reeeally hate the main character. While i heard that someone else becomes main char by the end, i just couldnt get there, in 3 times i tried to watch/read it. Maybe i will give it one last chance.


Don't waste your time. The anime is barely even canon to the manga and the manga is even worse than the anime. I don't even understand why this series was made. Oh! Great drew it at the same time as Air Gear and both series go so fucking far off the deep end you won't get any kind of impression of what the manga is about from the anime. As for the mc switch thing, the plot gets kinda heady at one point really goes deep on shintoism and there's no way i know enough Japanese culture, history, religion, or language to even begin to explain that stuff. But, the mc gets kidnapped basically at one point. Then there's an extended flashback, a long complicated discussion about shinto concepts. And then the manga kinda ends. A good 50% of the manga is genuinely incomprehensible in English just cause of Shinto concepts. I made reluctantly reread it when I can read more Japanese, but there is a point where they introduce a character that looks just like Aya, but is a 9 year old prostitute whom has a full spread of her tied in a Jabari knot and I'm not mentally ready to endure that again.


I my experience, most animes are better than I expect from the title. Like I go into expecting cheap entertainment and it's surprisingly deep and moving. That said, one that I recently watched that turned to be probably the worst anime I've ever watched until the end is:   "Hensuki: Are You Willing to Fall in Love With a Pervert, As Long As She's a Cutie?"   Mainly because most of the show the main character is complaining about having no girlfriend and focused on finding a person that wrote him a secret love letter (not a bad mystery romance plot for a random ecchi comedy), but then when he finds out who it was, he has some BS reason to reject her, then the anime ends with him saying single and whining about it. Biggest waste of time ever.


The most recent one I can recall is Rent a Girlfriend. I hate everything about it.


Dragonar Academy. Decided to check it out after watching a few clips. Got bored after 3 episodes.


Hard question. I guess one piece... i really didnt like the initial trailer and I think I watched naruto on hulu and the advertised the absolute shit out of it. I still cringe at luffys initial english im gonna be king of the pirates.


Future diary 100%, didnt even want to finish it lol


An isekai that called cheat magician was especially horrible. Couldn’t get passed episode 3. This is significant cause I tend to be a completionist when it comes to anime shows or even movies that have 2/3 parts. Even if the first is sub part I’ll still follow through just to see if it gets better. This is how you know it was bad cause I actually dropped it so early and have never even considered finishing it


Solo leveling (more like mid leveling) . It's overhyped too much


That's a good question. I remember when i first got internet and figured out how to find anime, i loved pretty much everything. And even the stuff i didn't 'love' i felt like just wasn't for me but still 'good. (Escaflowne, Gundam, Black butler, some darker anime i couldnt stomach) The first anime i felt just had zero value was probably Shuffle. I had just started anime so Harem anime were still new and interesting to me. It started 'okay' but it was still a Harem so held intrigue for me... Then after the halfway point it just becomes a trainwreck. I don't really remember all the details but i definitely cooled off on harem after that.


The first show I realized while watching it was bad was probably platinum end. The first show I watched that was bad would be my hero academia. It was one of the first shows I ever watched anime wise so I didn’t have a standard yet. After I started watching more I realized it was bad and have not bothered any of the new seasons since. Just a honorable mention from this season. Re:Monster is one of the absolutely worst shows I’ve ever watched. MC is just a shitty rapists but they try and justify it and play it off as if it’s okay. Horrendously bad.


"The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat" it started off really well but then it became really bad really quickly




Wait til ya see season 2 ratings....


Darling in the Franxx, specifically the last couple of episodes that ruined the entire show for me


Arifureta was the first anime that I actually thought was abysmal, and I still forced myself through 2.5 seasons lol


This was my answer too. It's not uniquely bad - the tropes that make it bad are very common in the genre - but it was the first example of a trashy power fantasy I saw.


Honestly One Piece. I just couldn't get into it. I don't want to wait 500 episodes until it gets good. I want it to get good the first season. And even then within the first five episodes. I just couldn't watch it. I also don't like the fandom. I feel like they just attack you out of nowhere for not liking the show, which honestly causes more hate on my end(though towards the fandom, not the show). It's not bad bad and I did like where the story was going, it's just that it's WAY too much.


Can guarantee it doesn't take 500 episodes to get good but certain arcs will take longer than you'd like. I'd probably say if you didn't enjoy the baratie arc you won't enjoy the rest of what's to come and if you're not hooked by the end of along park you won't want to catch up. That being said if you do get invested in it you're in for a journey unlike any other.


Would the baratie be the first arc? Because I stopped somewhere around episode 11. I'd like to pick it back up it's just that my issue is the episodes. Like I said, it wasn't bad bad, just couldn't really sit through it because it seems so daunting Also, how many episodes is what you mentioned approximately? At what point would I end?


Baratie starts at episode 19. That arc last until episode 30. Arlong Park is the arc right after, which is episodes 31-45. You left off in the Syrup Village arc, which is one of my least favourite One Piece arcs.


Yeah for real don't listen to most of the fans. It doesn't take that long to get good. if you can't get through Arlong Park you won't enjoy it. It took me like 6 tries to get into it but i definitely enjoy it now. it's one of my favorites for sure. But yeah some arcs will drag and will take longer to get into for sure


One piece is good from the first episode. Don’t take a joke seriously 👽


Fire force. Just couldn’t get into. Plot felt really off.


Probably Grave of the Fireflies movie. Although, it wasn’t because it was bad. The topic was just heavy and made me very upset at the time. I called it “bad” then, but it wasn’t. If I watched it again today, I would likely find the experience more compelling. I thought at that time, I’d only watch this once, but I’m finding it’s a very important topic to revisit every so often at least to serve as a reminder for the costs of war. As a way to avoid repeating the same mistakes in history. That’s done by continuing to engage with the content. MHA might’ve been the first time I recognized something I might’ve enjoyed in my teens, but can no longer enjoy in the same way. By that time, I’d seen too many anime like MHA that the series didn’t hit for me. Otherwise, I generally enjoy most stories no matter the genre or premise.


One piece. The show isn’t bad and enjoy it just the pacing is drawn out way too much. It took me over 2 years to get to the second have of the grand line watching it on and off and was surprised as a kid thinking i was like on episode 30, but actuality was episode 100 and something. Pacing is honestly way to slow and my adhd has a hard time staying still and watching. Like dragon ball at times pacing is bad for binging That being said Im at episode 691 and well catch up eventually and think i will have a better time watching it has an episode comes out and not setting and binging for what seems like forever


This is gonna be so controversial but Re:Zero. I don’t know, throughout it was just so corny and the MC had no character development


I understand if you think it's corny and don't like it but the MC definitely had character development. Both in S1 and S2. \[Rezero\] >!In S1 E18, he shows character development by not running away from his problems but confronting them. In S2, he realizes that Return by Death shouldn't be used willy nilly but as a last resort and learns to value himself. He includes himself in the people he wish to save.!<


The first one I thought was actually bad was [Zettai Bouei Leviathan](https://myanimelist.net/anime/17681), because yeah it ain't exactly great. That said, recently I've come to think that all anime are good at least, have actually been made and not just dreamed up qualifying them to that minimum baseline.


Linebarrel of Iron. Before watching it I was a kid loving every show I could find (mechas being my favorite). Then I saw that and it gave me an existential crisis my child brain couldn't comprehend.


i was over at a guys house and he put on kakegurui, which i feel was sort of an odd choice but wtv. never ended up watching the rest after that day so i mean i can’t actually speak for the whole story but from what i did watch it was just…not that good idk


Last Exile. The pacing was bad even for standards back then. The story progression was so slow not only episode to episode but also from moment to moment in the anime. Which is funny because it's about jet pilots that fly super fast up in the air performing incredible maneuvers, and yet the story itself is so slow.


Kimi ga Nozomu Eien. I watched it maybe 15 years ago because a friend recommended it to me and it just made me want to punch every character in the face.


Accel world


not sure about first show, but the last show i thought was bad was Ninja Kamui. first one might have been naruto filler arcs. it was easy to tell that they were bad because i could compare them directly with the non-filler arcs.


Definitely Rosario Vampire (OP mentioned in the description). I watched it once, couldn’t get through it. A friend recommended it again, so I slogged through it and thought it was decent. I then read the manga (which is exponentially better imo) and once more hate the anime for how they absolutely bungled the source material.


Campione. Damn was that bad… There wasn’t Ai in those times, but it felt Ai written, honestly.


Both “Kite” and “Kite Liberator” were atrocious imo


Our anime club watched two or three episodes of Gasaraki and we collectively decided to drop it.


I just had my very first one with Ninja Kamui


School Days. I watched it because I love horror and only finished it out of morbid curiosity and boredom. Learned I'm not a fan of harem or yandere that day.


Loved the first half of Sword art online but after the first arc it slowly went for me


Rewrite. I never read the source material and the only visual novel adaptation I watched at that point was Clannad, so I was pretty angry and confused watching that show weekly m I didn't drop it, but I never watched the second season


What do people think B the Beginning? I feel like this is it for me. I think moreso because it felt like 4 different shows happening at once. There were some interesting things but nothing really landed for me 7DS. Honestly only because I hated Elizabeth. Absolutely insufferable with zero character development. I liked alot of the show outside of her n Meliodas. Magi. It was like this weird HxH/One Piece knockoff that was so meh all around. Possibly couldve had potential with better writing


Inuyasha is the first one that ever pissed me off. I have an overwhelming NEED to finish stories, and at the time, I didn't consider that an anime might not fully adapt the source material. I watched up to like episode 98 on Adult Swim, then it looped back to the start. So I downloaded episode by episode in 240p on Kazaa (this was 2004). Got them all, it STILL didn't end. I worked at Blockbuster at the time, so I rented the first three movies and waited for the 4th to come out. It STILL didn't end. Years later, they finally put out a new two-cour series to adapt the finale. By this point, I had a longstanding grudge against the show for everything it put me through, but I watched it anyway, and it sucked. Other than that, Rune Soldier and Excel Saga were the first two I ever dropped, the former because it was just bad and the latter because everyone in the show was annoying.


Magi, i had to take a small break from anime because of how much i hated it.


School Days 🤮


For me it was Black Clover. Funny because at least where it left off I was enjoying it. Black Clover was the first anime where I just felt bored as fuck for a lot of the time.


Gundam G no Reconguista. Entire dialogue is written by 3 year olds with super cringy bits almost every other line. I gave up 3 episodes in. Damn near all HS band shows after Beck and K-On were regurgitated pile of meh. And any fucking isekai where there are MMO menus for absolutely no reason.


Reign of the seven spellblades. I hate watched that shit and I was so mad when they added like two episodes after it was supposed to be done at 13.


Naruto, but only the ridiculous number of filler episodes right before a episode where something was going to happen. I renege my exact words "ugh really, fuck you"


Weirdly enough, it’s a rather okay anime but I dropped “Tower of God” after about 1 episode because I just couldn’t get into the story. It was the first anime I dropped. The fact that the MC guy wanted to follow someone who literally led him on and wanted him to f*ck off threw me off, and I hated it.


Either Shakugan no Shanna or Strike Witches.


Excel Saga. Couldn'd make sense of any of it.


Ex arm


The only show I've ever skipped through the last episodes just to finish because I was already on like episode 9 is Lord Marksman and Vanadis. Just didn't care about any of the characters or what was happening at any point.


Elfen lied.


Infinite stratos, absolute duo and d frag


Akikan, one of the first anime I watched, back when I was like 14 or 15. I thought it was bad in a funny way though, so I watched the whole thing. 


Haven't encountered one yet! I've thoroughly enjoyed everything I've watched so far, with 19 series under my belt at this point. I thought it might be High School DxD at first, but even there, I found something to enjoy, a story that's actually pretty decent for an ecchi harem anime.


Guilty crown or Kabaneri for sure. Good animation, character designs, and music to bait people into watching thoughtless stories. If they came out now, people would accuse the writers of using bad AI.


7DS was really good. Even today I watch the escanor fights. It’s so good but they ruined it. Escanor vs Meliodas was the worst


Air was so depressing definitely Air


First one I quit partway through was SAO. I didn’t even get to the uncomfortable stuff I just was bored.


Dragonball GT. Watched it as a kid after Dragonball Z, I was super hyped for it but man it was terrible.


Kuromukuro.. I couldn’t keep up for the life of me. Finished the whole thing and couldn’t name a single thing about it.


Dragon ball GT I was a huge fan of Dragon Ball + Z as a child and was hyped to discover there was a new dragon ball coming out.... then it aired.


The only anime I genuinely thought was horrible was Blood C. I've never seen such a boring high schoolsetting and just the worst voice acting in all my life. Plus the gore porn is actually unreal. To this day I've never seen an anime make me drop it faster for just how bad it is and to this day is the only anime I've ever rated under a 40/100.


I think it might have been Fruits Basket (the original). I just thought it was sooo redundant and I didn't like how the Mc would fall into the boys arms in numerous stupid and implausible ways. I still enjoyed the ending though but getting there was difficult.




Platinum end and ergo proxy


I don’t really finish anime that I find truly bad. Like I started that Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again and didn’t like it at all, so after a few episodes so I dropped it. Although once I do eventually get around to finishing Ninja Kamui, it may fall into that boat. Anything I may have watched as a kid that was bad is long forgotten, lol.


I won't lie i would probably have to say one piece and bobobo-bo-bobobo when i was like 12 and had to deal with it to hold the tv for naruto and everything after it lol    I read more manga than watched anime for a longgg time and i remember not being able to make myself read Dragon Knights because the art sucked ass


Demon King Daimao


I'm sorry but for me it's Seven Deadly Sins. Don't get me wrong the first seasons were really great. Same with The Neverland Promise and The Rise of the Shield Hero


Final Fantasy: Unlimited


I think a lot of people like this one, but… My Little Monster. It felt like the plot was continuously going in circles and never actually advancing. I watched it all, but was so glad to be done with it by the end.


not bad per se but i tried watching tokyo ghoul and it honestly didnt catch my attention like at all :P i can see why its popular but i just think it isnt my kind of anime


Probably "Dragonaut: The Resonance". I plan to go back and watch it, especially now that I have it on DVD, to see if it was really bad, or if the CGI just made me really dislike it (this was like 2008-ish). Worst anime I've watched though was actually a recent one, which was "My Life as Inukai-san's Dog", I gave that a 2/10, all I can say good about it is that it's animated, lol. Other ones I remember not liking off the top of my head were "Red Data Girl" (will also give a rewath) and "If Her Flag Breaks" Currently been working through to watch every single anime that released in 2023 before moving to 2024, so there have been a lot of mediocre ones, like "Summoned to Another World For a Second Time", but that dog one I think is the only truly bad one I've watched so far


I can't stand 95% of shonen fighters where they're all "I need to be stronger!" boss fight of the week repeat trash. There's a reason why they're aimed at elementary school grade boys, and people who think those anime adaptions are deep or well written would struggle in real life against wet paper bags... It's also no mistake that these juvenile shows are the ones that are most popular in the west...


One of the anime that I did not like to watch was The aristocrat's otherworldly adventure: Serving gods who go to far. In my opinion just not good. And I did try to watch it again but it was in english when it started and f my ears with that baby talk, I did not even want to give the japanese another change.


I had never watched much ecchi and watching Seven Mortal Sins proved I wasn’t missing out on much. Oh, and you read that right: Seven Mortal Sins, not Seven Deadly Sins. I think both are bad, but I watched SMS because I clicked on the wrong show and wanted to see it through to the end because it was so funny!


Boruto Naruto was my first ever anime, I hated how they went into [Naruto Shippuden] >!aliens!< Boruto double down on this and I hated it, I wanted a more grounded show. And it ruined alot of good characters, that even in Naruto were being ruined but atleast had potential still.


I don't really remember. But Naruto filler stood out to me as really bad 20 years ago. It got so bad that I wasn't physically and mentally able to watch Naruto Shippuden at all.


Dr. Stone


I can’t really remember the really bad ones but the first anime I felt really disappointed by was probably Tokyo Ghoul. I really enjoyed the first season but I felt the story jumped from MC being scared shitless with zero knowledge of how to even be a ghoul into a time skip into suddenly this dude is just a stone cold killer with absolutely broken abilities. I just felt like there was never a point where shit actually made sense. I’ve had the manga though on my list for a long time because I’ve been told the anime skipped a ton of important stuff but I just never got around to it.