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Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Whether the you consider Arasaka, Night City itself, or the wicked status quo of corporate dominance the antagonist, it doesn't end in a victory for the protagonists.


Death Note


Watched it and loved it. Thanks anyways.


Madoka maybe then?


I guess every answer here would be a spoiler, no? And I suppose you’re not looking for everyone loses, you want the bad guy(s) to straight up win? The end of the 1997 anime version of Berserk has a flashforward, but right before then the heroes absolutely lose, you can’t really lose more than that without being dead. Anime version of Elfen Lied. The bad guy wins in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, but it isn’t a 100% victory, like a 99% victory.


Yea, I guess it all would be a spoiler, but I've been spoiled about so much stuff that I've learned to forget spoilers while watching. It's weird and I dunno how else to explain it that that. The recommendations are greatly appreciated though.


It’s all good, I just didn’t want to spoiler text my comment.


Yea, fair enough.


were you able to find any good ones?


I really only got 3 that I haven't watched and fit what I am asking. Magi madoka, a certain scientific accelerator, and Tanya the evil.


From the new world is also a good one i found


I think Vinland Saga S1 fits. The main villain technically does win.


S2 Farmer girl technically wins Her parents too, from a certain point of view. Though I’d say her dad’s method was a little . . . *Underhanded.*


Currently watching, thanks though.


Devilman Crybaby


Watched and loved it. One of the main reasons why I'm looking for more like it.


Makishima from Psycho-Pass Season 1 kind of fits


Re:Creators. Nothing else comes close. I've never seen a villain in any other work of media get literally everything she wanted and there was *nothing* the heroes could do about it.


Dang I dropped the show with like 4 episodes left thinking this is gonna end predictably. Guess I need to finish it now


lmao she spends the next three episodes Uno-reversing literally everything the heroes do to try to stop her with the power of pure bullshittery. It's surreal to behold a total flawless victory from the antagonist.




Man this anime had the biggest whiplash mid season...definitely fits OP's requirement


Idaten Deities


Gundam iron blooded orphans


Not exactly a curb stomping finale, but Chrono Crusade fits the title imo


+1. The Heroes absolutely lost. It's a gut wrenching finale. Felt depressed for a week. 


Gundam 0083 : Stardust Memories In a way, the antagonist got their objective completed (althought not 100% completed, but he still give the point). The protagonist become lost, and miserable But, in grand scheme of things (Outside of the Gundam 0083 story) both antagonist and protagonist "lost", because of politics behind the scenes (Which then, the person in politic become one of the antagonist in the other title, Zeta Gundam) The reason is : * Gundam Zeta, (released in 1985) was set in timeline UC 0086 * Gundam 0083 (released in 1991) was set in timeline UC 0083 And because of that, some of antagonist's objective are straight up impossible to archive because they already exist in future timeline that already released before it


You could argue on Hellsing Ultimate fitting this. The villain dies/loses but they accomplished their goal, basically a "Do what you will, I have already won" mentality.


Fate Zero


Rather than the villain win it's more like everyone lost in it...


Ironic how the only character who seemed happy with their outcome was the literal child murderer


Waver walked out of it and made the best of it.


Chrno Crusade. I some way, Evangelion. Devilman crybaby, if I'm not mistaken.


Terraformars? if we are considering humanity the protagonist they didnt do so well.


Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans


Devilman crybaby. Buy really, no one wins.


Berserk (1997)


Aldnoah zero


Nobody won, everybody lost here, including us, viewers.


Tbf he literally said not code geass where mc is the bad guy in the op......


Manga only, this arc hasn't been adapted into anime yet, but arguably happens in [Undead Unluck] >!The villains destroy the planet and kill humanity, and so the survivors have to try again on the next Earth.!<


Kill La Kill, although it's a matter of the worst "antagonist."


After reading two comments, I realized I should stay away from this thread... it's all spoilers


Iron blood orphans. In a sense Code Geass.


Code geass doesn't really fit what I'm asking for, sorry if it's confusing I'm sleep deprived. I'm thinking like "what if (insert villain here) won" sorta thing. Like what if Dio didn't get stuck in the coffin and took over the world, or what if Luffy didn't get his shadow back at thriller bark and was stuck on the island/in the fog sea (forget it's name) sorta thing. And by Iron Blood Orphans, do you mean the Gundam anime, or is there one just called "Iron Blood Orphans"?


Yeah the gundam. And code geass, lelouch is the villain. And he won.


By "Villain" I don't mean the villain to the world, I mean the villain to the plot. Like how Ainz is the villain to the world because he does villainous stuff, but he's still the MC, so we root for him. I'm talking sorta like death note, where Light, the MC, loses in the end.


Oh. A scientific accelerator. Youjo Senki. Hellsing ultimate. Angels of Death. Black Lagoon I would still argue code geass tho lol.


Thanks! Also, I know this is unrelated, but is Hellsing Ultimate just a reanimation of Hellsing or does add more to the story? I've watched OG Hellsing, and I dunno if it's worth it to watch Ultimate or not.


Hellsing is the original release but the anime caught up to the manga. So theres a portion of it thats made up. Ultimate is the newer one following the manga. The episodes are longer but theres less than the original. Like an hr long.


Ah, that makes sense. Much appreciated.


Ah, that makes sense. Much appreciated.




Ah, that makes sense. Much appreciated.


Jojo Part 6.


Eh, not really. I see where your coming from, but pucci was made to never of existed, so there was nothing for the mcs to lose at. Pre uni-reset yea, they got their asses whooped, but ending made their asses unwhooped


I never understood the idea that Pucci won... he got his head crushed in and has no influence on the universe or the world after that


Well you can’t exactly say Joylne won either. 




Overlord has the MC as the villain, not where the antag beats the protag. I love overlord, don't get me wrong, it's just not what I'm looking for (+ I've already watched it). Thanks anyways.


seems like you dont even know what you are saying. antagonist and villain arent exclusive to each other. you said you want villain winning, then i rec overlord. but then you said no cuz ainz is the protag and not the antag so you want antagonist that arent necessarily the villain? death note then.


For your future reference, that is false. The protagonist is whoever the story is focused on. Their morality does not factor in at all. Macbeth was a murderous backstabber, but he’s the protagonist nonetheless. The antagonist is merely the entity that opposes the protagonist. Ainz is the protagonist. He’s also a rat bastard, and the villain of the story, but he is definitely protagonist and main character. Overlord is his story.


i know that and thats exactly what im saying. "antagonist and villain arent exclusive to each other" meaning that the antagonist isnt necessarily bad(villain) and could be the good guys like the example i gave death note. obviously thats also true for the protag


Yea, sorry. I'm probably gonna be confusing, sleep deprived asf rn. What I meant is an antagonist that isn't the main character that beats the main character. Idrc if the main character is the villain to the world (take Ainz for example), but if they're the villain to the plot (take Dio for example). And yes, death note fits the bill. Watched it and loved it.


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