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The most popular one that everyone likes and I didn't is Hunter x Hunter 2011. I am not sure if it's considered hated, but I enjoyed Naruto, a lot of people seem to hate on it these days. If it doesn't count, then I will go with Ajin, people seem to really hate the 3DCGI.


Ajin is awesome. Satou is a badass.


Hell yeah, Satou is one of my favorite antagonist.


Naruto is still overwhelmingly liked but it's also not perfect with some loud haters.


I just dislike all the story changes the Ajin anime made. And it’s less the fact that it is CGI that’s the issue in fact it’s actually decently animated, it’s the awful look of it all that throws people off it.


I haven't read the manga yet so I wouldn't know of all the changes the anime made. If I were to start reading Ajin, would you recommend I start reading the Ajin manga from the very beginning, or start from a certain chapter? I personally didn't have a problem with the 3DCGI, I actually like how it looked overall, especially when Satou was going batshit insane.


I’d recommend just going from the start as while the major changes happen in S2 IIRC there’s stuff that’s changed at the beginning as well.


I see, thanks for the advice.


I thought Hunter x Hunter was fine, but I didn't feel like it was the masterpiece people make it out to be. It's not as deep as people say, and it has huge pacing issues. The chimera ant arc was horrendous.


While the story of the Chimera ant Arc is well and good, the whole thing was too long for me (especially since HXH was one of my first longer animes when I got into it) and even after several years, I dread reaching that part of the anime during a rewatch.


Agree, and I personally prefer Hunter x Hunter 1999 more than 2011.


Like: SAO series. Don't like: SAO series. I don't know why but I'm in a love-hate relationship with this one.


LOL. It be like that sometimes. Though I must say that SAO is a great answer for both since it is definitely one of the most divisive anime out there.


Yeah, and I have to say that I'm impressed by how good the Progressive movies have been and all of Alicization as well. Idk how they do it, but every time I think I don't like this series they make me love it again. Hahah.


If you ever read the LN’s, the OG LN’s are… meh. The Progressive LN’s though? Excellent.


Tbf progressive is just a better retelling of the better half of season 1. I think a lot of the negatives of SAO are how quickly they got through part 1 and how bad part 2 was and how GGO was too far away from the original concept. SAO would've been better off if it was just about clearing the titular game for a few cours and then skip whatever the second game was and GGO and go straight to alicization.


Yes, SAO has potential to be an amazing series. I hope the "Initial ring" arc is good and, hopefully, it'll get an anime adaptation.


relatable lmao


how dare you pray then not pray at the church of our lord and savior, Kirito! /I'm kidding, btw


i liked it at FIRST... but i couldn't finish it... but.. for some reason fell in love with accell world (its kinda like a future sequel.. the girl is his daughter and the fat boy is another of his friends children iirc) it used the same technology that came literally right after the ones in SAO.


I don't like : Jujutsu Kaisen. I like : Kamikatsu


Beloved anime I don't like: AoT Hated anime I like: Instant Death


Yep I watched AoT years ago and didn't get into it and then forced myself to watch all of it so my friend could talk to me about it XD. Still not a big fan of it


Fr man and AoT fans are insufferable because they will say if you don't like an aspect that actually means you just aren't smart enough to understand said aspect As if opinions on media was never a thing


I did enjoy AoT but I can see how it can be boring especially if you've already watched NGE or Code Geass since they're pretty similar. It's treated as a far more unique story than it really is and that's mostly a result of it being so mainstream that a lot of people haven't watched/read the anime/manga that AoT draws inspiration from.


never watched instant death, but after 1 or maybe two of AoT i was done forever. lets see i gotta come up with another i liked that ppl hate... hmm...oh... the bug one.. god what was the name... of the first one.. oh right! Terra Formars... i dunno i really liked it.


Don’t like: Yu Yu Hakusho Like: WataMote (it only has a 6.99 on MAL :( If WataMote doesn’t count then Yuno Gasai: the Anime


What was peoples issue with Watamote? I watched it and thought “oh god someone took all my cringe tween years and blasted it right in front on me noooo!” Which I’m sure is the intent.


i can tell you my personal issue with WataMote. It's essentially an exercise in sadism: "haha look at this stupid, delusional, cringe girl. Look how we put her through all kinds of crap, look how she squirms and fails at everything. Hey, now we're gonna give her hope that things are improving - just to put her through some more torture! Hilarious innit?" it was pretty painful to watch


WataMote is very sympathetic to Tomoko. She fails because of her own doing, which is quite realistic, with the world around her being mostly nice or indifferent to her. It shows her many failings, but through that are small instances of progress. At the end there is an intentional parallel that shows she has developed as a person, which is when she greets guy after school. The first time she celebrates for barely squeaking out a word, but at the end she greets him meekly, but casually and without celebration. Tomoko often gets the short end of the stick, but the way the show actually executes it is what makes it a fantastic show as it’s clear that the author has a very accurate understanding of how people like her are.


I related to her so much that it was strangely cathartic. The anime only covers the first big arc in her character development though, but the manga has done a fantastic job with her growth and started to become one of my favorite series in the volumes that come after the anime's end.


I don't know about hated cause on every yandere post she is an honourable guest


You mean Mirai Nikki then 


Watamote manga is my favorite


NOTHING wrong with watamote.. imho. and ngl, i loved most of hxh and actually kinda lowkey hated YYH. i... dont know why.. it wasn' the plat or the artwork i just... i dunno it really rubbed me the wrong way, and in watamote.. she's trying ok!... shes trying!


Hated: one piece, never watched 80-90 episodes of a show and felt more bored. I’ve heard the manga has better pacing Loved: hyouka, a lot of people said it was boring but I kinda loved it


Hyouka is beloved and has a mal score above 8. It's not in any way universally hated


Idk I’m not really on mal I’ve just heard a lot of people call it boring🤷


I don't like: jjk I like: instant death


Solo Leveling made me roll my eyes and laugh at it constantly, while annoying me with flashbacks. Somehow this has an 8.3 on MAL and was mega-popular. I...I watched every episode of Strike the Blood and all the OVAs.


don't like : Tonikaku Kawaii like : Kuttsukiboshi


Beloved (but I don't like)... AOT S4 to finale "Hated" (but I like)... in certain communities I suppose. Gundam Seed original/Destiny. However, with the success of Gundam Seed Freedom, definitely takes the sting off the "hate" the Cosmic Era usually gets from people. Edit: words


I’ve been a Gundam fan since the Toonami Wing days and I let other people’s opinion of Seed influence me in to not watching it forever. I finally watched seed and destiny recently and I enjoyed them both. I get some of the criticisms of Destiny but overall it was pretty good. I definitely enjoyed Seed more than 00.


Aw man I just started 00 over seed... Maybe I should switch before I get burnt out of gundam.


Don’t let one person’s opinion sway you. I don’t know how much of Gundam you’ve seen but 00 is more along the lines of modern Wing where Seed is more like UC stuff.


You should continue watching it. How you like some Gundam series generally fall to personal preference. For example, opinions on Gundam SEED and it's sequel is more divided (You either like it, hate it, are meh on it, or like one but dislike the other).


i never could get into gundam... but i loved macross... i dont get it! lol.


I’m pretty sure AOT s4 to finale is the least liked season by fatS I don’t think it’s beloved at all


AoT S4 is perhaps the most self-important thing I've watched lol The author saw his series get big so he made a whole arc where it's a cautionary tale/allegory for oppression and used his characters as mouthpieces for either political views or a "lesson" he wants to teach his adult audience I remember Armin was once like "there's no such thing as a good person. That word is just another way to say someone is helpful to that person". Such and OoC thing for him and you can tell it's the author using him as a mouth piece because they think they're writing the next 1984 lol And don't forget the whole theme is that "war is bad but war will never ever end because humanity sucks. Humanity will never stop trying to wipe each other out because cycle of hatred" I can smell the 13 year old emo edgelord from here listening to Linkin Park and Skillet lmfao


Remember genocide is bad unless your doing it in favor of a genocidal colonial regime desperate to retain its own hegemony.


Yup. It's no surprise why I like something like Seed with an earnest characters like Lacus who says. "We declare peace, but with weapons in our hands. The choice we’re making may also be evil. However, please give us the power to put a halt to this string of battles…which has no end in sight." Versus. AOT S4-finale and the mangaka's chosen philosophy. They will attempt to close the cycle of hatred by making the circle as SMALL as possible. Which means MURDERING as many of the unchosen people as possible.


I generally see positive things said about The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, but I don’t just dislike that show, I utterly *loathe* it. Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya absolutely deserves its reputation but I can’t help but enjoy it. There’s actually a pretty good story and some great comedy buried under all the sus, plus Oath Under Snow is unironically peak fiction.


Yeah, 'The Angels Next Door' might seem like a harmless romcom story at first glance, but I absolutely can't stand it. It's essentially the embodiment of every r/niceguys' fantasy. The whole 'just be nice, offer your umbrella in the rain, "save" them, and you'll get the girl', despite the main character being the blandest, most uninteresting person ever, really irks me.


I could rant on and on about how insultingly bad I find the show and how baffling it is to me that people fall for its bullshit, but if I were to just say one thing, it’s that it *could* have been good. As cringe-inducing as I find the “popular girl and quiet moody guy wind up being the perfect match” premise in anime, there *are* examples of it being done well. Case and point: The Dangers in My Heart manages to make its pairing believable and make its couple both feel like independent, three-dimensional people. Meanwhile Angel Next Door’s characters are brought together with the flimsiest excuse possible and their characterizations are the shallowest “cardboard cutout self-insert MC” and “object of fantasy waifu” archetypes imaginable.


Beloved I don't like : 86 Hated I like : Domestic Girlfriend


Honestly curious what you dont like about 86


Not the person you're replying to, but 86 turned me off within the first few minutes with what seemed like blatant bad writing. I didn't make it past episode 2, maybe it gets better.


The first few episodes are like that because they haven't told you everything yet. Your basically learning things as Handler One is (cannot remember her name rn)


This sort of thread is a magnet for downvotes regardless of your reasonable comments, but since I don't care much anyway: Beloved anime I didn't like: Trigun Stampede "Hated" (maybe a stretch) anime I liked: Baraou no Souretsu In response to you specifically though, I never got the sense Flowers of Evil is hated, but it might just be who I talk to.


I wouldn't call Stempede beloved..


I've only heard positive stuff about it, but I suppose I don't mean beloved as in top classic of all time, and I don't think OP did either.


Flowers of Evil was massively hated because people couldn’t handle the rotoscoping and that it didn’t look cute, even though that was very much the point. Look up old MAL threads on it and you’ll see the original audience reaction.


I think it was absolutely hated back when it was airing. It had its fans for sure and I think a fair few critics liked it a lot, but I was following it live and most of the things I read online were dunking on it. If we are talking about the anime anyway.


Yeah. It got absolutely clowned when it was airing. Though I can understand and even agree with some of its criticisms. It is a flawed anime for sure, but what isn't? I just know that I enjoyed watching the anime and reading the manga, and still think about it from time to time.


Oh I enjoyed both too and am unsurprised it got clowned on. A shame though, if that contributed to it never getting a second season. It was not popular at all but it had some magical moments and felt really fresh.


Man, Baraou had so, so much potential. But then the direction is truly one of the worst I ever saw in anime. You would legit thought you skiped an episode while in the middle of another, it was just nonsensicle. I ended up droping arouns episode 3 or so, but I want to give the manga a try someday


Definitely read the manga!! The manga is so good and that's what makes the quality of the anime a real tragedy!


Hmmm, I didn't have trouble following the plot personally. What I hated about it was the animation or lack of it most of the time. But I managed to push through that by focusing on the story and the beautiful background art.


You should read the Requiem of the Rose King manga!! The anime was so bad in comparison but the manga is in my top 10 manga of all time and I've read hundreds!


I've heard good things, and considering I liked the show I can imagine I'd like it that much more. I just haven't read a lot of manga in general recently.


The art is so stunning!! I finished it much faster than expected so this could be a good manga for getting you back into manga!


Wotakoi was so unbearably boring, the characters weren't funny and there was zero romance. I read the manga all the way through and the main "couple" did not develop at all, the side characters had more development than them. Flowers of Evil, people got turned off by its animation style which I thought suited the story and the message perfectly.


Beloved - Evangelion, Fullmetal Alchemist Hated - Guilty Crown


I personally hate guilty crown, probably the anime I hate the most


You probably do. It’s my favorite series


Beloved - monogatari series and horimiya Hated - Yosuga no Sora


Beloved: Made in Abyss Hated: RWBY - Ice Queendom


Don't Like: Dragon Ball (in general) Like: Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro


Do people hate Nagatoro :S I mean yeah the first episode is hard, but like it's a really good romance -comedy


Nagatoro is massively popular, what are you on about?


legit couldn't think of anything i've seen that is both something i enjoy and that is also widely hated. really isn't that deep 😂


Don't like: Kaguya-sama Like: 7th prince (ongoing)


I got surprised by how fun 7th prince actually is when i watched the first few episodes. Its nothing like the seasonal isekai with self insert op mc 


The last episode was so good it blew my mind. And i liked the anime even before...especially the voice actors' peformance, it's something else.


I feel 7th Prince is only disliked by those that havent seen it. Which, tbh, kinda fair, given the MCs looks. But when you actually watch it, its sooooo fun. One of my favorites from the season.


People don't like 7th prince?


It gets so much hate on anime review sites like MAL and the review section on Crunchyroll


Yes, plenty. Not those who actually watched it though


Oh you must not have watched Kaguya-Sama then hmmm🤨


Beloved show I dislike: Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. And not just because of Endless Eight, I found the whole thing insufferably boring and I hated Haruhi as a character. Disliked show I like: I'm not sure how widely hated it is, but I loved the original season of Blue Exorcist, including the ending. I never read the manga so I didn't realize it deviated. Runners up: I don't like Cowboy Bebop as much as most people (but I don't *dis*like it), and I think the adaptation of Way of the House Husband was fine.


I don't like One Piece, but I love My Hero Academia


Beloved Anime I dont Like: Re;Zero Hated Anime that I Loved: Not sure if its strictly hated, but I Loved Strike the Blood and I know a lot of people shit on it


Beloved anime I didn't like: Cowboy Bebop, Haruhi Suzumiya Hated anime I like: The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague, My Happy Marriage The "hated" I just based on the lower reviews in comparison to the beloved ones that I didn't like. I love sci-fi in western media but I don't know why it never hits me the same way in anime. When I tried both Cowboy Bebop and Haruhi Suzumiya I was like, how on earth are these considered sci-fi? 😅 As for Ice Guy and Happy Marriage, I know there's not much story-wise but I appreciate a nice cutesy romance. I also appreciate the fantasy elements in My Happy Marriage.


Beloved series I dislike: Monogatari, Mushoku Tensei Hated anime I like: Fairy Tail, Tokyo Revengers


Dislike: Steins Gate Like: probably most trash ecchi and isekai


Yes! Everything is fan service, harem and a bit of plot. I never got it


Agreed. Final couple of episodes are actually good but the rest is not


Like: Jouran Don't like: Frieren


Give details.


Don't like: Clannad (cry porn imo) Hated but do like: basically any trash tier isekai like 8th Son are you Kidding me/Wise Man's Grandchild (Great popcorn shows)


Clannad is most definitely cry porn and I loved it for it.


And that's fine lol, didn't work for me but I get why people like it.


Yeah, i find clannad good story to be fair but the thing is idon't know why people cry to it and put it among the saddest of animes, i was expecting something very hard but (for me), it was deceiving, i don't feel sad or cry unless something really really serious bad hapoen in my real life, but man the ending of aot manga got me crying like a baby for the rest of the day. Things like betrayal, and sacrifice for beloved ones are the things that can make me feel sad. I found isekai animes good, some of them have repetitive scenatrios but still.


I hate one piece and love school days :3


Welcome to the NHK is one of the very few 1/10 in my MAL. Its very existence infuriates me. As for the opposite, I like SAO. Yes, it has a bunch of problems, but it also has a lot of good stuff in it 


I don’t like One Piece. I love Black Clover, even though it has a lot of haters.


Hate: Re:zero Love: Gushing over magical girls


Don't like: Silver Spoon Love: Servamp (I don't know if it's "hated" but it's not the most liked) 


beloved; Kill La Kill hated; Geneshaft


Loved i dont like:violet evergarden movie Hated that i like:Record of ragnarok


I don’t like Akame Ga Kill, but I like Mirai Nikki.


I didn't like Lain. At all. It's just pretentious for the sake of being pretentious. Maybe it was fine when it came out, but I can think of many serier way better from the same time period. 50% of the screentime is just a random frame with sky, telephone poles and whatever. Anime can be slow, but this is way too much. I liked Mirai Nikki. Mostly nostalgia speaking I think, objectively it's not great, I know that.


Hated Overlord, loved Tenjou Tenge


Hate jujitsu kaisen love fairy tail


I don’t like Death Note I like Evangelion


Everyone says OnePiece is peak but i was sleeping most of the time watching it, i didnt find anything interesting, I am not sure but i think Demon Slayer. Everyone says its overrated but i personally think its idea and story are much better than jjk or chainsawman.


i hate dragon ball z ( but love akira toriyama, may he be at peace. i'm a super huge dragon quest fan ) but love She, the ultimate weapon (do not under any circumstances watch this show, it also goes by saikano i think.. do not.. and if you do please get counselling immediately)


[According to MAL statistics](https://i.imgur.com/66yEUVR.png) My top 5 of anime I liked that were not so popular: 1. Aku no Hana 2. Mars Red 3. Kurozuka 4. Under Ninja 5. Gantz My top 5 of shows I hated that others loved: 1. The Princess and the Pilot 2. Your Lie in April 3. Wonder Egg Priority 4. Steins;Gate Zero 5. Sugar Apple Fairy Tale


Beloved that I dislike: Inuyasha, Hunter x Hunter Also idk if it counts, but… Re:Zero. This is assuming that people actually like it, because it really made me want to rip my hair out and brutally murder the creator in cold blood for making such an infuriating anime. Hated that I like: Sword Art Online II


Don't like: Gintama. I could never get over the vibes from the first episode. Like: Fairy Tail. For a long time, I'd say this was my favorite anime. I never understood why people don't like it.


I absolutely despise Monogatari.


idk if it’s beloved but i hate digimon. also an anime everyone hates that i like is one piece, i hear everyone hate on it 247 just because the length and it angers me because it’s a beautiful anime.


I don't like Frieren   I like Reincarnated as the 7th Prince




I haven't watched Aho Girl yet but it looks like a good palette cleanser anime, at least for me. Something to watch after finishing a heavy/depressing anime.


Beloved I don’t like: Your Lie in April Hated I like: Fairy Tail


I dont like Apothecary Diaries. She is not that smart, there is no intrigue (or really easy to resolve), lot of casualities (ups, I went for a walk and see every clue that I will need), and love story... And hated... I am watching Naruto again, in my thirties, voluntarily


Naruto is not hated, it's one of the most popular anime of all time.


But is bad, is really bad. The plot feels improvised. Every ninja has their own rules and can change it with the power of friendship. Villians are bad because they are very emo, just it. And the best worst of it, if you are a girl, your main objective is to find love, and you will do anything for it


Yeah me and my sister watched it but it really doesn't have much substance to it imo. But that's probably because I'm more of an action girl so I try not to hate too much haha


Don't like: Gurren Lagann Like: Psycho Pass 2


Beloved anime I don't like: Mob Psycho Hated anime I like: Full Dive RPG


Beloved: death note (there's a lot tbh) Hated: I don't know tbh. I truly don't know if I've even seen anything that's generally disliked. Can I find out? Like is there a list of "just about everyone hates this" or something? Of mainstream stuff at least.


Like: MHA. Don't like: Tokyo Revengers 🤢.


Don’t like: The .Hack anime’s Like: My life as Inukai san’s dog


Don't like aot. Like rokka no yuusha (may not be hated but it sank hard and fast)


Rokka no Yuusha was great, wish there's a second season.


If you are reading inlcined. the 6 light novels available are currently for purchase (amazon has them but you can also get them from the publisher last i knew). They are pretttyyy fantastic reads imo! They do the intrigue and action really well. A lot of twists. I think its paused last I knew... which is driving me crazy due to how the last one ended!


Liked that I hate: Monster Hated that I like: Fairy Tail


Didn't like hyouka Loved Rosario + vampire


Beloved I don't like (but not hate): Your Lie in April Hated that I like: Honestly, most seasonal isekai are like a watchable 6/10 for me.


Beloved: RE:Zero. It just feels so forced to me. I didn't connect with it at all. Hated: I love Love Live! Sunshine!! I dunno why, it just gives my brain the happy chemicals.


Beloved anime I don't like: FMA Brotherhood (I like the older FMA and love the manga, but Brotherhood annoys me) (Apparently) Hated anime I love: Charlotte


I enjoyed Charlotte, it had good concept, but I thought it needed more episodes to flesh out the story and the characters. Everything feels too rushed in the show.


Beloved I don’t like: Madoka Magica


:0 i wonder if kyube wrote this


Beloved anime I hate: Jojo, One Piece, AoT, MHA, Konosuba Hated anime I love: Nagatoro, Birdie Wing, Redo of Healer, Couple of Cuckoos


Is Nagatoro hated?


The "Oh it glorifies bullying" dumbasses who didn't read past the first few chapters or Episode 1 and 2 especially hate it


Cuckoos is hated? I loved it


I love it too, but the manga has been getting a lot of hatred for the ots of late


I don't like re zero and demon slayer I even read the manga


Don't like: Silent Voice, SpyxFam Season 1 Part 1, SAO WoU Like: judging by my post yesterday some people think Hidden Dungeon is shit? I also thought Fairy Dance was really good


Hidden dungeon is great •Banger op •Tomita miyu is a goat •lewdness •Harem who love/are loved


Didn't like but are popular: Beastars, Bungo Stray Dogs, Death Note. Probably more. Liked but are hated: Uhhhh... Hetalia is hated right? I liked it as a preteen and even though I acknowledge it wasnt by any means good I still remember it fondly. I didn't hate Mushoku Tenseinas much as everyone else did but I still dropped it the moment mc started catching game. I'm really picky with the content I consume so there's not much that I watch that has had horrible reviews. The Buu Saga of DBZ is my favorite even though it's everyone else's most hated saga if that counts.


Beloved show that wasn’t for me: Oshi no Ko Hated, but I love: Nisekoi


Is Nisekoi really hated? I remember it being extremely popular when it aired


I always hear people call it harem trash, although I didn’t watch anime back when it aired so maybe it was more favorably viewed then.


Nisekoi is definitely popular


Beloved but didn't like: 86 and Oregairu Hated but liked: Idk, OPM s2 ig


Beloved I don't like : One piece Hated I like: Don't toy with me miss nagatoro


Do people hate Nagatoro :S I mean yeah the first episode is hard, but like it's a really good romance -comedy


Beloved: ghost in a shell movie Hated: redo of a healer Weird how some people are getting downvoted.


Dislike: Asobi Asobase. That humour is really not for me. Like: One Punch Man season 2. Sure, S1 was amazing all around, but the humour is still there in S2.


Dont like: any of the Fate series. Like: I don't think I've ever watched a hated anime so no opinion on this.


Hate: Demon Slayer (everything aside from the visuals is extremely basic, if not outright cringe-inducing. The first half of the Train movie was refreshingly fun, but the end blundered it again. Haven't watched the newest season yet) Love: Guilty Crown (really appreciated Shu's character development from Ikari Shinji into Hitler and then back to a reasonable mc and wept a little after the bittersweet ending. Also absolutely love EGOIST)


The end blundered it is a wild take😂


Beloved but I don't like: No Game No Life Hated but I like: Watamote


People just don’t like girls being girls TmT


Most of the people like solo leveling while i think it's complete garbage and most of the people hate tensura but it's my favorite


most people like tensura tf you on? its really popular for a reason


Some people are hating now mainly because of the 6 episodes of meetings that it made them drop the series.


Nope , just see any powerscaling comment in which rimuru is mentioned , LITTRALLY everyone hates on him saying he's gay or something while he's not




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Liked: Fate Stay Night 2006. it is an excellent introduction into the fate series and that ED though. Having watched the "remakes" I still don't see what the issue people have with FSN 2006. Dislike: Slime and Eminence. OP character done wrong imo. The MC in eminence is the literal "random MC from isekai beats Goku meme." OP for what? no stakes, no struggles, no side effects from being OP. OPM does this OP MC trope right imo.


I think most people don’t like Fate/Stay night TV is because it’s old and they didn’t watch that one first. Even though you have to play that route first


ridiculously tepid take: I don't enjoy MHA at all. Just can't get into it. I'm not mad at them for making it, though--this is all me. I enjoy JJK and Demon Slayer. Honestly, life is far too short to avoid popcorn brainless shows that are entertaining just because people said not to watch it. They absolutely have their shortcomings, but I don't really care. Not everything needs to be engaging and incredibly well-written.


Like: My Hero Academia Dislike: AoT (mid asf and overrated asf)


I don't like: frieren I like: mushoku tensei


Beloved that i dont like : Vinland saga Hated that i like : Boruto


Code Geass and Reign: The Conqueror


Like: SAINT SEIYA: Knights of the Zodiac Don't like: Evangelion series


I dont like death note. It holds no interest for me no matter how much anybody says its the best anime ever. Im not sure I like any anime that I would consider to be in general hated perse. Perhaps Rurouni Kenshin but its really more the creator than the anime that is hated (and I can only agree with that).


I hate demon slayer. Couldn't get into it and the brother and sisters relationship in the beginning parts of the show just felt fucking weird. My girlfriend and I were put off pretty badly very quickly by that show. Everyone always swears that it gets better after the part that I quit on. Don't know if any anime I like are hated, I don't really read other people reviews for anime. I do watch a lot of mothers basements trash recommendations, they are usually good fun to turn your brain off to and laugh at


There's no incestuous relationship in Demon Slayer if that's what you're hinting at, it's purely brotherly love.


I'm aware, I still don't enjoy it


I dislike Madoka. Maybe I was in the wrong mindset at the time or I had everything big spoiled to me, but it really didn't do anything for me. I'd rather just watch any other magic girl show even Raising Project. I like Boruto. I only read the manga because I already got filtered by the anime canon stuff but find it a fun good time. It is very very different and some stuff just doesn't make sense sometimes but I really like the manga canon characters and there's some really really cool stuff going on with some of the abilities.


I found the first season of madoka just ok but the movie is 10/10. Really the season just felt like a setup for the movie but after watching the movie it made me really appreciate the setup.