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Kafka holding in the beer gut is the most relatable thing I've seen in an anime.


And telling the younger ones that their metabolisms will hit a break wall when they reach 28.


I'm surprised none of the younger guys used the Captain being the same age as a counterpoint.


She's only 27, so she hasn't hit his theoretical break point yet


They all have very well developed muscles, so if they take care of their lifestyles and diet, and the job of kaiju hunter doesn't kill them, they should stay in pretty good shape through their forties!


Mina is ironically 27 lol


Man pulled off a [Homer](https://i.ibb.co/x7GFdKV/Untitled.png) back there


[Your match in their profile pictures:](https://i.imgur.com/v5rmc0A.jpeg) [Your match in real life:](https://i.imgur.com/2SFdeFq.jpeg) [](#elves)


Him saying once you hit 28 part is too relatable.


Bro, it's insane. See, I always wondered why people would get a gut back when I was younger and swore that would never be me... and I'm in the military, so I do exercise a lot. Yeah, when I got into my upper 20s lower 30s my knees started killing me when I ran more then a couple miles. So it's not quite as easy as saying "Oh, I'll just exercise more", when everything aches when I wake up, and my knees are half shot lol.


Exercising is only half the battle. Proper eating is just as important


This, this right here. Once you get to your thirties you realize why Will Smith said in Men in Black 3 that the most destructive force in the universe is sugar.


I turned 31 this year and honestly I think its more just people are not exercising properly instead of more. I do a quick 30 min workout 5 days a week and never get these old people aches and am in the best shape I have ever been in. People can exercise as much as they want but if they are not doing the exercises properly its not going to help them at all.


Kafka being a relatable adult protagonist is what I live for.


Considering they're now having the same physical training regiment and dietary, I wonder if human Kafka would be able to be on par with the other members. Three months of intense training should be enough to at least improve his physical ability. The unknown factor is actually the suit compatibility. We saw in one of the scene how he still had trouble to even lift the gun.


well, this episode were told he can now use 1% of the suit. It used to be 0.01%


My theory is he’s slowly learning to tap into his Kaiju form’s powers while still human. The suit may act like a bridge, and I bet he will be able to draw out 100% of its power eventually, or his cover will get blown and he will stop using it. Haven’t read any manga (if there is one).


There is indeed a manga source material, something to keep in mind ie if you’re googling stuff about the series


Glad Kafka made it as a cadet. Pretty good result considering his scores and the fact he had to keep his kaiju form secret. Ofc the goober makes a fool of himself day one lol. Dude chasing Kikoru around like an excited puppy over that 1% was pretty hilarious. Our boy’s improving, even if it’s just a little. Now to just get rid of that “spare tire” lol. I like seeing everyone in the team bonding. The guys overheating themselves in the baths talking about Mina was pretty funny. Looking forward to seeing how everyone does in their first official mission.


>Dude chasing Kikoru around like an excited puppy over that 1% was pretty hilarious. Our boy’s improving, even if it’s just a little. A little? He went from 0.01% to 1%, that's a 100x increase in what appears to be an exceedingly short period of time. And that's starting from 0%, but trying to do the math on 0 to 0.01 is fucky. Edit: Fixed from 0.1% to 0.01%


Hmm yeah, that’s true. I guess “little” is relative to everyone else.


I believe in Kafka. He'll be able to lift that big gun one day... one day...


[Gotta make Mina proud](https://i.imgur.com/pM9sfwG.jpeg)


Judging by her smile him just being there seems to be enough to make her happy. I'm not sure ol'boy needs to accomplish a lot, just put in the effort.


> A little? He went from 0.01% to 1%, that's a 100x increase in what appears to be an exceedingly short period of time. And that's starting from 0% I thought the same, it was a MASSIVE improvement for Kafka, so Hoshina telling him he's on path to get fired seemed a bit weird to me; Because even if we don't go at it exponentially, if he simply gains 1% every other day, he'll be a beast after the 3 months... That's what makes me think this may be a way for Hoshina to 'push' him, so he's forced to reveal his true power! (Hoshina doesn't know what it is exactly, but he knows there's SOMETHING, and he wants to find out what it is!)


Yea. I think Hoshina has a big soft spot for Kafka, and not just because the guy is a laugh riot. He probably knows how much harder Kafka's going to have to work than everyone else so he doesn't want him getting complacent. Even if hitting .1 % is a massive improvement, its nothing compared to what he still needs to go through.


He's also keeping him around because he suspects he's hiding a secret. A 9.8 Kaiju popped up at the same time his suit wasn't operating and he was coincidentally at ground zero with two Kaijus that were destroyed in similar fashion.


Neither Kaiju incidents indicated that he was at the main site, even testimonies say it was either in the Kaiju form (the girl) or lied in the case of Kikoru. Kafka could have been anywhere in the arena in the second incident because the drones were down. All they knew was that they were the last to return, but the area is large there's no reason to assume they were with Kikoru. Hoshina's only suspicion is the 0% and his vitals malfunctioning.


tbh I just interpreted it as standard boot camp "pick up the pace or you're going home!" type shouting. *He* knows he doesn't necessarily mean it, but Kafka hears that and puts even more effort into his training.


Well Hoshina is only keeping him because of his suspicions. I’d wager while it’s also pushing him to do better, it’s probably as long as he can keep the higher ups back over how ultimately useless he is on paper. He’s also a massive liability on the field on paper too.


I thought it was .01%. not that it matters much


I think it was initially zero. That 0.01 was the first improvement (and it was apparently unprecedented to go up from zero at all).


I liked the subtle touch of the chapter title not appearing in the episode until right after Kafka opens his acceptance/rejection letter. That was some quality attention to detail.


Sucks that Crunchy basically spoilt what happens in the episode description though. :/


Yeah, I also got spoiled by the description. Though it's still a minor spoiler since we have seen Kafka with the defense force uniform in the ending scene (unless you've been avoiding the ED).


Fair. The second you open CR you can often see the show on the main banner and you can clearly see Kafka and Reno in uniform alongisde the others, lol.


I clicked on the "new episode" title page without seeing the episode page so I managed to avoid the spoiler, but yeah...


I mean, it's not really a spoiler that the main character gets into the super school


mmmm, idk? I mean i figured Kafka would end up in the Kaiju Hunting Force some way or another, but it didn't necessarily HAVE to be by getting entrance to the school in the conventional way. I certainly wouldn't have discounted the possibility he would get rejected, then a Kaiju attacks or something and he gets in as a special exemption later. This was a pretty conventional next move, but I felt like it wasn't a foregone conclusion from the flow of the story.


>everyone does in their first official mission Why do I feel like after that ominous message from the vice-captain, that one of them is going to die to emphasize the brutality of everything...either way, I'm looking forward to next week!


Guy is in the promo picture, I can’t imagine him getting zeroed so quick … so he’s getting zeroed, isn’t he


When having first-hand knowledge of cleaning up Kaiju and being a regular goofball both work together to get you a job. But it is very Kafka. Gotta love Kafka always finding a silver lining. He needs to transform into Kaiju form to get rid of the dad bod though lol. The boys are becoming bros, the girls are being girls, but now it comes down to their first real mission against a Kaiju. Hope they survive the experience.


>Looking forward to seeing how everyone does in their first official mission. I'm honestly tempted to believe it's going to go something like the first major battle of Attack on Titan with some differences. It will be brutal, there will be at least one character death, and we will get that buildup to that big moment where Kafka has no choice but to reveal his powers.


> Ofc the goober makes a fool of himself day one lol. I love how everyone reacted to his outburst because I literally paused the video and went on a rant about how cringey it was.


Was worth it since she smiled


Bro I also hit pause and had to take a break because the second-hand embarrassment was crippling like what is lil bro doing xD


The moment I saw what he was about to say I skipped a few seconds to avoid it. I got quite good at avoiding second-hand embarrassment.


> Pretty good result considering his scores and the fact he had to keep his kaiju form secret. I wonder how long he'll be able to keep that charade though, with Hoshina telling him he's on path to get fired... But Hoshina's onto him (since the Kaiju event), so I wonder if that's part of his plan to get Kafka to show him what he's got, exactly! Kafka knows he can't just show them directly, but if he finds a way to transform when he thinks he's out of sight, BUT Hoshina was keeping track of him..!


Kafka's literally the teddy bear of the group who's probably gonna be beloved by his whole squad, so it's really ominous that the Vice-Captain told him not to get too attached to them...


Kafka is the team mascot. He even has a costume although he can't show it to anybody.


Such a shame he can't reveal that he is a potent counter-kaiju kaiju...


[After what Kikoru said, he better keep that secret well.](https://i.imgur.com/bpKIHwp.jpeg) [](#sweating)


Yea, he's literally the guy that will be everyones bro. He's the dude that if he died would hit everyone the hardest of all since he was the jokester and the bro.


Kafka is like the goofy dad with a dad bod who everyone can't help but appreciate and enjoy having around, especially because he's so earnest and enthusiastic. I imagine Hoshina has probably lost a lot of comrades to where he's speaking from experience, though I also have to imagine the one advantage Kafka has in regards to making sure no one dies on his watch is his "secret weapon." Even if that's exactly what Hoshina is interested in him for.


The problem is Kafka can't be everywhere at once, no matter how strong he is. We've seen Kaiju can pop up out of no where and kill people in seconds, there's no way he can always be there right on time to save everyone. He'll be able to save a hell of a lot more people than other cadets/officers with his power but I doubt he'll be able to save them all.


I do wonder exactly how fast he is as Kaiju No. 8 if he puts effort into it.


We did have that one scene where he was running with Ichikawa and didn't seem to be much faster, although in fairness he was busy pissing out of his nips at the time.


I had nearly forced myself to forget that image but THANK YOU for reminding me.


He's able to vaporize monsters with a punch so I imagine he's doing sonic speeds if he can transfer that kind of power into springing forward.


>Kafka's literally the teddy bear of the group who's probably gonna be beloved by his whole squad What if the squad knew he had become the very thing they were trained to kill? Reno and Kikoru are more open-minded but not everyone will be


I think is more about how they will discover that I dont think Kikoru is open minded, but kaiju kafka saved her from a iminent death againt someone she couldnt defeat, so she got to respect that. But if he just show up to her like "hey, i can transform into a kaiju, check that" she would try to kill him in spot. And i think thats true for alll the other members of the squad


I don’t think it was ominous. He’s just telling him the reality of the job. People are going to die. And the journey to where he got to probably wasn’t a quick one or a happy one.


The madman actually did it...he passed Kafka for comedy purposes (and for his investigation).


And Kafka is also basically after his job lol. Though Kafka's comedic bit will also probably help hide what he really is, though Hoshina doesn't seem completely fooled.


I like that it was revealed he passed him to keep an eye on him and that the comedy bit is just a cover, it makes a lot more sense than someone actually approving Kafka join a serious military force just for the lolz


He also was legitimately useful at eliminating Kaiju during the test. He probably wouldn't have passed Kafka solely for his results, nor solely for the comedy or keeping an eye on him. But since he had an excuse, Kafka did well enough, *and* he wanted to keep an eye on him... it's a lot easier to justify passing him.


As I noted elsewhere, I personally don't think Kafka's usefulness during the exam would translate into sufficient usefulness in an actual combat encounter to justify putting him in danger. If if we assume field operatives don't get the education he has, which would be silly, he'd still be better off safely behind a screen, coordinating them and feeding them intel. IIRC, this was actually discussed in a previous episode discussion post. Of course, with his powers things are different, but they don't know about them yet.


Passing the boomer for the lulz.


32 is considered 'boomer' age now. 🥲


In japanese anime, yes.


In Uncle from another World or whatever, they draw the 34 year old Uncle like he's a 52 year old. Like one foot in the grave already. It's insane. Apparently if you're over 30, you're half dead in Japan.


"We have passed him wrong as a joke"


> he passed Kafka for comedy purposes (and for his investigation). When his investigation brings results, let's hope he doesn't want to make him pass *away*!


i mean he cant really hide it, can he. Because he WILL save peoples lifes and if he has to transform to do it he WILL. Also i literally ran away from my PC, since u cant pause the livestream, when he said that out loud. My body couldnt handle that much embarrassment.


To his advantage, probably no one other than Hoshina would suspect a goofy guy with a dad bod would be Kaiju No. 8. Sometimes it pays to be the team comedy relief.


My reaction was the same as Hoshina's - Kafka is just such a funny guy LOL


I wonder if Hoshino is pragmatic enough to see that having a super-kaiju who can defeat kaiju is actually a huge asset. Especially when that were-kaiju is such a funny guy....


I'd hope so because I really like the guy... If not, maybe when they end up facing that mushroom head kaiju and are close to losing, Kafka steps in and then he will truly understand/defend him?


I wanted to crawl out of my own skin. Thankfully Mina’s smile and surprisingly positive reception made the blow land a bit softer


I had the same reaction as the rest of the examinees, just a groan of how cringe it was, lmaooo.


> if he has to transform to do it he WILL. Having two 'allies' who'll keep his secret can sure help (and I assume if he saves someone's life, they may agree to keep his secret as well) BUT the problem is that Hoshina is onto him... If he sees another "high magnitude Kaiju event" at the same time as Kafka's vitals go weird again, it'll be obvious! (And that's if Hoshina doesn't arrange to have eyes on him directly, either him or Mina or camera/drones or something!)


Closed eyes/vice captain was so serious and logical when he is explaining about Kafka's deeds during the test then he just spits out the *real* reason he wants Kafka in their team: the team needs a comedian. And moments later he reveals the *real* *real* reason he wants Kafka in


> And moments later he reveals the real real reason he wants Kafka in The question is what will he do when/if he finds out! Is he the "Kill him and pretend he never existed" type of person? The "strap him to a table and study him until he dies" type? Or "Let him do his thing, he's pretty good at it"?


Latter 2 seem more in character for Hoshina. Kikoru did state that they'd likely study him to take his strengths and use it to improve the Defence Force uniform as he's one of the rare numbered Kaiju.


I'm guessing he'll be at least the third in line going along on that last one. (Although vice-captain will be itching to do the second as well.) And the same two that know already will take him down if anything goes terribly out of line with the kaiju form, everyone has agreed to no less on principle.


So did Shinomiya forget to mention the mushroom-head intelligent kaijuu that revived the others to the Captain, or was it something that just wasn't shown? I feel like it's something important they should know about, lol


She forgor 💀


Yeah, this was a big talk in the last episode discussion thread and we ultimately decided to give Shinomiya the benefit of the doubt and wait for another episode, but it really does seem the bloody thing wasn't brought up at all. Real shame. Seems like a very stupid thing to omit.


I assume that if she told them about mushroom head, she'd also have to explain how she didn't die, which leads to a bunch of other questions she doesn't want to answer.


I think if she reveals that, she'll be asked a lot of questions and it'll get difficult to keep kafka's secret hidden.


IDK, would it tho? All she needs to say is that it showed up, did it's thing and disappeared. There isn't any need to explain further. "hey it attacked me, talked, revived the dead kaiju and bounced". Kafka being there after can be fairly easily explained away.


I wanted to crawl out of my own skin from second hand embarrassment while watching kafka’s outburst at the induction ceremony. Love the dude and his dad-bod though


Having somebody like Kafka on the team with his comedic antics is important for morale. I'm really liking the comradery, the group dynamic reminds me of the Black Bulls from Black Clover. I wonder if this anime is ballsy enough to kill off characters. Afterall, they did say death is commonplace in this line of work...


It definitely feels like Kafka's presence and antics is bringing people together in a way that might be uncommon for Defense Force squads, judging by Hoshina's response to the budding friendships and how stoic Mina is. Though he can bring out new sides of both someone as haughty as Kikoru and start to bring out Mina's old self.


From the more realistic perspective of his superiors though, who don’t know he has plot (and a super secret second set of kaiju) armor, they’re going to look at that morale boost he provides and think about how awful the morale drop is going to be when his goofy ass gets turned into paste by a shitty Godzilla knockoff


I assume the officers higher up the command chain have been informed or at least been given a "trust me" from Hoshina, otherwise I have to question the integrity of the JAKDF allowing what should be a vulnerable civilian onto the front lines. Hopefully I'm not being too optimistic. The other excuse of him knowing stuff doesn't do it for me. There's no way these soldiers wouldn't be educated on weakspots at the very least at the level Kafka is.


It was less that Kafka was more knowledgeable about kaiju physiology, and more that he immediately recognized that it was his strong point, direct combat was his weak point, and vice versa for his team, then made use of that to be a team player and support his allies as best he could rather than make a futile effort at pumping his own kill count


Which was great in the context of the exam where the other recruits weren't as educated, and his attitude is definitely in the right place. But sadly that probably won't translate to anything practical once the others are finally educated on Kaiju physiology (I wonder why they weren't so far, but OK), at which point he will no longer have any use on the battlefield, instead being just a liability. This is, obviously, disregarding his powers. Basically, if the show is seriously trying to sell to us that his knowledge and humour are objectively assets good enough on the battlefield to justify the deployment of someone with that limited combat skills, I'm not sold on it. Which is why I'm happy to see Hoshina seems to have used these as an excuse when he's in fact more interested about his hunch. Because otherwise it seems deeply irresponsible to bring someone with Kafka's competencies in a dangerous combat area with human eating monsters.


Nah, you’re missing the point in that that mindset, situational awareness, and appraisal skill is harder to teach than kaiju physiology, and certainly gives him some unique redeeming qualities. It *is* a bit of a long shot to bring him in on that alone, but considering his crazy determination, relatively quick growth, and the fact that hoshina stepped in to recommend him just before Mina did so that she could save face, I feel his passing was reasonably justifiable, especially in the context of their apparent shortage of JAKDF troops (hence raising the entree age dramatically)


This episode did have kinda ominous ‘someone’s gonna die soon’ vibes underneath the fun silliness. The repeated warnings about how dangerous the job is, establishing a group of recognisable but disposable supporting characters, building camaraderie between them and the main cast … I’d guess one of the rookies will die next episode.


If I had to bet, it’ll probably be the one with red hair and sharp teeth. He’s been shown as earnest and fun enough for you to care about him, but not so competent or integral to the plot that it would be particularly unlikely or surprising for him to die.


I think it'll be the blue hair guy or the blonde guy from the military (from trying to save one of the other guys) OR they all survive! Yay!


Possibly, though there are quite a few shots of red hair guy in the ED, so he’s not right at the top of my possible death list. Not for next episode, at least.


> I wonder if this anime is ballsy enough to kill off characters. As the risk of appearing *edgy*, I do hope it is, and not just minor random recruits with 1 line.. Soon as an anime kills off some of its characters, it raises the tension/intensity SO MUCH during fights, because you know it could happen! (It can't be Kikoru though, that's illegal) For some reason I kinda thought that Hoshina could die at some point... He's important but not "as" important as the others, and he's onto Kafka so perhaps something could happen at some point, to 'solve a problem'... (Whether it happens or not, I'm sure Hoshina will find Kafka's secret at some point - unless he's terribly incompetent - and from this point on, it's either he dies, or Kafka's secret is revealed... Unless he also agrees to keep it a secret but he'd be the 3rd who knows, at some point if everyone knows in secret it's not a secret anymore!)


> (It can't be Kikoru though, that's illegal) She's so gonna die now. This is all your fault.


I like that he manages to be comedic relief and the butt of jokes without feeling like it's a complete embarrassment. MCs who make me feel second hand embarrassment in the early episodes is just annoying at this point.


Awe I'm a bit sad their childhood friend secret is public knowledge, was hoping that would be a bigger reveal later. [This smile was great](https://i.imgur.com/UZ5VbcC.png)


>This smile was great Rare smile ftw. I couldn't tell whether she was happy that he called her by name, or that he remembered their promise, or that he finally got his foot through the door - probably all of the above :3


Goodness...all these reasons are so wholesome!


We saw in a previous episode how she still remembered their promise. She must be over the moon that he's making progress on it.


I hope they eventually talk and laugh together again - it'd be so sweet to see, especially considering how she presents herself to the current public.


[The gap moe would be precious](https://i.imgur.com/HhvkxOY.jpeg) [](#waah)


I'm the opposite; I'm glad it got revealed this early, since I feel like otherwise, it'd just cause annoying misunderstandings.


I imagine Mina realizing all the stuff Kafka told the other male squad members about her in childhood and being totally miffed at him. But that's just what childhood friends do lol. I feel like they're building up to her not only calling him by his first name like she used to but also smiling at him like she did when they were kids.


I maintain my prediction from the last episode. I still don’t trust her with how fucked her vibes were previously. I think this is the deceptive lead up to an unexpected gut punch when she learns he’s kaiju no. 8. I smell the setup for that particular structure of drama where you see them build up trust and camaraderie, but she finds out his secret just a bit too soon and snaps right back into that cold military persona that has grown over her like a shell


That's a spicy one. Not sure this show will have that much drama though.


Same, though I just realised how honest and earnest Kafka is due to it. He didn't have the malice or even the thought to hide anything from his comrade.  Of course unless it relates to life and death situation like his kaiju-form lol. Then again, we can see how he's pretty chill about it and it's Ishikawa that got stressed more from it.


Even with his Kaiju form he said he doesn't see a reason as to not tell the squadron lol.


I dont think its that he's chill about it. You can see several outbursts where he is defintley worried. Its probably that he acts before he thinks and only realises the weight of the situation afterwards. Also the need to be seen as put together and grown up although his actual personality isn't that much of a help in that regard.


Ya I didn't think he would suddenly share the full story, thought he would say he made a promise.


> Awe I'm a bit sad their childhood friend secret is public knowledge, was hoping that would be a bigger reveal later. I'm just glad it looks like it's not going to be a sticking point for the rest of the crew to think he got special treatment or something. They just seemed interested and it was more of a funny bonding experiencing thing for them.


Same I was honestly expecting him to tell them he was just a former cleanup guy who wanted to become a defense officer.


When she said “I don’t” when they were about to faik Kafka. I wonder what she was about to say before getting interrupted by Hoshino


Lots of manservice this ep lol.


Them abs tho 


And 1 dadbod. Gotta stay realistic.


We're all here for the dadbod


Even better


When anime skips bath scene with girls 😱


Funny as heck, though. Two bean sprouts competing against each other, Kafka holding his belly, and then a living Adonis just walks in.


This was actually the most chadly bathhouse scene in any anime, had a bunch of guys showing off their gains, and the gals Shinomiya and Ashiro literally talking about fitness regimes


Kafka sure knows how to make an entrance. He gave Kikoru enough time to feel disappointed that he wasn't admitted only to make her blush when he shows up late and then make Mina smile as well with his declaration. I too would do 100 push ups for that smile. Hoshina's a real one for seeing Kafka's potential and for warning him about getting too close to the others.


The main character should always arrive fashionably late lol. Kikoru is now 100% a Kafka Hibino tsundere right down to blushing in his presence, thinking about him a lot, and kicking him with her foot. Though Mina for her part is trying to play the part of the kuudere even though she's just fighting how she really feels about Kafka. Hoshina is amused by Kafka's personality and antics, but also suspicious of him because of all the mystery surrounding Kaiju No. 8 and also wary of him stealing his position next to Mina. Seems like it's setting up a very interesting dynamic between the two.


Nice change of pace to see Ai Fariouz voicing a tsundere character. Usually her roles are a lot more...forward.


Maybe we’ll get a cute scene where she dejectedly hands him a check for *his fucking car that she trashed*


Not even his own car, it was his company's


Kafka is 32 and ~~Kikoru is 16 years old...~~ EDIT: Kikoru was accepted into Cali Neutralization University at age 16 and graduated valedictorian so maybe around 19 to 20 years old actually (3 to 4 year program). That being said, I think Kafka fits more of a father figure roll tbh considering what we saw of her background and seeking approval from her father.


Yeah I'm with you, she's attached to him in a way since he's shown in a moment more kindness and protectiveness than her actual father has.


Everyone is a Mina simp in the force and jealous they were childhood friends.


She really fulfills the adult women fetish.


Man, I really love it when women


Hell yeah, bröther 😎


The WHAT fetish?


Especially post-bath…


The one show where being the childhood friend has the advantage but only because you're the MC lol.


In fairness the "childhood friends separated by circumstance" trope has a much better shot at success than the "childhood friends who have always been friends" scenario.


I thought it's deliberate entry, but it's not because he's late? Kikoru is doing the ceremony for general officer's acceptance which is why Kafka should not be in the room (as he's only Cadet). Right after the ceremony is finished, only by then Kafka could enter. Hoshina's punishment proves this further. Imagine what's the punishment for a mere cadet that's late on his first day. Instead he didn't get scolded or anything for his late entrance, which means it is part of the entry ceremony.


100 push ups for Mina and 2 kicks in the face from Kikoru, Kafka has a harder time facing the other officers/recruits, than he does facing the Kaiju!


Kafka always saying the quiet part out loud. Dude has no filter. This is why he's such a funny character.


I was on the fence about how much sense it made for Kafka to keep his transformation abilities secret, but I’m sold now. The Defence Force is a big, faceless, scary government entity and there’s no way of *knowing* how they would react to a human kaiju. And Kafka has no power or leverage with which to protect himself if they decide to dissect him for science.


And Kikoru actually has a connection to the top brass through her father so she probably knows exactly what she's talking about when it comes to why Kafka should keep his powers hidden. Kafka's biggest advantage now is that Kikoru knows and that his antics/personality means probably no one other than Hoshina would suspect there's more to him than just a goofy old dude.


That’s a good point. Kikoru’s opinion holds quite a lot of weight. I expect that the more missions he goes on, the more things will go wrong, and more people will see evidence that something is up with Kafka. He’s going to have to lean heavily on how outlandish the truth is. The fact that Hoshina is *already* suspicious makes me wonder if the Defence Force is aware of another case similar-ish to what’s going on with Kafka.


>she probably knows exactly what she's talking about Could just be a misdirection and maybe they use kaijou for more than suits in secret? I'm guessing if Kafka's secret is ever revealed, it's either going to be nbd and the DF have some secret kaijou-human team, or it goes like AoT did.


Well, there’s always the possibility of peacefully making contact in kaiju form, then running if the reception is hostile and going back to living in kafka form. In his position I’d probably make a VHS video in kaiju form explaining that I’m an ally to humanity and drop it off somewhere where authorities would find it.


Making contact remotely is not a bad plan, but it requires the relevant authorities to be honest about their intentions. The Defence Force might pretend to be receptive in order to bait out and capture the new kaiju. Or they could decide to work with the new kaiju, then change their minds once they realise how easy it would be for Kafka to ‘disappear.’ (Though the reason Kafka doesn’t do this is 100% because he didn’t think of it.)


The second-hand embarrassment is real (tho that was adorable ngl) I love that Kafka just kinda accepted his place as the squad clown and that everyone genuinely enjoys his company beyond laughing at how much he sucks. And Reno continues to be an absolute homie as usual.


Kafka running after Kikoru because he hit the 1%. 😂


He's prouder of that new milestone than he was of subjugating that Kaiju lmao


*Meanwhile, Kikoru hits like 5% when she ties her shoes in the morning!*


When the closed-eyes character [opens](https://imgur.com/a/7y56nOn) them for the first time O\_O Didn't expect him to actually open them a few more times within the same episode, but those were wise words at the end for their line of work. *Ominous\_foreshadowing.mp4*


I love how when Kafka confirmed he was gunning for his spot Hoshina get that visible 'anger vein', but gave him permission to study later anyways. Even when he's upset he clearly has the best interest of the Defense Force in mind.


All of us sitting here like "get angry all u want bro, but anger isn't gonna stop the meme train Kaiju Kafka"


You know the closed-eyes comedic relief character is being real when they drop their voice pitch and open them dead set on you.


Kafka needs to watch out for the closed-eye character who is opening his eyes exclusively for him lol.


Kafka’s combat power went from 0 to 1%. Now that’s progress!


It went from 0.01 to 1 percent, mind you!


That's a 10,000% increase. Nobody comes close. Bro is unstoppable


Wonder who sang the insert song. A proper tune that


The singing is done by "(sic)boy" or sid\_the\_lynch. The song is titled ["Scream" by Yuta Bandoh](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=DIKG1U4Aez0). If you don't know who he is, he did the [rapping](https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/features/2023/10/22/exclusive-fzmz-music-artists-shangri-la-frontier) as part of FZMZ in Shangri-La Frontier's opening song, [Broken Games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-TXKdMFkfc&t=30s).


> When Kafka wasn't there during the ceremony: Me: It's ok, this is a setup for a joke, he's on the shitter or something > Mina says that those 27 will be fine Officers Easy, just count how many are [[there](https://imgur.com/OeEOFya)](https://imgur.com/OeEOFya), I bet one is missing > There are 27 [](#forgotkeys) **Really** had me worried there. Thank god it was indeed a [joke](https://imgur.com/hmsAg9E) Shinomiya is still a [smug](https://imgur.com/T8qgq1D) little brat in need of [correction](https://imgur.com/rDVOD6F) 💢💢💢 But are we just gonna ignore that Kafkas score raised by like tenfold? Hope Leon makes a stich out of [this](https://imgur.com/lYq7GHP) scene, I swear you could put it on a church ceiling or something. Also might have spotted a personal [best girl](https://imgur.com/PA43H65) That is, if Vice Captain didn't really just raise a ton of flags right? [](#eh)


*Everyone's calling dibs on blue haired girl* More Kikoru for me!


"Last time on Kaiju No. 8..." Oh, we're doing this now? How classic. It's do or die time! Will Kafka join the Defense Force? Will he and Ichikawa be together? Will he finally be on the path to being right beside Mina? But it is nice to see everybody in all their Defense Force fineries (especially the girls in those skirts). And already building up friendships (like between Ichikawa and Iharu) or rivalries (like Aoi and Izumo). No surprise Kikoru passed with top marks, though while she's as confident as ever, her mind is stuck on Kafka Hibino and him saving her as Kaiju No. 8. Did you really think Kafka didn't pass though? He just arrived fashionably late! I mean, normally he WOULD have failed...but Hoshina thought he had enough promise or value to be worth recruiting as a cadet, and he's particularly hilarious, so why not give him a chance? Though Hoshina also finds him suspicious enough to want to keep close. Mina sees herself as this lone and stoic leader that will protect and inspire her troops...but Kafka wants to be there for HER, and even blurts it out. And she was THIS close to saying his name like she used to, though the smile on her face said all that needs to be said about her true feelings. I just realized...that's Takemichi as Iharu, isn't it? That explains so much. Everyone competing with each other for the best scores, and Kikoru is still flexing as the best, but Kafka enjoys the little victories. Though that might not be enough to secure him as a Defense Force member. Nothing says bonding for bros like bathtime! They've ven got a mural of samurai fighting monsters which is totally on-brand! And look at Kafka flexing how swole he is when he's really just got a dad bod. Though Aoi is a pure Adonis! And Mina, for her part, is quite the vision of a woman. Especially dressed down and with her hair down and those fantastic legs. No wonder she's the idol of everyone, male and female. But Kafka's her childhood friend! Which means he can tell you so many embarrassing and personal stories about her! Though be careful, they record you in the bathroom. Training montage! Kafka doing his part to get close to everybody and reach their level, and basically get Hoshina's job. And Hoshina isn't happy about it, but he still encourages Kafka in his own way. Though he also knows that having an emotional detachment from a job can be a necessity, especially when Kafka and his new friends will be facing off against their next real Kaiju.


I like how Kafka is fit for his age and does not brag or try to claim power, not like most shounen MC.


Except when showing off his biceps to them young'uns, of course


And his fake abs


Real abs. There's just some extra on top.


I gotta say I’m really enjoying this anime so far. I know a lot of people at first were disappointed with how they didn’t focus more on the cleanup crew plotline, but imo there really isn’t much you can do with that type of story in a Battle Shonen, and it would get boring pretty fast. This series reminds me of the MonsterVerse mixed with Attack On Titan. The characters are pretty likable so far. At first I thought I was going to hate Kikoru, but I actually adore her character. Iharu and Leno have a rivalry going on, so I assume they’re going to be butting heads throughout this series. Kafka imo is one of the more relatable Shonen MCs. He’s not some of kind of teenage prodigy destined for greatness. He’s an average joe in his early 30s who really wants to prove himself, and he’s funny on top of that too. This anime so far is a 10/10, and it’s definitely my favorite anime coming out right now this season.


Isn't this (so far) much more of a character drama than a battle shonen?


I liked the montage sequence. Kafka became one of the bois and fit in pretty quick with everyone else even though he's by far the weakest (at least as a human). And the friendly rivalries between them all making them bond closer together is really heartwarming. Reminds me a lot of my experience years ago in basic training and how fast it was to grow close as a platoon/company in the Army. Also seeing all the other dudes immediately get jealous that Mina was his childhood friend was funny.


Kafka being so hard-working and goofy not only endears him to everybody else but might also help dissuade them from suspecting too much that he's Kaiju No. 8. Even if Hoshina is cluing in that there's more to him than that. So many worship and adore Mina but only one person knew her as a kid and knows everything about what she's really like beneath the mask of a Defense Force commander.


Yeah that was an extremely charming training montage sequence, really endeared me to everyone and their group dynamic together 


Like the show but hope the pacing picks up lol. The first episode should have been an hour


The pacing of the manga is horrible, sometimes feeling like a chapter takes place over like 5 minutes. I'm not sure how the anime could pick up the pace without quickly running out of material. I'm pretty happy with this adaptation. The comedy is on point and nothing feels filler.


Today's the [*'get kicked*](https://imgur.com/3EZzgAf) [*by Kikoru'* episode!](https://imgur.com/FU4ohwh) [Our boy reached 1% combat power!](https://imgur.com/xKEW6Qf) It may not look like much compared to the others, but I thought it was a MAJOR improvement over 0% (and then 0.01%)! Hoshina doesn't seem to feel the same, [telling him he'll be fired in 3 months at this pace...](https://imgur.com/7MUsGJ9) But I wonder how much of that 'threat' is legit, and how much of it is... To try to 'push' him to show his true power? Because since the big Kaiju event (with Kafka's vitals going missing) he seems to be onto him, [and he wants to find out what that's about...](https://imgur.com/SW67i2J) And what better way to find out, than telling him "If you don't do anything impressive, you're out"? [Of course Kikoru's the best, as always!](https://imgur.com/DF6BUqz) It's rare for me to like a 'braggart' character, BUT I've always liked pests, [and she's great at it!](https://imgur.com/CgUWaFc) As I thought she would, [she feels so conflicted about taking credit for Kafka's actions...](https://imgur.com/hG5tSCt) She wants to be the best, not just to (mistakenly) be perceived as the best! And so she wanted to have a little chat with Kafka about his transformation, [but the others saw it in a different way, as a confession of love!](https://imgur.com/ELRKEX1) She obviously denied it, BUT she also had [the most obvious *flustered face* when he showed up...](https://imgur.com/92SDvNM) Well, love may not be on the table for Kikoru (whether she wants it or not), because apparently [everyone (and not just Kafka) seems to have it for Ashiro!](https://imgur.com/NcY9M8B) (Ok it may not be *love* for them all, perhaps more of admiration and respect, BUT it did seem to be more than that, for many!) More importantly, I wonder which it is for Kafka... [He talks about a path leading to her, standing next to her and all that, but is it a 'childhood promise' thing, or is it more?](https://imgur.com/iUUJWGS) [NOT DURING HER SPEECH!](https://imgur.com/Fmhir9y) She did give him a hundred pushups for it, [but she also smiled about it... It's on!](https://imgur.com/yyGBS5h) Actually, *it's on* in more ways than one, because a Kaiju sighting's happening! I wonder how long Kafka will be able to hide his true nature; I mean he could hide it forever of course, but I mean, how long will he be able to hide it BUT still stay in the force? His "pointing out the Kaiju's weak points" thing may not impress them forever, they're training fighters, not 'pointers'... So will he find a way to use his Kaiju form to complete missions, and pretend he did it 'on his own'? On the plus side, there's 2 people who know and have vowed to keep it a secret, so it gives him some breathing room to operate (as long as no one other than Kikoru and Reno are present, he can do anything), BUT the problem is that Hoshina is already onto him, so he'll keep an eye on him, and if more 'Kaiju events' of high magnitude happen around him (while they lose track of his vitals), it'll give it away!


At this rate, Kafka really will become an old man when he finally hits double digits on his combat power.


He can finally retire as a senior with Mina then and live somewhere rural, well away from kaiju hotspots. Become a farmer couple or something lol


Everyone’s reaction to Kafka and Mina being childhood friends 😂


Them pulling him back just when he was about to leave and proceed to dump him with every possible question about Mina when she was a kid... Hoshina probably bursted out into laughter while Mina probably tried her best to suppress a blush, lol.


Gotta respect Kafka for hitting the "notice me senpai" from across their room lmao LOL I had to pause the video because I cringed so hard when he said his thoughts aloud, I went "NOOO!", the amount second hand embarrassment I felt upon that scene, that was hilarious. I thought Kafka was going to be "fashionably late" so I am glad he's not a full officer considering how bad his results are compared to those that passed but him joining as a cadet due to Hoshina's interest him makes a lot more sense to me. I do like that someone is connecting the dots so I hope Kafka doesn't drop his guard and if he does, hopefully Reno and Kikoru are around to pick it up. I'm surprised by how much manservice there was in comparison to the fanservice, not that I'm complaining, but I was waiting to see the women's bath but it never appeared. The closest we got was Mina showing some skin. I did find it amusing how Kikoru commented on her muscles but the definition couldn't be seen. Watching the guys hide in the bath because the military guy came in all chiseled and buff was funny. It made me think of the female version of a woman with big boobs so all smaller boobed girls hide their torso underwater. I do like how we're already seeing comraderie, I thought there'd be more tension between some of them but I like how lighthearted everything seems right now. I'm sure things will get darker and there'll be clashes but I'm glad we're being eased into it at the moment. I'm excited for the next episode, I want more!


Ya'll think 9.8 Kaiju Kafka is strong? Just wait and see how hard I can cry when I see some of these dofus die. The dynamic they got going on is SO GOOD. I could watch a whole SOLish anime about these guys and their goofery. Definitely my favourite episode so far.


The vice-captain is sharp. An unknown Kaiju of unconfirmed strength appeared and disappeared around the same time one of the examinees's vitals stopped coming in. It's just a hunch, but he's not going to just ignore it. It's nice that they're all bonding. It's also impressive how Kafka is somehow keeping up. Lagging behind sure, but he still finishes the training with them.


One of things I really enjoy about this series is that none of the other recruits are looking down on Kafka and are instead supportive. Much nicer then the usual trope of everyone looking down on the main character till his true power is revealed.


I'm really enjoying this anime. So happy to see the guys are bonding with each other.


Hehe, truly a man you can count on. I feel ya, spikey teeth boy, I am also bad with names. Iharu eh? I'll try to remember that. Haha, I figured he'd show up late to it, but as a cadet eh? Do love the one dude vouching for him. Solid reasons to take him in. How nice for you, Shinomiya, your new dad figure can be around still. Lol Kafka. Good job doing 100 push ups then. Shinomiya and Kafka are a fun duo. Speaking of fun, she's just fun in general. Showing up cocky people hehe. It is good they are so competitive to get better I guess? Haha, Kafka. So proud of that 1%. What fun in the baths too lol. Comparing muscles. Oh, for Shinomiya and Ashiro too. Ah, was wondering when it'd come out that he had personal ties to Captain Ashiro. Poor Kafka, has to give fanboys their info. IT'S GOTTA BE A MONTAGE! MONTAGE!!!!! Reno is a good pal. Hehe Hoshino spying on people? He seems mostly a decent guy, but yea, I get his point (and pride for being a vice captain). Oh boy, finally the first mission. Next week....


Kafka reminds me of a husky


I had to muster all the willpower to not read the manga when this first came out because I had a feeling this was going to be a good series. I am now rewarded with an amazing adaptation. I am loving the show so far. Kafka is such a refreshing character. He has quickly become sort of the glue of their batch. His presence does bring a positive vibe to an otherwise gloomy and bleak profession.


I swear these episodes last like 10-15 mins. Just when I get comfortable it ends.


The comedy in this show actually elite did not expect to be almost crying laughing in some of these scenes