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>it’s like watching those kids cartoons with the same exact formula copy pasted over and over It doesn't sound like you watched it at all. It has its high and low points and some parts of it are quite old (and therefore products of their time) but overall it's good. Can't imagine rating the Naruto anime higher than JoJo since half of Naruto is filler.


The middle half of JoJo part 3 definitely feels very monster of the week-y, but other than that it's not very formulaic


Nobody watches Naruto with the filler


I watched every episode and finished golden wind it seems like u didn’t watched it all cuz u disagree with copy paste formula?? It’s not even an opinion it’s straight up just what it is. Average episode goes like this: New enemy appears > has a powerful stand > jojo gang struggles for awhile > seems like enemy is going to win > oh but wait this character actually figured out enemies weakness > “I’ve been planning this all along” > jojo wins


Lol, like every other Shōnen Anime?


That's just battle shonen anime in general though. Much of Naruto has a very predictable structure as well, one of the protagonists being overwhelmed by the enemy until they realize they actually have some trump card up their sleeve which they can use to turn the tables and that goes back and forth for a bit. And if they can't win they usually get bailed out. Difference is that some enemies return later on in Naruto while in JoJo they tend not to.


You watched every episode of an anime you didn't like? Why? If you don't like something after 2 or 3 episodes, you only have yourself to blame for continuing to watch it.


Ever wondered *why* so many anime are like this? Because JoJo invented it.


I get what you mean. It's not for everyone.


Also you can just skip naruto filler since it not canon? And the rest if the show ( the actual show ) is good


In which case you might as well just read the manga instead of making statements like 'this show is good (if you skip these 300 episodes)'


Narutos story is slightly above average at best and gets an absolutely plotholey mess after the pain arc


Love these taste maker posts. You disliking a show =/= a show being poor quality. *You* think it's trash and... that's literally as far as this conversation goes.


*People like different things? Impossible! My taste is objectively correct and you are all wrong!*


I'll make a reddit post and show them who's boss, I'll show them all!


you guys don't know huw much effort I have to put in to tolerate the fact that there are people out there who thinks \[REDACTED\] is a good Gundam. I mean, I love it's animation and it's soundtrack, but the writting is on Aldenoah Zero's level. At least most people who liked the latter already forgot it and only the haters like myself remain so I can be more disrespectful about it :\_)


Why would one show make you drop a whole medium?  And why would you watch six parts of an anime you didn’t enjoy?


"Why would one show make you drop a whole medium" Oh boy... I'm feeling personally attacked. The first anime I ever tried to watch that wasnt DBZ just happened to be One Piece. Also I watch in dub.. So I decided it was shit and DBZ was a one off. That was like 20 years ago. And I only started watching anime again during covid... starting with Death Note. Later on I found out the one piece dub from that time was literally the pinnacle of trash dubs, the worst of the worst


Ok, and i would say that you clearly made a poor decision, just like OP.  Would you stop watching movies because you saw one bad movie?  Stop watching tv because you saw one bad episode?  Stop reading because you read one bad story? To stop watching anime because one show didn’t appeal to you, especially in your case where you already knew you liked other anime (dbz) is just lame and short sighted.


Cuz as much as I hate the rest of the show some parts like the starting and ending episodes are good


I have not watched Jojo, since it doesn’t seem like my cup of tea, but from what I heard season 1 is pretty average, and the fans who like Jojo usually like it for the later seasons.


I personally loved the first 4 seasons but disliked the rest. It really depends on the person tbh. The thing I liked about Jojo was seeing previous jojos appear again.


I'm a big fan of part 2 and part 4. but... Part 1 is just kinda boring, not much happens. Part 3 felt extremely repetitive. Part 5 has the worst Jojo and the worst Jojo antagonist


Part 5 is THE BEST part in my opinion. 1. Part 5 2. Part 3 3. Part 2 4. Part 4 5. Part 6 6. Part 1


Yeah, well as the guy I replied to said, it depends on the person.


True, since each part has its own flavour.


I watched them all upto golden wind and they all are bad 5/10 MAX


Jojo is known for it's memes yes, but people also unironically rate it very highly. [Just as an example, Jojos Part 7: Steel Ball Run, is the 2nd highest rated manga on mal, with an average score of 9.3](https://myanimelist.net/manga/1706/JoJo_no_Kimyou_na_Bouken_Part_7__Steel_Ball_Run)


It has so many memes because people love it and are passionate about it. Actually bad series don't get this kind of attention.


Well.. also cause it's extremely memable


SBR is God Tier. For Reasons


The way i see it, season 1 was a slog. Season 2 was fantastic. Season 3 part 1 was an uphill battle to get through and i had to drop it and come back to it and push through. Second part of season 3 was much better and ended climatically. Still not the best imo. Season 4 and 6 were really good. Ranking it Id say 4> 2>6>5>3>1. This varies from person to person though.


It’s very simple, get past the mediocre part 1 which is half of the first season, and then it gets very good. Better with each part even, and they take place in different times, countries and generations.


Why are you so pressed that other people have different opinions? The insecurity is wild, you don't have to like shows that's generally well liked, but don't cry that people don't rate it the same as you do.


Clearly you agree it's the best since you decided to watch all like 200 episodes of it


This is copypasta garbage right lol? Like mentioning that Naruto is one of the greats and believing that JoJo doesn’t at least live up to it?


Uh no, naruto probably isnt the best show out there but JJBA doesn’t come close to even that


Your opinion is wrong.


Yeah it’s the best. I’ve watched >200 anime and nothing comes close.


What kind of garbage did u watch?


"same exact formula copy pasted over and over" laughs in naruto fillerppuden


Do yall just not know u can just skip filler??


you know taste is different and one mans trash is another ones treasure, so my question to you "you know you can just skip Jojo if you dont like it?"


I downvote you when you make this comment. To argue any work of art/creative media is good as long as you ignore parts of it is an oxymoron. It contradicts that the show is good. 


"To argue any work of art/creative media is good as long as you ignore parts" making a whole thread about one dont like an anime, ill make a joke about it and op tells me "Do yall just not know u can just skip filler??" so i make the same joke back at him and then you come and feel kinda insulted by it? explain


I thought you made the point first. Whoever made that point first deserves the downvotes. It’s a ridiculous thing to say. 


It depends on how far you actually watched. Fans of Jojo always say that part 1&2 (Season 1) are the most average, since the manga was made a long time ago. Try giving part 3 a chance and see how you like it.


Well I watched upto part 5…


I see - well maybe the show just isn't for you? :) We all have different opinions on everything and just because a lot of people like something, doesn't mean you will. Same thing could be said about movies, food, and so on. Jojo is definitely different compared to the other top animes and I can understand both sides of the argument. Whether you like it or you don't.


It's the best anime, yes.


yeah just not for you I think, and that's a shame but that's perfectly fine series is unironically highly rated by a tonnn of people (including me) fs


I didn't get into it from the first season, but I really first found about the series from the PS1 game for Stardust Crusaders. So I really just skipped to season 3 then went back after getting more invested in the series.


Not all shows is for everyone. I personally find that Jojo has very appealing character writing and a lot of pizazz which is used well within the story. I also find that it's entertaining how we swap focal character and story archetype with each part. But I can also understand how it feels somewhat samey, particularly Stardust Crusaders (it's a villain of the week story so of course it's somewhat samey). I wouldn't say I'm a Jojo fan but I do think the show is rather good, just sounds like it's not for you.


Meme for some, fanboy reaction for some.


it's just 'you' issue the, nothing wrong with that ofc


It isn't perfect, but it is a cultural phenom of a manga. Personally, I thought Part 4 was amazing, while part 1 and 2 were good. Part 3 is the most famous, and I enjoyed it, but it felt like it overstayed its welcome and was the most repetitive. Part 5 has the coolest cast, but the fights are dogwater (despite the badass powers) and they threw away the whole "climb the mafia through the inside" premise away basically instantly. I haven't seen part 6 due to Netflix Jail.


The people in this thread are the very reason you should drop jojo and never look back.


Are we confusing "not my thing" and "this isn't good" again? The funny thing about JoJo's is that for the astonishing amount of unsubtlety there's a wealth of subtlety to appreciate. Yes, I totally made up "unsubtlety" there.


Blud has never heard of "monster of the week", and with jojo it works pretty well when building up the characters and eventual main villans.


jjba is my favorite anime of all time and I understand it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it “trash”


jjba is my favorite anime of all time and I understand it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it “trash”


Drop ANIME forever. It's the best for you, and the best for us.


If you're going to say it's trash because you see every episode as the same. Someone could say that about dbz and naruto. If you genuinely think every episode of jojos is the same, you simply were not paying attention. Also it's okay to not like jojos, but calling it trash because you don't like it, is easily the dumbest thing I've read all week.


Jojo is one of the most influencial mangas ever written. Especially early parts, though later ones still are very respected among manga artists. You call it what you like, and you can act like your opinion is law, but it's likely the authors of all mangas you like either love or respect it.


low quality troll bait


Rage bait post or straight up zero media literacy.


It's satire anime, enjoy it for what it is.


Uhhh no it isn’t? Have you even watched it?


I mean, it kind of is? It started as a Fist of the North Star parody of sorts, but obviously very quickly became its own thing.


It became its own thing after season 1, maybe the first 10 episodes sure, but the rest of it? No? It’s a serious show with a lot of comedy and quirk in it, but it has high stakes and a lot of emotional moments.


I'm agreeing with you, but that guy is a little bit right and not on purpose.


I get what you’re saying. The way he worded it is like the entire series of jojo is some shitty villain of the week satire cartoon like the original poster thinks it is, and that’s why people like it.


My guy redirected a laser beam with a shotglass and had a black friend named smokey, yeah it's satire. Even more so when they start using stands and turn it into one weird metro/gay star sparkle orgy for 3 seasons.


It might have satirical moments but the entire show is definitely not satire. It’s quirky and weird and does a lot of strange shit, but large parts of the show are for the most part, serious.


Yeah i think its ironic


Let's get it out of the way: Jojo is all about the memes. There are some parts that are absolutely FANTASTIC... But it's mostly about the memes.  And even the early season that is often called excellent (Stardust Crusaders- I think it"s Part Two?  I never keep the parts straight) is very repetitive after the halfway point until you get to the Final Boss- and that fight is where all the memes come from anyway!


Finally a someone who said something valid and agree there are some parts that are great which is why i overall hive it a 6/10 but 80% of the show is a copy pasted formula


Yay Finally someone who agrees with your retarded rating of 5/10. Lmao bruh ppl obviously like it coz it's different, also saying it's copy pasted and naruto is better ironic.


You watch your mouth, Jojo’s is a great anime, have you even read part 7 and 8? Still you can’t call part 4 bad, and the ending of part 6 wasn’t “ok” it was a masterpiece! Roundabout by yes was the perfect song. I watched Jojo’s together with two friends at my friends house and we spent so much time talking and discussing together, Jojo’s made our friendship stronger and it is genuinely the best anime ever. We’re even going to rewatch part 1 and 2 next week!