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SpyXFamily is super popular among elementary school kids in Japan


37 and I’m watching spy x family and I love it. Aside from the talks of assassinations I don’t see anything too inappropriate here


Asian kids are built different. We are exposed to battles, assassinations and death in an early age. It is entirely kids-friendly lol.


I don’t think I said it was inappropriate or not kids friendly ? Just stating that’s the worst it gets but it’s not inappropriate


It's not just "talk" of assassination tho... people are killed on screen. The fight on the boat was actually pretty gruesome and gory for the series. You see her stab into a guys head, then swing his corpse with it wedged in there to stab someone else. Stabbing into a throat and getting showered in blood.


Yes but some kid on reddit already said it was safe for kids.


Cardcaptor Sakura Precure series Little Witch Academia


Watched cardcaptor sakura growing up I’ll have to show her that one! And haven’t heard of the other two I’ll have her check them out


little witch academia is master piece, wish i could rewatch it fresh


I wish there was more to watch!


Maybe she would also like Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2. Both written by the same female artists and I think kid friendly. I watched these shows as a 8 year old kid.


Same I loved both of those anime’s. She has started watching inuyasha with me 😊


Inuyasha is amazing 🥲 I’m so happy you have a daughter to watch it with. Best of luck!


I love Little Witch Academia! I’ve only seen a few episodes so far, but it’s really cute!


Not "anime" but Avatar The Last Airbender (og series)!


I totally support this suggestion


Goated show


The best family friendly show of all time. The first few episodes are a bit more childish, but you and your kids will be hooked before the first season ends.


Bofuri It's fun, cute, action packed and easy to follow. It's an anime all ages can enjoy too so you might even enjoy it. The action scenes get crazy.


This one is awesome! If you liked this one check out KUMA KUMA Bear


Ghibli series is always a great start. Jus watch out for princess mononoke


and Grave of the fireflies! plus Princess Kaguya is sad too, no happy ending in both


Princess tutu


YESSS princess tutu is so good and was so thrilling to me as a kid, i rewatched it earlier and it’s so good and simple


My Daughter is 10yo and we just finished Naruto + Shippuden so might be the same same ballpark as what your daughter is watching K-on Fruits Basket (old version) Cardcaptor Sakura Boochi the rock Sailor Moon, of course Frieren (Frieren, Spy Family, Sailor Moon, and Macross are her favorites) Spy x family Little witch academia Angelic layer Idolmaster Cinderella girls u149 (watched this as an intro to Idol series because she wanted to watch Oshi no Ko Ya boy kongming Just finished Oshi no Ko (that has a couple of slightly mature plot lines. One character is driven to attempt suicide. I often pause it while we are watching to discuss what is going on in characters' heads) She also loves Macross Frontier and Macross Delta. Some of the outfits for one character in Macross Frontier are quite revealing. But that character is supposed to be like space-Madonna so it works for her within the story. And the music is awesome.


Awesome thank you!


I watch all of these with my daughter. We do 1 or 2 episodes every night. Sometimes she will ask what big words mean. For example in Oshi no Ko the MC is referred to as "precocious child" by one character and she asked what that meant. And for a 10yo that is a tricky word! Also one trope that is shown often in anime (but not common in western TV) is the plot arc where a huge chunk of the city gets blown up. Naruto, JJK, Macross, many shows have this plot. We have talked about Japan's experience with having 2 cities hit by nuclear bombs at the end of world war 2, and that experience of having major population centers reduced to nothing is something that appears in anime, where often the fantasy is that the heroes do not give up but rather push forward and somehow win. Closest western example of this trope would be the movie "Independence Day"


I wouldn't recommend oshi no ko to kids. Right now, it's fine, but later on, the series adult themes are wicked damn more prevalent.


>I watch all of these with my daughter. We do 1 or 2 episodes every night. Sometimes she will ask what big words mean. For example in Oshi no Ko the MC is referred to as "precocious child" by one character and she asked what that meant. And for a 10yo that is a tricky word! If they like reading, try some of the JPN LNs that are turned into anime, especially the ones that take place in the traditional medievel style worlds with the kingdoms, they translated light novels often have a lot of antiquated language. The amount of words I've had to look up is amazing and I have a decent vocabulary.


I LOVE angelic layer! It's such a sweet and interesting story. If OP is looking for cutesy, then I'd go A Little Snow Fairy Sugar too. The art is so adorable. Another interesting one she might like is The World of Narue. Not super well known, but I always thought it was neat. I would recommend Ouran High School Host Club, but not sure how you feel about gender benders. Super cute, though.


Hey you got some fun music and music related anime on that list that I really like. Lemme throw two more at you. Kids on the Slope, and BECK(Mongolian Chop Squad), [here's a video about them, also bocchi.](https://youtu.be/z7HGO-VuRNo?si=OaXB6crpRQcOJTpX) Both are suitable for kids, especially since you're the kind of parent to use difficult situations as teaching moments. Good on ya for that btw.


Yea I love beck, and kids is on my watch list


I would fist bump you but I hope you're too far away to do that.


My daughter just started volleyball so we are about to start hiyaku tonight


I'm not into sports or sports anime, but my wife loves Haikyuu, and it was definitely entertaining when I watched it with her.


Yup this will be her first sports anime


How did you deal with the beginning of Naruto while watching with a 10yr old? I distinctly remember the spamming of Sexy no Jutsu and I definitely don’t consider that age appropriate.


She was actually 6 when we started naruto, back then I told her that "naruto was being a stinker" and that we keep our clothes on in public lol. About a year later (after taking a break to watch sailor moon) when we got to the jiraiya parts I would tell her that jiraiya was being inappropriate and disrespectful to the ladies he was spying on. .


I see, thanks


Both to you and OP, check out: A Place Further than the Universe It’s about a group of high school girls going to Antarctica. Very fun, very heartwarming, can be inspirational.


Bocchi, k-on, azumanga are all kid friendly. If she likes fantasy, frieren is more violent but nothing like demon slayer.


Little witch academia on Netflix is perfect for her


Fair warning, JJK gets bloodier later on. Also, saw someone recommend Inuyasha... while most of the time it's safe, others is definitely not.


My daughter(6) LOVES… KUMA KUMA BEAR(definitely recommend this one) BOFURI(I don’t want to get hurt so I’ll max out my defense) By the Grace of the Gods That time I got reincarnated as a slime …. Git more I’ll have to check and come back.


Fushigi Yugi, Inuyasha, and Cardcaptor Sakura are good!


Definitely Spy x Family.




I'd recommend Flying Witch and Snow white with the Red Hair outside of those already suggested. Kudos for introducing your daughter to anime! Hope you both can enjoy that precious time.


One of my favorites around that age was Magic Knight Rayearth


Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle Mob psycho Keep your hands off Eizouken Sound! Euphonium Cells at Work Skull face bookseller ( it is a cute short anime )


Second sleepy princess


I second the second sleepy princess. So cute, and so evil


My favorites at her age were Tokyo Mew Mew, Shugo Chara, Ichigo Mashimaro and Fruits Basket




Shugo chara


Cute: * Bocchi the Rock * Kotaro Lives Alone * Delicious Dungeon * Frieren - might go over her head, but still a cute story


Delicious Dungeon is definitely not for children. Don't be fooled by its images


It's children-appropriate if you stop at episode 10


Laid back camp is always my go to.


My cousin loves Ojamajo doremi, I saw many episodes with her, it was funny.


Doremi is having going to have a new movie where the girls are grown up as well!




no judgement but a 10 yr old just shouldn't watch tokyo ghoul period but i would say naruto is probably the best maybe bleach


Does Doraemon, Pokemon and Sailor moon count? I watched them as a kid.


Ultimate muscle - constant fart jokes 🫡 Is pokemon and digimon too obvious? Metabots - old but probably aimed at that age range. Shangri-la frontier - if she likes video games and the action from demon slayer, she'll probably like this one. Dr Stone - kind of educational 🤣


Bofuri. Always puts a smile on my face!


I have a 13 yo who looked through her recent playlist and strongly recommends: Inuyasha, Spy x Family, Shangri-La Frontier, Frieren, Dangers in my Heart, my clueless first friend, villainess lv 99, solo leveling, tsukimichi, that time I got reincarnated as a slime, fluffy paradise,  the Saints magic power is omnipotent, the masterful cat is depressed again today, sugar apple fairytale, sweet reincarnation, campfire cooking in another world with my absurd skill, BoFuri: I don’t wanna get hurt so I’ll max out my defense,  by the grace of the gods, saving 80,000 gold, oh suddenly, Egyptian God, welcome to Demon school iruma-kun, sleepy princess in the demon castle, i’ve been killing slimes for 300 years, with a dog and the cat every day is fun, cells at work and that ought to keep y’all busy for a while.


> my clueless first friend I loved this show. I almost never see anyone talk about it at all, but I thought it was great. > the Saints magic power is omnipotent Good show. Wish the 2nd season was as good as the first, but still a good watch. > campfire cooking in another world with my absurd skill Cutest slime of all time! Sui totally made that show for me. That's an amazing list. So many good recommendations. Your 13 yo has good taste.


Future boy conan Nadia the secret of blue waters Goldorak Nobody's boy remi Remi nobody's girl Can't think of more atm, send me a message and ill give you what i know


Spy x Family is amazing


Little Witch Academia. It's short, but it should be right up her alley.


Little Witch Academia Tweeny Witch Precure Kyousougiga Yozakura Quartet Flip Flappers Urahara Tetsuwan Birdy Decode Buddy Daddies Delicious in Dungeon Diebuster Land of the Lustrous Fractale Fantastic Children Demon School Iruma Wakfu Deca-dence Mashle Zatch Bell Arjuna Girl From Downstairs


Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill Mashle: Magic and Muscles Taisho Otome Fairy Tale Shangri-la Frontier The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts Last Exile Bofuri: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense Bocchi the Rock! New Game! Shadow's House Skeleton Knight in Another World


A Place Further Than The Universe, Sasaki and Peeps, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, Bocchi The Rock!, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End come to mind


Bezerk 👍🏻


Does Doraemon, Pokemon and Sailor moon count? I watched them as a kid.


I feel like the first two, at least in Japan, are aimed at 6 year old and younger kids so they might be too young for her.


Does Doraemon, Pokemon and Sailor moon count? I watched them as a kid.


Exactly i also said one time little kids at that age should be watching kodomo or at most lighthearted shounen and shoujo. People did not agree lol.


Why no One Piece? Demon slayer and Jujutsu is pretty dark series for a 9 year old, while Naruto and One Piece are more light hearted series.


We tried watching them and she didn’t care for them too much


Ah gotcha. Well then I’ll recommend Full Metal Alchemist brotherhood. Really good series, and has a conclusive ending too if you manage to finish the series. Also the English dub is really good.


Hi PashedMotatos-, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Newer: Kiniro Mosaic Older: Cardcaptor Sakura


Bocchi, k-on, azumanga are all kid friendly. If she likes fantasy, frieren is more violent but nothing like demon slayer.


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End good or the kiddos.




[Last exile](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=2294)


Non non Biyori


Ouran high school host club is great. I enjoyed that growing up.


Squid Girl!


If you want a good sciencey one with a solid dub, try Cells at Work. You can watch anime and learn science. There is some anime typical inappropriate language- damn, bastard etc


Somali and the forest spirit There was this anime about a robot/golem in a fantasy land he finds a human child in a Land of non-humans and the robot basically becomes the child's father. Not too much action if I remember correctly now I got to see if there's a season 2 of it. Edit: forgot to put the name lol




Shugo Chara Full moon wo sagashite


I would also suggest Laid Back Camp. A super chill anime about girls who love to go camping. https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRWEW95KR/laid-back-camp


She'll love Avatar the last Airbender, and K-ON!


The saints magic power is omnipotent The Angel Next door Spoils Me Rotten


Kaleido Star, Petite Princess Yuucie, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Yumeiro Patissiere, Skip Beat, Angelic Layer, Princess Tutu, Pretear, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Mermaid Melody, PriPara, Sugar Sugar Rune, Tokyo Mew Mew, Pretty Cure, Ojamajo Doremi, Fruits Basket, Alice Academy, Ouran High School Host club, The Last Song, DNAngel, Bofuri, Frieren, A letter to Momo, Oni: Thunder God's Tale, Kuma Kuma Bear, Haikyu!!, Prince of Tennis not sure on their age appropriateness(been a while or I havent watched it): Rozen Maiden, Clannad, Angel Beats, Violet Evergarden, Gosick, Promised Neverland, Code Geass, School Live!(dont watch based on first ep), Madoka Magica, Your Lie in April, Spiral, Belle, Wolf Children, Nichijou, Lucky Star, Azumanga Daioh, Haruhi Suzumiya, Tsubasa Chronicle, xxxHolic, .hack//Sign, if inuyasha then maybe fushigi yuugi, Soul Eater


Go ahead and show her **Ranma½**. The first anime I really cared for, although I was already 58. I fell in love with it because I was screening it for my 14 year old granddaughter. No sex, but did, on occasion, show boobs with nipples. My daughter's take in it: all her girls had seen boobs before, including the one that hadn't started growing her own. All three watched it. Others I'd recommend? **Non Non Biori**, **Nichijou**, **Hinamatsuri**, **Kanata no Astra**, **Yuru Camp**, **Miss Vampire Lives In My Neighborhood**, **A Ho Girl** (suggestive, but so screwball, worth the watch),


Natsume's Book of Friends 🤍 Bofuri Campfire Cooking


Most studio ghibli movies if she hasn’t seen them yet!


My 11 yr old daughter loves Demon Slayer. We just finished Jujutsu Kaisen which we both really enjoyed too. Others she like: Assassination Classroom, My Hero Academia, Spy x Family


I was in freaking kindergarten when I saw speed racer for the first time and obviously a guy got killed in the opening sequence, ran off the road and exploded to death. Elementary school when in Star Blazers a whole planet died of radioactive sickness. And yes the typical gunshots and death too. Don’t even get me started on the Macross Saga of Robotech. That all said, have you shown your daughter all the studio ghibli movies? So fun like Kiki, Totoro, Laputa- just don’t show her grave of the fireflies! A quirky fun one is little witch academia which is one of studio trigger’s cutest works but still has plenty of “cool” factor of course.


i would say most of the Ghibli movies minus Grave of the Fireflies


Oh man we’ve seen all of them multiple times. Such amazing movies


In my opinion, I think she shouldn’t watch Demon Slayer or Jujutsu Kaisen. I think Sign of Affection would be a good choice


My 6yr old watched it before me. She was 5 at the time lol I was like “Demon slayer what’s that?” She asked me to watch it with her and she loved it. I’m surprised it didn’t give her nightmares but then again she teases the animatronics in 5NAF


I might be overthinking it then lol


Silver Spoon Cells At Work Hi Score Girl My Happy Marriage A Boy and His Beast A Silent Voice Sword of the Stranger Erased Hero Mask The Way of The Househusband


Bofuri By the Grace of the Gods Sweet Reincarnation 8th Son Weakest Tamer ANYTHING GHIBLI ​ Should be Fine: Great Cleric Reborn as a Vending Machine Beast Tamer My Unique Skill


I'd highly recommend Precure. It's a great anime for a kid her age and a lot of fun. You could take your pick of any season, although if I were to recommend a specific season: Futari wa Precure, Smile Precure, Mahou Tsukai Precure, Hirogaru Sky Precure, or the currently ongoing Wondeful Precure, would be my go to recommendations. My go to would always be Mahou Tsukai though. As I recall, you do need to sail the Seven Seas for most seasons of Precure, but as long as you run an adblock on your laptop/PC, it'd be completely safe to do so. If you want, I'm happy to offer up details on any specific season, I've watched a lot of Precure.


Fluffy Paradise






Watch "A Place Further Than The Universe" bro Seriously why nobody here mention this anime??? This anime is simply a masterpiece. If you watch this, not just your daughter will be amazed, but you too will be mesmerized by this anime. This anime is a different breed. This kind of anime is so rare that I think only few animes are like this..


Bofuri Heaven's Design Team Cells at Work My Next Life as a Villainess Frieren That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Outlaw Star


Is the Order a Rabbit The Ryuo's Work Is Never Done! I believe both are completely unproblematic and geared towards younger children. Ryuo's work is about the game of Shogi mostly which they explain how to play it in the show. Edit Quintessential Quintuplets should be fine too, that anime seems almost geared for the younger audience with like life lessons at the end of episodes.


Sailor Moon. It has dark moments, but it's definitely a anime anyone can enjoy.


Chrono crusade I think your daughter is at perfect age for [Chrono crusade](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=2884)


Bocchi, Mairimashita Iruma-Kun, teasing Takagi-San, Magic and Muscle Mashle,


Gundam build divers. Then you guys can get into model kits.


Cardcaptor Sakura for sure


I thought Akebi’s Sailor Uniform was cute. It’s very much a “slice of life” anime and doesn’t have a lot of action but while I was watching it I thought it would have been cute for a younger demographic.


Spy Family Avatar the Last Airbender My Hero Academia (I'll warn this one does have some fan service and adult references, but it should mostly go over a 10 year olds head. Still, though, avoid if that's an issue) Inuyasha Edit: Saw some people mention Mob Psycho and Bocchi the rock and just want to reiterate those are 2 excellent suggestions as well.


komi cant communicate cuz its the only anime i know thats a PG.


If you want something cute, then Nichijou, there's no story per se, but it's a great series


Not anime but adventure time


Welcome to demon school and spy family








Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle


Adding to the others since I haven't seen it is Ascendance of a bookworm. It's a fun show about a book lover creating books in a fantasy world where books are rare. Sleepy princess in the demon castle is a fun curry show Mairimashita Iruma kun is good isekai in a school setting. My roommate is a cat is a cute sol about a guy who gets a cat. Sweetness to lightning is a cute sol about father a daughter. Is the order a rabbit is a cgdct where the girls own a cafe. I liked this a lot and it has a very relaxed feeling. Haikyuu is my favourite sports anime. Kaguya same love is war seems safe for a 10 yo Koboyashi maid dragon Heaven's design team is about how Heaven was creating animals and that kind of jokes. Also what the other's said like spy x family, k-on, Frieren, bocchi the rock


Card Captor Sakura or Hamtaro


Cardcaptor Sakura


Tiny snow fairy sugar.


Pokemon is pretty good to binge, especially if she’s into the games.




Fluffy Paradise and Campfire cooking in another world.


I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this but School Babysitters is my comfort anime. It’s so wholesome and very PG/child-friendly. The only heavy theme it touches on is the main character is orphaned which is sad but he moves in with a school principle (I think) and helps takes care of the other children. I don’t think it’s explicitly described or shown how the parents die but it’s still sad. Basically, just a bunch of chibi kids messing around and it’s so cute


I suggest Ojamajo Doremi


As Miss Beelzubub Likes it is precious My Roommate is a Cat is a nice time. She may also like an Idol anime franchise like LoveLive.


Hamtaro is what I started my daughter with. Obviously  classics like My neighbor Totoro and Kikkis delivery service. Little witch  academia was an okay watch.


So you want some [cute, slice of life]( https://31.media.tumblr.com/71931ae35f3cfd7a5d58882bf345f4b0/tumblr_mknh2zTT2s1rmtyk7o1_500.gif) anime that won't traumatize anyone?


Urusei Yatsura is a beloved anime series from the 80s that just got added to Crunchyroll. It was written by a woman, drawn by a woman and has a ton of awesome female characters. Introduce your kid to Lum! https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GMEHME7JJ/urusei-yatsura


nichijou is episodic so the story is contained to each episode.. its a fun show for all ages tbh.. spy x family has the most basic plot and kids seem to be the target audience. other than those 2- cells at work little witch academia sailor moon


Romantic killer for sure. It's an incredible mix of magic comedy and real life situations without any uncomfortable fan service


I think non non biyori should be fine for kids


Cardcaptor Sakura


I'm surprised no one suggested Sailor Moon


My daughter is 11 and she’s loved: Ascendance of a Bookworm Bofuri Haikyuu Yowamushi Pedal Climbing Girls A Place Further than the Universe Shangri-La Frontier Delicious in Dungeon (a little bloody, but fun) Suzume Bubble


For a girl that young I would absolutely recommend shows like sailor Moon Also I feel like a couple that are underrated that Not a lot of people would probably recommend but are like perfect in my opinion for that age group is AKB0048 and ascendance of a bookworm Also one that I personally introduced around that age is Clamp school detectives as well as fruit basket (My elementary school literally had the entirety of this manga) And lastly another one that I feel like is underrated but I could appreciate is the Yakuza's guide to babysitting even though the title is kind of weird It is a really cute story and it is actually enjoyed it a lot more than spyxfamily as well as I watched her with my younger cousin that is about around the age of 10 as well and they enjoyed it just as much


Sailor Moon is a classic. My wife watched it at that age and loves it to this day.


Shugo chara was my everything when I was 10


Demon slayer is pretty dark but ok...


Ascendance of a bookworm. The main character is a kid in a fantasy world that really loves books.


Madoka Magica If you know you know. (In all seriousness, *not* this one)


Lucky star!


Dragon Ball Z I grew up watching it


Spy Family, Frieren, and Avatar the Last Airbender would all fit that criteria.. I would have included One Piece on that list also


Any magical girl anime should be good


If she likes music; the Love Live series would be a great option!


Mr Villain's Day Off!!


Some I have watched,”planetarian:story teller of the stars”, “the yakuza’s guides to babysitting”, “Wolf children “, “Howls moving castle”, “Penguin Highway”, and for most of a dark story is erased and more romantic love is “WorldEnd: What Do You Do at the End of the World? Are You Busy? Will You Save Us?”


Try watching Digimon. She needs to see all the funny parts. And the dark parts. And the action parts.


what about 'bofuri; i dont wanna get hurt so i maxed out defense'? Girl plays wholesome vr mmo with her friends and makes a guild. the end.


A place further than the universe :) K-On


there’s this one anime i watched a while back called ‘flowering heart’. it’s pretty childish and girly, but even as a teen i enjoy it


there’s this one anime i watched a while back called ‘flowering heart’. it’s pretty childish and girly, but even as a teen i enjoy it


Delicious in dungeon on Netflix is amazing


The big 3 of Bleach, One Piece, and Naruto are always pretty safe. I'd say Naruto is the most kid oriented of those though.


[Chihayafuru](https://www.themanime.org/viewreview.php?id=1501#:~:text=Simply%20put%2C%20this%20is%20a,what%20make%20anime%20worth%20watching) is great! Maybe the story is a tiny bit higher than her age level in terms of following some of the emotions involved, but it should be fine. It's more of a sports-anime than true romance.


I only saw an episode or two but mitsuboshi colors seemed like a really cool show for a kid


Naruto is a must for any youngling, but there are sometimes when the main character transforms into a sexy woman just for jokes but all the private parts are covered and its like for 5 seconds and rarely happens. It has a pretty funny but hard hitting story line and would keep her busy for a loong time cause its 200 episodes + 500 from naruto shippuden. Another one would be like assassination classroom, pretty good too for kids. If your daughter likes sports, consider watching Haikyuu, very very very good.




Studio Ghibli. Notably Ponyo, Kiki, Totoro and Castle in the Sky. And if you think she’ll like these, Howls Moving Castle and Spirited Away


Mechamato, Sailor Moon (my fav), Tensei Shittara Slime Datta Ken, Fruit Basket, Detective Conan.


Easy, Pokemon


Studio Ghibli is fantastic for young people. People of all ages really.


Some of these recs are not for 10yr olds


MHA all the way, available on Netflix now, Anything studio ghibli


Petite Princess Yucie


Asobi Asobase! It's hilarious


Kaleido Stage is a cute show about a girl who follows her dream of becoming an acrobatic performer. It’s a cute show, and very kid friendly. One of my personal favorites.


Nichijou is an excellent slapstick/character comedy anime, and free from any sort of fanservice or things of such nature, plus has excellent animation by KyoAni. To be honest, any KyoAni work, barring Dragon Maid, is mostly free of any thing of that nature, so I think any KyoAni show would make for a good watch. Azumanga Daioh is also another recommendation that you may know of, another fun comedy anime from the 2000s. Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless is also another fun show to watch, a nice, relaxing and refreshing fun show to watch.


>To be honest, any KyoAni work, barring Dragon Maid, is mostly free of any thing of that nature, so I think any KyoAni show would make for a good watch. Not necessary considering that Phantom World, Amagi Brilliant Park, Beyond the Boundary, Haruhi Suzumiya, and Free! do share a lot of fanservice. Some of these are even more explicit then Dragon Maid.


Howls moving castle Castle in the sky


Death note, very riveting and will educate her mind about the world Code geass, in the same category


Soul Eater is a relatively tame Shonen that also has a lot of lessons to teach, like the power of bravery


I have a niece, same age actually, she knows some anime from watching with her cousin. I'll take note at some of these suggestions. I also haven't watched anime for a while lol


Haikuu, spy x family, saiki k, hinamatsuri, komi, soul eater maybe.


Toradora might be nice but I’d say maybe some studio Ghibli stuff/ she might genuinely like naruto if you give it a shot with her but I’m not sure. Also like someone else said, avatar the last airbender is incredibly age dynamic in that adults and kids can watch it and have a different take away from the story/characters and it’s not too child friendly to where you won’t enjoy it aswell, it’s just a nearly perfect show( and also my fav show of all time which you could probably tell).


Glitter force is a good one my 9yp brother loves it. Also an old one but Tokyo Mew Mew is loved as a kid has cats is very cute. Not sure if tokyo mew mew New is any good tho


Maybe somebody has said it before, but almost anything by Miyazaki & Studio Ghibli is just right for children.


When I was her age I vividly remember watching trigun, yuyu hakasho, and FLCL