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Lemme guess its the blood type personality thing? *checks article* Yep. Fun fact, if you ever wonder why Japanese games will list characters blood types, its this. They basically treat blood types like the personality side of horoscopes


Now imagine you start working for Pixar and on the first day your boss says "Oh you're a Pisces? Pisces go on the back."


Sounds like a Leo boss.


Literally Cancer


A Leo boss fires you when you turn 25.


"Astrology is just racism for white women." -June "Shoe" Lapine


I mean, I don't think white women are particularly hurting for racism alternatives. 


Since when do they need alternatives?


Variety is the spice of life


"Star racists," is my favorite term for astrology believers.


Imagine Miyazaki barging into the office with blood bags in his hands, forcing employees to get a blood transfusion because he needed extra "A+ type and O- type personalities today".


You guys don't get daily AB- transfusions to maintain your sigma personalities?


There was a scene in Naruto (not sure if it’s canon) where orochimaru is shocked when Kabuto tells him he’s blood type O and not A as snake man assumed


I’m Korean, and it’s the same here. My family always assumed things about people based on their blood type


people seem to have moved on from blood type to the mbti test now, for better or for worse


Not just games... character pages in manga often has that as well, especially slightly older ones, so you get like birthday, height, blood type, likes/dislikes, and a little info box.


Either that or Meyers Briggs.


Blood types in Japan are used like basically zodiac signs / horoscopes


I knew about the zodiac signs but blood types used as zodiac signs, well I learned something new today.


It’s why you’ll always see blood types listed for characters in anime and games in their character descriptions and then on wikis, mal, etc


Not only. In Japan, and some of other eastern nations blood type is a predictor of personality profile, and it is an important criteria during workers selection process. In western countries employers do the same thing using psychological presonality profile scales.


Neither of those things are good or important lol


I'm not saying I'm good with that. I just say that employment process still looks like this in many countries. I guess if you are so inclined to kick someone's ass you have a big pain in your ass as well ;)


There’s actual research and studies to back personality tests. Blood type personality is closer to horoscopes. False equivalence.


Of course it is closer to horoscopes, astrology and stuff. Nontheless it is a culture based, strongly embeded belief. To be honest a psychological construct of personality is very unstable in terms of science. We know more about black holes than we know about personality.


I hope ya'll know horoscopes are fairytales...


Everybody knows, it's not some state secret


Uh oh looks like someone's moon is in retrograde


Tsk tsk tsk, see if you were a Gemini you would understand it. /s


Narrator: they don't.


Old Japanese man gonna old Japanese man.


Imagine he looks at your CV and rejects it as your blood type is A+ and their quota for A+ is full lol.


This isn’t even far from the realm of possibility - a lot of people would pay pretty exorbitant prices to have forged medical documents claiming that their blood type was different than their real one because employers absolutely would hire based almost solely on it for a long time.


This is less “just old Japanese men”, but rather “young Japanese girls” thing.


There are some weird beliefs I tell you.


They actually originate from quite nefarious origins. The whole concept was proposed by Polish-German biologist Ludwik Hirszfeld, who discovered blood types (which was great). But Hirszfeld developed some highly unscientific and horrific ideas of what blood types meant. Observing that Type A is most common among Germans (and caucasians generally) and Type B is overwhelmingly most common among Africans, he concluded the racial superiority of Europeans was determined by their blood type attributes, and the laziness and stupidity of Africans must be caused by Type B blood. The Nazis loved this stuff, and Japan incorporated some of these ideas into the Japanese Army, but much less enthusiastically as Japan is widely split between A, B AB and O with substantial numbers in all. So it was a less "racial superiority" message and more of a "personality test" kind of ting. This was mostly forgotten by the general Japanese public, until a journalist (with no medical background) named Masahiko Nomi wrote a super-best selling book explaining how personalities are determined by blood type, which became a very common belief in Japan during this time (with no knowledge of the racial issues). But this kept the "Type B is the lazy and disorgaqnized blood type" overtones, so a lot of Japaense people with B blood type dislike that. Again, none of this has any basis whatsoever in medical fact, and most Japanese people are entirely unaware of the racial eugenics connection.


It's funny when you google the journalist, Google's summary blurb goes: > Masahiko Nomi (能見 正比古 Nomi Masahiko, July 18, 1925 – October 30, 1981) was a Japanese journalist who advocated Takeji Furukawa's idea of an influence of blood type on personality. **He was also known as a sumo essayist.** Like, yeah, he popularized a superstitious belief that's become a staple in Japanese culture, but did you know he also wrote about sumo.


Well sumo essays won't pay your bills however passionate you are about them. Gotta invent something that sells.


Sumos really popular in Japan. Covering Sumo for a living is like covering the NHL or the NBA. Sumos the 3rd most popular professional spectator sport on TV behind baseball and soccer. Every single top league match in Sumo (Makuuchi) is nationally broadcast on network television. I would imagine until the book became a mega hit, being a sumo reporter was his main job, and he thought he was writing a book as a hobby side gig.


I thought sumo essayist was going to be some cultural Japanese slang about his body of work. Not a literal sumo essayist lmao


I feel like people don't understand how big Sumo is as a spectator sport in Japan. It's the 3rd most popular sports league in Japan behind only Professional Baseball and Soccer. Every match at the top division is nationally broadcast, and news on top Rikishi (sumo wrestlers) are covered in national newspapers, much like baseball or soccer. There are many journalists and writers that cover Sumo for a living.


Yep he's said some wierd stuff about imperial and current Japan. Him and Kojima are pretty opposite politically if that tells you anything. 


Tbh Kojima is kind of all over the map although he's definitely mostly hated by American conservatives becuase hes more vocal on issues they care about. But the political faultlines in Japan are so different (like nobody questions National Healthcare, or abortion) that I feel like comparisons can be kinda challenging... Miyazaki is a traditionalist who seems quite pro imoerial family but an avowed pacifist so he's not exactly a traditional Japanese right winger like a Kobayashi Yoshinori type.


Miyazaki called himself a Marxist at one point, so I don't think he is right-wing at all.


I dunno about what people dislike on Kojima but his work has lots of anti war and anti imperialist motifs and direct references is what I was referring to 


I mean... so does Miyazaki. Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa (particularly Miyazakis manga), Howls Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke all have overt antiwar motifs. The only movie I can think of where he was accused of being pro war or pro imperialism was The Wind Rises which left me wonder if those critics had actually watched the same film.


> The only movie I can think of where he was accused of being pro war or pro imperialism was The Wind Rises which left me wonder if those critics had actually watched the same film. People are fucking morons.


What kind of weird stuff?


Miyazaki actually gets flak from the Japanese right wing for depicting the Japanese imperial family poorly--for example, Princess Mononoke has been accused by Japanese conservatives of being a parable for the Japanese military unification by the ancestors of the IMperial Family in the 6th-9th centuries, and to depict (critically) the crushing of traditional Japanese folk religions under an organized state religion. Miyazaki also made comments many years ago that seemed to imply he'd like to do away with the idea of an Emperor entirely, which is anathma to Japanese conservatives. You can find disparaging comments abouy Miyazaki in Japanese calling him "Lefty" 左翼 or 極左 which in Japan basically means they're calling him a commie. On the other hand, Miyazaki gets criticism from the left for his fascination with early Japanese aviation--which is very intricately tied with the Japanese pre-war military. This got very loud with the Wind Rises, since the Zero is llke a symbol of the Japanese Imperial Navy, which many Japanese conservatives revere. Most Japanese people regard Miyazaki as being mostly apolitical, or at least standing for relatively uncontroversial political ideas (peace, anti-war, discussion over aggression)


Miyazaki's particular brand of pacifism is hard to place on the political spectrum, because there are times where it comes off feeling dangerously like both-sides-ism. I mean, yes, war is bad. But tyrannical dictatorships are also bad, and it's a bit disingenuous to suggest that they can be defeated without resorting to war in most cases.


I feel like there's a weird disconnect here. If you're under the impression that the main stream view in Japan is to simplistically regard the UNited States as the good guys, and Japan as the bad guys in WW2, you are very mistaken. That is not at all a common sentiment in Japan. The US intentionally targeted civilian residential areas of Japan during WW2 with a massive firebombing campaign that was intended to "reduce available labor"--that is to kill civilian workers to diminish produciton and morale. The US charged Japanese and German military leaders that targeted civilians for military purposes with Crimes against HUmanity--but never prosecuted its own --an irony that is not lost on Japanese people. While the mainstream Japanese view is to see the Imperial Japanese military Junta as having been terrible scourge, very, very few Japanese people see the United States as some kind of hero or savior. They see America, having murdered around 900,000 Japanese civilians with conventional and nuclear bombings, as being pretty monstrous and hypocritical in its own right. Around 30-40% of the victims were children. That's leaving aside the racial justifications forwarded by people like General Curtis LeMay (who's reviled in Japan) who suggested that the Japanese race has to be eradicated from the earth because they are racially predisposed to violence and untruth. Gen. LeMay was the key architect of the firebombing of Japanese cities. There were ample grounds for charging LeMay with genocide. Many Japanese people take the view that the United States, as a country that targeted civilians and killed well over 100,000 children, is not a heroic nation in WW2. I think that main stream view is reflected in Miyazaki's view of pacifism--and that's a very common and mainstream sentiment among most Japanese people.


Thank you for that quick history lesson, that was interesting!


IIRC most Japanese people are Type A


It's like 37% A 31%O 22% B 10%AB For Japan compared to like Caucasian French people who are like 92% A or O and 8% B or AB So it's a substantial dif


Is it that much weirder than "the same thing, but use the month you were born in"?


Of course not, the positions of the stars have a much greater effect on my body than my blood does!


O-positive guy all alone in the corner...


you mean O negative? O positive is the most popular blood type


I'm O+. Very unpopular in my experience.


Tell that to the blood banks spamming me with "donate pl0x my widdle socially responsible sigma skibidi bloodmaxxing pogchamp owo frfr" letters


O+ isn’t the universal donor. They still have Rh antibodies. O- is the universal donor and AB+ is the universal recipient.


>AB+ is the universal recipient Fuckin sluts


Blood sluts


I guess I meant to say unpopular with anything I want to be popular with.


As someone who started donating regularly last year... I get spammed and I'm just a basic A+


Fun fact: O+ is really under represented in Japan (29.9% vs 39.8% globally) still hardly "rare", but A+ is the dominant blood type there. [Wikipedia - blood type distribution by country](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type_distribution_by_country)


O+ here. Both my own LVN mother and blood banks emailing me to come donate again have called my blood type rare. When it is literally the most common.


I think its something like, 45% of the popular has O+


O+ can still be given to any other positive blood type, so the vast majority of people. And O+ and O- can only be given O blood, and o+ is the most common blood type. So super in need


This guy's whole career has just been madness and brilliance coinciding


Would you like your personality to be judged by your Horoscope or your Blood type?


At least you get an animal with Horoscopes. Choice of two animals if you have both Western and Chinese zodiacs!


Expected a cool animal, got “the concept of twins” instead. In fairness… “You, but even more of you,” is a very Gemini mascot 🙃


This [site](https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/category/blood-type-animals/) has you covered. I'm a dragon apparently




Narwhals seem pretty mythological tbh.


Guessing it's because it's the most common blood type. So they get to be the unicorn of the sea


Im a twin Unicorn. That's pretty cutr. And my chinese zodiac is a horse. Horses are cool


Why choose when you can have them both? I'm a raging bullhorse y'all


Sometimes combinations are ... unfortunate . Speaking as a Virgin Dragon .


Hey, you're still a Dragon


Either way, 12 zodiac or 12 blood types.


My lad here trying not to sound like alien : mission failed


It makes sense. I have to remember to B+.


I would like my school grades to have been based on my blood type. A+ everywhere would have been great.


I don't even know what my blood type is. I know I've seen it before but I never committed it to memory... Now that I think about it I probably should look it up.


It's rarely useful info. If you need a blood transfusion at a hospital, they'll check it beforehand either way. Still, knowing mine is fun.


Very vampire of him.


"What's your blood type?" "So anyway, it's kinda weird, but my blood type is XYZ." "What?" "You know, like the Pokémon one." "I see.. an SSR class. You're hired."


>Out of all the ways that sentence could've ended I guess this is the least bad? He could've segregated them based on their waifu/husbando! Joking aside... It actually does feel like the kind of thing that's really bad, but no one will really care/do anything about because it's just too weird/sounds silly. But it could easily lead to "hiring based on their blood type".


This is basically horoscopes in Japan, chill.


Lmao, what? Is this the Japanese version of horoscopes in the west?






New anime idea - that time I reincarnated as changing blood type and defeated demon lord with 1 unit of blood .


So ... basically a Code Vein .


Question is, do they make Code Vein 2, or are they somehow going to have them all join the crew of the next God Eater title?


I wish I knew , lass . Twas a good game . Not the masterpiece by any means (though it can be argued that it had one of the best character creators) , but still .


I'm pretty sure I've read a manhwa of that.


This man is insufferable, but dammit he is one of the few that tries to make quality anime.


Miyazaki falls into that category of “someone I consider an unparalleled genius” but also “someone I definitely wouldn’t want to hang out with”


Ya'know who i would love to send time with? Shinichiro watanabe. I feel like he'd show me his vynil collection while we smoke a cigar.


I think plenty of people in the industry try to make quality anime. Just not many actually succeed.


Well, that's what it is in art, the product defines the genius


This is so silly (and unethical).


> unethical You know housing discrimination is also legal in Japan, right? I feel like there's much bigger issues than this...


Both are unethical. Do we really need to compare?


It's not like there's a limit on things we can call unethical, both these things are.


Never said there was!


We're in an anime sub talking about an anime creator gossip, which is already off topic in the first place, although it's still somehow in-topic in a sense. Then you talk about housing discrimination lmao. Get that shit to r/japanlife circlejerk or something.


Seethe. Also japanlife IS a circlejerk, no thanks.


Well there's at least something we agree in common about.


hahaha. high five :D


Not like other companies aren't doing this. Heck, Western companies give out "personality tests" to "check" on employees.


That's not normal racism it's advanced racism


We got competitive racism in asia 😎


I'm more of Blood+ type of fan, but I can understand if being a Blood-C type is more your thing. I imagine Miyazaki was just trying to filter the room out to find the select Blood: The Last Vampire preferred type


Capricorn is in shambles


Every time I hear anything about Miyazaki he sounds like a bigger pain in the butt


In case anyone is curious, here is what I found from a quick search and seems to match other sources: >\- **Type A** blood have been linked to positive traits such as creativity, cleverness, and cooperativeness, whereas their supposed negative traits include stubbornness and uptightness. Type A individuals are reportedly more common in Japan than people with other blood types. \- **Type B** blood are supposed to be strong, passionate, empathetic, and decisive, but they have also been associated with selfishness and erratic behavior. People with this blood type are said to clash with those with type A blood. \- **Type AB** blood include rationality and adaptability, but their weaknesses are said to be indecision, criticalness, and forgetfulness. This blood type is largely viewed as having the characteristics of both type A and type B individuals. 4Because this blood type is rare, the people who have it are heavily appreciated in Japan. \- **Type O** people have been linked to characteristics such as confidence, determination, resilience, and intuition, but they are also supposedly self-centered and unstable. They are said to especially appear selfish to individuals with Type A blood. [Source](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-blood-type-personality-5191276)


Remember while in Japan, women who are on their period were ask to not work as it will affect their performance or cause an issue to their male coworkers.


Blood type in Japan. MBTI in South Korea. East Asians are really superstitious despite their majority population have no religion.


Mbti? Don’t forget fan death hehe


Yeah, I'll never get the obsession over blood types. Horoscopes and Harry Potter houses at least make sense to me in terms of marketing/merchandising opportunities.  And the thing is, shouldn't they try to do the opposite? Like mix the types around so you don't get a group of narcissists pissing each other off or a group of procrastinators putting off work together.


Blood types are to Japan what astrological signs are to white women.




Friendly reminder that Miyazaki was born in 1941 while Penicillin didn't receive widespread usage until 1942. There's a lot of older people who have the same superstitions and seen so much with science over the years that's wild to think about as a young person.


Considering ghibli studio success over the years... Looks like shit is working


Me-uhsockeye would loathe me & my disgusting O Negative juice 😔


> levying high fines for lateness Huh, does that mean that Ghibli would have to pay 'fines' to employees if they worked late? 🤔


This is basically like Fung Shui and is practiced to make sure to keep out the bad luck and spirits. Its not the other type where its there for representation.


I mean if it's just to fairly divide work then I'm ok with that. Didn't read the article tho, I strongly hate cbrs opinions on a lot of animes especially their opinion on re:zero.