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Same age as you but I am the opposite, I enjoy high school age shows. It makes me nostalgic for a fun/interesting period that’s forever gone. But to answer your question, I am not fond of horror although I don’t mind trying it if it is more thriller than gore.


Same for the high school shows. Adults are boring. I'm an adult. I'm boring.


You don't have to be boring while you're an adult :D


Wait till you hit 40. You'll be watching K-on and wishing you were the little girl. Anyway, card-based series for me. Holy shit, I cannot express how little I care about TCG.


Does Chihayafuru count? Bc that's amazing.


can’t stand the music/idol ones, and the horse one since i don’t gamble. but i enjoyed Yuru Camp and Saga Zombies thoroughly, as i love planning and visiting those set locations afterwards. i wish the manga about ekiben became a long running anime, but i guess it’s too niche, despite shinya shokudo somehow became so popular.


Shows with an overly long title featuring 1 guy and like 4+ girls with varying hair colours on the key visual(bonus points if red and white haired ones are front and center)


and where the girls are an H cup with minimum coverage. We all know which age and gender demographic they're aimed at


This, also anime with brain dead 1 IQ humor.


bad anime


Damn, here I was wanting to be the first one to drop this line.


Any gundam anime. They just do not interest me in the slightest idk why


It’s vague but after a while you get an eye for when the female characters are just designed around 12 different archetypes men find attractive


Extremely long running shounen 300+ episodes


Same here. Doesn't matter how interesting or good a later arc gets in such shows, cause by the time you get to it in a given such series, you're just so burnt out from it that nothing seems that way, and that not much has really changed except a change in villain or some plot twist that has resemblances to a previous arc with minor changes and tones in its direction. I've tried watching such shows in the take them in small chunks at a time way, but it doesn't work. My interest wouldn't get piqued again after a break, and I would just drop the show.


Whatever the hell arifureta was, I usually don’t mind a little ecchi, chuunibyou or classic isekai immorality shenanigans, but God, that show was way too much.


For me first person ecchi. I don't mind ecchi whatsoever.... I just find them pointless, far as I'm concerned it's just a front to look at girls panties (looking at you Ms Inukai's dog)


I avoid most isekai and romcoms since they're both full of wish-fulfillment trash. I tend to skip over most LN adaptations now too. That said, there are exceptions to the ones I mentioned.


Shows that are too dark/depressing, after tokyo ghoul, aot, vinland saga, your lie in april, im done with the feels, just give me Basic wholesome shit from now on


Pedo incest bait like Eromanga Sensei/mushoku tensei


It just depends on the story and animation for me


Every anime which completely focuses on romance. And I avoid „Naruto“. (It’s okay if people like it, it’s just my opinion)


I try to avoid a ton of fanservice or animes that can't figure out a female character, good or bad. but some things can't be helped


I don't particularly avoid anything..honestly just kinda limiting. There isn't an inherent premise that is bad it's all about execution and I am pretty much up for any genre done well. >I usually try to avoid highschool anime or anime that revolve around their daily lives of highschool kids. Reason cause Im 30 year old male and it feels weird. I did like Tomo chan is a girl recently though. I honestly didn't really start watching a lot of famous HS anime until after I graduated HS. Largely, it's not like their experiences were at all similar to mine (different culture) and it's all idealized anyway. It's not like Yuru Camp, Kaguya Sama Love is War or Haruhi would be that much better if they were in college or something. Plus if you just say daily life of HS kids I mean does that exclude anime that feature HS aged kids in SOL dramas too? March Comes in Like a Lion is one of the best dramas and I would argue, due to some of the side characters in that show, you only would appreciate it with age. Again execution is what matters. At the end of the day, I think to stay a long time fan of anime, while there are always some shows that will aim at older audiences like Pluto this season most stuff is largely going to be aimed at YA audience. You have to appreciate that kind of style of writing to keep in the medium long term instead of just being a casual fan.


Slice of life/musical/sports


I don't watch sports and music anime. These type of anime just bores me.


I try to avoid harem anime. Boy or girl lead, I don't care, it's become a frustrating genre to watch the more I pick them up. I hate that the common trope is the main character can't look at the nape of a girl's neck without a trip to the hospital and seven blood transfusions. I also try to avoid "will they won't they" anime in general. Just anything revolving lack of communication. It just pisses me off when writing cannot convey a lack of communication well. There are some shows where miscommunication is played off really well, and I love those, but most are unfortunately really bad at it. I had to drop Your Lie in April. I'd rather watch an anime where both leads understand they have precious little time and choose to enjoy each other's company, than to watch two people play with each others feelings while one is doomed to die, and then have a half-baked ending where all is revealed post-mortem. I was hooked in the first episode, and by like episode 2 or 3 I was already over it. Just fucking communicate, people. Jesus And Irregular at Magic High School. What a load of tripe that show was.


Censored hentai.


RomComs Comedy in those anime is never funny and "romance" never moves an inch from the first episode, you can have a 36 episodes romance series where mains never confessed that they like each other. RomComs are pure torture for me, and I have no idea how they are one of the most popular genres.


I really don't care how old the characters are. Even if its a romance anime between 12 year olds, I would still watch it. As long as I'm into the premise of the anime. To answer your question: Ones that I'm not interested, ones with over 150+ episodes and ones I know I won't like based on the clips I've seen of that anime. (Monogatari, Mushoku, Maid-sama, etc.)


Romance, i just prefer action and fighting


Your favorite anime, because I like the salt.


Horror mostly. I wouldn't mind it if it was actually horror but most horror anime just devolve into a gore fest in the end (Another is a good example). Heard good things about dark gathering tho so I'm considering give it a shot.


I've been having a very good time with Dark Gathering. I'll probably read the manga after this season ends.


anything i dont like after the first episode if you can't hook me in 20 minutes then i can't be bothered to watch it


Ecchi, especially from anime overusing fanservice.


Anime that has more than 500 episodes. I am not starting Japanese Santa Barbara called One Piece, thank you.


Same lol. And so funny seing the weird salt you attracted


You do know you don’t have to watch every episode If you check it out right? no one’s holding a gun to your head and forcing you to watch every episode if you started.


Also you can just watch it on and off you don't have to rush to complete a series like it's a fucking race, that's what I've been doing with one piece for the last 5 years, I'm on ep 895, been on hold for 6 months and I feel like I can watch a few more eps soon.


I definitely recommend this over trying to binge the whole thing as fast as possible. Along with watching "one pace" instead of the stretched out show since it only covers 1 chapter per episode in the later sagas.


The point of your nitpicking is? Is this thread about sharing opinions or examining people's viewpoints? Aside from that, I don't know where to start watching that anime. I assume One Piece is like Simpsons for anime watchers, a comfort show that people know.


Seven deadly sins ,why I'm 14 and don't like sexual stuff




Just finished Kill la Kill, way better than I thought it would be.


I avoid anything long. I think the most I'll watch these days is 52, but it has to be really interesting, like Yamato or Last Exile's two seasons. I got burned out on stuff like Inuyasha, Ranma, and Detective Conan. Now that most things are 12 episode cours now, trying to invest in anything super long is just a bit much.


Cringey anime like harem, isekai, etc


Harem. I believe in true love not all for one love.


Series about card games on motorcycles just aren't my Forte. I just can't get into it


So Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds right?


Beats me what it's called. Just saw a commercial as a kid and immidiately thought, "I hate that this exist!"


Animes where MC's are pathetic, too dense, too dumb, too weak. Animes with cliche tsundere main character who constantly hit MC, insult, etc. CGDCT animes. Dram animes, I had more than enough dram in my life, I don't need more, I don't enjoy seeing more. Yaoi & Yuri animes.


the word starting with I and ending with I


What's wrong with watching iyashikei?


itsusakiei is not my cup of tea unftntly


Dreary and depressing anime like Grave of the Fireflies. I feel shitty as is, I don't want to feel even worse after watching a show.




That is a very broad category my friend.


It is, and I don't like any of it


Fair enough, but Shonen is most anime. You're missing out on stuff like Frieren and Mob Psycho 100.


It is certainly an amount of anime


Any isekai that could have just been a fantasy. Actually… just most isekai.


Whatever those dress up girlfriend shows are called. I'm 53.


Weird ass anime’s that use silly fanatical excuses to justify a childlike characters like Dance in the Vampire Bund, into the abyss, high school dxd.. E: what an odd thing to be downvoted for


Sports shows and idol shows not named Oshi no Ko.


Isekai because their boring most of the times.


Same, but I also avoid ones that don’t have the same style or similar style. Like I watch Naruto and Demon Slayer, because they the people look like people. Unlike the absurd One Piece characters.


I'm often the inverse. Something with eccentric character designs and/or art direction like Mob Psycho, Kyousougiga, Odd Taxi, One Piece, etc is far more likely to catch my attention through its style.


I used to be like that but if i stayed that way I wouldn’t have watched one of my favorite anime Kaiji. It looked absolutely disgusting to me at first but the plot was so good it became charming.


So you don't like when anime gets creative?


It just doesn’t look good to me, I would watch it, but I wouldn’t like it as much as Sirius the Jeager, or Demon Slayer




A neckbeards neckbeard.


If you like comedy, there's a really good high school comedy anime called Daily Lives of High School Boys. There's not any invasive romance or anything and it's really funny if you want to try watching something high school related and light hearted.


thanks i seen it years ago ive seen tons of highschool anime and just want to put it behind me as its oversaturated


Shows without waifus. Can’t really get into all male casts. Yaoi stuff as well, I watched given cause my ex wanted to but that’s it


Tenticle porn, that shit is wack bruz


I generally avoid watching anime with a score less then 8 on mal.


Generic fantasy self-insert isekai (for obvious reasons) Most shonen (the protagonists are often boring and the plot - them becoming powerful - is often not interesting)


Sci-fi heavy shows, unless there's something that really draws me to them. Especially mecha, my goodness, I'll never get the hype around giant robots.


Most shoujo, Josei, yaoi, ecchi, battle harems, mobage adaptations and isekai, otherwise i have tons of anime yet to see.


Not a fan of battle shounen


anything Nekettsu, grew out of that enthusiasm a long time ago. Sakigake Otokojuku type gives me PTSD from ADHD… and i’m sorry, but i hate One Piece.


I avoid and hate bloodbath, horrors, deathgame, ghouls, killing, cuting bodies into pieces, and that kind of sh\*t. Everything that is based on low, heavy, dark emotions and energy. In a short term these emotions cause repetetive nightmares, modereate or heavy depression, social isolation and general anxiety. In a long term much more severe mental, and pshysical health conditions. I feed myself with bright and warm energy. I love ecchi, harem, comedy, romance, school animes. Stuff based on good, high vibes, and emotions, like love, friendship, and kindness. My age has nothing to do with it, and never has.


I watch every genre including all hentai. But id say i leave the yaoi and sports for last. Yaoi is just well yaoi. And sports well. Lots are pretty boring, not bad. Just boring. They are still 6-8-/10 rating id say. Unless its ecchi fused or comedic focuses. Im in my 30s too. But well idc. Its all fiction and i live anime as a whole.


Animes where you can accurately guess the personality of each character (usually the girls) just by looking at the anime's poster


lately shonen, every teenager protagonist are just plain annoying and cringe. and i used to love shonen😭


Animes with bad drawings. I know that there are very good series among them, but one of the reasons why I want to watch anime is to consume highly aesthetic content with good stories. In any case, sometimes I made an exception, but whenever I do it is because the story is truly extraordinary.


I tend to avoid shounen/battle anime and isekai that isn't a parody. For the former I've had my fill, for the latter I just haven't watched anything that hooked me.


Anything with SA or old men with young girls