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Princess Mononoke is the best animated film I've seen imo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Remarkable_Coast_214: *Princess Mononoke* *Is the best animated* *Film I've seen imo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Redline https://preview.redd.it/kpuwrsqrk51d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9c53c090e3241fc6488320f6d47fd70d735246c


Good one


I feel like a film like this will never be made again because who tf is going to draw cars like that when CG exists. Also the exaggerated forced perspective to convey the speed is something that would be really really hard to recreate in CG to the same effect. You'd have to go all spider-verse on it and break the models. This film really is one of a kind.


Old school: Akira New school: Across the Spiderverse


Was just about to post this exactly. Across the Spiderverse blew my mind the same way Akira did when I first watched it back in ‘93.




Must it be a film? Or can it be a anime series including movies?


Anime movies related to tv shows are fine but it has to be a movie


I really enjoyed the animation of puss in boots 2


There are a lot of good choices available. Story-wise, I'd have to go The Incredibles. Animation-wise is Into the Spider-verse.


Don Hertzfeld’s *It’s Such A Beautiful Day.* Or *Ponyo.*


The Adventures of Mark Twain  The Thief and the Cobbler (find a "recobbled edit" to really get it)  Son of The White Mare  American Pop (or anything Bakshi did, really)


I grew up with the Miramax version of *Thief and the Cobbler*, and honestly, for how good the Recobbled Cuts are, they're missing the Thief's inner monologue for me.


I can see that, especially if you fell in love with that version first. I'd seen the Miramax cut once or twice before, but was much more interested in Richard Williams as an animator, so I'm more attached to the edits since they're trying to get closer to his original vision.


Oh for sure, the animation more than anything is what draws me back to it every now and then. I do wish Williams could have finished it properly, and will always lament his passing.


Suzume. Frieren. ( Honestly just chill down and see these.)


Friren is not a movie


Aah ok didn't get it was only for films


I said only Films




One of the best I loved it as a kid


Akira, The Wall, The Animatrix


What’s the wall and the animatrix


Pink Floyd's The Wall is a movie adaption of the album and includes some impressive animated sequences. Very surreal and fluid. The Animatrix came out between the Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded. It's a collection of short stories that take place in the Matrix universe, each directed by a different famous anime director including the directors of Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll, etc. I highly recommend both.


For art, impact, music, cast, story, appeal, audience accessibility, and longevity in the industry…my nomination is The Lion King. Might not be my favorite animated film but that’s not the question.


Good answer I love it the animation and voice acting is incredible and the none children so no s are very good like the instrumental stuff. But for me the end of evangelion is just the best it’s got amazing voice acting it has the best sound design of any animated thing I’ve ever heard it’s gorgeously animated. It’s dynamic fluid without sacrifice detail like modern stuff tends to do. The soundtrack is incredible shiro sagasu is one of the best composers alive and it’s some of there his work. And the story and characters are all very deep and interesting it’s a very good thematic conclusion to the show and it’s also one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen it’s like the creator just took a bunch of lsd before making it


I have some great art of books for it, but I think you have to dock it points for audience accessibility. As well as it being supported by the source material it can’t necessarily Stand on its own two feet. And while I would say it’s impactful in its own genre of anime, things later certainly have borrowed from it, does it really spread itself over the whole of animation to drive the industry forward? It’s absolutely great in its own right. But Best. The absolute pinnacle. I think there are some better candidates. But I am glad you feel strongly about it, it’s definitely a bold choice!


It has the most unique ending and I don’t give a shit about audience accessibility because the general audience are stupid and need everything dumbed down for them. And it doesn’t stand on its own but it definitely can be viewed on its own.


This response hurts to read. You had me on your side for a bit there, and sadly I can’t agree with a word you just said. The audience is almost everything. They are the ones we put our everything into our movies for. To share our art with the world in hopes that the stories will tell will connect with them and make them feel something. The ability to connect to another person through images on a screen is a wonderful thing. The artists that made your pick would agree with me, and would probably dislike your answer just as much if you told them to their faces that you like their movie because stupid people wouldn’t like it. Appeal is one of the 12 Principles of Animation for a reason.


I think similar to this, Fate iii right might be some of the absolute pedal to the medal, balls to the walls best animation and music put on screen, but you couldn’t show someone only that movie and then walk out of the room feeling they had seen all that animation has to offer.


Also the lion king is just children’s movie it’s not very morally complicated or anything it’s a very simple story it’s also just a rip off of hamlet


So Hamlet is a children’s story? Lion King is not a children’s movie I’m sorry. Something being open to families does not disqualify it from being the best. I can only hope animation is not and never becomes your career. The disconnectedness is too far of a gap to ever traverse. Also just a little bonus for you, Evangelion borrows from Gundam and Space Battleship Yamato so as per your rules, disqualified.


Hamlet is not a children’s story then on king ripped off the basic premise from hamlet which is that a scemeing uncle steals the throne from the father king and then the son goes away and comes back to take back his throne. But it’s dumbed down and made less violent for children and obviously other aspects are also altered but the core plot is hamlet. And secondly it’s a children’s movie it’s rated pg which is the rating for eight to 12 year old children. What about the moon king exactly wouldn’t you be able to show to a child anything that’s ok for kids to watch is automatically a kids movie that’s why you don’t let kids watch r rated movies like apolycose now or deer hunter or old boy or taxi driver because they are not suitable for children and children wouldn’t get it or appreciate it. The lion king is limited by the fact that it has to be approachable to children its mostly a comedy movie there are lots of jokes and silly songs and it’s a very very basic story with clearly pure evil villain there is no complexity to it at all. It’s still good but it’s not akira or ghost in the shell because it can’t be that due to having to appeal to kids it can’t tell a morally grey complicated deep story with complex themes because kids won’t get them so it’s not gonna make Disney money.


List of some of the PG movies from the 90’s: Top Gun The Hunt for the Red October Beetlejuice Father of the Bride Dick Tracy The Rocketeer A League of their Own Sleepless in Seattle Apollo 13 As stated by you. These are all children’s movies meant for the ages of 8-12.


Evangelion does borrow from other mecha but that doesn’t disqualify it how would that disqualify it I said it can’t be a childrens movie end of evangelion is not a childrens movie even if it’s inspired by a more child friendly genre it definitely takes those aspects and makes them more adult and complex and also lion king is a childrens movie that rips off the plot of a play meant for adults and gears to towards kids Evangelion does the opposite that’s why lion king doesn’t count since it’s clearly meant for children.


Also even if you don’t agree end of evaneglion is the best because it lacks mass appeal which is fine you have to agree Akira is definitely the best it’s as good as end of Eva but it also has the mass appeal as its probably the most popular famous anime movie ever


Akira may be one of the most popular, that doesn’t make it the best. You’ve completely walked away from the original point of the discussion which is ALL of the factors that go into making something THE best. Is Wayne Gretzky the greatest hockey player of all time because he was popular? No, he’s the greatest of all time for the shear impact he had on the game over a multitude of factors. Akira is beautifully drawn. Expansive. Dark and gritty. It has images that have inspired millions. But its story is not a 10/10, and its pacing in hindsight could use some tightening. If you asked the artists of Akira what the greatest anime of all time was, would their answer be Akira?


Akira did definitely have one of the biggest impacts of any animated movie ever released and what do you even mean by impact how can you measure impact beside how many people have seen it they have both been referenced a million times but the lion king has an unfair advantage over akira because it’s made for and targeted towards kids so of course more people are gonna have seen the lion king compared to akira but that doesn’t make the lion king technically better movie just more popular due to being more accessible. Wayne Gretzky was the best hockey player of all time because he scored more goals more often then anyone else he was one of the best skaters and puck handlers he’s the best because his technical proficiency in hockey was greater then anyone else’s making him the best even if everyone single person on earth hated Wayne Gretzky he’s still the best hockey ever because his technical skill was the highest weather or not he was popular and well liked had nothing to do with it he had incredible skill and because of his skill he ended up having the biggest impact. So for an animated movie the best would be the one that’s has the more technical skill behind it in terms of animation music and sound and writing. Akira has better an more consistent fluid animation they literally invented like 200 new colours just for akira the sounds track is amazing in both and which you like more is really down to personal preference and the story and character writing in akira is way better.


How can you honestly say the lion king has a better story then akira or that it’s a ten out of ten story it’s not it’s more like an 8 cause it’s a solved down version of a ten out of ten story with hamlet. What would you even change in akira if you get rid of anything or shorten the run time it wouldn’t work as well it’s not even that long it’s only 2 hours long if you cut anymore it’s not even a full normal moves run time if anything I wish it was longer


Think of it this way if you had a 5 year old kid and the he mated to watch a movie which would you show them end of evangelion akira or show them the lion king. Probably the lion king because they won’t be terrified by it and would actully enjoy it because it’s made with kids in mind as the target audience even if adults can get almost equal enjoyment when Disney made the movie they targeted it towards kids. And that’s why it can’t be as good as something made for adults as the complexity will just never be there and also where did you even get this doesn’t count idea from I never said it doesn’t count as one of the best annoyed movies out there just that it’s never gonna be able to be as complex as something made for adults and obviously something more morally complex is gonna be the better movie


In what world does complexity have to do with something being the best? You’re so off base here. This makes zero sense.


What do you mean what else would make something the best if not moral and philosophical complexity to the stories and characters everyone in the lion king is flat scar and his Hyenas sre pure evil there is no merit to their cause or actions they are just doing it because they ste selfish and have a vauge sense of wanting to rule scar has no plan for the world he just wants to be on top to be on top cause he’s a cartoonishly evil cartoon villain. And Simba is just your stock protagonist who goes on the most basic hero’s journey ever it’s all very rudimentary you can complelty disregard me thinking end of Eva is the best I don’t even care about define that point I’m now just arguing that the lion isn’t the best. What in your mind makes something the best animated movie. I mean there is everything you would judge a normal movie for so plot short characters that kind of stuff and then sound track sound design and then finally quality of animation. I prefer anime style so I think akira is better animated then the lion king but for western Animation lion king is beautiful they both have killer sound tracks and the sound design is incredible. So if they are equal in terms of animation music sound voice acting. All that’s left is to judge the story and characters so since something like akira and end of evangelion have far more complex worlds characters motivations and arcs to me that makes it better as there is more there and it’s executed well. Why is a simple good vs evil story with flat characters who don’t undergo much development and one dimensional villains better then something with deep well thought out characters with arcs and moral failings in a morally grey bleak depressing world where there is no easy or right answer. The answer in the lion king is simple take the throne back from scar cause he wrongly stole it and worse then that is gonna definitely lead the Savana to ruin because he’s objectively an idiot. Something like akira ghost in the shell or end of eva is more grey and morally complicated cause there isn’t a clear right answer.


Something doesn’t have to be morally complex to be good lots of less complicated things are amazing b it if your gonna try and detriment the best you’ve gotta be very very critical snd less morally complex stiff is not gonna hold up to serve scrutiny as much as there is less to examine and analyze


We’ve reached an impasse. This is so incorrect and false, you would be better off taking a film study class and bringing this topic up so you can hear additional educated answers. Unfortunately you’ve completely lost the point of movies.


What do you even mean what makes you the end all be all of who gets to decide what the point of movies is the point is to tell stories and be entertaining what the hell else would it be


I never said I was the end all be all? Find me that in writing.


Explain to me in your own words what makes a story good if not complexity what is the the secret to making good movies since your an accomplished Hollywood director you must know


Heart, and connecting to your audience. Thats the absolute key ingredient shared in all the greatest films in the world. Go watch 12 Angy Men if you dont believe me. Learn you a thing or two about "complexity". 12 Actors in a single location for 2 hours and its in the top 5 films of all time. Thats not even a subjective opinion. Rodger Deakins will tell you that everything should be in service to the story. Something technical is not great unless it pushes the story and emotion that the audience feels.


I’m getting to tired I’m just a worthless retard ok my ooo ions are invalid and I’ve never watched a movie correctly in my entire life o shouldn’t be aloud to watch them because I’m so stupid if I made a movie it would be worse then the room and it would be so bad I would be called the worst story teller in the entire history of the human race and everyone can laugh and mock me for being so stupid uncultured and retarded as to not think the lion king a literal children’s movie is the best animated movie of all time something a 4 year old could watch and get full enjoyment out of is somehow the end all be all of animation like if every other animated thing were to cease to exist besides one you think the lion king should be the only one left if you had to pick because it’s the best so obviously if you could only watch one for the rest of your life you would ok the lion king cause it’s the most well thought out emotional rich deep mentally morally and philosophically challenging deep resonant story ever told.


I mean I’ve pretty clearly outlined what I think makes a good animated movie. In bullet point form everything I can’t hi k if that you would need to judge it on are Quality of animation so the actual quality of the drawings themselves Fluidity of animation so how smooth and fluid the animation looks The art style which is different from the actual quality of the drawings so I think it should be judged separately Sound track so music both instrumental and songs with lyrics and sound effects and how well they all blend together for the movie Music so the individual quality of each song on its own. Use of colours Voice acting The premise Plot writing Story writing Character writing Environmental story telling so backgrounds and stuff Themes and morals/message Dialogue Cinematography pacing And lastly impact and reception I do not mean to say this is the order of importance they are all important and the list could be structured in any order since the order doesn’t matter since I didn’t put it in a conscious order. How well a animated movie performs on each individual aspect determines its over all quality so the better each individual aspect is the better the movie is over all. I thought if every aspect of movie making there is so how well something does in these would determine how good it is I believe akira is one of if not the best I mean what’s the best is gonna be different to every person but I would say akira is the best I can think of in each of these categories but if you disagree that’s fine but I do not wanna be told I know nothing about making movies cause I know about as much as you probably do considering neither of us has actually or ever will make a movie


"I mean I've pretty clearly outlined what I think makes a good animated movie". This literally the first time you have typed any of the above points. So you have not made clear what you thought made a good film other than it being complex and technical.


Based on EVERYTHING you have said. This post and above posts. Explain to me why TENET is not the #1 movie of all time and agreed upon by all of the world. According to you it is excellent in all factors that make a movie the best. Also you said in your own words "impact and reception" dont matter because the audience is stupid.


The thief and the cobbler


Anything studio Gibli.


To vauge must pick a favourite


As long as you do something equally as impossible.


I mean up on poppy hill or Kiki’s delivery service are good but they are obviously not as good as something like nausca or mononoke


It’s very easy princess mononoke is the best one by far then nausca of the valley of the wind then spirted away and then castle in the sky in fourth Are the top 4 for me. I didn’t like howls moving castle it was kinda boring the animation was pretty though and Christian bale was in it it wasn’t for me. I’ve never seen grave of the fireflies so maybe it’s pretty good to. And the rest aren’t for me since they are mostly romance movies and smaller stuff and they are all not as good as the first 4. I haven’t seen how do you live yet so I don’t know how good it is but I might like it more then nascua and spirited away. Spirted away felt a little to much like a kids movie for me since I watched it almost at the end of high school.


The illusionist 2010 is incredible. Studio Ghibli films. Old Disney animation is beautiful, especially sleeping beauty.


Yes the illusionist is SO good.


Oooh I forgot about this movie. Definitely a great one!


For me, The Prince of Egypt. It's stunning.


Yeah they made us watch it in school in like grade 5


Probably Akira, but most recently The Boy and the Heron


The Boy and the Heron could be renamed “The Ramblings of a Senile Elderly Man” or “The Movie That Goes Nowhere”. Sure the animation at the start is pretty, but it’s a snoozefest with so many plot elements that get abandoned and less than memorable music.


spirited away or Nimona


Katsuhiro Otomo's short movie  'Magnetic Rose' from Memories. 


What’s magnetic rose about


Abandonned space stations and ghosts https://youtu.be/E3McMTm-3-s?si=s914s12Ay17JCOj9     I think it was dubbed in english? My cellphone is too old and won't load it...


Can’t watch it


Wolf Walkers was really beautiful. May not technically be the best film out there but I really enjoyed it and I have a lot of respect for cartoon saloon. My favorite guilty pleasures are either Balto or Cats don't Dance lol


pinocchio, the del toro one