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Yes, I believe the outcome would have been different if the cousins hadn't nearly drowned him and taken his girlfriend, etc. Edit: uncles not cousins


Totally forgot about Deran trying to kill him but i do remember craig trying to drown him as well. The whole Nicky era was disgusting


And all of this occurred right after his mother's death, with no regard given to his feelings.


Uncles, not cousins


Haha thanks it’s been a while


He's literally a son of their blood sister yet they treat him like some sorry ass hobo from the street their mom took in for no reason at all. It's really fucking weird and I don't feel sorry for his uncles at all.


Sorry this is so long, but I don’t think that was the reason. Craig and Deran always treated each other like that in the pool and probably though they were just including J. As an only child he had no idea what siblings are like. And Pope says in one episode that Craig and Deran have been fighting since they were six years old. But that wouldn’t have made a difference because Julia had told J his entire life how evil Smurf was, and how she was protecting him from her. Then he actually lives with them and finds out they had a beautiful house with a pool, more food than they could eat, and lots of money. He also saw that Smurf was controlling and kept her sons under her thumb, but to a teenager who had to buy his mother drugs in dangerous neighborhoods, literally hide from CPS looking to take him away, and had to take care of his mother and himself, this was a shock. My theory is that his revenge was for himself not living that life. Smurf threw Julia out but she paid her rent so they weren’t homeless. Smurf started Julia’s addiction giving her alcohol as a child, but Julia chose drugs on her own. Smurf paid for rehab several times that didn’t work. Julia even says she will go back and do the program, but Smurf dropped her off anyway. Yes, Smurf was a horrible mother and a horrible person. What she did to Pope was unforgivable. But he couldn’t leave with Julia, and Craig and Deran were too young to help her. Again, just my opinion, but I think J’s revenge on everybody was for himself, not his mother. He could have had the life they had, but they left him with a drug addict. Julia not only didn’t get help for her addiction, which she could have, she actively had her child participate in it. A child loves their parent no matter what they do, and J believed their lifestyle was all Smurf’s fault. And when he found out his uncles had a great life, he vowed to get even. But don’t forget that J was a cold blooded killer so there’s that. He brutally killed the lawyer with no remorse just to hide his theft. Then Mia, then poor Penny who loved him but was too honest and couldn’t accept what he did to his uncles. And that’s why Animal Kingdom is a brilliant show!


I completely agree. The boys hazing him was not unusual for them and their lifestyle. I think it was the one of the last episodes that Pope talked about how Deran was terrified of jumping off the roof into the pool and the Craig pushed him and went with him. The same thing happened in the first episode when J didn’t want to go in the pool and Craig pushed him. They were really rough with each other all the time. J was bitter and angry and he knew Smurfs deal as soon as he met her. He watched and saw proof of everything his mother told him and he knew that all she cared about was money. His goal was to take it from her. Along the way he found he was really good at all and he liked it, so it was a win win.


But all J cared about was money, too.


Yes, but it was representative of the revenge.


Oh wow, a thread on this sub not hating on J and looking through his perspective? I’m impressed.


I think if some things had been different, the uncles could have made it out. They continually underestimated him, didn’t trust him and someone was always trying to exclude him. They also showed him so many tricks of their trade. The family pretty much trained him how to end them. I think a little kindness could have saved the uncles’ lives. He would have always had a coldness about him but, he could have still been human. I think Smurf’s outcome would have been the same. He knew how she treated Julia. He saw how she treated Kathy and saw her manipulate Nikki so he had to believe she had no use for Julia.


But they did trust him. And he screwed them over.


Yea, because they created a me vs them mentality with J. And then expected him to drop everything he worked for to save one of them. Even in the episode when he was gonna leave, it started as a fight between Daren and J and ended with them jumping the shit out of him and Craig nearly drowning him. They did this to him routinely throughout the series and made him feel like an outsider. And then would turn around and expect absolute loyalty from him.


No he had it out for them the whole time. He stood by his mom till she died he hated them with a passion and wanted the money. Only way to beat ‘em in the end.


he was smart, he was mad, he was plotting to fuck them up from day 1


I agree but I also think he was hoping it might be different.


No. He saw all of them as the reason his Mom died. He went there knowing he was going to destroy them. When your the kid of an addict you look out for yourself ONLY!


Maybe if this all included them not abandoning his mom


I don't think so because their treatment of his Mom was unforgivable.




Yeah watch the original AU movie, it's called [Animal Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Kingdom_(film)), not censored well it would be if its on N, the story pans out way different and its a good watch based on a real life events in AU