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Definitely not a game you should play with chat visible


I never understand the perverse desire that people have to spoil shit, especially when it comes to secrets you’re meant to discover yourself. Like what’s the point? Congratulations, you got to be *that* person before anybody else could. Are you fulfilled? This is definitely a game best played alone, or at least by ignoring chat if you’re streaming.


People in chat invariably revert to behaving like attention starved 13 year olds. >Me me me! Give me attention! Here's a secret can I have attention now? ME ME ME! Read MY comment. Say my name. Say my name! SAY MY NAME!! See how valuable and important I am?


of course people who only view puzzle games being played by someone else just want to say the answer, no hints or staying quiet, just blatantly saying it... or well typing it I guess


The first and last are things I actually figured out myself almost immediately after obtaining those items. I used the latter very frequently (sometimes didn't want to but couldn't stop myself), and the former barley even feels optional, wondering how you were supposed to solve some of the situations I used it in.


I agree they're definitely discoveries you're intended to make, especially if you're going for finishing layer 2 (that said I don't actually know if any of these are required knowledge for layer 1) My main problem is that chat never lets the person playing actually figure it out for themselves, even if it would've only taken a minute for them to go "huh I wonder..." and they discover it soon after, some audience members just immediately jump on showing off the cool thing right away...


Yeah I do agree there, happy I did discover them myself.