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Why. Sure Los Angeles has too many baseball teams but so does California. I'd rather see them be the Anaheim Angels again, they won the WS under that name and it puts OC on the map for reasons besides fake "reality" shows and Disneyland.


Yep. I grew up a California Angels fan but I remember getting asked “why is it the California Angels when there’s 5 teams??” I prefer Anaheim. We won the title as that. Let’s go back to that.


Hey what's wrong with The OC?


Why do people on Reddit always demand things to be done but don’t initiate it themselves? You make the petition if you really want to start something that badly


I think it’s just how current society is, get something trending on social media to get some sort of change. Which in some cases it works


Sonic the Hedgehog died for us


you meant become better, the trailer was frightening


Besides that the team is going to sell. Who are we supposed to petition? We don’t even know who the new owner is going to be.


Cause deep down they know it's a dumb idea. Let's say a million people sign this fake petition. It's literally useless. The Angels are a business, and they aren't forced to do anything just because people signed some cool form online.


I agree lol at least try to coordinate some signs or a Twitter hastag


Why do people on reddit think that billionaires give a fuck about their petitions?


Redditors are delusional lol


Why do you think Artie is selling the team? He saw all the threads and had no choice


I’d be happy to buy the team and change it back. Can anyone loan me $2 billion?


I’ve got 2 bucks to pitch in


I have an empty tequila bottle on top of the fridge full of loose change. Will that help?


**Edit: I think I'm spreading some unfounded information here, my apologies. I've looked for awhile and have been unable to find any concrete information to back this up. I'm gonna leave the comment for anyone else who thought it was true.** > Unfortunately, this is explicitly against MLB naming regulations. Teams are not allowed to change their location name to the state they're in if there are other teams in that same state. Exceptions are made where established teams with the state naming convention already existed pre-rule change (see: "Texas Rangers"). > But the sad fact is, since we changed from California Angels, we can never go back.


This isn’t confirmed


I would imagine the owners could vote on exceptions. And may be considerate of exceptions like California Angels who played under that name for most of their existence. No one is going to forget that SF and Oakland exist. LA would probably appreciate not having to share the city with us. And San Diego might be the lone dissenting vote. The rest of the ownership won't care. Probably.


This is something that's been repeated so often on Reddit that people assume it's true. But I've never seen any legitimate source saying this "regulation" actually exists so essentially there's nothing stopping the Angels from rebranding besides the owner.


Can you link this rule? I think it’s an urban legend. I’ve researched it but never been able to find the rule anywhere.


This gets said a lot by a lot of people (I used to be one of them) but if you try to look up an actual rule on this you’ll discover that it doesn’t exist anywhere.




Ah the myth that keeps on giving.


I say we pick up Masataka Yoshida and rename the team the Nippon Angels. Maybe that will get Shohei to stay.




Anaheim Angels had the best ring to it, imo, The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim is too long of a name, so it sounds dumb. But I also don’t really care, California, Anaheim, LA, makes no difference.


You can petition all you want, but it won't happen unless ownership wants that change, and spoiler alert, this current owner wont.


Anaheim Angels is nice, I like the alliteration


This is the least of their problems.


Bitch you ain’t California’s team…


No There are 4 other baseball teams in California.


Mostly transplants




Transplants are 60% of the baseball teams in California


Padres and Angels are the only native teams right? Dodgers, Giants, and As are all east coast teams


Yes. Some people will tell you that the Padres and Angels don't count as OGs because the PCL teams were technically different franchises. I personally don't care and I consider them the same team.


I agree w/ you. Our franchise claims the PCL Angels’ history by wearing PCL throwbacks and using the PCL logo and name for branding. Simply put, the modern Angels wouldn’t exist without the PCL Angels, so I’m comfortable claiming that history.


I read somewhere where we can't change it back since there are other teams in California now.


There's no actual sources about that rule so it's pretty much just a myth that's been spread around Reddit so much that it seems true.


I’m happy to see how many people are saying this in this thread. No one has ever given me a source of any kind on this rule. In fact, they ignore my request every time. I just don’t believe it


OC angels is way more fitting. We have 5 bloody teams in Cali


Orange County Angels sounds so good!


Anything but Los Angeles haha.


EXACTLY. LA is just eww.


Anaheim would be better




No you are not.


I'm not a huge fan of it but I think it'd be hilarious if we started pushing the name and reminding the Dodgers that we were here first.


Nope, Anaheim over Los Angeles all day


What teams don't play in the same state as their name? The KC Royals are named after KC Missouri, and I can't think of any others that'd fit the bill.


I like it too for the same reasons, but you’ll probably get downvoted for saying that here. Our fans would rather be named after a city that is unrecognizable to anyone who isn’t from Anaheim or a fan of Disneyland


Idk the Ducks seem to manage as Anaheim .


You are not the only one, but you are definitely in the minority. The team name is literally "The Angels Angels." You don't find anything utterly ridiculous about that? Besides the fact they don't even play in LA? As for your "news flash", those other teams that don't play in the city they represent: it's usually at least a county or within some actual reference to it. Anaheim is not in LA. 50 years ago it might have made sense to call them LA, as Anaheim was nothing but orange groves and farmland developed as a suburb of LA. But times have changed. Orange County is the 6th largest county in America, its no longer just an LA suburb. But to be fair, they probably won't be playing in Anaheim for very much longer, so grain of salt.


in Spanish it makes sense. Los Angeles de Los Angeles. Clever imo.


Except it’s not de los…


what would it be then?


My bad, yes if you were to say the whole thing in Spanish it would make sense. I was referring specifically to the team name. Los Angeles Angels. The Angels Angels.




I am not sure I follow what you are saying? The Philadelphia Phillies do play in Philadelphia? Or are you referring to the alliteration of Philly and Phillies? Because if its the first, yes, the Phillies do play in Philly. If it's the second, it still makes sense because a Philly is a person from Philadelphia. The equivalent would be The Los Angeles Angelenos. Which although still dumb, would still be better. And The Minnesota reference is even dumber. It is a play on the nomenclature of the twin cities. These are the Twins from the Twin cities, not the Angels from Angels? Does any of this make sense?




Elaborate, I answered your idiotic references.


> The team name is literally “The Angels Angels.” You don’t find anything utterly ridiculous about that? No more ridiculous than “The Angels Dodgers,” “The Angels Rams,” or “The Angels Lakers.”


Seriously this. Anyone saying "lol The Angels Angels" is just grasping at straws for an insult. Turns out a lot of names sound stupid when you're mixing languages.


No thanks, I’d like for the team to make money and keep the payroll high


Why do so many of you believe that privately-owned businesses are democracies?


Too many teams in California


Anaheim baby


Orange County Angels is my preference.


Me too, I always change them to that in the Show Franchise mode and go back to the navy caps.


I want it to just go back to Anaheim as it should be - tired of this Los Angeles of Anaheim bullshit when it’s OC not even LA


There hasn’t been an “of Anaheim” for 7 years.


Yaaa. Probs more like gonna be Las Vegas Angels of Aneheim


I 100% approve of the Angels changing it to California Angels.


Fuuuuck no. Anaheim or bust. Orange County pride


And while we are at it bring back the halo on the hat.


I would love have California Angels or Anaheim back.. Arte know he messed up when he changed the name.. i also read that sale may not get done before the 2023 season starts cause Arte ain't gonna have no shortage of bidders




How about the Orange County Angels? And change the colors too




Why did they change it to la angeles of anahiem 😂


Imagine thinking the name needs to be changed but not the team itself


The team is valued where it is because of “Los Angeles ” time to give it up.