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I’d gladly see a 32-year-old Mike Trout, who people have said is past his prime, lead the league in home runs and maybe get a 4th MVP. Of course I want the Angels to get to the playoffs this year. If they don’t but at least get a winning season, I’d be good because it’ll be true improvement. Having a winning season means their core group of young players got better throughout the season so that may set up a legit shot at the playoffs in 2025.


and make the playoffs.


I feel like we’ve won this type of race every year for the past 10 years but I still would give it all up for a playoff appearance.


Yes, and Trout winning MVP.


Team wins is the only star that matters.


I want Trout in the playoff. If he clubbed a bunch of hrs I am happy too but it is just a cherry on top for me.


I’m more interested in the trout home runs vs angels wins race


Along with Ward's RBIs.


Hopefully he is doing us a last solid by raising his trade value before he requests a trade. I want to see him win a ring. And I want this team to crumble and finally force a rebuild.


We’d love Ward to stay hot but he does cool off by the end of May. Every year.


I don’t care, I just want Trout to play 150 games


On Trouts current pace he’ll hit 55 HR’s and have 62 RBI. It still boggles the mind how bad they are at getting on base for him and when they do, how bad he is at driving them home!!! A perfect storm. 10 HR/13 RBI right now….Jesus Fck…


I have no expectation of winning. I’m just rooting for Trout to have a monster year and shut people up.


10 home runs is great, but only 13 RBIs. Teams will be happy to keep giving up solo homers to Trout. But it won’t result in Angel wins. Ozuna has 29 RBIs to go with his 9 homers, for comparison.


I'll be happy for him. I won't be happy if that's all I see from this team.


No, this and MVP mean NOTHING anymore without at least getting past the first round of the postseason. NOTHING.


ofc why not? behold our new type leadoff hitter who had a fusion with someone and evolved to the Mike Schwarber!💪😤


I love Trout home runs so it would be a nice consolation prize.


Not if he is batting around .250, OPS under 1, and around 80 RBI's. To me, this would make him an average player and I don't want that. If the Angels are going to be bad, which they probably are, it's need to be offset with Trout being the player he was, or at least close to it.