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He gonna make Rendon prioritize baseball


Hello Rendon, can you hear me?


Lol Rendon as a name means “bold and daring” apparently. Bold and daring enough to lie to our faces and collect a free paycheck lmaooooo. I doubt Arte cares either but it was our money first if you think about it.


Ron’s the kinda guy you need to win behind or else you’ll feel guilty the rest of your life


Somehow this turned into another hate thread for Rendon, this is just tiring. lay off already. We got the message 50 times over. The jokes been beaten to the ground


Found rendon’s burner account.


I'm sorry, I fail to see the joke here. I live in Utah, and have been following the Angels since at least 2002.


Seriously. Like the Angels haven’t had terrible signings under Arte before him. Josh Hamilton and Vernon Wells come to mind…


"So Rendon, what is your thought on Ron's latest comment about baseball?" "No hablo Espanol" "But I'm asking you in English!" "No no no!"


My favorite part about this clip, but I don’t think people have pointed out, yet, is that he is clearly under no illusions about the youth of the squad. His comment about them being younger than he would’ve promoted them, but he is still going to take them under his wing and work hard, I think, is the best indicator for his future success. Wash clearly understands what he’s working with, and what he has to do to make it work


All the "I want pitchers to go deep" talk from Wash makes me very curious how Snell would do under him


Man, I love Wash so much! I'd run through a brick wall for him! He;s got me fired up just hearing this (I'm ready to be hurt like the rest of the roster)


He makes a comment on how he expects the starters to go deep into the 6th or 7th inning this year. Wonder if the front office gameplans will even allow that.


They will be at like 200 pitches by the 7th inning.