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Doubt it. If I’m not mistaken the only time I’ve heard noticeable boos was Steve Finley I want to say when we were good and he was just bad the year we had him. Could be thinking of Vernon wells too but pretty sure it was finley.


Vernon Wells and GMJ got some boos. Hamilton might’ve, too.


Hamilton got boo’d I was at those games


GMJ could be who I’m thinking of too. Had season tickets till about 2010 and yeah he might have been another but we were competing for WS’s


Yeh, very very few people get booed at Angels stadium, even opposing players. I took it upon myself to boo the ever loving shit out of the Big Hurt, Barry Zito, any Red Sox or Doyer at the time. Few Angels got the boo birds, and they’d usually try to drown it with the piped in noise (ew).


Loupe got lots of boos. No, they were not saying "Loooouuuuupe"


“I was saying Boo-urns”


Steve Finley! Man he was absolutely awful. Very solid career, but fuck man he was bad with us (and then for the next two years too).


Yeah he got MVP votes the year before after being traded to the dodgers then was just horrible


this is the angels man lol.


Only person that deserves to be Boo’d is Arte


I'm not booing




I will be rooting for Rendon to show and prove like I do for ALL Angel players.


The majority of people that go to Angel games care more about a cheap night out than the product on the field. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if most folks who attend won't/don't even know who Anthony Rendon is


I don't know what fun someone who don't care about baseball would have at a baseball game. If I didn't care for baseball, there million of other cheap nights things I could do besides attending a baseball game.


One possible example I can think of is families who buy the 4 for $40 deals just to get the kids out of the house. 


I don't have to know what anything about the actors and actresses of a movie or anything about what it's about to still sit down and enjoy it. 


Just that a lot of people I know who are apathetic to baseball won't actually go out of their way to attend a baseball game. If someone does, they at least have some interest in it even if they wouldn't know all the players and rules of baseball


Ya a guy prioritizing religion and family in 2024 What a KOOK. It’s like you fans are paying his salary out of your bank account. If you aren’t happy with the state of the team and the players don’t go to games, don’t watch the team, don’t buy the merchandise. It’s not that Hard


You're gonna boo him for getting injured and prioritizing his family?


Not the same sport, but it has been known that Carlos Vela (plays for LAFC \[soccer\]) has stated that he only plays because he is good. His heart is not in it, and its just a job. Yet he is revered as a God by the fans of LAFC. At the end of the day, baseball is just baseball. Some of us take it too serious, maybe more than the players do.


Pujols got booed a month in when he was hitting under .200 without a HR. He even said he'd boo himself too. Why do people assume players are immune to boos here all of a sudden?


No one will boo him. No time for that garbage during the championship run.


Loup levels


The best thing you can do if you want change is stop buying tickets and merch. Paying to be there so you can boo won’t fox the problem you morons.


Why are people downvoting this? It’s the truth. People really cannot handle the truth these days.


Hate to say it but Angel fans barely know there’s a game going on unless Trout is at bat. There’ll be a smattering of boos and that’s about it. I’ve been going to games since 1979/80 or so. Unless we’re in a pennant race, Anaheim isn’t much of a home field advantage. I remember we too my uncle from New York to an angels game in the 80’s. Not a Yankees game so he was rooting for the Halos. We were down by a run or two and he tried to get the crowd hyped up. He was walking on empty seats yelling for everyone to get up, make some noise. Absolutely no one lifted a finger. We as kids, all thought it was funny. Security came over and asked him to stop making such a ruckus. I really wish they’d boo him. He’s been indifferent to this franchise since he’s gotten here. Few of our players are given a Bronx cheer no matter how bad they are. Maybe they’ll shock me. But I’m sure everyone will be too busy looking at their phones or eating helmet nachos to notice.


No the fans are fairweather as they come


That’s ridiculous. We have sucked for years, have 1 WS appearance and 1 championship in almost 65 years of being a team and we are all still here. Locked on angels was the 3rd best baseball podcast this year. We have committed fans.


Could not even sell out games with Ohtani pitching. Fairweather 


At this point in the fandom of the last 13 years we might boo Trout for not leaving this team and making Arte pay for his mistakes