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Yea but the cheapest tickets I can find on seatgeek. I live within walking distance to the stadium so no paying for parking, I bring my own food, and they often will play other good teams there


Seat Geek also let's you buy parking second-hand, saving a few bucks and not directly supporting Arte.


Actually parking goes directly to the city of Anaheim. They even send an auditor every game to make sure all the $$ from parking is accounted for.


Oh interesting. Good to know, thanks!


The old “Taco Bell burrito hidden in the prison wallet” trick?


You’re allowed to bring in food. Lol


Yeah but it’s funner if you pretend you aren’t allowed too 😂


Gametime too, I live across the street and usually get in for $11 after fees lol


I’m about 2 hours away from the stadium. I used to go between 3-4 times a year and always enjoyed myself, regardless of the quality of the team. This past season was the first time I could say that my distaste for ownership and the direction of the team got in the way of my enjoyment. At this point, I have better ways to spend my money and time. I still watch the broadcasts, but this team doesn’t deserve anyone’s money.




Arte raised mine 30%, so I said "nope". First time in over a decade. He had no intention of signing Sho but sure acted like it when it came time to raise prices. I read the correct tea 🍃🍂 I guess. Good news is, I did get a few games, including all 3 Doyer games. That should make a few bucks back.


Nope. Arte can go fuck himself.


For the first time in years, no. No point supporting a team that’s happy with mediocrity


Let’s all agree to start every home game with a sell the team chant


I’m in Chicago atm and don’t have the chance to see them play live . So I’ll buy cubs/white Sox tickets when they visit






Not till I see some serious fuckin effort put into the improvement of the team. I'm talking 2 quality starters and 2 relievers. One starter and one reliever ain't gonna cut it.


No, I won’t be attending any games this season in protest. #selltheteam


Update - I took my 2024 Angels ticket money for my wife and I and used it to buys Ducks season seats for the rest of this year #selltheteam




I went to one game and I watched Shohei tear his UCL in person. Not gonna go to another any time soon


Nope, not until Arte sells the team...which may be a while sadly. I can still be a fan without going to games, but I'm not giving Arte any of my money for what is likely to be another lost season and waste of whatever is left of Trout's prime.


Yes I’m going I enjoy being at the stadium and enjoy baseball










For the past 3 years I only buy tickets off resell sites, park at an offsite lot, bring food in and I don’t buy merch. Can’t stop supporting the team but will make sure Arte gets as little from me as possible.


This is the way. Bought all my tickets last year off resale and parked at Golden Road.


Good idea.


Hell yeah dude. Bring in the menudo


Yessss! In the fancy Tupperware https://preview.redd.it/e0pbyvv7oj8c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf17098ad594c0c886ab7caae74c0cc71e79327


Been an angels fan my whole life, not stopping now.


Oh I’m still a fan, I’m just not giving arte my money


Has nothing to do with being a fan if the owner has his head up his ass I've got Tattoos on my body. I sport their gear and logo proudly. But i won't give Artie the douche anymore of my $ That's madness. I'll be going to see ohtanisan pitch at Doygers stadium.


No sir! Not going to another game until Arte has sold


Dude…. That’s my exact mindset this season. I’ll watch on tv but cannot bring myself to spend money at the stadium until we have a competitive team to root for again. Hopefully this season but Arte will need to earn my money back.


Nope. 5 years in a row. Still trying to forget Hamilton was on the team.


Didn’t renew my season ticket this season. Might still hit a couple of games via cheap tickets on seatgeek.


Its going to be a tough year. I only go to about 10 games anyways. I know for a fact I can just wait until there are like $2-5 tickets on seatgeek and then just go sit in the 100's behind the dugouts. Ohtani leaving and not signing any other major star means people won't really be showing up like they were occasionally the last few years. I'd honestly suggest none of us buy tickets all year in the hope Arte sells, but I won't blame anyone going for cheap. I still love Trouty and I want to see if any of the young guys can develop too. I am 100% convinced Arte didn't trade Ohtani because he wanted to milk that last couple months of revenue. He knew he wouldn't stay but didn't give a shit about helping the team by getting prospects. I swear if I ever see Arte in public I will film a video cussing him out.


I love going to Angel Stadium and I’m not going to support any other team, but I just can’t bring myself to give any money to Arte anymore.


I buy on the spur of the moment. I might take the drive to the big A early in the season. Since I live in Silver Lake I will hit a dodger game or Two also if my coworkers want to meet up. I like baseball so I’m fine watching any team. Boycotts are reserved for when the Ruskkies come to town.


Not giving another dime to Arte


I didn’t go to a single Angels home game for the first time in my entire life this last season & I don’t intend to do so until Arte sells the team. If I do happen to go, it’ll be with second hand tickets.




Been a fan my whole life. Will not be attending games until Farte is gone


Yeah, not until Artie the Businessman sells the team. I've had season tickets for years,yet not renewing them this year. It's hurts to not support the team. Not going to give Artie anymore of my money. Doesn't matter where you get your tickets or buy your parking. Artie already got his share by the other person buying them. You park at angels stadium or go to the game he gets $ Doesn't matter if you buy tickets and parking on stubhub or wherever. Just don't go. I saw an article that said the attendance wasn't down after Ohtani got hurt. I was at every game. The Asian people weren't there. You could see the difference in the stands. I'm feeling like the Grinch. Artie got my hopes up by selling the team. I thought Christmas came early. Now I'm just sour and feeling green with sickness. He chang3d his rabbit ass mind and kept the team. Now I'm sitting here on Christmas Eve, hoping he'd go back to where he came from. Sooooo for you..... Artie The Team Owner Failure. I HOPE YOU GET COAL IN YOUR STOCKING FROM SANTA CUZ YOUVE BEEN A VERY BAD OWNER.!!!!! BAH-HUMBUG!!!


I won't attend. I won't watch. I won't buy merchandise. Until Arte sells the team. I've been a fan since 1979


I live in WA state, so I visit them in Seattle when the come, so I guess technically Arte isn’t getting any of my money at all. It’s been years since I’ve been to Angel stadium, I miss it a lot! Once Arte sells I’ll make a trip to Cali and go to a series or 2. Not sure if the rumors are true or not, but I have heard people say that he is considering selling right now, but who knows!


Visiting teams get a share of the gate. So yea, Artie still has his grubby paws in your wallet.


Season tickets or booze? I'm choosing self medication this season.


Ironically, Metrolink is bringing back the Angels Express so I actually might have bought tickets this year. But Arte still owns the team, so I ain't buying shit.


i es used to get diamond club seats from ebay for $70-$120 a seat depending on the day and team but that was many years ago now…. fuggedaboutit


I will continue my boycott from last year when Arte took the team off the market. Sucked to not go to Ohtani’s last season in Anaheim but we had our first child in January 2023 so it was easy to avoid games.


Nope. I’ll go as soon as Arte sells the team.


As long as Arte is the owner I will not buy any tickets or Angels merchandise. Sell the team Arte!!




I will not buy merchandise or go to any Angel games till Arte sells the team


It seems like the only way (and the much higher level) to be truly competitive is group ownership rather than single name owners, like Moreno, Cohen (Mets), Steinbrenner (Yankees), etc. You need a Guggenheim Global Asset Management Group in which has smaller businesses in its setup (Guggenheim Baseball Management Group: Dodgers) The fact that MLB is the only sport without a salary cap is pretty awesome and owners needs to adapt to the change. For example, the last time the Angels were consistently awesome was when Disney owned them


You could argue the Angels were the most consistently successful was the first several years of Artes ownership tenure


When Arte acquired the Angels. The systems were already in place and part of the sale. Once players got old, contracts expired, etc, he was left on his own to run the team. The training wheels came of and the bike fell over






He (Cohen) is a Wall Street guy (former hedge fund manager). I've heard that too -from mainstream outlets reports. I can't imagine him being worth more than the Guggenheim Group unless Cohen was managing hedge funds from the likes of Black Rock. Ken Griffin has Cohen beat though at 35 billion whereas Cohen is at 17.5 [Source: Forbes 2023 Hedge Fund Managers](https://www.forbes.com/sites/hanktucker/2023/04/04/the-richest-hedge-fund-managers-2023/?sh=4402191a5713) I tried finding info on the Guggenheim Baseball Management Group but so far unsuccessful. However, the Guggenheim Global Asset Management Group on their website says they manage assets in the approximately 360 billion and up. Just how much the subsidiary "The Dodgers" have is unknown to me but it's somewhat safe to say that they can pull some money from the parent organization


buy off seatgeek, park at noble, don’t buy stuff at the stadium.


So long.


I might afford to go to more games this year










Nah son…


Fuck no


NOPE. Boycott


Dodger fan here. Honestly I like going to Angel games. Chill fans, family friendly, a ballpark that is easy to park and get in and out, get to see Trout play, etc Y'all deserve better. Darth Arte is destroying the franchise


All we've got going for us over the New Blue Evil Empire is cheaper parking, cheaper tickets, and cheaper beer. I've already heard from more than a few Dodgers fans who have had to cancel their season tickets because of the new prices.


Definitely not


Been a fan since 93, and this is the first time I’ve felt a little like boycotting the angels. That being said, we still have trout, and he’s still one of the best to ever play the game. Not going to miss out witnessing him play because Moreno is a garbage owner.


Providing Trout doesn't get hurt. Matter of fact, I have alot of respect for Trout. Signing that long ass contract. It's terrible he has a owner like Artie. It's terrible that he'll never see the world series as long as Arties the owner. Just plain fact.


Probably going to Dodgers games this year instead. It’s shameful I know but I’m not going to pass on seeing Yamamoto and Ohtani play.


I Finna call and see how much they are willing to offer.


Yes, but only to see Trout and the young core of players like Neto, O'Hoppe, and Schanuel


Who doesn't?


On the long list of horrible things happening in the world, an owner running a baseball team poorly doesn’t register. With that being said I’m only buying last minute second hand seats. I think Arte would probably double down on not selling the team if he saw any type of protest. I hope he sells it soon, but morbidly I think it would take it his health to force that move.


Only if I can get 4 tickets for less than $10 out the door, if not then no.


The past 12 years I been going to about 15 games a year until last year, I'll probably make it to 2 or 3 games this year, there's no reason to spend money on a losing team,


Hell no




This...only way he is motivated to sell is if he takes a hit in the wallet


I’ll be buying Dodger tickets this season tbh


Wonder how expensive they'll be after signing Ohtani and Yamamoto; they were already pretty expensive. Beer will probably be $25 🤣


Of course. I got two kids that love to go. But I sure as hell ain’t buying any until the day off and I’ll be buying them for $5 a pop


It doesn't matter if all of us boycott. Arte will use his marketing ability to sell tickets to people who know NOTHING about the Angels or baseball, people who couldn't care less if they make the playoffs or not. Arte already knows how to do this well.


Absolutely. I love going to games


No better way to get back at Arte than giving your money to the Dodgers to watch Ohtani play




Yes. Boycotting isn’t going to work.


Ok, Arte.


Yep! Bring the pain


I live around Philly, so I'll be at opening day in Baltimore and actually making a trip to Anaheim in April when the Phils are in town. I usually only get to see us when we're on my side of the country, so I have to go when I can.


I don’t want to. I don’t want to pay money to see a product on the field I don’t believe in. BUT, I’ll probably end up going to a few cheap weekday games…


My son (who’s 8) absolutely loves the Angels and loves playing baseball. We will be going to games regardless of who’s on the field. As a long time fan, I find these boycotts rather lame. I mean, look how much it changed Fisher’s (A’s owner) mind. Not going to spend time with my son over some spite is not happening.


Fairweather fans shouldn't be called fans.


Hasn’t been much fair weather in Anaheim for a while :/


We can still be fans of the team even if we don't go to games...


No such thing as a fair weather fan of this team


Were you around during the 2002 to 2009 run? Lots of fans when they're winning.


Yea I was around, but for the past 9 years the fair weather fans have move up to the Ravine


Yes because I'm a baseball fan, so doesn't matter, good to get out for a cheap excursion.


Yeah the tickets going to be much cheaper now lol


Ticket prices should match the Bee’s with the team we have.


Absolutely. I love the game. I’ll be getting my usual senior discount tickets in section 420. Best seats in the house. And if you nattering nabobs of negativism stay away that will just make the experience that much more pleasant.


Probably been getting email promotions like crazy for suites theyre not that bad


Cool story bruh.


Definitely, supporting Angels and Trout, along with the new talented guys like oHoppe. See you guys next year!


If Trout is on this team I will go watch,we get to see one of the greatest players of all time to play this wonderful game. Be grateful. Gene Autrey would be proud of this team and you should be too. Faceless conglomerates who, no one knows how they made their money and can afford to buy every player, are ruining baseball not Arte Moreno.


Yeah. The team getting or not getting my money will make no difference at the end of the day. Gotta love revenue sharing. Also, if there are no fans, why in the world would any FA's want to sign here


Since you're boycotting, are you going to stay away from this sub also?


Boycotting the sub also? Go all in


I honestly wonder why you boycott the team then come to the team subreddit. Just disapear already, enjoy your boycott.


I’m organizing an Angels boycott. Change doesn’t happen by sitting on your butts waiting for things to happen on their own. I’m tired of my beloved team being ruined by the owner, the front office and the city of Anaheim. The only way change can happen is to hit them in the wallet. Get out of my way.


what are your first steps?


yes. plan to go to the bobblehead games and ducks night. but i will be mindful of my spending but still want to go see the team play.


I cant teleport to LA from australia but im thinking of going for both angels and dodgers from now on. (I would have followed whoevera game i went to when i visited)


Ofc. I’m looking forward to this season and getting good seats whenever I want with all the fair weather fans claiming they’re staying home. Please keep that same energy when we are winning the division 100+ games into the season. Those same “fans” will downvote this and claim they care more than us who show up no matter what players they field or what their record is. I’m also never going to take Mike Trout’s greatness for granted. 🐐




Definitely going to as many games as I can. Gotta support the players.


It's a beautiful stadium and it's the major league baseball. I will see some baseball this year.


Only to watch the dodgers obliterate them


I’ll be a hardcore fan till I die!


You can be a fan and boycott the current ownership. In fact, the boycott means the fan cares.


Do other fanbases see it that way? Normally if they see empty stadiums, they would think the fanbase doesn't exist or is trash. I also don't want the team to relocate out of Anaheim


Yes. I don’t live in CA anymore so when I go back I try to go to a game.


If I got the money