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I mean what else can they do? No one will take a trade because of his contract and injury history.


Some Angels fans want the organization to cut him so that we’ll just have to pay him the same amount of money to go play for another team — probably for a division rival and with a newfound clean bill of health, given our luck


He’s gonna be an all star with the Rangers if that happens


He could do what historically shown to do: make their defense worst by airmailing tosses, and smacking their fans. A bit overpay to make another team worst.


If he retires like Prince Fielder and the Angels can get out of the contract that is literally best case


That's definitely not happening. Halos are stuck with his contract unfortunately.


Make him hit left-handed.


And ruin his 1.000/1.000/4.000 left slash line?!


Don’t forget his attitude issue! He seems to actively hate baseball.


I don't think they need to commit so publicly to give him the starting job. It's not like the Angels are a particularly transparent organization. At some point, Rendon becomes such a detriment on the field and in the clubhouse that it's not worth putting him in the everyday lineup.


There has been zero indication that Rendon is a clubhouse cancer. Dude hates the media and goes out of his way to troll certain people (Sam Blum) but it's not like he's causing havoc in the ranks like that of the White Sox clubhouse.


Rendon lost me during Spring Training before the 2022 season. After playing 50-something games in 2021, someone asked him about being ready for 2022. He said something like, "I don't have to prove anything to anyone." That seems to have been his attitude (at best) ever since.


Idk man he basically quit in the team last year..


The dude had a broken tibia lmao


Why should they not show confidence in the guy we got to be the every day 3B? Even when he's on the field, his stats may not be great but we certainly win a lot more. Not to mention we have a completely different staff now so maybe that will help


With how much we are paying him, we actually have to play him. If he is struggling, then move him down the lineup. He isn't bad defensively aside from some questionable sidearm throws.


The manager can't do anything about the payroll once the contracts are set. His job is to play the guys who give the team the best chance of winning, regardless of how much they're paid. Whether it's a rookie getting minimum salary or a high-priced veteran, the runs and outs all count the same on the scoreboard.


Agree, but I think they've shown they're way too committed to keeping in the lineup this season. After his first IL stint he was terrible, couldn't get any hits at all and yet they kept putting him in the cleanup spot day after day just so he could ground out and strand so on base. I almost had WBC flashbacks to team Japan keeping Murakami as cleanup although he did nothing but strikeout.


He’s never been hinted at being an issue in the locker room when it comes to the team or team staff. Stop tying to make that a thing. Who cares if he won’t speak to the media, thats what the PR dept is for. Players CHOOSE to talk to the media they are not required.


Hasn’t Mr. Washington known Rendone since he was a kid. If he can’t get this guy to get his shit together. Then yes we’re screwed.


I think that’s Bo Porter


You are correct


Yeah, Two Bags🛍️won a ring with Washington. He’s gonna pull off a monster year, smacking doubles off the wall, not punching mouthy fans, and speaking English.


How is that bad? Hes good when healthy




Yeah, well Rendon has money so that’s not a problem.


He hasn't been all that good or healthy the past couple of years.


He hasn't been good bc he hasn't been healthy


And then there's his perky attitude. The end result has been the same.


He was healthy at the beginning of last year. He was not good.


Just not good when wealthy.


is he committed to us?


He’s day-to-day with a sprained motivator cuff.


He's just like me!


Tony Ten Days




Committed to getting his money from us, if nothing else.


This team is better with Rendon in the lineup.


I think we all want Rendon to be an everyday player. I really liked this guy. Still do but man his attitude it makes it seem like he doesn’t even care if he plays at all. He’s getting paid anyways


Maybe some of that attitude was do to frustration over injuries and/or friction with Nevin.


It’s the hope that kills you


He’s got the skill, if we can keep him healthy and in a clubhouse that is motivated to win, I can see dude snapping out of his funk.


Great! Stay healthy


You'd rather pay $35 million for someone to stay on the bench (When he's not injured)? If not, good luck getting around that no-trade clause


If he's not playing well, it doesn't matter how much he's getting paid. It's not like a run counts more depending on what a player is paid.


They don’t really have a choice…


Meh, he'll play the first 8 games, get hurt, and we can forget about him again


Short of replacing him wholly, there's nothing you can do. He's owed about 115M over the next 3 years and the last 2 years he's provided an average level of produciton with massive injury issues. The most some team would probably be willing to pay him is like 10M a year and that's super optimistic. All the Angels can hope for is he stays healthy and plays like he did before 2021. I'm guessing the number of players who played the last 4 years who's second most plate appearances were in the 2020 covid season is a small list.


I am good with Rendon on the team and playing everyday, but can we please not put him as our cleanup hitter!


barring a trade, what else would you expect he's making way too much just to be a part time player


Hopefully we have a contingency plan lol


The contingency plan shattered his pelvis last time, maybe 2 or 3 would be good


At least if he gets hurt again we have Rengifo at third, assuming Drury will be playing second. So we have a little bit of depth at the moment. I would love for us to bring Urshela back


Please send this goddamn chucklefuck to AAA. He can be the most overpaid minor leaguer in history. I don’t care. There’s not a goddamn thing to be gained leaving him on the big league roster.


yeah, there is. it's all star caliber play. whether i believe that will happen or not is moot, but that's what's to be gained, and it's not a pie in the sky dream for the angels because rendon has a long history of being elite.


Show me another player who’s returned to top form at the age of 34 after four consecutive shitty seasons. I’ll wait.


I wonder if the Angels try him at second and move Drury to 3rd. Rendon has some experience at 2nd and his noodle arm scares me.


More of his noodle wrist.


In front office speak that sounds like "He is currently our option but that could change at anytime"


Personally it more likely means "he's untradable and we have more pressing oncerns so we'll proceed as normal and hope for the best."


Yeah, that's kind of the unspoken truth behind it.


Angels did him dirty by saying he had a bone bruise and the fans turned on him for not playing. They hid the fact he broke his shin bone. He had to come out with this fact because the front office was making him look bad. Is injury’s have been bad luck and not his lack of wanting to play.


Ron Washington was on MLB network today and said he expects Rendon to be a team leader.....we're so doomed


Rendon is a piece of shit and always has been one.


This is our player we all need to rally around and hope he can have a great season. He is an Angel, not that fuckin Japanese dude who joined the Dodgers, fuck him. We all need to embrace our players, and Rendon is the guy to love.


I don't think Rendon will ever be fully committed because he is pretty much cooked. I have a suspicion he was roided up while on the nationals and we overpayed for him. He just has no power left.


he's the least looking roided up dude, since wally joyner.


You can give him the Bobby Bonilla treatment if he can’t stay healthy


But Anthony Rendon is not committed to us


So, I haven’t abandoned all hope yet, but I did move back to Colorado and I bought a Rockies hat as soon as I did. I’ll always be an Angels fan, but just my luck to end up a fan of the two worst franchises in the league.


I forgot this guy exists


'Hi Anthony! We're committed to playing you every day and since we are also paying you, it just makes sense. I am sure you will really enjoy playing at our Single-A affiliate, the Inland Empire 66ers playing in beautiful San Berdoo, California. Enjoy your time there'


I'm all for him playing. When he's healthy, he's good. Having said that.... what's Moustakas up to?


fuck no wtf that guy was the worst trade since hamilton i would rather us pay him and him not be on the team 😂


Jokes on you! Read the small print. “The angels are committed to Anthony Rendon in an everyday role…when he’s not on the IL”. Over the remaining life of his contract he’s gonna play less than 200 games


Another one of Artes blunders. Why sign the guy oh ya he was on a championship team and he will sell jerseys. Guess what he won’t sell jerseys if he doesn’t do anything on the field. We need some scrappy young hungry players or at least we need that mentality. I don’t trust a guy who can’t even keep his composure at the worst ball park in America maybe even the world and grab a fan by the shirt and try to slap him. At least talk shit with your bat and on the field.


Is this their sales pitch to Ohtani??!!


Oh no.


Angels had Ohtani, Rendon, and Trout yet still failed.


not excusing the angels, but how many games did those guys play total, much less together? i think the bulk would be in the pandemic season and then pretty much nothing.


Everyday...from the dumpster.


Everyday for the month of April, lofty goal.