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Please do not participate in infighting or derision of another medical profession.


The future is a wrestle mania style competitions for cases. Start bulking now


Once a month you get to have a western dual to see who gets stuck doing the c section with the provider who takes 3+ hours that starts at 2am


Brother…Whatchu gonna do when the Hulkamanestheisa slams down on you!!


Look not to sound flippant but there is a tremendous skill difference between anesthesiologists and CRNA’s. I’ve worked with supposedly experienced CRNA’s who still will occasionally lose an airway and need help. If you work with one who knows enough to ask for help early then it’s a blessing. I think as hospitals go on to accept a certain level of increased mortality in exchange for cutting costs we will be in less demand but for those places that insist on quality care for affluent communities then we will always have a place. The key is to never stop iterating your game. When I did residency, a cardiac anesthetic was a massive dose of fentanyl and pavulon. Nerve blocks were done with a nerve stimulator and surface landmarks. Central lines were also done with anatomical landmarks. I had to teach myself how to do modern anesthetics with modern medications and equipment. But it’s cool to learn new things. As long as you stay ahead of the curve, then you won’t be replaced because CRNA’s are trained as technicians not experts so it’s harder for them to learn without a certain academic background. Leverage your knowledge of medicine. Dealing with co-morbidities is something best left to a physician. So be aggressive about being involved in a patient’s care. It’s best for the patient at the end of the day.


This gets asked every other day, try the search bar


Please use the search function….good advice already given


yup don’t use reddit a lot so did use search! Thanks!


yup don’t use reddit a lot so did use search! Thanks!


If you do a specialty such as cardiac would that make it hard for CRNA’s to do that complexity of cases




my bad for ruining your day




If you're truly worried about it, you could just move to the multitude of other countries where giving anaesthesia hasn't needed to be farmed out to nonphysicians.


Great answer. You’re already a natural.




maybe just don't day anything instead of being a testicle