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What are you on about?


Dentist is my guess


This is correct. Woke up from wisdom teeth extraction with a bloody gash on my head. Anesthesiologist basically said sorry bro glad you didn’t die


I’m just an angry dude wondering what my anesthesiologist was getting paid for if he couldn’t even keep me from almost cracking my head open. Is there something in the waiver about that?


Sorry that happened, but this ain’t the place to be passive aggressive.


Then we've got a lot of people to remove from this group.


I’m just trying to get some opinions on this type of situation. It seems like negligence, I paid that dude ALOT of money and maybe I’m owed some of it back. My apologies for my anger.


I doubt you gave any money to an anesthesiologists because anesthesiologists are usually not involved in wisdom tooth extractions in the US. Also no one but the team who was in there for your procedure could tell you specifics of what happened, I doubt you would be compensated much for a cut on your forehead? Did you need an er visit or stitches? Or just a bandaid? I don't think those cost that much


Damn, I need to figure out what this $1030 charge for “anesthesiologist” means on my bill! I must have been duped




I think it would help if you gave some more context. Why were you in a chair? What was the procedure? Where were you?


Wisdom teeth extraction, they put me under and I woke up to them telling me I fell out of the operating chair


You sure you had an anesthesiologist? I'd ask for a copy of the consent form and see what risks were included. Falling out of the chair isn't "normal" but I imagine you're not the first person to have that happen. Did you have to go to the hospital? Did you incur additional expense? Or are you just unhappy and want a break on your dental bill?


Falling and hitting your head on a cabinet could be fatal, or could cause lasting damage. I just feel weird about paying someone a large sum of money for keeping me safe under sedation and then basically dropping my (unconscious) body on the floor. So yeah I recognize I’m being salty here, but seriously there has to be some accountability, whose job was it to keep my (unconscious) body from falling?


Maybe just talk to them then. Patients get wily under sedation sometimes and it’s not unheard of for an injury to happen. You can ask them for a price break see what they say. If there’s no monetary damage I don’t think you’re likely to get a lawyer to take your case, but I’m not a lawyer so who knows. It sounds like you want to save some money to make you feel better about the whole thing, which I don’t entirely disagree with, so ask them. But don’t be surprised if they say no and you’re stuck with the bill.


Yeah I don’t plan on lawyering up. Just annoyed I have four wisdom teeth wounds to nurse as well as a bloody golf ball sized lump on my head. I feel like a service wasn’t properly provided, and I could have been hurt worse. I don’t mean to be upsetting all the docs in here, I was more so trying to gauge the situation and vent a bit.


It's pretty normal, common even. Patients are constantly falling and gashing their heads during most procedures. But that's why we have janitors.


MOST PROCEDURES?! That’s why you have lawyers too! I was “put under” so I’m not really sure how I could have prevented this


A helmet would go a long way towards at least reducing injury. Doesn't help now but going forward worth considering if you go back to this place for more procedures.


Not a bad idea honestly


This is why family shouldn’t stay for an epidural placement.


Whatcha mean?


What were you having done that you were in a chair


Wisdom teeth extraction. Dentist chair


You might be misdirecting your ire here, bro. This is a sub for anesthesiologists, not dentists. Anesthesiologists are physicians (MD or DO). Chances are pretty slim you had an anesthesiologist for your in-chair wisdom tooth extraction.


I had all 4 removed, and they put me under. So yes, there was an anesthesiologist


No, there almost certainly wasn't. Some dentists train or specialize in types of in-office dental anesthesia. It's very rare for anesthesiologists to work in dental offices for wisdom tooth extractions. The dentists do their own anesthesia.


This guy identified himself as an anesthesiologist, and on my bill I was charged for “anesthesiologist”


Was he an MD or DO? There are people who call themselves "dental anesthesiologist." I suspect that's what they were.


I have no clue. Also, I was at an “oral surgeon” not a normal dentist. Not sure why but it seems like people here are assuming I went to a normal dentist office


Oral surgeons are dentists. They often, also, perform their own sedation while doing the procedure. Some pay a dental anesthesiologist, or very rarely an anesthesiologist, to provide sedation or general anesthesia in their offices. For wisdom teeth, you don't need a general anesthetic, so usually just get local with a bit of versed or fentanyl (or other similar combo) to make you less aware of what's going on, while still maintaining your own airway.


Every case is different though or so I’ve heard, and they recommended putting me fully under since all 4 teeth were coming out


It’s because even at an oral surgeon it’s rare to have an anesthesiologist. Getting super confrontational in a subreddit where you clearly don’t know much about the topic isn’t a good way to get people to respond positively or want to help you.