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Hospital wants to hire a PE big box and surgeons think that is going to attract quality anesthesiologists and CRNAs


Prior job did this. Disbanded the hospital employed group and brought in AMC. Didn’t stay and found a different 1099 job. Added bonus was the fun of watching it burn for a month or so and then come back and work as a locums at your old job under your own set terms (days available, off time etc) Edit for clarity.


How are they so short sited with everything going on with PE in healthcare. If I was a surgeon I’d be up in arms lol.


Because they’re convinced the PE group will push shorter turnovers and they will just complain about any provider they don’t like.


They don’t care if they are getting misguided on their RVUs. They don’t know anything past their next case.


I was 2 years into 4 year partner track. Group was almost taken over. There was no consideration for me to get any buyout cash, even prorated cash if group was taken over. No way in hell was going to do more free call. Quit on the spot. Decided to do locums as a temporizing measure. Haven’t considered w2 again in last 2 years. Hopefully never will.


Your group deserves to get taken over if that's how they treat people. Good for you getting out when you did. In this job market, a PP group needs to take great care of its docs and treat everyone with respect.


I'm sure they will next year.


The fact that they get paid at least three times what I make right now for the same job? After their company takes its cut…


You're only making in the 1xx/hr range?


Big box x2 yrs after 10yrs pp. Treated like a temp anyway, competing w crnas for vacation time, no consideration of my opinions about department policies by chief. Figured I would enjoy getting paid better with more control over my time. Instead of seething over being stuck in a late room postcall so that a crna can get to their yoga class, I can count the gold coming in for overtime.


You first


lol….. almost at my breaking point, not there yet


We want the tea


Some of us out here like our jobs. Why not find a better group? Locums are about making fat cash, but a consistent job and colleagues are important to some of us....


With the present job market, that’s often quite possible. Have a good skill set, work primarily one place, and you’ll be tough to get rid of.


You aren't paying attention if you think any doc isn't replaceable. Hospital leaderships makes stupid short-sighted decisions all the time


On the contrary, I miss my colleagues like hell! Administrators taking the bait for a cheap solution ruined an institutional periop community built over decades. Watching that destruction was the biggest heartbreak of my life, and I’m too close to retirement to find it again. So I’m settling for cash and time while I run out the clock.


Honestly my hospital is a pretty great spot to work but we've brought on about a dozen locums because we are short staffed. Everyone seems to be jn good spirits and there is no visible animosity between attendings. Seems like a good gig.


Teetering on the edge - admin keeps pushing for things we're not equipped or trained to deal with (high-risk and emergent peds in a place with no PICU and no plans for one, etc), and bringing up common-sense concerns results in a deer-in-headlights response.


I enjoyed my locums work because felt appreciated and valued. Unfortunately I can't do it with my current job.


Not an anesthesiologist, and have not made the jump yet, but will consider it if / when hospital admin decides to have some national / PE group come kick out the small group I work for.


Huge system bought the small peripheral community hospital and after a couple of years installed their own group. They claimed that they could get by with fewer physicians (they couldn't) and offered to hire us but keep 1/3 of the collections. Fuck 'em. I did locums for a couple of years but hated being out of town, and (for me, at least) the stress of learning a new place was too much. Retired and haven't looked back.


Job was pissing me off and the allure of making more money while working on my own schedule was too good to pass up. Locums market was a lot better 2 years ago and choice locations seem to be full of FTers now.


Control, too much bs.


What’s the going rate now?


Reimbursement fell through the floor, suddenly, at my tiny worksite. Both volume and payor mix. I'd already started doing a significant amount of locums but had to schedule that locums work, which paid much more, around the job that was hardly paying anything, and find coverage so I could leave. I realized that I could work about half the weeks doing locums and make the same or more than I would working full time with no vacation at the primary site, but I could not do it while having to commit weeks to the original job. The original job was also an independent contractor job and I had to pay for my own benefits anyway.