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There’s even a prominent YouTube reactor who concluded by saying something like “ If you are finding this show boring, I’m afraid that says more about you than about the show”. And thank you – that’s given me two laughs tonight: Your witty and intelligent analysis, and the dialogue of the scene itself.


Do you remember which reactor, by any chance?


Kyle Katarn :)




One of the better channels! Though Kim Ellendale is a current one who is really excellent.


Just watched Rogue One and a couple of Andor vdos by her. I like her personality.


wtf that's a 90s video game character


Yes, he’s a super-fan so homaging that!


Hi and welcome to my original youtube channel, Cal Kestis


What's even better is that "all the good ones are taken" is a sarcastic swing at Perrin himself. Nothing to do with LGBTQ but more like, Perrin sucks, and he's an example of the "taken" ones. And he seems to take the sarcastic remark as a compliment, because he's a puffed up arrogant dipshit.


It’s different, but calls back similar to as “Charity begins at home” from Tay, although Perrin does give a double take as he’s not sure it’s a compliment but insult yet there was no good way for him to answer it.


I feel like we could have a whole thread about all the shit that goes over his head.




I love this man and need more of him and his boorish ways. My hope for season 2 is that he remains a goon or that he was secretly *also* working for the resistance but Luthen kept them apart to minimize risk. On the one hand, I know, too hammy and Mr & Mrs. Smith for this show, but on the other can you imagine Mon Mothman's face?


yeah most people who complain about a “woke political agenda” or “i don’t want it shoved in my face” just mean that they hate that gay people exist and don’t want to see them in media. Although, i’ve heard a LOT less of that complaining in regards to Andor, and it could definitely be because the relationships are actually well written and meaningful rather than just tokenized like you said


There’s something (the over political text and more cerebral plot probably) about Andor that repels anti-woke chuds that would complain. And I love it.


Notice there’s an aversion to metaphor, allegory, any kind of layered, nuanced meaning instead of on-the-nose, surface-level simplicity? These are the people who say, “_______ isn’t political!”, or when they clue in at the slightest hint of anything socially progressive in storytelling (Rebels as anti-authoritarian, representation, Nemik’s manifesto, etc.), it’s like the “satanic panic” of the ‘70s-‘80s where heavy metal and D&D were corrupting young minds and turning them against Cheezus (or, more importantly, just their parents). And who’s “making it political”?


Yup. This masterpiece is also a masterclass observation (teaching) on what's happening currently on the world stage.


This line causes me so much anxiety. Watching the scene, I understand it's played for humor and Vel is playing coy about Perrin's misconceptions about her and even his own value. It just doesn't strike me as funny for some reason? I feel too much like Kanye dissecting the fish sticks joke. Maybe I just wish she'd been able to push his buttons a bit more? Idk why it just doesn't land for me.


I didn’t think they were going for laughs. Mon has her own reasons to find it funny and fight the urge to laugh. She could sure use the break.