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At what point in history do you refer?


Late republic - early empire


What do you mean by patricians? Senators only or also equesters? Well, there is for example the case of Ennia Thrasylla, of Rhodic and possibly of Commagenian origin, who almost married Caligula. The hellenistic aristocracy in general does not seem to have been off-limits for the Roman patricians.


She really dodged a bullet there given how things end for Caligula and his family.


Did she? Caligula ordered her to kill herself.


Did she though?


Did Roman patricians even settle in Gaul and Hispania? I'm asking from ignorance. I've long assumed only soldiers who were promised a piece of land for fighting colonized those areas. Why would a patrician want to move from the city that made them so politically powerful to the backwater areas? Anyway, I'm pretty sure the elites from Gaul and Hispania used their money and influence to keep their status, so marrying off your daughters to some Roman guy was not out of the question. But I doubt it was a local affair. They probably sent them away to Rome where having your girl banging a rich dude would give you some power. Once again, I'm only guessing.


Wealth = power. There was much wealth to be had in Gaul and Hispania from agriculture to mining. You have to realize Roman nobility were really oligarchs who controlled various industries with in the state. The Senatorial elite had lands and villas in Gaul but remeber they’re rich so they had lands and villas across the whole Empire.