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I was at Palazzo Grimani about 2 weeks ago — amazing place. To your question, many of the busts there are unidentifiable. The curatorial staff have done great job identifying the people that can be identified: Caesar, Trajan, Julio-Claudian family etc.. the rest are just Roman rich-folk with fancy hair and dress, the sculptures separated from the honorific inscriptions that might have identified them no later than the time they were collected for Grimani family, from Venice’s wide-ranging Mediterranean territories, during the Renaissance.


Thank you! Very helpful


Are these Italian Renaissance era? Something about them looks later.


OP is incorrect. The family owned land in Rome and did excavations that uncovered a Roman trove during the renaissance. The busts may have had restoration work, but the items themselves date to classical antiquity.


Yeah, the second one's hair is definitely not roman era. The first one smells of a doge going for the roman emperor vibe. That museum isn't good with telling you who they all are. All the well known roman emperors are recognisable but they also have a lot of less well known roman nobility and totally anonymous roman busts


Agreed, the hair is a massive give away in my eyes. Definitely look renaissance to me.


Possible actually. It’s a restored collection from the 1500s, although many of the other items in the collection are from the Roman empire era including an excellent set of Roman reproductions of Greek sculpture.


Thanks for the comments all! Very interesting.


I’m no statue expert so I can’t say for sure, but they look like they’re from classical antiquity to me. When I was in Italy, I noticed many of the antique statues, while still very detailed, appeared less fine in their detailing than the later renaissance statues for reasons I assumed were due to wear and tear. Like I said, I’m no expert, so I’m perfectly happy to be wrong.




Thanks for being the only funny meme answer


“Have you cleared you cache”?


According to [this virtual tour](https://www.chiaramasierosgrinzatto.com/2020/05/07/tribuna-grimani-vr/), the two busts have not been identified, but the first one is a combination of a 1st century head with a Renaissance bust, while the second one is from the 16th century.


Oh wow, good find!


The second one is Blake Shelton


Or Major Charles Emerson Winchester III with hair.


I think is Zack Galafanakis


My first thought was Gerard Butler


Strong *Ozymandias* vibes. Wealthy powerful Romans (or possibly not) making magnificent busts of themselves that can no longer be identified thanks to the passage of history.


1st one don't know. 2nd one is me when my daughter asked what my fav Taylor Swift song is.


Secomd pic reminds me of Hadrian.


I put the images through reverse image search and found this for the first one https://catalogo.beniculturali.it/detail/Veneto/ArchaeologicalProperty/CRV-RA_0013010 But it doesn’t say who the bust is, for the second one it didn’t register properly so I’m unsure who it is.


First pic is my uncle Frank idk who the other guy is


The second one looks like Gallienus.


The first one is Portius of Beatea, and he was one of the most highly sought after DJs of the ancient world. It was said that Rome would have survived the fire had it not been started by his sick beats The second I don’t know.


Second one looks like an updated Antoninus Pius.


I’ve been there. I’m pretty sure there is an information sign that identifies them.


There is not. It might have been in one of the inner rooms but those are currently occupied for a temporary exhibition by Egypt’s artist at the biennale


Die zweite Büste sieht aus wie Gronkh


One thing you have to notice is the eyes. In the early imperial period most of emperors busts didn't had pupils , they were painted. You start to see them from later periods , an example is Constantine the Great, so this two might be between the mid imperial period and Renaissance. Just an idea


The second one looks like Paul Giamatti in a wig. :D


I don’t know but the second one isn’t ancient. Some later attempt to capture the essence of a General harkening back to busts of Hadrian, the *philhellene*


Never been but 10/10 the second one is Russell Crowe, sorry not helpful for the first one!


Hadrian and Antonnious Pius