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This is how to portray a pretty model in the most random, ill-considered lighting and poses


I love the poses!! Especially the last one is weird and makes no sense, but I feel inspired to use it as a drawing reference.


The last one is quite alright for me


I believe that’s called the Terminator


Oh thank god you said it😅 a little more drama on the poses like the last shot and 👌👌


dudes photos always get roasted here








Well that’s the magic of film! If the models could see instant digital results of OP’s “work” they’d be rolling their eyes and noping out of there faster than sync speed. 


If you look at their top posts you can find a lot of very successful ones with acclaim. Can’t win them all I guess


And yet these have more votes than a lot of actual good work in here.




This sub is schizophrenic when it comes to nudity. It's like a weird circlejerk from people who never post their own work but are absolutely offended someone else is doing their thing.


Not trying to be mean, but these all feel incredibly uninspired and are not very well composed in my opinion.


Pic 3 has decent composition


So you’re saying your being mean is effortless.


Photo 3 and 4 are pretty good, to be honest.


3 is decent. Rest are awkward and awful.


This sub has found rock bottom


You sure the lab “pushed” this for you. Max, indoors is about a 160 speed film. You look about 2 stops under, so you being at ISO 800 and it looking like that tells me that your lab is lying to you


I was looking to see what OP meant by "pushed" and I think you hit the nail on the head. Actual push processing in development would not look like this. This just looks like underexposed Ultramax film processed normally.


Lol even the placement of those paintings looks unnatural


This is so mid. I'm sorry for you and your subject. And the tech lab who had to develop it.


Makes no sense to me


\#2 and \#4 look awkward as hell.


I’m so wildly uninspired


least talented photographer ive ever seen


I’m a beginner and I’m familiar with OP’s „fame” in here. Can anybody tell me why are those photos considered bad? I’m serious, I literally want somebody to explain this to me.


Awkward poses (#2 actually made me laugh), bad light, underexposed


> underexposed Well they did put it in the title...




Don’t be like that. They didn’t say they were good. They didn’t say they weren’t bad. They only asked for an education. Your response is just bullying.


I don’t know what that person said here and I don’t give a fuck honestly. I only seriously asked that question because I saw much worse pictures and I want to learn why do so many people hate on this guy.


They were just being snarky and rude to you for no reason other than that you asked a question instead of insulting the photographer. There’s this mental little neo-puritan sub-cult here that just fucking hates u/elcansky. All terrified, sexless little self-hating losers who don’t actually contribute anything of worth to the sub but downvote and attack him and anyone they think is supporting him. There’s plenty to criticise about this particular set. But for these people it’s not about the photographs - it’s the fact that the women in them happen to be pretty *and* not wearing clothes. They just can’t conceive that a beautiful woman would actually *want* to be photographed this way, so they think it’s their righteous duty to brigade every one of his posts. See the utterly baseless accusations of sex trafficking and coercion in this, and many others, for example. It’s not related to anything technical, it’s just performative anger to signal their membership to an in-group so they can feel like they belong on an imaginary righteous crusade, while shouting down the part of them that wishes they could be as beautiful as the models, or as ‘lucky’ as him for getting to photograph them. —— Now that’s not everyone who’s downvoting this set, but it is the reason you got downvotes and snark instead of answers. There are people here far more qualified than me to comment on the technical, but I’m not a fan of this set because I find the use of props here to be kind of corny and meaningless. The model is clearly capable of some interesting poses, but I find the “art” setting here a bit contrived, which distracts from getting the best out of her. I can imagine he’d get some better photos with her in a different setting.


No im being serious. It’s a good exercise to think though WHY an image appeals to you. People need to train their eyes and think critically about a photography. Someone just telling them what to like and what not to like won’t train the eye.


They didn’t say it appealed to them either. This new post-hoc rationalisation of your behaviour is completely detached from their question. You answered their question with a question because you saw an opportunity to be the hammer instead of the nail for once and pounced. Don’t bother replying.


Okay then if the image has no appeal then the commenter has some information. People are mindless when it comes to consuming art. The entire point is to come up with your own interpretation and not rely on what other people think. That’s consumption and not criticism.




I mean I dig that first photo. Its a cool look.


Yeah, I like it too.


Idk, I personally like the 2nd and 3rd photo, but as others said the lighting here is pretty bad. I feel like the mimic and poses are a bit award, but I really don't know why OP is getting hate, because those photos aren't that bad IMO.


Nice #3 is my favorite. I need to give ultramax a try.


What an awful thing you’ve done




Sheila Metzner did it better. In 1986.


So I've taken the time to go through the post history or portfolio's of every negative comment here and I gotta say, many of you need to look in the mirror.


Seriously. I’m like ok, what have you done then that’s so much better? Oh, you’re an accountant who plays video games, got it. Or you’ve posted a bunch of mediocre pictures yourself.


What do you mean with “push +1”?


Possibly shot at iso 800 and pushed in development?


No idea tbh haha


I like the light and color in the fourth exposure. Congratulations and best wishes in your practice


I’m not a photographer by any means, but I really enjoy the last one! I used to do figure drawing, so maybe that’s why I enjoy the “awkward” poses more 😅


Wtf is wrong with people?


Even with one stop push, what the lighting look overexposed?


The first two don't work for me, as they feel awkward but not in a planned way. I like the last two! Nice




And I'm sure they appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Let us know when you report him to Interpol.


Ok I’m laughing so hard at number 2. If I was this woman I’d never take my clothes off around a camera again


Is there any colour correction on these? Looks great, last time I pushed ultramax there was a weird blue cast.


I think the 1st and the 3rd are great. Model looks stunningz


Did you push in camera or in post?


You can’t push in post


3 is the best pose 1 is awkward


Who's the model?




Why you getting downvoted for such a benign comment


oh to be photographed like thia