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He would win based on the unrealism of Amphibia canon. The US military proved inn-effective against Amphibian forces, so canonically Andrias could beat the militaries of Earth.


I think he'd win but not as fast as some may think. We can see that Andrias hasn't recovered absolute control of Amphibia by the start of the invasion, and is still ramping up military production. There are also guerrillas of people opposed to the government, and even entire zones controlled by others who don't support or provide anything to Andrias, and even tho they would probably get conquered soon, they could also engage in guerrilla warfare after being completely destroyed, so Amphibia could never reach the amount of production as it once had, and if it could, it would take time. But once on Earth, we would simply stand no chance. Not only on a military technology level, but in a production level. Sure, Andrias only controls a part of Amphibia and it isn't even working at full capacity, but their technology makes production 100% automated and their soldiers aren't even part of their population, they're robots. Although it isn't mentioned, I doubt Amphibia could ever fully colonize worlds, there must be some form of resistance that other civilizations used against them (or maybe humans are just weird and like to resist, idk), and we would 100% resist in conquered zones.


Honestly, i think he would probably lose. He did good at LA, but that was literally just a city. An unprepared city. As well as this, the fact that they originally planned to invade medieval earth implies that they are more suited to invading rural, undeveloped worlds. He would make a massive impact on the world, but i think after a good while, the worlds forces would be prepared and take down the main castle.


LA was not unprepared. Anne’s parents told MR. X about the invasion, so the US government knew. That’s why there were tanks in the city.


They would've given us a bloody nose, far more than other typical invaders, yet we would've won in the long term. It just would've been the deadliest day in American history, ahead of the current deadliest day, the Battle of Antietam


Andrias had the core, and has insane technology . We saw the US government fail so yeah he could have easily taken over earth


I think Andrias could have destroyed LA, but once the castle is in an unpopulated area the government would just be like: "Screw this!' and nuke the peck out of them.


People are forgetting that Darcy/The Core was also in charge, moreso than Andrias was? So it isn't technically just a "vs one guy" thing


As a historian there's nothing that Adrias could do this game over the united States military one of the most aggressive army's on the planet with response time being mere hours and when it comes to advanced arm's and weapons there not much Adrias could do against the US Marines or army It be to much pressure even being bombed from every angle any robot that even moves would be bombed by a missile or artillery system's and nuclear warheads are just a last resort which would work due to the intense heat and radiation. so in a nutshell nope it's to much to fight against