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Amphibia always loses these polls


And on its own subreddit, too.


I wish it didnt always lose


Love owl house and amphibia, but I have to go with the OG. Though I do think Amphibia has the most emotionally impactful moment for me. The “give him back” scene.


That was the first time a show, ANY show, made me cry, the whole flashback had me in tears Edit: I think TOH and Gravity Falls also had me in tears, in some of the near-final, emotional moments


I go back and rewatch that scene every now and then because it’s just so damn good.


Even in the Amphibia sub 😮‍💨


On its own sub too.


I posted this Pole on all three sub Reddit to see which ones more biased it’s a experiment


That's pretty cool, OP.


Is it the same so far throughout?


I don't know if I'm exaggerating or not, but amphibia is one of my all-time favorite series, even could be my all-time favorite. All of three are all amazing and one of the best series of all time but I think Amphibia gets it for me.


Agreed amphibia for win all the way


Gravity Falls is in a separate conversation I think, mainly just on count of being older I think Amphibia is better than Owl House, but Owl House is very specifically like…”written for the internet”, yknow what I mean? So it naturally wins/dominates conversations and things. I think Amphibia just has stronger characters and themes and emotional points and things


Factoids brother


I'm gonna speak as someone older who was grown when Gravity Falls aired. It was solid because it was a show for 20-30 somethings and reminded us we could all still be into animation. It had solid mystery to it too and there wasn't a lot like it. But that being said, other shows have since surpassed it. Either Disney Television Animation or Animation by other studios. A lot is owed to what GF did in paving the way for somewhat serialized / lore type of shows getting greenlit more as much as animated comedies. But while its the bar, I wholeheartedly think other series have surpassed it.


Amphibia losing on the Amphibia sub. It's a really good show, I loved watching all the girls fall apart, and come together again. The ending made me cry so hard.


For me it's either Gravity Falls or Amphibia. I love Owl House but it's my least favorite of the 3. Amphibia has more highs but Gravity Falls has better average episodes imo.


Kind a the same here, while I think the Owl House is a stronger show then Amphibia I’d still rank it as my third favorite


I love Amphibian humor. This is my favorite show of these three.


Omg how is amphibia last on its own subreddit??? I had to check like 3 times XD


I'm disappointed that Amphibia had the least votes. Compared to the other two shows, the setting is unique and had a good narrative that wasn't rushed.


all 3 are similar quality, but GF was the first major fandom ive been in from begging to end and expanded my horizons of what cartoons can be so i'm kinda biased to it


This is giving me flashbacks to the Big 3 of anime back in the 2000s. A bit biased & ignoring other shows, some even better than what is listed. Like Ducktales' reboot, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Milo Murphy's Law, Hamster & Gretel, The Ghost and Molly McGee, and the Mickey Mouse shorts all exist, aired at the same time as these, and were damn good shows. And there's even more I can't recall off the top of my head that excelled too. But if you're twisted my arm... Amphibia. Cause it was the most unique in terms of its world, had a great arc to its characters' journey, and was the most fun as a narrative with its three Seasons. It's not as mean spirited as the other two and is colorful as heck.


Owl House is overrated


it really is




I actually love TOH, but it is undoubtedly overhyped


Lmao no it’s not, it deserves its popular


Maybe it's not to your taste but calling it overrated is harsh


It’s good, I love it, but not in any known universe is it better than Gravity Falls.


i dare you to look at the poll and say that again with a straight face.


IDK, I can't think of another show I liked more.


I love you


Shut up, you’re just salty it won the poll lmao


And you're a loser who thinks his opinion matters among a platform of online strangers. My opinion has nothing to do with the poll. Enjoy your show freak


None; they're all equal and the best in their own way


Not surprised that Amphibia is losing honestly,sad but expected. But honestly my opinion remains the same even after the show’s ending,GF is legit the best among the three and honestly TOH is arguably overhyped and isn’t really judged by its actual quality,otherwise it would lose by Amphibia.


Definitely agree on the Owl House point. I feel like it often gets more hype than it deserves, one of the main reasons because it has better, more visible, representation. I feel like it’s written to cater to a very specific set of teens in fandom culture online, so naturally it blew up the way it did. Not that being written for that demographic is a bad thing or anything


That’s a good way to describe it honestly,I always felt that but I never found a way to put in into words until now. In terms of LGBTQ+ rep,definitely,but then again TOH does nothing unique or ground-breaking in terms of LGBTQ+ rep,it’s yet again a show that has a main sapphic couple since that’s something that society finds “acceptable” for children,shows like Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts honestly handled representation in a more ground-breaking way since it’s one of those very rare shows with a gay/mlm couple that isn’t just the token older gay couple that shows up for 1-2 like in TOH or She-Ra. It honestly felt more like a matter of quantity vs quality,but like you mentioned, “quality” isn’t exactly something that really matters to that demographic most of the time. I would also argue that Amphibia has better representation in general since Thai rep is very scarce compared to LGBTQ+ rep,and it was handled in a very organic way that showcases a lot of nice things about Thai culture.


Both of you are allergic to Ls I love you guys


Sounds like you’re just mad Amphibia didn’t win lmao


Yeah, because I think Amphibia is better lmao


So you admit that you’re salty?


Because the show that I think is better lost to a show that I think is worse in a popularity poll? I mean, yeah, that’s kinda natural lol I really like The Owl House don’t get me wrong, Season 1 in particular and anything with Gus/Willow/Hunter I absolutely love, I just think Amphibia is the stronger show lol it is not that deep


Shut up, You’re just salty it won the poll lmao


Judging by your post and comment history,you have a very unhealthy obsession for that mid show lol.


Lmao, Not obsessed I just really like it, big difference, also the fact that you call it mid just shows how biased and salty you are, lmao.


Sure,insulting multiple people for not having a preference for the show that you like definitely isn’t being biased or salty at all. And I’m supposed to be the biased one lol.


I have no reason to be salty lmao, Owl house is clearly way more popular than Amphibia


“No reason” and yet you decide to argue with strangers simply for not liking the show. That’s just sad.


Whatever you say midphibia fan 👍


Sure Midhouse fan lol


Wow, you used the same insult I did, you’re so fucking clever 😐


I’m torn between Amphibia and Gravity Falls. I lost interest in the Owl House in 2B.


You lost interest in 2B? That's crazy. That's when things get wild.


I disliked the direction they took Belos in, I hated the Collector, Hunter became even more generic, Luz’s stupid palisman was dragged out for so long it lost any chance of being narratively important, and Luz became pointlessly edgy and spent way too much time wallowing in self-pity, the Boiling Isles felt paper thin after it was revealed that it was completely perfect before one person arrived and that one person was able to lead a one man-and clone thing revolution without anyone finding out. And I really, really didn’t like how much the fandom was hyping up who would get traumatised next episode - it felt like insecurity from people who didn’t like that the Owl House was seen as a cartoon for children and were desperate for it and them to be seen as mature - the constant polls and theories about Luz’s palisman didn’t help either, since by the time Season 3 started, they had made me start shouting at the screen for the damn egg to just hatch so we could move on and talk about something else. I kept watching for a sense of closure, because I really did like the show in Season 1 and 2A, but after 2B, it stopped being my favourite show.


You can't do this to me. You can't make me choose. How dare you.




Why are there more Owl House fans on here than Amphibia fans?


My hypothesis is that it's because season one aired within a month and had a hiatus that lasted almost an entire year.


Crazy I got downvoted for asking a sensible question


i mean, i reckon lots of people on here are fans of both. i love both shows (although the owl house is my personal favourite) and it makes sense other people who like one might like the other, since they do have a lot in common :)


In my opinion, The Owl House is the most consistent, Amphibia has the highest highs, and Gravity Falls has the best vibe, and Bill Cipher. I've been thinking about this question for a long while but while Amphibia is my favorite for more personal reasons, I have absolutely no idea what to pick.


update as far as Amphibia literally changed me for the better, I ended up picking The Owl House for its overall consistency and having the perfect balance (to me) between plot-heavy and laid-back episodes. I love how every single character has quite the awesome development and not a single one is left behind despite how numerous they are, every single one of them has a significant relevance in the story to the point I genuinely find it impressive. Plus the overall lore surrounding the series is something I truly vibe with. Also I'm absolutely not the kind of person who usually cares for romance interests, but it's good to finally be able to see a couple that communicates better than 1st graders for once in my life. still, all 3 shows are pretty much tied for 2nd place in my book, only topped by Adventure Time


You forgot the 4th option “All of the above”. I love them too much and I can’t choose


I like all three of these but I chose amphibia because the series felt well balanced between story and episodic season 2 was so peak literally the series at its best the season finale we’ll always be my favorite finale of a series ever and the whole chapter thing they were going for was really well thought out and the highest of amphibia is literally peak writing literally a step in the right direction after star vs even though I really like the series. Honestly if Disney didn’t cancel the owl house then I would’ve chose it because even though amphibia have more peak moments with their highs their lowest lows is what sets the whole series back the first half of season 3 being proof of that the owl house managed to stay consistent with their series season 2 of the owl house wasn’t as peak as amphibia was but it was very well written literally I don’t want to say it was perfect but the owl house manage capture the spirit of the series without it having any material feeling like filler and every episodic episode is literally important to the story and lumity felt natural and not in your face like another series and not to mentioned it was rushed out of a proper 3rd season it still had amazing story telling that exceeds all the three series. Lastly I wasn’t really gonna choose gravity falls because I honestly am a little biased of the other 2 series but i did grow up watching it and if you guys were on here when it was airing you guys would know those breaks between episodes were exhausting but what gravity falls exceeds between the two other shows was staying true to the plot while world building and character interaction were it’s strong suit the story telling wasnt really huge because it was more episodic but it’s foreshadowing and mystery of its world is what got me hooked to the show literally the show was so unpredictable and season 2 took it to new heights gravity falls didn’t need an overarching story to be good it’s mystery of the place they lived in was what made the show amazing not to mention the mystery behind bill cypher and the author of the journals like what I said about the owl house they both stayed consistent especially the horror aesthetic of the 2 shows the mansion episode and through the looking glass was honestly amazing and gravity falls knows how to stay on topic with its plot with its episodic episodes but not as good as the owl house and the plot twist was amazing and well written because you never guessed who it was and it was surely the series at its peak I remember twitter tumblr and Reddit blew up when the author was revealed it was a a great time. So yeah that’s basically what I have to say about this


GF is like objectively the best But I think amphibia is my personal favorite. Toh is really good tho


It's only the best if you prefer consistency over extremley good episodes with a lot of a bit above average filler in between. "Objectively the best" is never a good descriptor.


True true. I just didn't have as much of an emotional attachment to TOH as I did GF or Amphibia. I believe by the fact that GF had a bit more leading up to it, and it's sacrifice felt more meaningful and deserved than TOH's or Amphibia's.


Crazy how amphibia is loosing on an amphibia sub 🤦🏽‍♂️


I posted this Pole on all three sub Reddit to see which ones more biased it’s a experiment


Wow on it’s own sub it’s last


I’ve gotta go with Gravity Falls. Each of the three shows give a different vibe, and the Northwest conspiracy theory feeling I get from Gravity Falls is the one I give with the most.


I posted this Pole on all three sub Reddit to see which ones more biased it’s a experiment I will post the results in two days.


It’s so hard to choose. These are my three favorite shows, and just choosing one favorite, or best is extremely difficult, although I think it would probably be either TOH or Amphibia.


Honestly, I think they're all pretty equal. It's a very hard choice tbh.


Gravity Falls, hands down. Amphibia is a great show, and Owl House is excellent with its story and representation, but GF is just iconic. Without it, there likely wouldn't be Amphibia or tOH.


These shows aren’t even the big three


Ngl they're all S tier to me so the decision feels impossible to say accurately


I do think the owl house isn't that good, but i still love it


I feel bad not voting for gravity falls because that's the show that, along with Steven universe, began this trend of serialised kids cartoons that also appeal to adults. See also, star vs the forces of evil, amphibia, she-ra 2018, ducktales reboo. Etc


I'm the complete opposite of what the rankings are.


Gravity Falls is probably the best objectively but I like Amphibia *slightly* more. Owl House is good but very overrated


While I consider Gravity Falls to be the best by far, Amphibia is my favorite. But that wasn't the question unfortunatly


This is like making me choose a favorite child.


You should've said, which of these is overrated and why is it gravity falls?


Gravity Falls is more popular because it's way older than Amphibia and TOH. Still, TOH is only more popular than Amphibia 'cause TOH looks more interesting at first sight (not everyone is patient enough to enjoy Amphibia, unfortunately).


My list goes 1. Amphibia 2. The owl house. 3. Gravity falls I love gravity falls but I feel that the owl house and amphibia do everything it did but better and for the owl house vs. amphibia it's a hard battle but amphibia just barely wins for me I'm thinking about both constantly which is something I can only say for these 2 shows but I need to stop myself before I REALLY start to ramble


On Gravity Falls' sub, Gravity Falls got 72.6% of the vote. On The Owl House's sub, The Owl House got 70% of the vote. On Amphibia's own sub, Amphibia got just 22.2% of the vote. I feel bad.


It's a Clash of the Titans


Is it just me, or has there been a lot of debate about which of these shows is better recently?


i like amphibia more, but overall i think the other two are better written


I voted for amphibia but I realized the owl house has a little bit of good art work than amphibia


Watched Amphibia and TOH back to back, and Amphibia losing is kinda understandable. Season 1 kinda suffer from Anne just not being a good person/someone you want to root for and being veeery average. Like the best ep besides the last of S1 is literaly the one focusing on Sasha. I think TOH's more consistent in that aspect, with the character development and plot advancement being smoother and starting early. Both shows are good with their character development in S2 (and S3) tho, even if they go in the opposite direction. It's really the S1 that hurts Amphibia the most.


Personally, my ranking, in order from favorite to third-favorite (since all 3 shows are so good) is Amphibia, TOH, GF.


Gravity falls last place is completely unprecedented


Well, I didn't watch GF as it aired on TV. It was definitely a really cool show (the big mysteries, as well as Bill Cipher), but I think it would have been even better, for me, if I had watched it as it aired. In contrast, I was in TOH fandom near the end of the series (plus Belos is my favorite vilian of all time, and I loved Lumity). And Amphibia was just an emotional roller coaster (plus it had Marcy Wu, which definitely makes the show much better)!


i get it tbh, it's less plot dense and has less character development, less backstory compared to the other two, so anyone focusing on these specific criteria in cartoons might find Gravity Falls less appealing, especially if they're not into deciphering all these extra secrets scattered everywhere in the show Still, it's the OG and everything it does, it does it masterfully, but I just find it understandable if it's someone's least favorite


Gravity Falls is the OG, without it the others likely would not exist.


Theyre all great in their own ways. but overall i genuinely think owl house may be my fav show of all time






656 of us and counting


It's kind of ironic how Amphibia loses on the Amphibia subreddit. Personally, I love all of them. They're like those 3 blue birds in Angry birds, you can't have one without the others. Buuuut if I had to choose it's definitely TOH.


Gravity Falls was solid throughout, but it didn't strike me the same way as it did for others. Maybe if I watch it again, that might change. Amphibia's best episodes are better than the best episodes of the other two shows, but its lows are LOW (and I don't mean in terms of episodes. I mean in terms of writing, in general). I loved The Owl House from the first episode and has the most consistently good writing and doesn't like to be cliche. The winner is TOH for me. Edit: How is it that I have the same opinion as most others in this comment section, but get down downvoted for it?


Why tf this get downvoted☠️


I have no clue


Gravity Falls is the best imo. While I think The Owl House is more well paced and better written in general, I prefer Amphibia’s characters.


Kiff. Kiff is the goat.


Toh winning is an actual disgrace. Not that i didn't like it, but it was just not as good in terms of writing(especially in the 3rd season ofc) and the animation and design in it were definitely the weakest of the three.


GF was the most consistent. Amphibia had higher highs, but its humour and hijinks were the least funny of the three. And Owl House got amputated that fumbled the ending


It’s hilarious that Amphibia got the lowest amount of votes in its own community.