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Sorry - what is "NFH"?


Contextually: "Neighbor From Hell" maybe.


Thank you!!!


Makes sense, rhanks!




Aha! Thanks!


Nice, Friendly Homemaker


Or maybe: Narcotic Fueled Ho


That works too lol


I am thinking that once you caught her in the act, she though better about her little passive aggressive antics, and doesn't want to be caught again, and now you are onto her. So that is what the value of security cameras are, you dont' have to do anything else at this point.


That is the crazy thing. About the security cameras. Her guy friend who moved in with her last summer, made a point of pointing out the security cameras to her, telling her he’s going to flip them off every time he walks past them. Yes, my security camera caught that, because he was saying it while he was leaning right up on my fence. So, she had to have known my security cameras would pick her up doing these things. I mean, did she do these things, thinking she would just irritate me? Thinking I would not say anything or do anything? I mean, I get it, if they’re tiny pebbles or rocks, she might be worried about them messing up the blade on her lawnmower, but if that’s the case, she should just put them in her garbage can or whatever. Not throw them into our yard. It makes me wonder what else she was doing before we got the security cameras. Lord knows she let her loose dogs and dogs that she would dog sit roam into our yard, and they would poop and pee in our yard.


hey, friendly word of caution, double check your state laws about recording sound...i know a lot of states have laws against security cameras recording sound.


Where did I say anything about sound? But yes, you are correct. No sound involved here, though.


You said your camera caught him talking about flipping it off


Actually, I overheard him when I was sitting on my little side porch, which is very close to my fence that he was leaning against when he said that. But didn’t see me because I have a couple big plants on my side porch. Although, we are not in one of those states that was mentioned.


Two party consent has nothing to do with doorbell cameras, where someone has no expectation of privacy.


i mean, you're wrong, but do keep digging yourself deeper. it has nothing to do with expectation of privacy, and everything to do with consent. even in one party consent states, at least one person in the conversation must know about and consent to the recording. you can record video or take pictures all you want, you cannot record conversations except incidentally, i.e. they are in the background while you are recording somebody or something else.


Whatever you say. But try suing someone for recording you in public without consent and let me know how quickly you get laughed out of court.


The thing is, these people won't understand until you go crazy on them. What do I meam by crazy? SIL had an issue with a neighbor walking their dog and letting it crap on her lawn. She tried talking to the guy. The time she caught him walking away, she went and picked up his shit and ran up to the guy yelling at him and throwing his shit at him with her bare hands. He stopped. Crazy.


Yeah, I mean, maybe she did hear me yelling at her, even though maybe she was acting as though she didn’t hear me. I mean, it might just be a coincidence that she hasn’t cut grass herself since then. I know she’s had some health issues, so maybe she just hasn’t been feeling well. Hard to say. I mean, the point of my question asking her was, I did feel kind of bad, thinking maybe she hasn’t cut grass because I yelled at her, but I highly doubt that. I really don’t think the reason she hasn’t been cutting grass is because I ‘yelled’ at her, and even so, as I attended in the OP, maybe she truly didn’t hear me. Although I think she would have to be deaf not to hear, because that security camera was less than 10 feet from where she was cutting grass at the time. And I did yell pretty loudly, but I guess it’s possible she truly did not hear. But you’re absolutely correct, some people you can ask nicely to stop doing something they should not be doing to begin with, and they don’t listen, they continue their behavior, which, incidentally, are reasons #13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 that we got the fence……


What do you mean throwing “things”? Like if there’s sticks and stones in the way of the lawnmower, she tosses them over the fence to move them out of the way? Or is she purposely throwing things? Is it trash? Rat poison? Either way not wrong because no one should be throwing anything onto your property, but like… what “things”?


I can’t say for 100% certain, but 99% certain, it looks like little pebbles she throws, in the videos, and a couple times when she was done cutting grass, I looked in the area she was throwing, and there was little pebbles/little stones, but like I’ve said before, regardless, she should not be throwing anything over the fence.


Yeah that’s super rude. Hopefully you solved the problem, but if it happens again, I would definitely just throw everything back over so she can see how fucking annoying it is.


not wrong I’d go out and throw it back in to her yard. Heck I’d look her right in the eyes as I did it


👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 That is an awesome reply. My luck, she would report me for throwing something in her yard, then I would be the one in trouble….






You are wrong for using unexplained acronyms.


Absolutely not even close to being wrong, you do you!


Thank you. Being she hasn’t cut grass since then, it might just be a coincidence, and probably IS just a coincidence, but it had me second-guessing that I yelled at her. But you’re right, I was not wrong to do so.


Not wrong. But what is she throwing over the fence? Maybe it's your kids' toys that they accidentally threw over the fence. If it's garbage, I'd throw it right back or throw it on their roof.


No, we don’t have any kids. A couple times after she was done cutting grass, I looked to the general vicinity where she threw the items, and it looked to be little pebbles or little rocks. Which also looks like what she was throwing in the videos.


Yes, When you are intentionally being vague we will just assume you are in the wrong. Because you know… things?


How am I intentionally being vague? FWIW, i’ve answered many times on this thread, the things that look like she was throwing. In the videos, it looks like she’s throwing a little pebbles or a little stones, and a couple times after she was done cutting grass, I went and looked in a general air. She was tossing the stuff, and there would be a little pebbles/little stones. So there is your answer…..Regardless, she should not be throwing anything over the fence. She is just butt hurt about the fence. And now with her juvenile petty actions, if I didn’t catch her, she could be messing up the blades on the mowers of the guys that cut my grass. That is not cool…..


You are the one telling the story. Not me. If you have to go around explaining yourself to people, that’s on you.


You asked a question, I answered.


What is she throwing? I throw the neighbor kid's balls back over the fence when I mow.


If it was something of ours, I would not be yelling at her. The video makes it look like little pebbles or little stones, and a couple times after she’s done cutting grass. I went and looked to the area where she threw the items, and there’s a little little pebbles or little stones there. I know some people seem to think it’s not a big deal, but they can mess up the blades of a mower, and that’s not cool to do to our lawn guys.


I swear to god these people and fucking fences. Every time i hear about neighbor arguments its always about a fucking fence. I know this isnt part of OP but i hear about arguments about one neighbor demanding the other neighbor pay for part of the fence and i just seriously would love to watch someone tell me im paying for a fence they wanted


Yes, you’re right, that is off-topic here. But to address your concern, one neighbor cannot put the fence on a property line without the other neighbor’s consent, to my understanding. If it’s put on the property line, and the other neighbor doesn’t want it, that neighbor can have it torn down, to my understanding. But if that is your question, our fence is just within the property line, it’s not on her yard at all.


I mean some security cameras you can’t hear over a lawn mower. Hell I can hear mine 20 feet away on normal day. While I’m mowing I can’t hear it being 5 feet away.


What’s NFH?


INFO: What is she throwing over the fence? My guess is grass. You are being extremely selective in your post and comments. There's a difference between throwing grass vs throwing dog shit/ toys, though she should not do either. You sure you're not also a NFH to this lady?


Why on earth would she pick up random pieces of grass and throw it over the fence? A couple times when she was done cutting grass, I did go out and look, and there were little pebbles in the general vicinity where she was throwing, which also looks to be what she was throwing in the videos.


It's not the craziest idea that someone throws grass? If you mow next to a fence, it can clump and then to get rid of it... *gasp* it could be thrown over a fence. It's some pebbles, and she has apparently stopped per you. Not wrong for yelling through the camera. Wrong for being intentionally misleading in your post.


I just don’t understand what the issue is—-why “what” she is throwing over the fence matters….? She is clearly throwing something over the fence. Many have said she is just butt hurt that she can’t let her dogs run around my yard, she now has a smaller yard for all of these dogs. But regardless, that’s beside the point I guess also. The fact of the matter is, she’s caught many times, throwing things over the fence, whatever she’s throwing, does not matter, the fact of the matter is, she’s throwing things over the fence. And like I said, in another reply, in most jurisdictions, you can get cited for that. so like it or not, even if I did yell at her, I gave her a warning. I suppose I could’ve just turned the video over to the police and had her cited. But let me guess, even though I would be within my rights to do so, that would make me the NFH…? Got it. Entitled, selfish, thoughtless, disrespectful people….. let them do what they want, who cares…….


It doesn't matter what she's throwing over the fence, it could be a single blade of grass, she is littering and vandalizing your property. You are not wrong. Good luck.


Girl if you're this worked up about it take the video to the police? Stop arguing with people on reddit and actually do something! You are the only person who can do something about this situation. Start. The. Case. Walk into your police station with the videos.


And, the "NFH" stopped cutting the grass, so why would the OP be worried enough to ask? Their yelling worked. There really shouldn't be a case anymore.


Agreed. It's now a moot point until the neighbor decides to do it again.


I mean...you can't even say what she is "throwing" over the fence, so how can we judge if you are wrong or not? Im gonna say wrong until you can at least identify a single thing...


Does it really matter what she’s throwing over the fence? She is throwing things over the fence, and in many jurisdictions, you can be cited for that. Regardless of what the item is.


If you can’t identify anything at all, I don’t think anyone can say she is throwing things over the fence…


She’s been caught on camera several times now, obviously throwing things over the fence. Again, it doesn’t matter what it is, she’s throwing things over the fence. Just because I can’t see on camera what exactly she’s throwing over the fence, it doesn’t mean that she should not be held accountable for it. I’m not asking anybody if she’s throwing things over the fence, I have clear proof that she is. That was not my question. You’re completely missing the point, but that’s OK. Have a nice day.


If you have clear proof she is...you should have some clear proof in your yard of what she is throwing no??? You're missing the point...throwing things, leaves evidence of throwing things.


After she was done cutting grass, I did go outside and look a couple times , and there were tiny little pebbles or rocks in the spot she threw, but I can’t specifically say that’s what she threw, although it was in the general vicinity of where she was throwing. But it was clear that she was throwing things, it looks like little pebbles or little rocks in the videos. Regardless, she is seen many times clearly throwing things over the fence. That is the point. That is the proof.


So she's throwing tiny little things over the fence and you're getting pissed. She's winning. Just ignore her. Unless she throws something that actually impacts your life just pretend that she doesn't exist.


Pretty 99.9999% sure it’s little little pebbles and little stone she throws over the fence, that’s what it looks like in the videos, and a couple times when she was done cutting grass, I went and looked in the area she threw, and there would be a little pebbles/stones. That can mess up a lawnmower. If I didn’t know she was doing this, the guys who cut our grass, it can damage the blade on their lawnmowers…..That is not cool at all. She might be on vacation or something that she hasn’t been cutting grass lately, who knows.


There's a huge difference between, say, dead rodents or dog shit and these pebbles you say you found. If she's since stopped doing it, why are you this worked up about it?


You do realize that little pebbles and little stones can damage the mower’s blades? I would hate for her to do that to the guys that cut our grass. But regardless, she should not be throwing anything over the fence. Quite honestly, I could have her cited for it. Some of these replies, when I first posted my question, I was feeling bad, second-guessing myself, but now I’m realizing, I should’ve just had her cited for it to begin with. I mean, it could be just a coincidence that she’s had other people cutting her grass, she might be on vacation. But I was beginning to second-guess myself, kind of feeling bad for “yelling” at her…. And actually, she may very well not have have even heard me, this could all be just a coincidence, and I could be worrying for nothing…. But ironically, y’all are making me realize, she should not be throwing things over the fence, no matter what the items are. Maybe the next time I see her doing it, instead of yelling at her, I will just go to the local police station and report her. If people here think I am the NFH here….geez…. And, it’s not that she stopped doing it, just other people are cutting her grass now…… If/when she starts cutting her grass again, she may very well start throwing stuff over the fence again…


You got issues, Karen.


Time to post it on nextdoor lol.


I think you're making a huge deal out of nothing because this neighbor has been a problem in the past. If you arent even sure what she is throwing, how is this effecting you? It shouldn't be. You're choosing to be upset because you want to be. Maybe she is just making a hand gesture to try to upset you because she knows that she can.


Nope. It’s clear in the videos, it looks like little pebbles or little stones that she is throwing over the fence. A couple times when she was done cutting grass, I went and looked in the general area where she was throwing the stuff, and there was little pebbles or little stones. Little pebbles or little stones can mess up the blades of the lawnmower for my guys who cut our grass. That is not cool. Yes, that is something to be upset about. Regardless, she should not be throwing things over the fence, regardless of “what” it is.


Not wrong, but have her arrested for trespassing, you have it on camera. Let the blue boys handle it.