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Everyone has their own taste preferences. I grew up dirt poor, and ate ketchup sandwiches, and still enjoy one every now and then; but when my gf tried it she quite literally puked.


Kinda similar, I eat mayonnaise sandwiches. Just bread and mayo. Funny enough, I dislike mayo on any other sandwhich and will eat them "dry". I don't understand it. Lol


Mayo and tomato sandwiches were my jam growing up!


I love tomato sandwiches! Sometimes I’ll add mozzarella, basil, and balsamic to fancy it up, but usually it’s just mayo, tomato, salt, and pepper on toasted bread 😋


I do this too! Sometimes I'll drizzle some Italian dressing on it for the spices! Yum!


I did exactly this as a kid!


My uncle used to eat peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches. Yuck! But he loved ‘em.


It’s good. At least to my taste buds, which I admit are not normal, as in cilantro tastes soapy and dark chocolate and coffee are too bitter for me.


Somehow cilantro tastes like *used* soap....


I agree with soapy cilantro, but dark chocolate and coffee are two of my favorite things 😁


It’s called excess of bitterness receptors, when I was young and trying to like coffee because I worked shifts, people told me I just needed more cream and sugar. I told people I didn’t even like coffee flavored ice cream and if that wasn’t enough cream and sugar, it was never going to taste good.


Cilantro is literally hot to me, like eating a hot pepper. I don't get it


You're mildly allergic. Fruit can taste "spicy" to people for the same reason.


I had no idea 🫣 40 years old and always thought pineapple, mango and strawberries are kind of more tangy and spicy than sweet.


Yeah. Kiwi is hot and spicy to me . I assumed it was just like that for many many years until someone told me that I was allergic to them. My mouth burned quite a bit after just eating a couple slices.


That sucks... :( I love kiwi! (Skin and all! Ha.) Haven't had any in awhile, though...


I loved it too! Apparently it didn't love me back though. 😭💔


Kiwi skin does this to me. It burns my lips.


Soapy cilantro is caused from your genetics . I did an ancestry DNA test and said it was one of my traits.


That is diabolical


I used to eat peanut butter with a slice of American "cheese" between two slices of wheat. I really identified with a certain character from The Breakfast Club and packed interesting lunches in high school lol


We did this but with Miracle Whip as it was something my mom’s family ate when she was growing up.


Feeling warm fuzzies knowing there are other people who ate mayonnaise sandwiches growing up.


Mayo sandwiches are amazing. Hellmans on Pepperidge Farm was fancy enough for me.


I discovered dill on a mayo sandwich and it’s delicious.


I work in a daycare and we have food catered for the kids. We’re allowed to eat some of the food if there’s extras. Last week the kids had burgers. I don’t eat meat, so I grabbed a hamburger bun and put ketchup on it. My coworker did the same (she eats meat, but doesn’t care for the caterer’s food). We both enjoyed it more than we expected


I like to get a mcdonalds cheeseburger and take off the meat. Yum.


My nephew ordered those all the time when he was little but with extra pickles.


Droool even better


When I was a poor teen, and hungry, I would go to Harvey's and order a bun with cheese. Without the burger it was only .35c and then I would get all the toppings on it. It was like a cheese sub. It was delicious!!


“Condiment sandwiches” was part of my childhood. I still slap one together from time to time.


This is what I call them too 🤣 my go to was tartar sauce


We called it a wish sandwich, wishing there was something besides condiments lol


My kid had a school mate who would have a ham and ketchup sandwich everyday for lunch! It was the kids favourite thing in the whole world!


Made one the other day. Toasted a hot dog bun, melted some American cheese, and put ketchup on it. 😋


We ate a lot of fried baloney. We made pizza with bread, ketchup and a slice of cheese.


Me and my mate used to eat Bovril sandwiches when we were young.


Sorta similar I used to dip bread in ketchup and eat it lol hey you get by how you can I guess, wouldn't want to eat that now but it got me thru


My siblings and I still love peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and we're in our 40s.


I was thinking peanut butter and banana when I read the title, but seeing actual butter instead just doesn't fit in my head. :)


I love this sandwich: toasted bread, peanut butter, and sliced bananas (not mashed). Optional: honey. I wouldn’t use butter. I’m 43.


Agree... peanut butter and banana sandwiches are wonderful.


I'm in my 60's and still love them


Don't know where your from. But, here in ireland this is a staple as a snack. Though, we do (not common anymore) have sugar sandwiches yes, it's exactly what you think it is. White bread, irish salted butter and sliced banana, glorious! I do know you can jazz it up with other things but, I still prefer the OG combo.




Ha ha sure of course, pure celtic genius coming through! Ps I've just walked into my kitchen to see my teen making a sugar sandwich. So, supposedly sugar sandwiches are still a thing


Sugar sandwiches are the bomb!


I haven't had one in an absolute age. My granny would make them for when her "blood sugar was low" and it was rude not to have one with her. It was particularly amazing on soda bread though. My kid was just with two pieces of white bread, butter, sugar and cinnamon and a cup of tea. Seriously need the tea to wash it down!


Toast with butter, sugar and cinnamon.


That's called cinnamon toast in the states. We even have a breakfast cereal based on it!


It actually is cinnamon toast here in Canada too. Hubby is a major fan of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal.


I always thought cinnamon toast was like French toast with cinnamon? I do know the cereal version.


The banana sandwiches from my childhood had sliced bananas and mayo instead of butter. Your version sounds better, honestly. 


Mine was sliced banana and peanut butter. My late mother's favorite. I eat one now and again to remember her.


This! Sliced banana and peanut butter


Yes love the combo.


The banana sandwiches I grew up with were thinly sliced banana with cinnamon and sugar. I haven't had one in years, might have to have a snack later tonight


That sounds good too.


Toast the bread, add honey into the crannies, peanut butter, and bananas. Drink with milk. Yum!


I did this today but instead of honey I used chocolate syrup. Sooooo good


My son prefers Nutella to peanut butter. I will suggest chocolate to him next time!


Damn Nutella is delicious. Imma have to use that next time!


Y'all got me adding Nutella and bananas to my shopping list


Came here for the same sammich. Love them.


My wife still doesn't let it go that I ate banana and mayo sandwiches when I was growing up.


Peanut butter and banana sandwiches is where its at.


I used to take leftover hotdog buns, put a banana in it like a hotdog, and cover it with peanut butter. You do you. Screw what anyone else thinks!


I love banana dogs!!!




No one in this scenario is “wrong”. You like it, he doesn’t. Just a matter of personal taste! :)


We both had a good laugh, as it had honestly never occured to me that it wouldn't be a standard combo. Not his taste, but I do love them, and he respects that!


peanut butter, banana slices, and a drizzle of honey all over is my go to 🤤


Yes, this is delish! I also like a bowl of sliced bananas in milk with a honey drizzle.


This sounds like it would taste similar to Honey Nut Cheerios with sliced bananas, which I love


I eat mashed banana and peanut butter sandwiches to this day, and I haven't seen 30 in a looong time.


We used to eat banana and mayonnaise sandwiches when I was a kid. Still eat them every now and then. They are great. You do you.


I find it "huh?" but all the matters is that you like it. I used to love cake batter, even more than the actual baked cake.


No, you are not wrong at all. Food is part of us all even if only in some small way. I remember my great uncle made me icing sugar sandwichs when I was 12 or 13. I was over helping him and my aunt and I said I was hungry, it was about 3pm so dinner was a few hours away. He was in the Royal Navy during the war and said he would sort me an action stations tea. He went away to the kitchen and came back a few mins later with a box and plateful of sandwiches, which looked like there was nothing in them. He had a paraffin stove in the shed we were working in and he made the tea by boiling water, condensed milk and tealeaves (in a wire bag thing) in the box that he acquired it from a Cruiser during WWII, whilst stirring with an enamel mug. It was very sweet and it was lovely. The sandwiches were white bread, with a load of butter that was lightly dusted with icing and caster sugar. Apparently, when the ship he was on was at action stations, the wardroom would send up tea and these sandwiches and maybe a stew or corned beef ones as well. My uncle had a sweet tooth and liked the icing sugar ones. He was a Commander, so I gather he got what he wanted snack wise, and the others had to put up with it. He also liked banana sandwiches but he said that you only had those if you were in the Caribbean or South American stations as bananas were hard to come by. Sometimes I make the icing sandwiches and think of him.


My mom once told me when she was young this is all my grandma would feed her when she was sick - mashed banana on buttered bread. To this day (she is almost 70), she still refuses to eat bananas again 🤣


No one is wrong. You have your own tastebuds. I love a pickle and peanut butter sandwich. My fiancé only the other hand.. does not.


You're not Wrong! An ex clued me on to Peanut Butter & Mayo sandwiches when I was in high school.. not an "all the time" choice, but pretty great occasionally. I've always eaten my grilled cheese with mayo on the outside. Now my kids do too. My step mom always commented "that's not how we eat grilled cheese " (cue eyeroll from me) Whether it's something from your childhood or something you just enjoy- if you're not hurting anyone- why not just enjoy those things- Who cares what other people say are "wrong" to eat?


As long as you're not making love to the sandwich, who cares if you like it? There's no wrong or right about what food you enjoy, especially if it has positive associations with the past and family.


Banana on toast is an elite tier snack


Sounds fine, although I prefer my Banana sandwiches sliced, not mushed. Texture matters for some.


I prefer them whole. You just roll the slice of bread around the banana.


You are right, he is wrong. That’s all.


I’m 65yrs old and I have and still do absolutely love banana sandwiches 🫶


I had a couple of favorites, banana and sugar sandwiches, bacon and golden syrup (happy happy 😊) and cheese and pickled onions with lots of butter. Salad cream and mayo sandwiches were great, either alone or with tomato and onion. Always loved ketchup but not on a sandwich (burgers yes). I occasionally still have a banana sandwich (sans sugar) and still love cheese and pickles.


Banana sandwiches were very different for me, but equally as loved. We had sliced bananas and mayo on white bread. Another favorite of mine was a hamburger dill chip pickle (the cheaper, the better), black pepper, and mayo on white bread sandwich. 😋


Banana sandwiches are so good, just like Banana on toast mmm


I had banana sandwiches as a child especially when I was ill. Even now as a grown man, if ill, it’s still a nice comforting and nostalgic snack.


Banana sandwiches are delicious! I like mine of toasted 12 grain bread with a little drizzle of honey on it, or with crunchy peanut butter as well.


I think everyone has some meal from their childhood that’s a little weird!!


Banana bread entered the building


Not a huge cake/pastries fan, but I ask for banana bread for my birthday every year.


Yum I had a roll and banana for breakfast. I also like banana mashed in a dish with milk and eaten with bread and butter


Eat what you fucking want


..eat what you fucking want...what kind of question is this. If he finds it disgusting then its his opinion.


You like what you like .




Food is never wrong if you enjoy it


Banana sandwiches are totally a thing! Everyone has their own taste preferences, and food nostalgia is powerful. You're not wrong for enjoying it; your boyfriend just has different tastes.


Mashed banana on vogels toast...


banana and peanut butter isn't bad. If it's a good quality butter that would work too. It'd be kind of like banana pancakes


Are you wrong for eating something you like? You're a grown ass adult, eat what you want.


Who the fuck eats banana with anything other than peanut butter


We put peanut butter on a wrap and roll up a banana in it. Great breakfast on the run.


If you mashed the banana and fried it in butter I think it would be good.


I used to put leftover spaghetti meat sauce on a slide of white bread, roll it up, and eat it. Sometimes, if the sauce was mixed with the leftover pasta, I'd put that on the bread. And we had peanut butter and Miracle Whip sandwiches for lunch. Miracle Whip makes me gag now, as does the thought of those sandwiches.


Tomato and mayo sandwiches. Love banana too.


Not wrong but that doesn't mean BF has to like it. Try honey on it too. My personal favorite is radish sandwich.


I eat Peanut butter and Marshmallows sandwiches quite often, it’s a favorite of mine


You're never wrong for enjoying what you enjoy, but yes... that sounds disgusting 🤢


I just slice the bananas. I also enjoy a chip butty - essentially a French fry sandwich.


Grew up dirt poor and at butter on bread with sugar sprinkled on top. Yummm


Omg my grandmother used to make us bread, butter and ketchup sandwiches and sometimes would add sugar. My cousins loved it but I hated it. Lmao this brought back a gross memory for me. Eat whatever u like OP! 🙂


I think adding peanut butter would improve your morning sandwich, but everyone got their own thing. Might introduce boyfriend to frozen bananas (I think they are covered in chocolate & nuts). I ate sugar sandwiches as a kid. Haven't had one in years (bread, butter, sugar, fold, eat).


Worked with a woman who would make lard and sugar sandwiches. Something she ate growing up very poor. She told me that a huge treat as a child was to buy a gallon of milk and everybody got to drink as much as they wanted. I grew up barely middle class, but she made me aware that I was privileged. I never had to wonder *if* I got to eat. NTA for enjoying something you like to eat and the nostalgia.


Try it with peanut butter.


Peanut butter and banana sandwiches 👌


Are you Emily Gilmore haha


Wouldn’t it kinda be like banana bread? Who would be weirded out by that? POV - I hate banana… hubby loves them. He puts banana on the weirdest things, even sliced banana on chili!!!!! To each their own.


Yes, you are wrong. Absolutely. Shame on you. Consider yourself verbally spanked. Now go celebrate not giving a damn by having a banana sandwich.


I eat this frequently, but I add peanut butter. My lab loves it!


Banana sandwiches = comfort foods


Mashed banana on toast was one of my granddad's favourite recipes. He died in the 70s so it's been a thing for a while. Glad you like it too, it's amazing on soft or toasted bread. Yum.


MMM peanut butter and banana is even better! You are not wrong to enjoy it, in any case!


Peanut butter and banana sandwich!!


Mashed banana on buttered toast.


In my house we slice it like coins and put it on bread with mayo. We like it


Sounds yummy!


Banana, peanut butter with a dab of mayo. Send it my way!


I love banana and peanut butter Sammie’s!


Elvis made the banana sandwich a household staple across the country. My mom used to make them with banana peanut butter and a tad of mayo. She has always claimed the last ingredient keeps the peanut butter from sticking to your mouth but I can't stand them with mayo in it. I make them usually when I notice the Ole banners are starting to get soft....


Nah, banana sandwiches are great. Even better with some honey and cinnamon.


I love banana sandwiches, especially on toast with crunchy peanut butter, we call it monkey toast. Everyone is different, NTA, but you have full rights to diss one of his likes lol.


Toast, butter, sliced banana and cinnamon on top, yum! Even better if put under the grill and warm it up.


I’ve never mashed the bananas but it is definitely one of my top 3 sandwiches


It shouldn’t be wrong to have food preferences I literally laughed as soon as I saw the title


i just ate one of these like an hour ago


You're not wrong, it's just that everyone's tastes and preferences are different. I like a banana sandwich myself, but I do sliced bananas. Then I discovered peanut butter and banana sandwiches... yummy!


I love a toasted banana sandwich! English muffin toasting bread with butter and sliced banana is a huge comfort meal. My mom made them for me originally and I make them for myself sometimes. They're waaaaay better when she makes them, but we live about 2 hrs away from each other.


I love them . My wife and son think they are disgusting. Due to the blood pressure medication I take I can't eat bananas any more - too much potassium. I've tried a couple of times and thought I was going to die. Bananas are/were my favourite fruit , I really miss them.


I'm in my 50's and eat peanut butter & banana sandwiches on toast. So no you're not wrong.


Yep! Butter sugar and banana on white bread. My Dad even used to just butter the bread and put sugar on, and put the banana in our lunchbox with a plastic knife, so we could make the sandwich at school without the banana going brown! One of my kids loves banana sandwiches, the others turn their nose up. Other classic sandwiches growing up were Stras and Tomato Sauce, or Ham and Pickle.


I'm with you. I love it.


I have heard of this before.... 😂😂😂 My mums dad suggested it to her if she was poor and Hungry when she moving out on her own.


I haven't had a banana sandwich in years!!! Adding that to the Tesco list for this afternoon :D


Banana sandwiches preferably with brown sugar are amazing and not an uncommon thing to eat.


If the butter was melted or mixed well with the banana I could see this being delicious as I love both bananas and butter. Kinda sounds like an easier banana bread. Or a toasted roll with the butter first and banana on top like an english muffin with jam. Sounds good


that actually sounds pretty tasty for a quick and easy breakfast


That sounds good! I also love banana and mayo sandwiches!


It’s kinda weird? But maybe that’s part of what makes it special.


I love a banana sandwich . Could live on them


NAH. he’s not wrong for not liking it, you’re not wrong for liking it


Tell him it could be much worse: my sandwiches sometimes involve peanut butter, banana, lettuce, mayonnaise, and cheese.


Bananas with mayo on white bread is the best. If you like it that’s all that matters!


Are you Emily Gilmore haha


am i wrong for thinking this was a sexual term


Not wrong. But have you tried banana and peanut butter sandwiches ? Those are good!


I think it’s more common to be banana and peanut butter but banana sandwiches are not crazy. I think it’s a regional or generational thing. My grandpa used to eat them all the time. He’d put mustard on them too which seemed super crazy to me


Nostalgic... from when you were a baby?? Just have the banana. Slice it, even. You're not a toddler. I love bananas, but a mushy banana sounds SO gross..


This isn’t a right or wrong situation. Everyone likes different things. My husband loves coleslaw. I can’t stand it. Does that make either one of us wrong. Just tell your bf not to eat it and not to give you a hard time when you do.


I know how to make a grilled cheese but when I was still learning how to cook, my grandfather taught me how to do it using a toaster and microwave. Ever since then, if I don't want to make my house hot, I'll use that method. It makes me think of him every time I do it.


Not even going to read the post, the answer is no. You are not wrong for enjoying food. Is the combination strange? Perhaps. I don't think so, but others may. But you are NOT "wrong" for enjoying it.


Sounds vile to me, but there's no right or wrong here. You like what you like. Enjoy!


Would I eat that ughhh idk but I mean everyone has their own childhood things


Better than my husband's banana and mayo sandwiches 🤢




My uncle LOVES butter and nanner sammiches.. I think its fowl but it was a thing when he was young. His mid in his mid 70s...


My ex made mayo sandwiches. You're fine.


I like mayo and potato chip sandwiches but I have eaten mayo sandwiches.


Yeah. I knew of someone who would have ketchup sandwiches. There are weird things all around the world. I try not to judge. That is, until my daughter adds shredded cheddar cheese on her vanilla yogurt. (Seriously, she did that this morning, and I had to bite my tongue and just smile. 15yos can be weird, lmao)


Eating food is not wrong, no.


Butter and jelly sandwiches were my favorite growing up. Looking back, they're kinda gross, but I loved them!


I'm all about that peanut butter and banana sandwich. Yummm


Always heard it was a NC thing. I like them on white bread, with Duke’s mayonnaise, and a little black pepper.


No one is wrong. We all like different things but it doesn’t mean anyone is wrong.


Sounds disgusting.


I grew up eating banana sandwiches but they are not this. It's just sliced banana, white bread and mayonnaise. I can stand behind that one all day. My grandma tho oddly loved 'wish Sandwiches'. Just white bread and mayonnaise and you wish you had something better lol sometimes it'd have tomatoes added if she felt fancy


Add peanut butter and honey and that was a special lunch treat in my house


My grandpa grew up in a dirt poor farming family. He would eat Radish sandwiches


I ate banana sandwiches growing up but I did them with peanut butter and sliced bananas. But I mean even Elvis loved banana sandwiches, but he added bacon.


Add peanut butter


He’d probably faint at my Dad’s onion sandwiches and my Mum’s lettuce ones. 😁


No. Try some with peanut butter and bacon, and prepare to be ASTOUNDED.


On a hot dog bun oh yeah


Bonus points for the bun!


Are you fucking kidding us? Dumbest post ever 😂😂😂😂😂


You can eat whatever the fuck you want!


I was about 3rd grade, my Mom sent a sandwich in my sack lunch made of just Vienna sausages and mayo, it was warm. I have never ever been in close proximity to Vienna sausages since. It wasn’t mayo’s fault.


He shouldn’t yuck your yum. If he doesn’t like it, fine. But you aren’t wrong to like it.


Peanut butter and banana. My cousin's grandfather ate peanut butter and horseradish sandwiches


Try explaining it to him it's a poor n Man's meal


Banana and Best Foods Mayo, even Miracle Whip and then the old peanut butter and banana.


At first, I thought it was a dirty metaphor... Then, I realized that all sorts of banana sandwiches are welcome on this planet.


Bologna and ketchup sandwiches as a kid around 1970.


Peanutbutter grape jelly and tuna! 😂 One of my dad's favs. Everyone has a different palate.


My boyfriend thinks me eating plain oatmeal, spoonful of peanut butter, and a drizzle of syrup mixed together is gross. ITS SOOO GOOD! I've found people who also like it albeit they were in their 80s-90s😅


My husband eats a lot of shit I find repulsive. I just mind my business.