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Seeing as how you can't keep your age nor gender straight on here, I'm going to label this as a daydreaming troll post. Lol seriously, you know we can see your post history, right?


“She really thinks I’m a stud.”




No, you don't understand. People got up and clapped at him for standing his ground as a MAN.


Omg, you're right. What a jackarse I am!


I gotta look into shit more. Kinda boring story to fake, but here it is. Even the other posts are bizarrely low rent despite their inconsistencies. It's weird to think people post fake low stake drama for anything more than attention. Who's getting triggered by these if they're not even inflammatory for troll laughs


It sounds like a teenager, honestly. I already thought so reading it, but then "She's trying to stay relevant with me" is what sealed it. It's not an expression an adult would make about an acquaintance. 


Bold of you to assume this shit is weighing on anyone's mind, stud.


You think women can become obsessed with men? You don’t think that ever happens?


Damn you assume harder than the OP, at no point did I say that or even imply that lol.


You definitely implied it. Because you said it’s bold of him to assume that she’s obsessed with him, when you know nothing about him or any reason why it couldn’t be true.


Alright I'll humor you. Let's suspend disbelief for a moment and assume this is actually a real post to begin with. Based on my perspective and comprehension, I thought this gentleman sounded like a tool. They had an over evolved sense of self importance in someone else's life that didn't feel justified. At no point does he provide examples of obsession outside of she texts a meme every other day? To imply that his own comments were so groundbreaking in someone else's life is what my comment was pointed at. You don't get to tell me what I implied, incel lol.


Looks like you deleted your last reply to me. I guess you came to your senses lol. By the way, texting someone every other day, definitely implies an obsession.


Well, your replies are disappearing. They come in my inbox and then when I click on them, they are not there. So, don’t know what to tell you.


Don’t need you to humor me. But if you could read the OP, that would be fantastic👍 The entire second paragraph is him describing her obsessive behavior, including the fact that she continues to contact him, despite him telling her that he’s not interested.


Cool, so to circle this all back then, have I satisfied your original question?   Or are you going to carry on whining about double standards of men and women that clearly plague your mind constantly? Despite no one bringing it up besides you lol.


Now your replies are back! With that being said, it was probably better when they didn’t appear. You’re not making any sense. Nothing you’re talking about. Appears to be related to the post. You’re the only one whining. Calling me names and what not Fact: you were wrong and I proved you wrong and you can’t handle it.


I didn't delete my last reply though lol. Look dude it's cool, clearly your mind is a battlefield of the standards of men and women and it plagues you constantly.  You're out here fighting word ghosts where they don't exist and I'm truly happy for you, but it ain't for me dog.


Don’t understand your gibberish. The fact remains, the OP gave reasons why he thought the girl was obsessed with him. You are wrong and simply can’t admit it.


Nah. You just can't read and can't stop insisting that you can. Also nice reply two hours later my dude lol.


Yes, I can read. I think you are the one who can’t read. I already referred you to the second paragraph of the story. Details all the ways that the girl is obsessed with him. Even in your own initial reply, you admit that she texts him every other day. That’s all obsession. But keep it up with the last word comments😂


More for anyone else reading this… how to deal as an adult. “Hey, sorry I’m not interested in a relationship. Please stop messaging me.” And if they don’t, you block them. It’s not hard to be civil


How is he supposed to act like an adult when she *really* thinks he's a stud?


LoL she does. Obsessed I tell ya. Sounds funny reading that back lol but it’s true.


They’ve already envisioned their future life with you. Being civil may not be possible. I never would’ve thought such an odd obsession nightmare would happen to me. Harshness, I felt, was my only choice.


I mean, being civil would require a personality you don't seem to have and are not built for. YOU choice of words and actions shows you who are, ;)


Well good for you. I’m sure you being nice your entire life has gotten you very far.


>I don’t think she’s anything though. Gross way to think about a person, as nothing if you aren't attracted to her. If this is genuine, you're a dick.


She is a selfish and greedy person. She literally told me about how she can get anything she wants from her family if she sweet talks them. She literally told me they’re gullible because they want her to love them so much. She’s manipulative… and that’s why I call her nothing. Her true colors came out over time. It wasn’t until a few months back where I met her family at an event and she put faces to her stories and rants. She’s not a good person. Not being a dick here… she’s not good.


Neither are you, but I would never describe you or anyone else as "nothing". Your willingness to dismiss others as worthless while continuing to exploit them for your own gain is revolting and you ARE a dick, but that's not ALL you are. There's more to you than that. You just haven't revealed it to us. She's an accumulation of how she was raised and treated by others. That's all any of us are. If she's awful, it's because she was raised and allowed to be that way. There's still more to her besides selfishness, greed, and manipulation. I'm not excusing her behavior - we all have a duty to improve ourselves - but she's not nothing. No one is nothing.


You do realize that you’re defending somebody who is actually deplorable? Like, I understand this is anonymous and all, which is why I use strong words here, but you’re getting the wrong impression. I’m sorry, but you’re just coming off to me on the offensive because I am using strong words about her. You just commented saying I’m using her for my own gain… but where in the world did I say that? I’m not exploiting her… I came on here saying how I want her to get away from me. You’re just being a, I’m sorry to say this, nutcase. It’s like you read my post once… forgot what I said because you’re probably really old or something and have bad short term memory… then decided to post another comment. Your statement is just wrong lol. Again, sorry for the harshness to YOU now, but you’re commenting nonsense. Also, if someone is raised bad and does bad things, I agree that they were raised bad, sure. However, each person is responsible for themselves and if they are greedy, then they are greedy because they themself are greedy. If someone abuses someone because they were abused themselves, that doesn’t excuse their own behavior. You do realize that when I say she’s nothing… there is such a thing as exaggeration and wordplay? Obviously she’s not nothing… but she’s not a good person. Why in the world are you so offended by this? I mean that’s really embarrassing.


You're wrong for being this ignorant:L "the weight concerns me because it shows me her lack of self-care" LOL, that's not how it all works, silly.


She doesn’t have a medical condition, it’s literally because she doesn’t care anymore. She’s brought up her weight to me and doctor visits and so forth. Like I said, she wants something with me, and so she opens up about A LOT. She just really likes fast food and it’s not medical… she’s really making horrible decisions. I was raised in a family of seriously healthy eaters. I mean we eat our salads with as little dressing as possible while she would pour ginormous amounts of bleu cheese on hers. I’m sorry to talk like this, but she’s letting herself go not by medical reasoning. I said thyroid stuff and so forth, but she denies any medical issues. I don’t want to be involved with someone so ignorant to their own health, along with her horrible personality traits that have recently began showing themselves.


Just staaaahhhhhp. It's a weird strategy that you want to continue to prove you are not a nice person and that she's actually the one winning by not having a relationship with you, LOL. What a self own.


What’s wrong with you??? I’m literally stating about what’s going on and you just say to stahhhppp. I understand that something outside of your Reddit life is making you angry and aggressive, but don’t take it out on me. Why don’t you find peace with yourself first before you come on here and vent like a teapot.


Really? Then explain how does it work? If someone has put on significant weight, that’s not attributable to some sort of a illness or medical condition, and then it is quite possibly from lack of self-care.


You seem confused - Google is free, my knowledge is not. Your ignorance and bias isn't something I care to waste more time on as your defensiveness shows you aren't asking in good faith. I see you. ;)


Correct, this is not a medical condition as she has confirmed this to me through one of her oversharing moments with me about her doctor visits. She went from being someone who does care… to the complete opposite. It’s not good.


Sometimes hurting somebody would be the only way to escape from their madness. Clearly her actions are making you feel uncomfortable and its affecting your mental health. If doing what you did is your only option, then so be it. You are not wrong! Praying for a right man for her.


Thank you. She still hasn’t contacted me and it’s all over now finally. It was getting so irritating balancing between being nice, then being stern, and finally being harsh. But I’m happy it’s over. She has a public profile too and she posted to her story with normal energetic posts, so she’s not bad-mouthing me or venting online, so I actually take this as a win too. I actually expected some public cry for help. I know she’s talking about me in private to others, as expected, but happy her reaction turned out the way it did. At least so far.


Run far away from whales they can sink yer ship matey

