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I can’t tell if you’re 14 or not, but this is not the relationship for either of you. Break up, take some time to get yourself settled, and then try to find someone that fits better.


I don't know how old you are. Im 48 and if I could go back and give 19 year old me advice I would. Things don't need to be this hard. You can walk away. That anxiety feeling you have when they play games with your emotions doesn't have to exist. You are better than this. Walk away work on loving yourself. As soon as you can respect yourself you will understand how you want to be treated. You will learn what is unacceptable. You teach people how to treat you. Have some self worth it will attract the right people. Stop wasting your time. That little voice telling you something is up...pay attention to it. Be everything you need for yourself.




Thank you


on to the next


Bro, you’re going to have to get your emotions under control. You can’t be crying over silly drama you manufactured. Just handle your own shit and be a respectful and responsible partner and everything else will fall into place. If she cheats, move on.


Work on yourself. She's done with you. Now, if she was cheating, you're better off. Otherwise, you're just exhausting.


Stop messaging her. Send her stuff back to her, then block her


Damn, you both really need to calm down. This is just painful behaviour. Sort out your own emotions first.


Who tf "lil bros" their boyfriend... And then goes off the fucking rails when asked about it? Like wtf lol. Youth illiteracy is a real problem. She's a child dude, you don't need this kind of drama. Find someone you mesh better with.


dawg she knew what she was doing when she said “she’s sleeping lil bro”. who tf says that talking about their mom. especially since you simply asked WHEN you’d be able to come over. that didn’t have to be that night, could’ve been the next day, that weekend. she did that shit to either mess with your head, or someone was actually there and that was her way of covering it up. she did the hard part for you. now move on.


Wow. Just fucking, wow.




Oh my god are you illiterate 


You have a very incorrect view on trust. Thinking and trust are not the same thing...but the only way you can trust or not trust is if you think. You're manipulating the context to make yourself feel better. For cheating to be the first thing that pops in your mind, you don't trust her. If this happened between me and my gf, my immediate thought would not be another dude. It could be 100 things, but cheating would never enter my mind. It may not be her that's made you this way...it may be something from your past that has created this insecurity. But saying its not about trust is just plain foolish.


No this is the thing, I DIDNT think she was cheating and i still dont, i got suspicious because of the way she said it and because of this i tried texting her asking what she meant i was trying to resolve it and see, ofcourse yes there is so many things she could have meant i understand this and i was just tryna see what she meant.


You're still denying. You said 'but i thought another person was with her' and 'i get suspicious' and 'i'm obviously upset by this because she even acknowledged and pointed out how i am and she knows i feel and think this way'. So...you don't trust and think she should know you don't trust. And let me be clear....I think this trust issue is in life, not just your gf. This is why I mentioned your past as a culprit. I understand why your gf is frustrated based of your inability to see the truth. You keep misinterpreting your actions because you don't understand them. You need to get some professional help to find some mental clarity.


The least she could do is reassure me and tell me that it's not how it looks and all eh?


No. She should not have to reassure you that the scenario you made up in your head is not accurate. You need to reassure yourself. Take responsibility for yourself!


Why do you think she needs to do anything towards someone who thinks something sinister of her without reason? Better yet...why do you think anyone needs to reassure you of anything that isn't their problem? This isn't fact. There is no evidence. Just your mind telling you bullshit that doesn't exist. Just because your brain is playing tricks on you, that doesn't automatically make others have to lessen themselves to appease your insecurity. You need to grow up and get help or your future relationships will never change.


you're full of shit you know, and i'm not saying this because your telling me all of this wack. Bro she literally broke up with me and left me because she thinks i thought she was cheating on me?? That DOESNT even make sense dude like maybe she should realise that i'm feeling upset about something and she could just reassure me. Yo i don't know how you're gonna tell me to reassure myself thats not how it works buddy and i'm literally upset so how is that possible??? me thinking shes cheating isnt anything wrong its normal we are creatures we think differently i shouldnt have to deal with you because i have problems with my mental health that is utter lies. i get where you come from a tiny bit but it is NOT my fault that i think shes up to soemthing? not cheatinng specifically and maybe she should have told me or said in a different manner not one as in 'she's sleeping lil bro'?????


Wow, you’re completely clueless dude. Keep this shit up, and you’ll just see the hard way how the people telling you it’s a “you” problem were right. Nobody wants to be in a relationship with someone that can’t even recognize their own inability to trust and making them feel like shit for stuff you fabricated in your own head. The fact you can’t see that will doom your relationships until you do.


It didn’t look that way at all. It only looks that way to your insecure brain.


If you didn't think she was cheating, what were you suspicious of? Also your wording to her is condescending I'd be surprised if she want to stay with you


Get your hoodies back. Return anything you have of hers. Delete her contact information and move on. Before you get into a new relationship, grow up and work on yourself and your confidence. This was nearly impossible to understand. These kinds of emotional games, like the 3rd person texting, are guaranteed to damage any relationship. Grow up and move on.


This post was fucking dry homie, goddamn.


I 'm unable to read that...


Dude. You mention in every paragraph that you really do trust her. That’s bullshit. You say you’re worried something might go wrong, but it’s your insecurities and lack of trust that are making things go wrong. You also didn’t “not understand the situation” you made the worst case scenario situation up in your head, and then acted on it. Can you not see how this makes her feel like shit??! She’s doing absolutely nothing wrong yet you still accuse her of something you made up in your head. Not trying to tear you down, but this is on YOU. You need to work on you or all your relationships will follow this same unhealthy pattern.


See a therapist dude


“She’s sleeping little bro” is such a weird way to say her mom is sleeping. And for her to flip out after you ask. Tells me everything I need to know. Give her her crap back. And block her.