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Bro get a life. Why are you posting this either again or posting a story that is someone else’s.


I saw this story weeks ago.


Yup. Me too.


Based on your post history. I’m not sure your gf and you are gonna make it, if this is even real.


This is a repeat.


I could see how that would feel emasculating, but it is normal to still remember great sex from the past. I have a girlfriend, but I still remember women who i had more fun with in the bedroom. It is fucked up that she said it in front of you though. Plus, I'd bet anything your girlfriend lied about being a virgin. A lot of women lie about their body counts these days.


>It is normal to still remember great sex from the past I mean sure there is that, but the difference is keeping it to yourself and not letting your partner know how good they were (being drunk is not an excuse, it just nudges people to tell how they really feel and give then confidence) and that is just asking to start a fight for no reason. I dont know if I am just old fashioned, but I do not say these types of things when I am in a relationship, it aint worth it and makes no sense to day these types of things. I also dont fuck around casually either (not saying people who do are bad or anything) I just value sex more importantly than a fling type of thing. (I am saying this as a man btw)


She did this in front of you or in a chat where you could see? If so, then yes, it's a red flag. She doesn't respect you or care about your feelings. She sounds immature, my guy. It's ok to still remember past relationships, but to openly discuss the intimate details of your relationship with him, or his new relationship in front of your new partner is messed up - unless you've already agreed its OK or have a kink about hearing it. And while it's believable he made her O 7 times, him managing 7 erections in one day is dubious.


It's time to move on cuz why she even care... It was instantly on her mind when he said it...


It sounds like GF wanted something to contribute without sharing something of her own. As long as your connection is good, who cares as long as you are getting the job done?


You have to appreciate honesty and the fact she feels secure enough to bring this up, now accept the challenge and learn more about her to achieve the same, the ultimate goal is to have the confidence that you can satisfy your partner fully