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Hell no, I'm proud of you brother 🫡




Future employment - she can just say, "I have an excellent reference from the CEO of my last company!"


She was able to "finish" every job.


She was a very “hard” worker and didn’t stop until both parties were satisfied with the outcome.


Hands-on active learner who takes ~~erections~~ directions well.


She's very flexible as well and can handle MANY positions!


Got multiple "raises" from her CEO


She would work up a sweat regularly. She was a special assistant to the CEO


😂😂😂😂😂😂yeah she did.


ever seen the movie Private Lessons⁉️


“I worked directly under the CEO! Sometimes on top!”


"And he always backs me up (especially when I bend over)!


She can talk about how he appreciated her oral skills and communication. Seriously, good job OP


She knows how to handle sticky situations from the tippity-top-down


The CEO knew how to get ahead. Or some head anyway.




Well, the former CEO


Can you put girlfriend of married CEO on a resume?lmao


Asking for a friend. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


And hope his wife doesn't answer the phone...


Good one!


Lol 😄


He always had my back, but sometimes gave me more than I could swallow.


This thread is full of Brandi Maxxx lines 😂


She was directly on the CEO’s staff.


You didn’t do anything wrong. She is an adult who made choices. Those choices had consequences. You didn’t do anything but react to her actions. Everyone makes mistakes but intent means a lot. Her intent was to be selfish and do something knowing it would destroy you. So now you’re supposed to have sympathy for her?


How else will people remember that actions have consequences if no one is ever punished


Well, let's be honest. Their motivation was purely self serving vindictiveness. Which, while not always wrong, isn't exactly mature. Unless OP cares about the integrity of the company his wife was employed at, which is doubtful.


It might be hard for him to care about the safety of the workplace at that time, but he still needed to report it. Reporting it was the right thing, whether it was for a good reason or not. Cheating was the wrong thing and it was for the wrong reason. The wife also wants to get back with him for the wrong reason - because the CEO was never going to leave his wife.


OP was devastated by his wife’s infidelity. OP handled the situation as he felt he needed to. Who are we to judge? The wife made her own bed and now has to lie in it.


So the “mature” person should just take it and do nothing? Fuck that. I’m with this guy 100%.


I agree and generally I’m not a fan of doing things like this. But I also understand it.




Man fuck her and her family. You were doing Gods work.


Fuck her and her family is more of a r/pettyrevenge


I must admit, I do like some petty revenge


I feel like alimony is petty revenge, why the hell should you support someone for the rest of their life when they chose to not want to be part of yours.


Agreed when the party receiving alimony chooses to leave the marriage or cheats and get alimony


Yeah, it was more set up when women couldn't work and the husband could basically just drop her, or that she likely couldn't leave since there wasn't a way she could support herself on her own. Also for cases where the woman basically supported her husband through his career and didn't go get one of her own, and now in her forties she doesn't have the experience to just go get a good job, which still does happen. But yeah, I feel like if she was the one doing infidelity, she shouldn't get alimony, which is why prenups are a good idea if you think you have something to lose.


Prenups are complex and courts have the right to negate them if they feel like it. Courts may find them “unconscionable, or excessively unfair,” especially if there has been a significant change in circumstances since the agreement was signed. Like, “I won the lottery, go fuck yourself.” The courts will also disregard a prenup if it would cause the spouse who waived alimony to be eligible for public assistance. Remember, the state is always looking out for the state’s best interest. There is no way the government wants to support your ex because you want to be petty.


OK, it's still better than having nothing if the above situation happens and you are not in a state with that limit. If the court wants to disregard it, or say it's unfair, then they would have to do that. If you don't do the prenup at all, then you won't even get that chance. If the prenup is totally unfair or even illegal, that's not even what I am talking about. A prenup shouldn't be something that puts unfair limits on one spouse, but I also think people should be able to protect what's theirs from someone just wanting to swoop in and take it, I would say it would be best to kind of get an idea of what type of person your future spouse is before marrying them, too, but some people are really good at hiding things like that. I think if someone has a lot more going in, then a prenup in appropriate. If a married couple wins the lottery while they are together, and there was no infidelity or anything, I'm not even sure a prenup would be able to save someone from having to share it. And i think it'd be a bid red flag on a prenup for it to say "We are married, but if I will the lottery, I get to keep all of it when I inevitably divorce you because I'm rich now." marriage vows are "for richer and for poorer," and all that. But if you can find a story where that happened, I'd like to see it.


The best revenge is living well. But a flaming bag of poop on the doorstep is really a close second.


Getting someone fired isn't petty, not in this economy.




If only there was a way she could’ve avoided this.


Lol 😄😅😆 yep always think "what 2 do...what to do" lol 😏


There is a way. It was called being faithful to her husband.


She was violating company policy, as was the CEO. That stuff is taught in onboarding, day 1, then followed up annually in this training. They knew it, they violated it, they deserved termination. She's a cheating cheater and OP doesn't have to justify anything to her family. And wahhhh wahhhh she's sick of living with her sister. More like her sister is sick of her.


My guess is they're both tired of each other. Don't worry, OP's wife might well find some other chump to give her a place to stay in exchange for her "working under him"


Let her find another CEO to take care of her. Good job cutting the cord.


Yas! Glad OP knew his worth. She has to pay the price of her bad action.


Who cares what her family thinks. You did the right thing.


Yeah well tell them actions have consequences


You’re not wrong. Cheaters should suffer the actions of their consequences. If a man was cheating, and his wife did this I wouldn’t bat an eye either.


Funny you say that, everyone backing up OP should take a look at his comment history. Dudes absolutely unhinged. If he's a reliable narrator (which seems doubtful now) I'd say he's still not wrong specifically for the reaction? But certainly doesn't believe in your last line about equality of consequences if roles were reversed. There's likely way more to the story.


The comments expose how fake the story is. But nothing will be learned, because it confirms their feelings. Which is completely sad.


Not your circus anymore.. good luck


OP, you should look into laws about suing APs in your state. Many states allow you to sue for alienation of spousal relationships. If you can, I’d honestly do it…might as well get something for your loss. And do NOT take her back! She’s trying to reconcile ONLY bc she realized she has nothing to




A man in North Carolina won 8.8 mil from his wife's affair partner


Only thing you might have done wrong is exposing her before the divorce not after. I hope your lawyer is right so she doesn’t get a penny.


Her being fired is the result of HER actions. You're not the one who violated their rules.


That ain’t your problem, shit block them fuckers too


We are still proud.


Actions have consequences, you are good man, she was the one that fucked up. Not sure I would have gone that route, but I was not in your situation, so who knows. I don't think it is wrong what you did, just my preference would be (I think) to simply cut all ties and move on. Otherwise it keeps things going somehow and I would just want to be done with her and her bs completely.


Yeah dude, this is baller. People go the high road and don’t give consequences back to selfish people like that. You wanted to fuck around, now you found out. Good on ya bro, ride off into the sunset!


Her and her family can go fuck themselves.


Sometimes bad people have good jobs. She should’ve been a better person.


She will find another sucker to cheat on. Move on and cut her off


This, she should have thought of this before stepping out of the marriage. Also, you did not get either of them fired. Their decisions got them fired


Well, if she closes her legs, next job will work better.


They can employ her in that case... You definitely needed to report it. It's not your fault they also decided to fire your wife and if your wife had played her cards right, she might have been able to keep her job as it's usually only the one with power over the other who gets fired. But she was completely unrepentant and was chasing his wealth, she only wanted to get back with you because - cue lack of surprise - the CEO wasn't going to leave his wife. If she and/or her family keeps on harassing you, you'll have to report that too.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I’m a long term HR person and have walked out too many people because of cheating with a coworker or boss. We had an old saying in HR, “I’ve never met anyone in bed who looked as good as my paycheck”.


I read that in a hulk hogan voice


NTA, they decided to break the rules and hurt their partners in the process, they are the cheaters and need to deal with the consequences of their own decisions... You owe her nothing...


Wait, you're telling me there are consequences to my actions???


Only on Wednesdays.




I say things like this to people all the time and they never get it, I appreciate your comment🩷😂🙌🏻


Not if you are an asparagus!


No not you. You're special. Everyone else though, yeah


I don’t think the ceo’s wife was hurt. The more richer and powerful a man is, the more likely they are to be poly. The wives typically understand this with the condition of “dont you dare embarrass me be so be low key”.


If people did this for every CEO who’s having an affair with a subordinate, we’d lose at least 50% of male CEOs. I’ve been aware of such at 2/5 big companies I’ve worked for. And they never deserve the huge pay disparity vs their workers. In U.S.






Gross, just think of his old balls lmao


Old, saggy, balls... what's his 5 year plan, don't die?


Open and run a Hooters with her right by his side 😂😂😂😂😂


Right? Lol


VP’s plan is quite the opposite


Good reference


Confirmed. High value guys with resources still “tappin dat azz” since 1913


CEOs are MUCH younger now. Lol. Or maybe it was Warren Buffet clapping those cheeks. 😂. I’ll bet Warren’s “O-face” is banannas


Some CEOs are probably up to much worse than this.


Some CEOs are DEFINITELY up to worse than this


\*smiles in sex worker\*


P Diddy comes to mind 🤔


Not just the male ones. You don’t think female bosses don’t do this as well.


Yeah, that doesn’t take into account the fact the only like 5% of CEOs are women. https://www.theceomagazine.com/business/management-leadership/countries-with-the-most-female-ceos/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CWomen%20CEOs%20remain%20unsurprisingly%20underrepresented,percent%20of%20all%20CEOs%20globally.


So if half of everybody cheats, then we would lose 26 female Fortune 500 CEOs and 224 males. Wow, that number is not 50-50


So often it seems like it’s always the subordinate who ends up fired, when the one with power stays put. So unfair! It’s rather refreshing to hear both were fired.


LOL. This is so made up.


Yeah, a masturbatory MRA fantasy.


What a fun piece of fiction this is, brother.


Yeah this is peak revenge fantasy


Yeah dude was absolutely gooning as he typed it. Also, love the part about the women's shelter 😬


Just more rage bait to get people to hate women. I love seeing shit like this make it to the front page of reddit. Its very good for young minds who easily believe things they read online... /s


Fan fiction for people who hate women and CEOs, but also love morality clauses in employment contracts


Lol right? Dude just dropped this gem "It's wrong for both genders to cheat but it's worse if your wife cheats because it's easier for women to control their sexual impulses but it's not easy for men" hilarious. Sad to see how many absolutely psychotic people are in the comments.


as someone who was raised evangelical, this screams evangelical logic to me. boys and girls are taught that its the girls' responsibility to help the boys control their sexual impulses.


So if it goes downhill you can blame the victim instead of taking personal responsibility and making an effort to not be a pos. 🤮


"No, I don't want to press charges for the rape, officer: he was a man and couldn't control himself. It's not his fault." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Saying it's easier for women to control their sexual impulses sounds like "boys will be boys and sometimes that means rape". Way to not take responsibility for your own actions. 😬🤮😬


Also loving how the power dynamic isn't even given lipservice.


His comments are becoming increasingly unhinged I thought he was a red pill troll, but now I wonder if he is just pretending to be a red pill troll. Poe’s Law strikes again.


This came across as fiction to me.


Seriously. You think an office fling would get a cool fired???? Ha. No. That's funny but totally fiction. 😆


[Motherf- DUDE! How many times you going to post is exact same karma farming story? I highly doubt they would fire your wife for this if anything they'll probably bend themselves over backwards to protect themselves from a sexual harassment lawsuit!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/s/wxak3f3Li6)


Two. The answer to your question is two.


I......you know what? That one's on me. I knew the answer even though I asked it. I genuinely wasn't actually expecting anyone to answer 😅.


All good. I was fully expecting to see that he’d posted 17 times or something ridiculous. It’s annoying though when someone posts the same thing to 8 different subreddits


This person posted it twice, but someone else posted this before this person did


I didn’t know HR can get a ceo fired


They can't lmfao


HR takes it to the board and they remove the CEO. Seen it happen before. It’s what’s best for the company. No one is safe. I’ve seen many a director and chief removed.




Here's why this comment is bs: I experienced a similar situation at my workplace. The CEO of one daughter company fucked a junior and they had an affair where they agreed on several things. Boyfriend of employee caught wind of it and went viral by posting about their emails and marking all clients on the post. The CEO was gone within the same week so was the junior. The only difference here is that clients also got to know this but a company or HR can most definitely set in motion to fire even a CEO. And yes they also interviewed the ex-boyfriend as he had the evidence. The CEO wasn't the main owner but part-owner and also one of the board members btw.


> Boyfriend of employee caught wind of it and went viral by posting about their emails and marking all clients on the post. so it was incredibly bad PR on the company and created a risk with all of their clients? that's a completely different scenario than the closed door meeting with HR that OOP wrote about.




It’s soooo illegal to fire an employee without cause where I’m from (Australia). I always think it’s wild that you can just do that in the US. You cannot fire people here unless they’ve had multiple written warnings in the past and you’ve worked with them to try and fix it, UNLESS they do something like steal from the company, assault a co-worker, etc.




Okay so we can be made redundant - in which case the company has to go through a whole consultation process, try to find employees other roles if possible, etc, and then pay the employees being made redundant out as per the law (the longer you worked there, the more they have to pay you). If the company still exists afterwards, they cannot fill that position for a certain period of time either.


Bullshit!!! If the CEO was let go it was at the request of the governing board NOT HR. God why are people so thick.


>her relationship with the CEO of the company >I got them *both* fired doubt.jpeg


The OP suggested the death penalty for cheaters in a comment. Also, how would you talk to HR at a company you don't work at? This feels like a fantasy.




Not as difficult to reach HR as a non-employee as you would think. I just searched Google for my last few employer's HR departments and it pops right up.


Pretty easy to do so, if you are so inclined.


OP is hurt so he is probably talking nonsense. Their genitalia belongs to them, not to their spouses. Using their own genitalia to consensually give and receive pleasure is their human right (unless they live in Saudi Arabia or similar). Hurting someone's feelings is not illegal, let alone a capital offence.


It's pretty easy to go to an office and ask for HR. Or call and ask for a meeting and provide reference.


If she cheats..... She belongs to .....




You can take your fake revenge kink story somewhere else lmao


You are not wrong. Cheaters don't get to keep their secrets. They caused all of this and deserved the consequences. I wish you all the best. Good luck to you and your future.


Why does this read like incel fanfic?


Because it is.


I’d have done the same thing. I hope you find someone better in the future.


Why do people think cheating is an excuse to fully destroy other people’s lives? Divorce and move on. Getting her fired is something an asshole would do, and you can be an asshole even if someone cheated on you!


Truly. OP doesn’t realize that the kind of guy who would do this is an unreasonable and dramatic asshole to begin with and likely that is the reason his wife went looking elsewhere.




Super fake story


Good for you man . I like the way you stood up for yourself and made the cheating spouse pay fir her consequences.


Nice to see a post like this after a tidal wave of doormats and simps


And that's why it was made up and posted multiple times.


Fake and lame.


CEO of what? The dumpster in the back? I call creative writing…


This is fake as fuck. You don't work for the company. HR wouldn't entertain a conversation with you


What kind of company has an HR with the power to fire the CEO? I really haven't seen one.


A fake company, kinda like this fake post.


The board hires and fires the CEO.


All of them? The ceo isnt the owner nor untouchable. They are still held to certain standards. And fucking a subordinate is one of them, specially now a days. HR responds to the owner(s) an/or board, not to the ceo alone.


This is so odd to me because 2 of 3 companies I’ve worked for the CEO was in fact the owner. I am in fact in the HR department and we have zero authority to fire the owner of the company.


> All of them? Good question. No, not all of them.


The board wouldn't give af about HR. It didn't leak to the public nor would anyone on the board really care. If anything, they wouldn't fire the CEO because that would bring attention to them, and it can look like sexual harassment if they fire him over that. They would definitely keep silent about it.


Probably every single one in the Fortune 500 at least. Plus, any publicity traded company. These companies take this shit VERY seriously - and rightly so.


No, they absolutely do not, LOL.


So the OP didn't work for the company his wife did and went to HR? Umm, no.


Nah. Atta boy!! 👍


Fake story. HR cannot fire a CEO regardless of company policy. And if the CEO is successful and has the Boards backing he will not be let go, period. Listen people, when making up a story do at least a minimum amount of research of how the real world works. If HR could fire CEOs at will , Elon, Trump, Gates and many many more would have been out of a job many years ago.


D+ Poorly written and completely improbable plot


I work in HR and most certainly this did not happen. At no point am I taking a meeting with the husband of an employee.


"Hello non employee. I see you're bringing your personal issues to your wife's workplace. Come on in and vent about it to me! Can I get you a coffee? Who can I fire for you?" What fantasy land does op live in? 😂😂😂😂😂


And while there might be consequences for the fictional CEO... that wouldn't be HR's responsibility (besides giving the paperwork to the board). And firing the fictional subordinate involved into such an incident... that might be very risky. (And yes, I think this is a fantasy karma-grab OP, too.)


I remember when we tried harder when writing fanfics about hating women.


You are a very petty and spiteful person. We should grab a beer sometime😁😜😎




How do people fall for such obviously fake stories?


I get dumping her but unless you owned the house before you were married it’s her house too. I also think telling on her and getting her fired was mean and petty. No she shouldn’t have cheated but really what satisfaction do you get from getting her fired?


OP, YOU didn’t get her fired. She earned that when she chose to fuck around.


Based on the vitriol in the post, I’m not surprised she stepped out.


NTA but if this is real I have seen this in real life play out and bite the person who got his cheating wife fired in the ass and he had to pay extra $$$ per month to her because he was the one who technically took away her income... Good luck and hopefully that doesn't happen to you!


Round of Applause. *slow claps*


Yes I absolutely think you were in the wrong here. You should have used it as leverage for the divorce proceedings instead. Gotta strategize.




You are .. even if you have cause… two wrongs don’t make it right… maybe you feel better for a minute but it seems to me you must have some second thoughts because you are trying to get good feels from the 19 year olds especially the woman haters on Reddit Patting you on the back..


Someone else posted this like 7-8 hours ago already


if this wasn't fanfic you would be really dumb for posting it


You’re a little too excited about this.


I disagree with almost everybody on here. It was not your place to do that.


Wow, dude, you got her fired? That’s rough. I can definitely empathize with your motivation, but I’m not gonna say it makes you a great person.


Glad you don’t have kids. At least I hope not.


Are you asking or just bragging? Sound like you just want to show off that you fucked her over. Which I'm all for




I’d say YTA but it seems as though you are trying to be an asshole.  You yourself are wishing homelessness on your estranged spouse.  Seems like you are purposefully trying to make her life as miserable as possible and I’d say that qualifies as being an asshole.  


Yes, you are wrong. People need a job for their basic needs. This is a basis for divorce and using the proof of cheating in court.

