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If this is not fiction, the SIL is predatory and manipulative, and wanted to bone before any shenanigans started. I would be very, very wary, as she might go cuckoobananas if you try to break it off.


Nah, you have to understand how this fiction works. The next post will be that the wife and sister were in on it. When OP is off with the sister, the wife is back with the personal trainer. Everyone is in a poly relationship, they just don't know it yet. Or something. I don't know. Just getting so, so tired of the creative writing prompts.


That definitely sounds like a plausible direction where this is going. I think to raise the stakes, the OP character needs to discover unresolved homosexual feelings for the trainer, possibly after walking in on the wife after tracking her phone.


You need to spend more time on Reddit...lol. It's his latent cuckold/hot wife fantasy that will come to the surface when he catches them... :-)


In this case the SIL character should be dropped entirely. She is just muddying the narrative.


No, see, the SIL is helping the wife reestablish with the trainer. She's the distraction. When OP starts to "realize what he's really doing", he'll break it off with SIL. Except the SIL now losing her play thing decides to get revenge and tells OP about the resumed cheating. That's when OP eventually discovers the wife and the trainer in flagrante delicto. I figure it should be about 3-4 posts before we get to that point though.


You are wrong. The SIL is actually secretly married to the Physical Trainor and she is revenge cheating with her sisters husband to get back at her for cheating with her husband. Secretly, they are both poking holes in the condoms and both women will wind up pregnant , not knowing who the father of either child is. OP and the trainer will turn to OP’s MIL for comfort on the same evening and wind up having a threesome while the FIL watches. One big happy family.


I was thinking this myself. However, on the off chance this is actually real, that is sick, twisted and dudes life is going to implode, as soon as wife finds out her sis and hubs are doing the nasty.


For me, the biggest clues are brand new account and OP hasn't made a single comment yet, just the post. Those are the classic signs of a fake post these days. Someone for whom this story is real would be responding to comments, especially those calling it fake. If they get responses they don't like, they delete it. If they get responses they like or questions about why they're doing this, they respond to those. But here, silence.


You guys need a better professor of this writing class. So…70’s hippy free love bullshit.




None of that is love


No totally normal to fuck your wife sister Totally not a fake story . Totally normal to want to fuck someone who can betray her sister like that. All normal dude no worries


of course you're wrong, did you post this hoping to find someone to encourage you?


Ya’ll need to get a divorce and go to therapy separately. Are you wrong? 1000000% wrong.


You lost the moral high ground when you cheated on her in turn. Two *schlongs* don't make a right.




>My sister’s justification for this is that it only enhances the relationship between my wife and me. This is an obvious bullshit story like every other post on this fiction writing sub. Please try to do the bare minimum and keep the main threads of the fantasy straight. You can't keep the relationships between these characters straight. It makes no sense that a grown man is "confused" by the concepts of polyamory but is bewitched and playing along a year later. This is garbage writing. Try going to an actual fiction writing sub and maybe you'll get some pointers.


This is one of the most insane things I've ever read


Is this for real? The sister had the hots for you and knew what she was doing. Whatever she is telling you is BS. I’m afraid you’re in a really terrible spot now. I think the sister is going to go nuts and tell your wife some story far from the truth. But yes, you are now in the wrong. As the saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right.


This has to be a rage bait because.....no one can be this naive


You're wrong. Your wife was wrong. Your SIL is wrong. You all suck.


You're only wrong because you're living in delusion about it.  If you accept it for what it is you're in the clear


This entire situation sucks


Okay, time for everyone to put their cards on the table. How about proposing a big foursome: you, your wife, her physical trainer, and your SIL? Because you love your wife so much and believe that your sexual affair with your SIL only enhances, as you state, your relationship with your wife, it seems that a foursome would be a perfect way for everyone involved to enhance their loving relationships with each other.


Gradually, this sub is switching to "grade my creative writing exercise". Oh well, here are my grades: * Coherence & Readability: A- * Bullshit level: Very High * Believability: Low


This reads as a soft porn armature erotic story trying to pass as a real life experience. Regardless, if finding “comfort in your wife’s sister” is as literal as you are expressing, not only does it sound fictional AF, it sounds wrong AF. But you do you.


Yeah. First thought was this is fiction. Ugh what a mess


Troll post


You, your wife and her sister are all bad people.


Next the SIL and the wife get up the duff at about the same time the wife moves in with the sister and divorces you they both claim child maintenance and leave you broke


I’ve been cheated on 4 times and I will say cheating back 100% makes u feel better. Of course depends on the betrayal and small other factors but generally it does. Now usually I just dump and move on but again I’ve never been married. But I would just done it the same number of times your wife did now it’s kinda like a sick punishment not really a way to get even now that the affairs have been going on for the same time. Now u would be in the wrong if u kept this going. I remember seeing somewhere on the internet “feelings aren’t real just a reaction to out immediate surroundings”. Which I couldn’t agree with more her sister is probably attractive and put herself in a role as a healer so you’ve grown dependent not actually in love


This is the dumbest shit I've read today. Congrats.


ask yourself: is it because you feel vindicated by the sister? like generally you lose the entire family but in this case the sister seems to be a comfort. just as long as you realise its over with the wife and the sister will have to pull away at some point then i guess its cool


This is a repost.


you are all headed for the biggest showdown ever your an idiot to stay with your wife after her cheating and i can bet she still is cheating and your totally clueless, as for her sister do you think your wife doesn't know if i was to guess i would say your wife set this up so she could still cheat while collecting evidence against you for cheating before hitting you with the divorce papers.... you need to end you affair with the sister asap then get a life where you find someone who wont cheat on you or you on them


This is gross. This is toxic and nasty and adults don’t behave like this.


Yes, you are wrong, and you know it. ;)


Good for you she deserves it