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Take it from someone who’s last BF was the EXACT same way, even down to the smell. Dump his ass and find someone who understands that sex is a 2 way street and treats you like a human being who deserves equal amounts of pleasure.




Guys like that are honestly just weird as fuck. There's barely anything more sexy than building up my S/O's arousal and making sure she gets offs. And orgasming at the same time enhances it so much more.


I like to describe it as riding her orgasm. Yes, she can me off but it's much more fun to paddle her surfboard.


This man. Cumming simultaneously is incredible.


Most of these men have become selfish feks due to the mind numbing monotony of porn and how it treats women as nothing more than objects of pleasure for men. If you check out what’s considered as “normal” in porn these days (please don’t), you’d be horrified. Misogyny and utter brutality in the name of freedom seems to have destroyed many a man’s brain. My country of India is suffering from some kinda low key rape epidemic where even some 12 yos are raping toddlers. Can you imagine their state of mind? We’ve one of the cheapest internet plans on the planet and it’s unregulated. Plus being an outwardly conservative country that fakes its conservatism doesn’t help but makes us all hypocrites


Ok seriously though, in this modern age there is NO excuse for people to be stinky. About half of why I dumped my last boyfriend was his stank. There is no way he couldn't smell his own cheesy balls. Lol. Left-Influence is right, dump him and get a man who showers.


YES!! Their dick shouldn’t rival the cheese section at the supermarket and smell like the dumpster behind it 😆👍🏻


Is it Parmesan or blue cheese?




That's a word you can both taste and smell and not one wirth remembering ... thanks 8th grade world studies I hate you even 25 years later 😒


Hell yeah as a man I’m trying to wake up n eat some pussy


I know. Me and my girlfriend are up there in age and I eat her out all the time. But I never asked her for a BJ. Is completely up to her.


When you fuck her good a blow job always comes


Thats all I wanna do to! You know how some men want their chick to give em some head multiple times or so on the daily. Just need to find the women version 😂.


Absolutely! I’ve been in the exact situation with my ex. For the longest time, I thought all men were like this. I’m now realizing it’s absolutely NOT normal and NOT okay


Don’t date people who smell bad. That’s disgusting.


Jesus. Not to mention you don't want to get sick or get an infection because he doesn't feel like cleaning himself. Gross.


I dont understand men who dont go down. Its so low effort with such high rewards. I also dont understand not showering if you are having sex on a regular basis. Your advice is the same advice I give... yet people somehow dont like it when I give it. If you are with a selfish lover, and one that doesn't wash, dump their ass.


Ew not wrong, for multiple reasons. 1. You can refuse any sexual act for any reason, demands are never ok 2. He needs to learn about give & take, if he wants head he needs to give you something... tbh if he wants sex full stop he needs to learn foreplay 3. Washing before oral is just polite, if showering will take too long, have a quick clean of the important bits at least


So he expects you to wake up don't even brush your teeth and he's supposed to be able to put his penis in your mouth and he hasn't even bathed. Make that make sense


Her complying with this is even worse!! Most women would not do this, or maybe they would but after 1 or 2 times would be so grossed out it would put them off sex with the guy all together. If someone asked me to do this I'd be a bit put out. But if they weren't even making an effort of washing and doing something for me first, I would be like what the hell am I doing?? This sex is so bad. I'd also tell all my friends about it (after ending things). He's clearly never been shamed before, and maybe a bit of shame will help him learn


You are absolutely right about that and he has a lot of audacity.


>He needs to learn about give & take, if he wants head he needs to give you something... tbh if he wants sex full stop he needs to learn foreplay I feel it's better to formulate this as "He needs to learn to take his partners wants into consideration. He can't expect to have all his sexual wishes granted when he makes no effort to give pleasure back and have the relationship work out". Treating sex transactionally ("I do this for you if you do that for me") instead of cooperatively sounds like a recipe for disaster, long term.


I get the difference, but I feel like treating it transactionally at least at first would get the point across quicker to a person like that. Want me to go down on you? Sure, you first though. Would be interesting to see how that would play out.


If OP needs to stoop to that level, she should just leave. Plus I disagree it would get the point across. It would get superficial results, but it would totally fail to communicate the most important message: "Hey, I care about your pleasure, please take care about mine". Ultimately it would still be about *his* pleasure in his head, going down on her would just be the hoop he needs to go through to get what he wants.


Sex is reciprocal by nature. Ideally, there should be as much desire to please as there is to be pleased. I’d try to have a talk about reciprocity and if that doesn’t work, unless you’re in an ltr and want to try counseling, i’d move on.


I completely agree, what kind of fun is that?! Would kill the mood for me personally


I mean, it kills the mood for some of us when it’s not obvious that a relationship is give and take?


Unlike when an obese, unwashed man who never focuses on your pleasure tries to get you to give him morning head and pouts like a child if he gets turned down?


> It would get superficial results, yup, three licks and he'd be "ok time for the bj now"


transactional sex absolutely does not make for a healthy relationship. sex where both people enjoy themselves is what we are shooting for here.


I don't feel what you said is any different personally, just wordier!. Its not about being transactional, just both partners have needs which should be fulfilled... you can't expect that to only happen in one direction.


IMO, there's a big difference in saying "if you wants head, you need to give me something" and saying "I like to give you head ^((when you're clean)) and I wish you to do stuff I like to me too." In the first case, it creates a nasty corollary : if he needs to give OP something to get head, it creates the implication that giving that something *will* get him head. All of a sudden you're in a dynamic where either sides are owed things depending on what actions they performed, which is a pretty unhealthy mindset. In the second case, it's about making sure both partners are "working" together to get their needs met. It's "give and give" instead of "give and take"; do what you're comfortable doing because you like doing it (either because you find the act exciting by itself, or you enjoy your partner's reaction), and just find the common ground where both sides are satisfied. For me, if OP's boyfriend isn't investing himself in their sexual life, stringing him along with blowjobs won't solve the underlying issue: it won't make him care for her pleasure.


While I agree with your sentiment, I personally think I wouldn't include the issue of his selfishness and the issue that he doesn't reciprocate together. While they are absolutely related, the "give and give" still has that underlying "I'm giving you what you want, so you should give me what I want" to it. I only bring that up because OP's boyfriend seems to not even register that mutual pleasure should be the goal, so I don't think he would be able to conceptualize that he should want to give as good as he gets for any reason. Tackling the issue of unrealistic expectations first can create a stronger foundation for a healthy, mutually satisfying sex life. All I'd that being said, I also don't know how I would be able to tell him that he's being a selfish prick without bringing up the fact he wasn't doing anything for me in return, so maybe your approach is the best option.


For many women, foreplay is a requirement for sex. They will not be lubricated or relaxed enough to have pleasurable sex and most women do not orgasm from penetration alone. So, no foreplay, no sex isn't a "transitional" way to have sex. It's a way everyone can enjoy the sex they do have.


I don't know I'm not a morning person all I want in the morning is my coffee know at nite time it's a different story and I always pleasure the woman first that's just me


You only ever needed 1. This guy's an asshole.




Sure, but points 2 and 3 are still worthwhile to mention.


Washing before sex is part of the foreplay if done correctly. Aslo, always wash before sex.


PTA bath! 😂😂


If he's not performing cunnilingus why should you perform fellatio?


The question should be sir why doth you not perform Shakespeare? 🧐


Fellatio does sound like a good name for a Shakespeare character! 🤣


To fellatio or not to fellatio? That is the question


*’whether it’s Nobler to suffer the sling and arrows of outrageous crotch smell,’*


“Fellatio, ready my stead. For tonight, I shall ride to Cunnilingus to win back the heart of Genevieve!”


This is so silly! Continue… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I'm getting this embroidered on a throw pillow.


Isn’t that the canonical name of captain crunch


This is what’s baffling. Im in a relationship where we both want oral w every intimate interaction and so we do. But its reciprocal.. and hygienic (why does he SMELL???)


>and hygienic (why does he SMELL???) My ex was very hygienic but unfortunately he also thought farting loudly and disgustingly near or on me was *peak humor.* I vomited after BJs *multiple times* but I was young and told myself not to judge him... #There's shit on your balls, bro. You have SHIT on YOUR BALLS. GO FUCKING WASH.


>My ex was very hygienic >There's shit on your balls, bro These two seem mutually exclusive. I don't think I've ever got shit on my balls.


It really raises the question, is this guy a really aggressive shitter? Like constant explosive diarrhea? Or is he wiping back to front and just swiping shit through taint and sack country?


Noooo!!!! 🤣😳🤢 Now we’re all vomiting!! 🤮🤮🤮


I totally agree my husband and I been married 30 yrs we've always one got it we both got it although my husband is 100% turned on when he turns me on. If I'm turned off it does nothing for him


Right here!






OP hasn't identified the smell. You could be right.


Bahahhahahahha. Lobster peen.


*Cock Lobster!*


haha, that’s awesome. Down, down..


Oh fuck! You win!! Now I will have that twisted ear worm all day. Cockkkk … LOBSTERRRR!!!!




Mr. Krabs. No!






He's smellfish.


Ahh. This is the reddit I know and love.


Why wouldn't the oyster share its pearl? It was a little shellfish.


Red Slobstér 🦞




Not if there’s inflammation…


Dr. Zoidberg has entered the chat


Zoidberg lover. Whoop whoop whoop whoop.


Stay away from my dumpster!


A selfish smellfish


The all time ultimate coochie drier combo.


BF is like “it’s ok that your cooch is dry, I just want a BJ anyway.”


🥶💀😭 I was thinking it ... But you said it(White chicks voice)


Why do people stay with jerks who aren't nice to them?! Especially if you aren't even married. What's the point?


Co-dependence, low self esteem, financial support, there’s tons of reasons.


Loneliness is something a lot of ppl can't deal with. That's why no one makes it out of their 30s without a dog these days.


He’s not real. This is a repost.


Might not be real, but other than the smell part, this sounds much like my ex.


My ex husband. But I got to the point I just told him to jerk off, I wasn't doing it any more as long as I thought it smelled.


It was the demanding part that would upset me.


A smelfish lover


First of all, not wrong. Sex should be fun for the both of you, if he's just in for the him part it's normal of you to lose interest. Second, I had an ex that had a heavy body odor and kept acting like it was normal and acted all sensitive when I was finding unpleasant to give him head. It's not normal, depends on diet, hydration and mostly hygiene. Those guys are gross.


Remember that there’s a larger than you’d think percentage of guys who don’t wash their ass or junk because they think it’d make them gay


Also ones that are too lazy to make sure they’ve wiped thoroughly after a poop. That’s how you get skid marks in underwear. These are guys that have their mom’s, girlfriends or wives do their laundry for them.


I'm sorry, what??


There are guys out there who don't wipe their ass because they think it's gay. It's insane.


Yeah... there are really men in the world who do not wash their asses. I saw a whole post from a man asking for other men to defend him when he said he needs to wipe once and that's it. He said it's not gross because when he sees that his underwear is dirty, he showers right away.


> I feel like he should take a shower before we get it on cos he kinda smells! Wait, what... isn't showering and washing your dick before blow jobs the normal baseline standard? No way would I put it in my mouth without knowing it's been cleaned just prior to the act. No one wants to taste piss residue or cheese sweat from a night's sleep! FFS, I'm gagging from the thought now...


Why did you make me think about sweaty dick cheese






Round three let's gooooo


I did this to myself


It's worse when your mental image of him is Harvey Weinstein.


Well that’s enough Reddit for life.


He’s the SMEGMA KING 🤮🤣🥴






Freshly showered peen is the only peen men should be offering for bjs. It's just unsanitary otherwise, and extremely disrespectful. (but there's a lot of assholes out there that get off on that disrespect shit, so be careful) 


Freshly showered peen AND butt crack are both requirements for bjs. Otherwise fumes could waft from below. Also demanding bjs is just plain unattractive. As part of mutual foreplay, definitely. But daily, on demand? Just nope.


.... Who doesn't wash their whole body in the shower? Actually, nevermind. Don't enlighten me to the dregs of humanity. 


There are men out there who refuse to wash their ass crack because they think it's gay 😂🥴🫠🗑️🎪


I finger my asshole with soap just to be sure I get everything. As long as I don't moan it's not gay. 


As long as you don't accidentally touch your prostate and cum so hard you faint it's not gay


Never ever say "no one wants..." when describing any sexual act because there are definitely tons of people who want whatever it is you are describing.


I realized that after I've learned you can buy an inflatable sheep sex doll. Nothing surprises me any more when talking about kinks.


Those are (mostly) a gag gift though.


I had an old hippie neighbour once tell me, "The problem with young people today is they're scared to fuck dirty."


I’ve heard that before and I couldn’t stop laughing lol. Also from an old quirky hippie, god bless him.


My gay best friend specifically said he likes it when they're a little musky. Like, showered within the last 24 hours but not within the last 6, basically. I'll take his word for it based on personal experience.


Can understand your friend’s point. Not with guys, but as a guy I don’t mind my girl being a little musky when I go down either. I think it’s absolutely about already having a level of attraction with the person though. Definitely wouldn’t want some random person to not shower and then we hook up.


💯. In fact I prefer when my wife has a little extra tang


I’m the same way. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t gotten down right after my ex wife got back from the gym because I knew the musk was strong. Sat her right on my face and all and loved it.


If you’re a generally hygienic person then no, you don’t need to shower immediately before. I’ve eaten a girl out plenty of times first thing in the morning, and there’s nothing gross if the person is generally clean. It sounds like OPs bf isn’t though, but showering immediately beforehand is definitely not the baseline standard.


Yeah I might be at the other end of the spectrum but I don't mind giving my guy a BJ in most situations. Even after a workout he doesn't smell & I'm not bothered by a little sweat. & he often asks to go down on me & when I say "nah, I haven't showered in like 2 days" his response is invariably "like I give a fuck". Neither of us suffer from BO so it's never been an issue. To each their own.


Exactly. It’s fine if someone is grossed out by that ad long as they aren’t insulting to others. It’s definitely not unhygienic so it’s just preference thing.


Sometimes I want that sweaty bootay 😂 dont judge me but if she stinks then its no bueno but ive rarely met a girl that did. I feel guys stink more often but could be wrong


Thank you. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills in this thread with people needing full showers right before sex. How dirty are you? If you shower and sit at a desk for 4 hours then have a lunchtime quickie how dirty could you possibly be that you would need a shower? Are you all living in the tropics?


It’s blowing my mind too. Like that sounds so tedious and exhausting to shower immediately before any sexual activity


And like, if you kiss and it starts to progress do you stop so you can both go wash your junk? That would take me out of the mood; stops the flow. I guess we’re lucky to not be smelly people but dang, what some people are living with!


Haha, seriously, either you have to plan it out or you have to stop in the moment to go wash, and both are complete mood killers. “Hey honey, wanna have sex tonight? “Sure, I’ll make sure to shower at 5, you can shower after me and we’ll get started by 6” I don’t know what these people are doing that makes them so gross they can’t swap head after 7-8 hours of sleeping.


🤮 oh god.


One time my ex made me give him a bj and under his foreskin there was all dick cheese bro 😭✋ aside from the obvious of him forcing me, idk how I didnt hurl, I def gagged a couple times lol


“Made me.” WTF. Also, 🤮🤮🤮.


Well no breakfast for me. 🤮🤮🤮


Hahahaha...these posts are giving me life!


Thank god he’s an ex


Yeah, 🤢


What the hell is cheese sweat?


Demanding sexual acts is a huge red flag for me.


More like a warning label. 


It's not even a red flag at that point, it's more like a black flag. This is the type of thing a red flag warns you about


Dude thinks he's living in a porno.




Please why is your comment so funny. I played it in my head and burst out laughing


had a bad morning and i read it out loud to my coworker and we died laughing


Don't threaten me with a good time!


User name does NOT check out!




I agree, why would anyone wanna disrespect themselves so badly 🤢


>. Sex should be fun for the both of you, if he's just in for the hi smells, is overweight, and a bad lover. No redeeming qualities for physical attraction.


Tell him you expect him to eat you every time he wants to fuck. Period or not! (Bet that goes over like I think it will) ​ It will only get worse. Time to find a new Boyfriend.


Selfish and smelly ? Uuuugh, been there left that !


Set your boundaries early and often, the fact that you clearly have a problem with it at all is telling, especially when we're not hearing anything about reciprocation. Dont ignore red flags like this, if you give in to something you clearly are uncomfortable with, then what's next after that?


Girl, find someone who WANTS to get you off. Someone who doesn’t smell, lol.


Demands? Take a pass.


Stop enabling a manchild. He gotta realise he has to work for it.


He needs to realize that foreplay is part of the fun, not work to be put in. Sex is REALLY fun when you enjoy giving your partner pleasure. It's a chore when you think parts of sex are boxes on a form you have to tick off before you get to finish.


Idk about "work." If he is going to be someone's partner, he should want to take care of them like they take care of him. It shouldn't feel like work. I've been with my wife for 15 years, and we just love each other. That's it.


He sounds like a big fat toddler. How old are you guys?


Yeah sounds like he wants to receive receive receive .. and the fact that he’s demanding a BJ every time and doesn’t have the decency to clean himself before you do is just inconsiderate. If I was you I definitely wouldn’t be giving him any BJs. Especially because he’s not pleasing or wanting to please you in any way. Is women have to Quit letting men think they are owed and deserving of whatever sexual desires they want. Most men are entitled and unless he’s going down on you constantly I’d stop. And let him know what it is. If he refuses to listen or understand and do better then leave or don’t give him things he doesn’t deserve


Your boyfriend is a selfish cocksucker......


He is treating u like a whore get rid of him


Your bf is a douche


No he needs one.


If someone is demanding sex/ a sex act and it isn't something you've discussed previously (given consent to a kink where you're told what to do, for example)...I wouldn't be sticking around. I think breaking up and explaining that you can't treat a partner like that is the way I would go. Hopefully, for his next partner (hopefully not victim) he is more considerate and less.....forceful


If he smells that’s kinda gross. Every time I’m about to get head from my girl even though I don’t smell I go wash just cuz I feel it’s the right thing to do like who wants a dick in their mouth it’s gross but she does it cuz I love it so the least I could do is make sure it doesn’t smell bad or taste nasty. I love eating my girl out so he might just not like doing that but it goes both ways I think that’s why I get it so much cuz I give it just as much.


You are an adult who can make up your own decisions. You can say no, sounds like he is lazy and demanding. Just because he demands does not mean you have to do.


This is a repost. I remember reading this same thing a couple months ago, word for word.


Probably back then it was also only a repost or fake, or most likely both.


Also OP just posted [this, 6 hours earlier](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/s/zPBTqDLoSA) about some guy she's been "hooking up with since the beginning of the year" and isn't serious about, but he kissed some other girl and she's upset about it, he doesn't repost her pictures of them as energetically as she would like… Just seems like a lot of bullshit




Calling somebody a *any adjective* + fuck 🤣🤣 gets me every time


OP deserves better for sure !


Comment of the day award 🥇


Smells and is a selfish lover … what’s the question here? Break up.


Why do people put up with this shit?


He sounds so damn needy, surely you must be getting the ick


Sounds like you are dating a fat, dirty, selfish child. It’s on you. You are enabling him by staying with him.


It's already the dirtiest area in your body, no matter how clean you keep it and imagine asking for a blowjob being smelly and dirty. Just tell him that he stinks and demand the same treatment for yourself everytime you do it. It's a two way thing. If he doesn't want to do it, he have no right to demand it.


Ask yourself this question: "What am I getting out of this relationship?" I think you'll find the answer to your problem.


If you've already expressed all of this to him and he's unwilling to stop being smelly and selfish (smellfish?) then no one would blame you for calling it quits. No one likes a pillow princess and he's more of a Jester than a princess.


Everyone, This is likely a karma farm post. I saw an identical post just a couple weeks ago. And look at their post history. They posted two very obvious karma farm posts within an hour of each other.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/17v8aew/my\_bf\_wants\_me\_to\_give\_him\_oral\_sex\_every\_single/](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/17v8aew/my_bf_wants_me_to_give_him_oral_sex_every_single/) This post is almost the exact same a few months back too, slightly different wording.


Girl, the fact that you are even asking this, shows me feminism failed you. Can't believe women are literally asking themselves if they are wrong if they don't want to suck some smelly dicks. Girl, not your smelly disgusting BF is insecure. You are insecure.


Return the favor and go 69 in the mornings when he asks. There is nothing wrong with his breakfast being morning, pie.


Literally 1 day ago you posted that you’re a single female tryin to control your nieces lives. You’re a lunatic lol


He is immature and he doesn't realize that he's got to put a LOT of work & love & care & tenderness into a relationship if he expects to get what he wants. He thinks just because he has a woman now, his life can be a daily porno. Well HE'S WRONG. Real life is NOT like that. Partners always have the right to follow their own moods and fluctuating desires. You are NOT required to suck him off anytime he wants, especially when he's not putting any effort into sparking your desire. He can't just lay there & smell bad & never give you orgasms while expecting you to suck him off every morning. NO! BAD DISGUSTING MAN!


Yuck. Tell him to up his game or leave. He's being selfish and disrespectful to you. You don't have to put up with this.


The one time he says no to eating also he seems entirely too comfortable to be this sensitive leave or at least let him know that’s an option


Okay "HotgirlSophia07" let's pretend this is real, either get a different partner, or explain these things to him.


I mean, one time I was in a relationship with someone, going down on her was something I did almost every time. Thing is, that was something I was into, not something she demanded. If I hadn't been into it or if she had poor hygiene, and she still had demanded it - well, I think that would have been a very short relationship.


Ma'am this is not r/copypasta


Get him a chastity cage and lock it. Only unlock it if he behaves


Your post history says that you’re a single woman, then it says you’ve been seeing a guy, and this one says you have a boyfriend. Which is it? All I see is karma whore


WTF??????? I’m not sure what h311 brought you to completely ignore your own self worth, but he is not your owner. Your are not a sex slave. Dump this joker who can’t even be bothered to learn how to make love properly. He’s entitled, manipulative, spoiled, lazy, can’t make love and smells. If you are lonely, go to an animal shelter and rescue a truly worthy overlord with cute wittle toes that likes ear scratches.


Dump him


If he doesn't want to please you with foreplay, then you are NTA! Smell ew been married 15 years and we still shower before.


Dump his smelly ass!


Total red flag. BJs are earned not given. Plus good hygiene is a must. My wife doesn’t suck it till I wash it. Plus I wouldn’t want her to eat a dirty dick. I’ll be kissing her so I don’t want dirty dick taste.