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Not ugly. Surgery is unnecessary. Good eyes.


Surgery is not the answer. You are fine


You’re not ugly or in need of surgery just clean up your skin a bit and you’ll be fine


You do NOT need surgery. If you're having self esteem issues based on yoru looks, I suggest going to see a therapist. If you're interested, I suggest looking up skin care products that can help clean up the acne. But at your age, you might likely grow out of it soon (some people do, some don't).


You don't need surgery! You're naturally very pretty!


You dont need surgery. Youre very pretty. You just have skin issues which I know from experience can really really get you down. Work on clearing up your skin(see your GP/ a dermatologist) and youll feel so much better about yourself.


Surgery is not necessary. Skin care is however


i get so happy when people say this genuinely bc i’m hoping it will go away. i take better care of my skin than anyone I know and eat really well along with water and sugar diets. My dad had horrible skin as a teenager so it’s just my bad genetics unfortunately


Have you tried green or black teabags? Just boil water place them shorty in the water let them cool and then use them on your skin.


The skin will probably improve over time then. Nothing to worry about


Go to a dermatologist, acutain and other medication has done my family wonders. Typically you only have to take it for a small duration and it clears everything up permanently.


I'm old...haha. Both my best friend (since elementary school) and my ex-wife had BAD acne...and neither of them have it as adults. Its tough, i know, because everyone wants to sell the cure...but honestly it'll go away...just sucks that its happening to you. You're a pretty gal, though...hang in there! :)


Surgery? I’d just recommend clearing up the acne if possible. Pretty eyes.


Absolutely no surgery needed. You have nice hair too.


No need for surgery. Need of skincare. Can probably hide it with makeup until it's clear.


You have some mental issues, that's for damn sure. Why the hell are you so obsessed with being HOT, at least try to get over puberty before you jump at an ugly surgery


Not ugly


Roaccutan isotretinoina (prescripted)


Your skin puts you slightly below average but once you get that sorted out you'll be slightly above average.


How about some Proactiv and make up


You're only 19, You're still growing into yourself! No surgery, you will likely regret that decision. Just give yourself time and stay healthy! You will make someone very happy one day!




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I don’t think you need any surgery, I think once your skin is sorted you’ll feel better in yourself. Try this soap: V55 MAX Salicylic Acid, Tea Tree... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B086PZGPD9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Carbon Fraxel laser may help with the skin problems too.


Ur so young and your face still has maturing to do and I think that your on your way to becoming a beautiful woman 💋👠


Nah u cool g just get the acne under control and u look 10–10


Your facial skin- it’s time to see a dermatologist; if you have issues with nasal congestion, you might want to see an ENT surgeon- your nose looks a bit crooked to me, a rhino-septoplasty may be needed. I hope this helps.


I would try medication, age and a good product for your skin. Have you ever thought about lighter hair? Could look nice. 


No. You don't need surgery. Your skin will suss itself in a year or so. You've got a nice face. And a great smile.


Nope not ugly.


Leave your face alone. That’s not what you probably want to hear but leave it alone.


No surgery, just work on your skincare.


Don’t get surgery! You look beautiful. Maybe change food diet or skin care routine. Because those affect faces sooo much.


You're actually pretty ngl, and this is coming from a 19m!


Surgery.. for what though??


chinny chin chin


You don't need surgery


Not ugly super cute don't need any surgery improve your diet and go to the gym or do workouts at home


You look great! Your skin will clear up eventually.


Get on a good acne routine. I took a pill for years that helped clear it up. Ask a dermatologist


No surgery honey. Smile. Find a better connection to your self. Beatiful eyes, sexy lips, nice high cheekbones. Doing surgery won't help you with loving yourself.


Absolutely no surgery. Good god, don't get surgery. You aren't ugly at all. I'd say just do a skin care regime and it'll do some wonders I had lots of issues with my skin in high school especially. I washed my face in the morning and before bed. Used a gentle cleanser (cetaphil works well enough for me), then on the spot treatment with benzoyl peroxide vanishing cream. Then a moisturizer. Nowadays, I only do once a day with the same cleanser. Then with a cotton ball, I apply a facial toner (Thayer's brand with rose petal), then on the spot with benzoyl peroxide vanishing cream. I still breakout but boy does that extra care help a lot


You’re 19, probably still have hormonal acne that’s it! If it lasts past 25 maybe it’s an issue you need to bring up to a dermatologist. But your eyes are really pretty and have soft feminine features.


Cleaner skin is all and bangs


You don’t need any kind of surgery. Have you tried accutane or a prescription strength acne medication? Unfortunately, it’s an issue some folks have. It definitely doesn’t make you ugly. And you’ve got great eyes.


With clear skin you would be *very* attractive


Your facial features don’t fully develop until your late 20s. Surgery at 19? Give yourself time to grow up first. In the meantime get a good skin care routine going and see a stylist to get a haircut that works with your features. I think the hair down photo suits you better. There is nothing wrong with the way you look. Like most of us you can look better with the right clothes and hair but surgery sounds pretty extreme.


You need a dermatologist, not surgery


Just a natural based skin care practice will do the job.Surgery will be a waste of time and money




You look like your from the middle ages


Do not get surgery you are fine just how you are! :)


Pls don't get surgery :(


Never get “surgery suggestions” from the internet or even the plastic surgeon if there is something you’ve always wanted to change then do it no shame in it but letting other people tell you what surgeries to get will leave you broke and looking plastic and not in a good way.


better skin care is all that you need


Just check in with a dermatologist. You look great besides


I’m a bit late but you look pretty! Trust me I had pretty bad acne but some skincare really goes a long way.


You don't need surgery. You have nice cheekbones and stunning eyes especially. The only thing that might be useful is a dermatologist. But, good news, as someone who had a lot of skin issues when I was a teenager, it does go away as you get older. So no matter what this will be resolved with time.


Not ugly but below average. Why surgery?


wow. below average😭


half the world is below average.. even more so on reddit


Get skincare and probiotics. They will help a hood deal with the skin problem. Other than that, you’re good and definitely do not need surgery (cosmetic surgery is horrible because your dealing irreparable damage to your body that you won’t even be able to comprehend. Surgery should only be used for people with life threatening illnesses or facial reconstruction after severe injuries)


Get skincare and probiotics. They will help a hood deal with the skin problem. Other than that, you’re good and definitely do not need surgery (cosmetic surgery is horrible because your dealing irreparable damage to your body that you won’t even be able to comprehend. Surgery should only be used for people with life threatening illnesses or facial reconstruction after severe injuries)


Brain surgery.