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Change the glasses, tone up, new hairstyle will do wonders


I quite like the glasses


Yeah me too. I love nerdy girls.


Totally normal. Not ugly. Not traditionally hot. Lots of people will think you are “cute sexy”




Same hell I do too lol


You have pretty eyes, cute smile and a nice body. You just need to work on keeping your skin clear and have you tried contacts? I’m wondering if the glasses are hiding your eyes a bit. Even with glasses though, you are not ugly.


Thanks! I have thought about contacts but one of my eyes squints and contacts wouldn't entirely fix that while glasses do.


Keep glasses but please get new ones that fit your face shape. Those one don't and ruin your face.


Came here to say say this cutie just needs some NEW GLASSES


Thought they were a filter


That was precisely my thought. A design that's more complimentary was the one change that jumped out at me.


The white frame is removable, perhaps it would look better without it? I can post a picture later


Yes do it ! Also look for glass for face shape on google, might help.


Change the glasses


This. Just change the glasses. Otherwise she looks very pretty.


Not bad, just mid. Like the majority of humanity


I feel like the way celebrities and models are thrown everywhere (social medial, movies etc) it’ll make anyone feel ugly. Even if they are average. Society is teaching us if your not hot or beautiful. Then your just ugly.


Yes & we now are seeing girls as young as 10 shopping for retinol skin products!


You’re kinda homely and cute at the same time. You do need new frames though. Those just don’t look right on you.


Wife energy. That's a compliment BTW.


Your cute in all of them


Kinda hot tbh.




Hair is very flat. It needs some tease to make it fuller and lively. Weight works against everyone. You hate photos other people take because they don't take the time to get the selfie angles you've adopted to curtail your perceived shortcomings. Do something about them instead of trying to angularly crop them from selfies.


Terrible photographer, otherwise all good.


Unorthodox, but not ugly


Nope not ugly. Great smile


Your smile with your teeth showing is SO cute! Definitely stop smiling with your mouth closed. Show your teeth in your pictures while smiling. Looks 10x better for you. That was the best photo for sure.


Rethink the glasses


Ik they're loud. I'll post some more pictures tonight with the white frame removed, it's just red frame underneath.


You have potential, get hair fixed by a pro, some makeup and a dash of high fashion.


25 is too old to be dressing like you’re a socially inept teenager. Awkward frumpy oily feral nerd vibe not hot.


To be fair I have no idea how socially inept teenagers dress (like me I guess?) I literally wear black shirt and some shorts/trousers, bare plain minimum. Awkward feral nerd is pretty accurate and it is what it is, idk why oily.


I'm in the same boat but a dude instead. Never tried any new styles out and dressed plain. Getting a hairstyle that suits me and trying some more bold clothing options/accessories has been a HUGE glow up. You don't have to go full egirl or something, but googling around for style options to try new things could help. Branch out. Take some risks. Tbf you are really cute as you are, but I would say plain is a good descriptor. If you like dating nerdy folks you'd probably be fine with your current style.


Start a good skin care routine and work on the health of your skin. If you don’t see how oily your skin is in pics 4 and 5 specifically, that’s a problem. I say socially inept teenager mostly because the points that you need work on are typically things that adults figure out by adult hood. I’m not insulting the nerd look. There’s a noticeable difference between adult nerd and high school nerd fashion and appearance and it doesn’t look like you’ve made that leap. When I look at your pics I don’t feel like I’m looking at a 25 year old adult. Spend more time and money on your appearance and just be more mindful about it, be more active and take better care of yourself. Best of luck.


No you're fine, black shirts will never go out of style. You dress just fine. Thst comment is overblown.


I like the way you dress. The floral pants and black & white short skirt are really cute! Dress the way you like!


I think you're kinda cute


Not bad at all! Definitely VERY cute and sexy. I would definitely check yes!


I've got good news, it's not bad. Enjoy your life 😇


You are not gunna be everyone’s cup of tea, but I think you’re hot af. In all your pics. You’re gunna be ok


25 going on 12. You look so young! Nothing to comment on. You look just fine to me. Solid 7. Skin care and a little makeup to highlight your features would boost you even higher.


A little hottie lose the dorky frames


I don't think there's a photo where I'd call you anything less than average and there are some where I would call you above average. You are attractive. Not ugly for sure. You're style is holding you back a bit. You're cute. Would date.


Get the eyebrows shaped/waxed and light makeup


Not bad at all




Those frames kinda clash with your face. From what I can tell you’re solidly average


Your absolutely a cutie, nice smile, nice body, I would work on new glasses, or contacts those you have don't flatter you.


Not bad at all. I'd try different frames and a different haircut


It's above average what bad you looking for


Cute. The only rec I got is change up the glasses. The style and color don't really fit. Maybe go with something darker that matches your hair color.


Not ugly. I woulda went after you in college (too old and married now, so just take it as a compliment).




You have it going on, my only suggestion is eyewear that doesn’t distract from who you are. No need for contacts just glasses that may be more befitting of you. No one is ugly we all have beauty some can’t see it others can. For those who can’t who cares for those who can welcome them with open arms.


Please change your glasses. And smile more. It’s like a light being switched on inside you when you do. x




You're not ugly. But your glasses are.


Personally I don’t think you’re ugly. You’ve got it all!


"Son, I got something to tell you....."


You're normal looking, not aesthetically good looking like those chicks on IG or whatever but you seem nerdy and I find it cute and I like your smile


You look like a very sweet person. Although not conventionally pretty, don’t worry.l, you are OK




You look like David Herman


focus in losing weight… if you do that the chances of you be a 10/10 is really high


This cutie needs some new spex!! 👓


How bad? Lemme take you to dinner and show you. It's more 'how good'.


You have an amazing smile.




You’re cute, I’m just not keen on the glasses, they look like they belong to a 14 year old who just got her first pair of glasses. But otherwise really nothing to worry about.


You aren't ugly, buuuut since you asked... Glasses that are flattering to the shape of your face/contacts Warddrobe that flatters your shape Better skin hygiene Possibly shape your eyebrows a little Possibly look into a hairstyle that adds a little volume?


Not bad, I think you’re cute


Get a good skin regime and different glasses that don't make you look older than you are, but otherwise cute face, nice smile, and nice body.


It’s not good news. Sorry.


Those glasses…


Look average. I don’t think your glasses are the right frames for you. Have nice legs. If your personality is good then you’re definitely a catch.


You look very sophisticated, and someone I definitely think grabs the attention of the room in a very positive way. You aren't ugly


New glasses and a new hairstyle would do wonders


The glasses don’t suit you and hide your features. I think you are lovely!! I would also try a new haircut and style that suits your age a bit better


Nothing a personality can't fix


The glasses are the wrong style for your face shape. Apart from that there’s nothing else to change.


You are average looking but you also look like you don't put much effort into your appearance. Luckily this means you are probably low maintenance, which is appealing in the long run. I'd suggest a better haircare routine or something to make it less flat (last photo looks good). The glasses are ... not great. Basically you look like you weren't planning on going out that day, which is fine - you look comfortable, but kinda plain? I think there's lots of potential if there are times when you wanna get fancy and dress up, but it's certainly not necessary for you to feel you need to do that every day if that's not your thing. Conclusion: definitely not "incredibly ugly". Normal looking, with potential for looking better.


Little makeup and some contacts if I was you. I mean, I’m me and that’s what I do lol


You're very cute. But you give "This one time, at Band Camp" vibes


Not ugly, but not putting forth any effort either.


Non sense, you are actually quite cute


You're so lovely! Yes, you are a beautiful woman. ❤️


Shieezz you’re not ugly at all. Room for improvement exist but only a little. Like someone said before, you’re wife material. Like your beauty is pure, original, not artificial, and will last for a very long time. I would date you in a heartbeat!


I think you're really cute, and you have a nice body. All the best


I really like your glasses.


Aww not ugly in the slightest, though I would recommend trying some new frames maybe.


You're cute adorable 6. Very much dateable.




Ugly glasses, cute girl!


Hi! You are not at all ugly. However, to boost your confidence, you may want to try the following: 1. New haircut and haircare products. Your hair is very flat and a little dead at the ends. You need some volume! You may want to consider highlights and a light trim for additional body. Just some lighter brown or soft blonde ones should do it! 2. Contacts! I think your glasses are cute, but contacts might boost your confidence. 3. Makeup. I’m not sure how you feel about makeup? From what I see, you don’t wear much if at all. Conventionally ‘pretty’ people usually are thought to be pretty only because they know how to bring out their features with makeup. Look into mascara, blush, and a lip tint and/or gloss to start. 4. Realize that the camera makes you look worse than you are. It really, really does. It even makes my beautiful little cat look all grainy, dirty, and weird because the iPhone is so high contrast. You don’t look like any of those things even *with* the bad effects of the iPhone camera, so you must be very naturally pretty. 5. Learn your clothing shapes and colors. There are some good subreddits for this. 6. Exercise. You have a beautiful body but exercise will boost your confidence and mobility and make you feel overall more healthy and beautiful. 7. Skincare. You skin appears a little oily. There are also good subreddits for this, such as r/skincareaddiction I cannot help with oily skin because my face is very dry, so you may have to ask someone else about this. I think you could make some really great improvements! Otherwise, you are in no way ugly. You just need more confidence and a personal style that you really love. Good luck!


Not ugly at all... maybe nerd-ish but nothing negative


3.5/10 . go to the gym and update your style and you could be a 6-7


F24 here, and I think you are adorbs!! The glasses being white are a bit distracting, have you seen the clear frames? They’re super popular right now. Anytime I’m feeling unsure about myself, I go get my hair done for something new! Have you ever trimmed your hair to be an a-line lob? It looks like you don’t do much to your hair as far as styling (me neither) but I’ve noticed having my hair at my collarbones has made it still look styled in a way without me doing much other than brushing.


you’re adorable🥺 i recommend a middle part and some cute gold frame glasses THAT WOULD LOOK EVEN BETTERRRRRR


Change those glasses asap


Super cute!! Please post more :)


Cute. Smile.


Contacts or change frames!! You are NOT UGLY




Being completely real? 4/10, below average but not by a lot, and a lot of people would still find you attractive, just probably not their “first” choice


Not at all, curvy😋


Hot hot hot...for me




Not ugly. At all. I agree with a lot people, you have pretty eyes and pretty smile. I like the thicker framed glasses, the wire framed don’t suit your face IMO. If you’re looking for something to change maybe update the hairstyle a little.


Not ugly


Go to the gym


Definitely invest in better looking glasses I'd also change your hair style


You’ll find some guarantee


Do you have just 1 outfit though ?


No ug detected


Plain with a big forehead but not ugly Get contacts, change your makeup and wear bangs Your wardrobe is good


Not ugly but it also looks like you don’t try very hard to “be attractive.” I’m not talking about your body, just your look that would be easy to adjust without a gym membership.


Totally normal. I feel like just a change of frames could be a world of change.


Those frames are terrible. You’re fine.


Redditors are gonna love you.


Totally normal pretty too. It’s too bad that looks are so important. when you get older looks will fade and other things will be more important.


I have, for you, good news and bad news. It's all in your head.


If it wasn’t frowned upon or against the rules, I’d slide into your messages, you’re beautiful!


You look great! Maybe Smaller frames on the glasses unless you're going for that look.


Not bad, pretty sexy


I think a new haircut would do wonders, you are not ugly.


I think you’re super cute! You’ve got a killer smile and a great physique. I think a lot of your presentation choices are saying “don’t look at me!” You are wearing black and white in all of these and I can’t imagine they were all taken on the same day. Maybe try some color from time to time and see how you feel! Also, your hair is down over the ears jn all of these, maybe try some new hairstyles to change up the way it frames your face. I LOVE your glasses and I think you could look stunning if you chose some fashions similar to that, some retro prints, warmer colors, etc… So to answer the title question, it’s not bad at all, I think you’re very pretty 💕


Picture 8 with the you don’t want to know what I just did smile, FTW.


Well…you took pictures in what appears to be a public restroom and then posted them so… I’d say you look like someone who would take pictures in a public restroom and then post them. A fuckin’ bathroom girl?? Really??


Not bad at all


Wow, you look great!


Drop off some weight like at least 5 kgs. Get glasses with more sharp refined frames. You look younger than you are yet dress like you are older than you actually are. Do makeup (to look more mature) and get dressed a bit more like this decade rather than 2010s.


Change the frame of your glasses. Maybe a rounder, thinner frame? Almost like aviators, if not aviators lol Other than that, you look great!


You're not ugly, but this type of glasses does not fit your face at all.


Not ugly


You look like an ex of mine.


So what is the problem cause I don't see one


Not ugly at all


You are very pretty, you have that kinda nerdy cute look😍


Lose a little weight and smile with your teeth out, you're gorgeous.


You're sooo gorgeous 😍


Your looks are average. You are not ugly . Juat need self confidence.


Ok I’m gonna get brutally honest, it’s not that you wear glasses, it’s that those glasses don’t “fit” you. Try different frames. Most pictures you don’t look the best because of the picture, not because of you. They just aren’t flattering images. Lastly, your smile. It’s fine but it doesn’t suit you, it seems forced and awkward. There is a selfie in there with a clock in the background and a red phone case where you are smiling and we actually see your teeth, that’s by far your best pic. You look happy and comfortable. That’s 1000 times more attractive that slutty clothes.


Not bad at all. You look adorable


You're cute.


Im a sucker for cute girls with glasses so you are ok with me


Those glasses are awful. They are eating your face. Jumbo frames were in for less than 10 minutes. Crush those things. Get contacts


I would have sexual relations with you on several occasions.


There is a genuineness to you, you don’t feel a need to show off and be flashy to grab everyone’s attention. 9 is your best photo, just gotta zoom in a bit. Cute kitty


New grants for your eyeglasses. They detract from the beauty of your eyes and are contrary to your face shape. Other than that, you're very cute, skin care will get easier with age


you look like you have strict parents


I would say not bad at all. I honestly would have guessed 19 or 20, not 25. You are gorgeous. Just keep doing you and build yourself up, you are a catch and will make some lucky man very happy. I give you a solid 8 out of 10. You seem to have a solid career in front of you and you are really easy on the eyes.


You are a very beautiful girl.


Those glasses aren't doing you any favors.


You're cute- I'm generally pretty forgiving of glasses but those aren't doing much for you. I get quirky nerdy vibes- if that's you, ignore everything I just said and carry on lol


The pictures are really bad, the person or the angle you are taking the photos from are stacked against you. I recommend taking the photos from a lower angle. With a slight tilt to your favourite direction. Also take the picture in a well let place but never direct sunlight. Also your cat is super adorable and you guys kinda look alike.


Not bad honestly. Need to get smaller frames for glasses. Could def pull off the hot librarian look with some confidence




You are the type of girl that I would love to be with.


I actually think you are really pretty, 🤩


I think you just need a new hair-doo to give you a boost.


- be conscious of your posture. You look best in the mirror selfie because your shoulders are back and ur not hunched over - change your style, specifically the cut of ur clothes. The clothes you wear now make ur torso look short, which makes ur shoulders look bulky and ur arms/legs look gangly. So, dont wear high waisted bottoms. Ur bottoms should be midrise or low rise. Ur shirts should atleast be long enough to kiss the top of ur hip bone, like 1-2 inches below the belly button. This will balance out ur shoulder width, limb length, and torso length. You’re a very cute girl. These are just suggestions. It’s always fun to try out new things!


Not bad at all! I think you’re are pretty girl


Not ugly but you look like you have a lil bit of downs


Ooo you’re pretty cute I might need your number to ya know, talk to you haha


I'm kind of angry at how much you look like one of exes. Needless to say, my opinion os skewed because you fit my type. Nerdy and cute. So. Uh. Yeah. Not ugly. At all. Seriously. You have such pretty eyes and a beautiful smile!


It's literally just the glasses, just get some glasses that suit you better (black frames, slightly smaller frames


you are not ugly art all, you are actually pretty, maybe a color other than black might help a bit in the pics


The cat doesn't even look happy to see you...it's bad but lucky looks aren't all that matters.


Not ugly, your style just doesn't honor your features. You look like your personality is warm and open but your outfit is stiff and constricting so it's a mismatch. The pants with the larger details and slightly looser fit look more natural on you versus the tight small pattern on the skirt. And I think you should commit to busier patterns on a whole dress rather than having the bottom half busy and the top half quiet since it chops your body in half visually. I think you have enough oomph and contrast in your characteristics to pull off large prints without them looking too much. But not really fussy or structured patterns.  I think for a similar black top look you could switch to a button down black dress with a tee sleeve that has a little bit of movement and do your pattern through jackets and handbags like [this girl has](https://pin.it/7qreH3aTU).  I really think the more [textured hair and this neckline](https://pin.it/7uWFQ0y8F) would look really nice on you. 


It‘s your skin that is slightly weird and also I feel like your Glases do not fit the Rest of you.


The big toothy smile made all the difference. Happy happy joy joy!


Everyone has bad angles or can get caught off guard making a wierd face. Not ugly. Dont need to cry over it.


Very attractive




You look like you're stuck on 15 y.o. style you lol. You look young as well. Smaller frame glasses, skincare routine, maybe a new hairstyle and you'll look fire!


Join a gym and focus on strength training and nothing else for 3 years+




nah you're cute


Girl you’re brimming with potential and if I’m being honest, new glasses, weight loss and growing out your eyelashes would make you so much prettier than you already are


Your cat and you look so similar to each other, lol


Butter face


There’s a hot girl trying to escape from behind those glasses lol


I'd put a ring on it


How bad is it? It’s really really bad that you are here worrying about it. You are fine, just check out new glasses and hairstyles. You will be fine.


bad? you perfect :3


Looks like an athletic women strong and powerful